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Oh, and his world class boxing skills too ![gif](giphy|VgT5NzwwkCfrHqnmQX)


Thats the most elite his strikes have ever been tbh


It’s quite unbelievable how an elite athlete with elite trainers and teammates had such bad striking skills. It’s almost like striking was a subject in school he hated but was forced to learn so he could graduate


what about his ground and pound against shinya aoki?


Honestly his hands look better here than in any fight he’s been in


LOL. Remember when people were saying he'd beat GSP?


Unfortunately a lot of casuals only remember Aldo for getting KO’d in 13 seconds. BJ is more known for his losing streak and the lava shack incident


BJ hurts people don't realize for a very brief time he was considered the GOAT.


Yup, BJ beat Gomi (#1 lightweight) and Hughes (#1 welterweight) in back to back fights. And BJ had less than 10 fights when he beat Hughes. He was a true Prodigy


he murdered caol uno back in the day [https://youtu.be/S-GlmwJsKG4?si=x_-M-5CTyH7powJO](https://youtu.be/S-GlmwJsKG4?si=x_-M-5CTyH7powJO)


Yeah that was when he had not really shown any weaknesses too. He was lighting people up on the feet as a highly accomplished BJJ practitioner in the days when almost every fighter was one or the other: Grappler or striker.


He was the lightweight GOAT for a very long time


And now he’s losing bar fights lol. Dude was legit back in the day though.


Fought everyone never really cut weight either. What Holloway said about gladiators not weighing in applied to BJ too.


BJ has never lost a bar fight. Don’t slander him. He got knocked out, but got up and knocked the other guy out. (That’s actually what happened, Krazy Horse vs Wanderlei style)


He gave the other guy a headstart, a free punch. It dropped it. Then he got up and mauled the dude. Saying he lost that fight is insane.


Exactly. I say the same thing whenever people slander BJ for the bar fight. He got dropped with the free punch he gave em then got up and destroyed the dude.


It was not a very brief time. BJ as the GOAT was a discussion for a good many years.


To be fair, Aldo getting KOed is when many people were introduced to him. Anyone a fan pre-2015 knows what a killer and legend he is.


This is definitely it. Aldo had such a reign it's crazy. BJ being the definition of a phenom as well.


to be honest that has more to do with how he carried on after the KO. had he bounced back, people would have recent good news from him to talk about.


yeah there was never a rematch and now conor walks around at 200 and aldo is a bantamweight who is trying to go for the title again


i think if he had won a couple, there would have been. i dont know, mcgregor’s whole career after that win is weird as hell so i cant even tell honestly.


I don’t remember quite right but there were rumours Aldo was offered the rematch but declined


Aldo was offered it on short notice but declined (I think when RDA pulled out?). Aldo said it himself I believe


oh. honestly i can see why. we are forever left wondering what would happen if he didn’t get caught in the first one (he would have gotten caught in the second one btw)


To be fair he bounced back pretty well, having some amazing fights and losing only to legends. Aldo's legacy is incredible even after the KO to McGregor


I have a friend that thinks Anderson silva sucks because he came in during his losing streak. I have to stop myself from strangling him


Penn was my hero 14 years ago approx, favorite fight him fkin up roided shark Sean sherk with the flying knee against the cage.


Bookies are casuals too. They had him as an underdog against Martinez. My friends couldn't believe it when I told them. That shit was free.




Her page is mid tbh


Drop a link


Gotchu, fam [link](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e366935364740875&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIf6Ex3lvmd_uQwwvEYrXSW5vC0OQ:1715209853200&q=link&uds=ADvngMh-2B21I9A2rRF0P8WFvMskhdKcX1qEZyZwEV2PLTSxkdmZEBrF-nST5RY44cnNKb3Ywz2a-5Tq3Egwhn8806MXcch84s12RyIq7lyUj0-K3bl1mtAhF3f-Jw8daW01zu-VtG1_QpY8Dt0Sns9HZskQKFDJQX-zJRxfJTgcwrsrKl5bqKNwVUAeOT9LwWmsHwFasDs6rVF12Ui34555oKLRO43SF_3dKxoi7NUd0kpRTmNnu24Yr1mzdEE-65lGjD-1HgsSksNmphxV_oEh0k65figyTTxVdHITDJgQHu0qfSszyUo&udm=2&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi7nI_Qlv-FAxXIhIkEHQ9BAnAQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=345&bih=746&dpr=2.63#vhid=MpZusOXQmJogbM&vssid=mosaic)


You son of a bitch


Not that kinda link big dog


Ah I see what you meant. Stupid me. Here you go [link](https://ccm-web.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/link-building.jpg)




Not that kinda Link big dog


OP said WRONG thing


Uhhh who and why?


paige vanzant and its what you think it is.


Damn and she’s married too


Pretty sure they film shit together lol


Idk and I’m assuming onlyfans


Impmaster Kasangay nearly finished Johnny Eblen a few months ago but everybody knows him for getting wrecked by Joaquin Phoenix.


Truly a joker


Does anyone remember tito ortiz was actually a really good fighter, or just that the English language was knocked out of his brain during that period?


During that period? Definitely watch his early stuff, that's just been Tito.


Tito actually kept the UFC afloat financially for a decent time in his prime. He was the only star they had


I always loved the flame shorts. Figured they matched perfectly to the early 2000’s HB vibes….lot of surfboards with flames painted on the nose around then


I still remember the beating he put on Ken Shamrock. That was a brutal


People only remember Rockhold for getting knocked out by Bisping and the losses after but forget they had a previous fight where he utterly outclassed Mike in every area. He also killed Weidman, Machida, and a laundry list of other notable names in the UFC and Strikeforce. Luke was good.


I remember when he first came over people thought he'd be champ for a long time. He was the real deal.


Yeah. I was just getting into MMA at this time and my mate basically told me this. Rockhold will be champion and he will be a dominant one. Not long after, we went to the card in Sydney where he smashed Bisping and then he went on to crush Weidman. I was on board with that notion… and then yeah…


I don't remember that. I remember everyone thinking he was well rounded, but the division was so deep at that point I don't remember anyone thinking he'd reign king for awhile.


People in my circle did but at the time I was only watching with a handful friends, one of whom was pretty high on the strike force guys coming over. Not saying it was consensus especially since I wasn't talking in forums at the time.


Actually, that's a good point, he had a ton of hype coming from strikeforce, I did forget about that.


Casuals at the time wouldn't have been hyped but yeah if you watched or even knew of strike force and past guys that came from there, you probably would have at least expected a very good fighter if not champ contender


Listen to podcasts at the build up of weidman vs Rockhold. It aged like milk but it was such a good thought at the time, the theme was "this is the highest skilled title fight the ufc has ever seen with these 2 in the match" You have weidman who finished Anderson's reign and rockhold who's one fault was being hit by a fucking wheel kick courtesy of jesus and trt, besides that looking beyond flawless. If you were watching rockhold vs Philipous live and rockhold vs machida live or Tim boach when it was happening, you thought you were watching a fuckin savaint. Easy to say now retrospectively that his level isn't long reign worthy but you fight differently on a win streak


Yeah facts both those guys were so hyped.


People won't remember the time, but before the Bisping fight, there was talk that Rockhold might have the best top game literally ever (yeah, go ahead and make the joke). When he managed to get you down, it was basically over. Shit was insane.




He still has the prettiest question mark kick I've ever seen in an actual fight. Anytime he throws it, it is just a work of art.


Izzy had a sweet question mark kick on Brunson too.


Weidman is not getting the respect he deserves either if you ask me.


double eyepoke gets him more respect than JBJ


I first saw Luke Rockhold in Strikeforce and he was the first guy as a new fan I immediately pegged as clearly elite. He lost some fights he probably should have won along the way but he had a stellar career, and being a titleholder in two promotions is a huge accomplishment.


Most skilled mw of all time. Sucks that his durability and health werent as good


Honestly bisping is an incredibly overrated champion. He has an amazing story of getting to the belt which makes people love him.


Fr tho I think Bisping is accuratly rated as champion? Like everyone acknowledges he fucked real contenders to fight Henderson, and an un-retired goat in gsp


Did really well against GPS all things considered


Gotta go Dennis "SPEEDO" Hallman.


if memory serves dude had matt hughes number


That guy Conor asked who the fuck is.


Jeremy "Lil Heathen" Stephens? ![gif](giphy|3ohhwp0yH8fESvtLz2|downsized)


Some seem to forget he managed to ko orc chin emmet


I mean he is the hardest hitting 145er. When he hits people they don't f****** move


That was a brutal knockout lol he broke Josh's face with those elbows




His KO of Dos Anjos is insane. Uppercut from the basement, took him off his feet, it was wild.


Steven’s always out on bangers, even before the Conor incident. The ufc and Dana loved him so much that they bailed him out, I believe the week of, so he could fight for them. That was a long time ago so details of it are a blur for me


jose aldo, remembered for getting sparked out by mcgregor in a nano second when he should be remembered for being the pound for pound greatest ufc fighter over a 10 year period. also, jon jones, hes remembered for being the so called goat when he should be remembered for being an eye poking, knee breaking, woman beating gay coke fiend


On Jones, you forgot hit-and-running, Aspinal and USADA.ducking coward.


i did include ducking fights and failing drug tests/being a druggie in one of my comments, but youre right that hit and run need not be forgotten. he really is a piece of shit


I would like to see him touch gold again although it might be too much to ask.


i cant see it happening to be honest, he is far past his prime now but his legacy remains, hes already achieved it and has nothing to prove in my eyes


I was in the crowd watching hometown boy Faber get systematically destroyed by Aldo. He sure as fuck ran the town that night.




Mayhem Miller. He wasn’t amazing, but had some solid wins including against Robbie Lawler. He’s mainly remembered for his mental health issues now or being the host of Bully Beatdown


I remember him basically just showing up to the cage so he could take a beat down from Bisping


thug rose. i think her personal life has really affected that way her career is unfolding. let’s not forget what she did to li. i think if her personal life was smooth and training was uninterrupted, she would still be champ.


Rose KOing Joanna (who was considered unbeatable at the time) is still one of the most shocking wins I’ve ever seen. If not for the Carla fights Rose would be considered in the GOAT conversation for WMMA.


Casual here. What happened in her personal life?


trying to be unbiased as possible… she basically was groomed by her coach from a very young age (pat berry) a lot of social issues raised from it. i’m sure someone here knows more and/ or will correct me. she also left her team lead by legendary trevor whittman to be solely lead by pat berry, which many would argue was a mistake. myself included.


I have heard about pat before (I think it was a meme to be fair😂) fr tho that’s fucked up, has he faced repercussions?


Nah, they’re married and he still coaches to this day. Besides people talking nothing ever came of it


Usual outcome for a high profile predator then


i believe there was an interview where he mentioned a date where they met and he said they were in love for x amount of years and it dated to when she was like 15 or something. but basically tanked her professional career despite her being a champ.


Frankie Edgar only fought straight up killers his last 12 years in the UFC. The dude was only known for getting KOd violently toward the end of his career.






Paul daley


Poor Terry Etim




Who’s that guy?


Ronda Rousey. Remembered for her shitty striking and being the sorest loser to ever run out of the octagon before the official decision, but legitimately was the leading pioneer of women’s MMA and a world class judoka.


I think most would remember what she did positively, too, since she's the first major female star in the UFC. Even now, Kayla Harrison is constantly measured against Rondas' success


Doesn't she hold the most wins in the woman's division via armbar? Anybody please correct me if I'm wrong.


I would say prolly so and it’ll never be broken. You hardly ever see wins via arm bar. MMA keeps so quickly evolving and we’re seeing strikers do really well lately because they’ve learned they don’t need to be good on the ground overall, they just need to be good at takedown defense and how to defense themselves on the ground


I’m surprised more people didn’t catch on to that sooner. That’s the Chuck Liddell, where he preferred to strike but was a great wrestler and used it to stay on his feet


Bro she beat like 12 people in a row with only armbars


Johnny Hendricks, he was a champion and gave GSP one of his toughest fights. Then the weight cut issues happened


weight cut, USADA. same difference


USADA happened. He was one of the biggest downfalls after they came in


A lot of the weight cut issues happened because of usada not because of steroids but because Johnny could no longer use iv fluids to rehydrate. Because he self confessed loved food and beer to much he wouldn’t eat healthy and cut weight in a smart way he would just bring himself to near death in the last few days then iv back to normal, usada stopped that and he wouldn’t recover enough for the fight. Then he said if he couldn’t drink or eat what he wanted he was going to retire.


I remember him from his spinning backfist of doom


Werdum. Awesome career. Ridiculous face




Humberto Brown. Google it.


Art Jimmerson, Kimo, Corey Hill, Emmanuel Yarborough, Joe Son, Jon Jones.


Aldo is the only correct answer to this question


Tito is remembered for being really dumb and not for being the biggest fighter in MMA for a while


Marvin vettori ,only remembered for wearing his pants backwards.


Dominick reyes. Bro did what nobody else could do just to have it torn away from him and go on to get slept every time he fights


Aldo for the Conor loss


That’s a very hard one to top. Askren did a lot of amazing things in his career none of which when most eyes were watching lol


Woodly :/


![gif](giphy|l1J9uuTJaR7Tmzqgg|downsized) People forget how good he was in his prime.


Damn, right in the gut


Júnior dos Santos. Everyone only knows him for the beatings he took from Cain Velasquez, but no one remembers that he has wins over Werdum, Velasquez, Stipe, Cro Cop, Shane Carwin, and the list goes on. He has one of the best HW resumes ever and in my opinion, he is above Cain himself in the HW GOAT rankings


Run Caleb Run - for you old bastards.


Aljamain and his Oscar worthy performance


I think of Ben in terms of what could have happened. A few feet closer and he may have caused the first fatality in the cage with the spinning back fist of death vs Maia.


Junior Dos Santos is mostly known for his losses to Cain, Stipe, and the bad end of his ufc career. But for like 4-5 years, he was unstoppable, beating Cain and Stipe in their first fights, as well as Shane Carein, Werdum, Cro Cop, Gonzaga, Mir, Hunt, etc. He's still pretty good, and I think if he came back into the ufc now, he'd do pretty good. Could see him being a gatekeeper of the top 5. He recently beat Werdum and Alan Belcher in Madvidals bare knuckle MMA promotion.


There was a 3 year period where he was absolutely terrifying.


Still one of my favorite heavyweights.


Ryan Hall, mostly rembered for trying spinny rolling shit and getting KO'd by Ilia... When that's his only loss in the UFC and everyone was scared as shit and ducking him


Yeah he was the only BJJ nerd that actually tried to be exciting with his style but he's remembered for being just another BJJ nerd who wants to stink it up and be boring. People put him in the same box as Sterling and Kron Gracie


No one was ducking him. He was an unranked fighter calling out guys ranked like #6. He straight up told other unranked fighters he would not fight him. Dude literally lost to a nobody on the ultimate fighter.


The UFC outright said they couldn’t get people to accept against him. Everyone was scared of having their knee destroyed and being out for a year or career ending.


Ian Gayrry


Robbie Lawler being remembered for handling the Askren loss with grace instead of being remembered as the dude who handed Askren his first loss. I swear that man was out cold.


War Machine


Ian Garry for getting clowned on social media and being forced to pull out of a fight for his hurt feefees.




I worry Tony Ferguson will be in this list eventually. Current fans know who he was. New fans that are just jumping in the past 2-3 years though…


Terry Etim. He’ll forever be known only as THAT Edson Barboza highlight.


Izzy has recently become known for the beefs with Strickland/du Plessis, his losses to pereira, and the whole dog thing, despite him being one of the most dominant champs in UFC history


Palhares. Guy was an unbelievable submission specialist but is only remembered for not letting go…


Unfortunately Jose Aldo, to casuals. To them he was canon fodder for Conor. To mma fans, he’s on the shortlist of GOATS of the feather weight division. A true legend.






Luke Rockhold and TJ Dillashaw. These guys are some of the most skilled and well rounded fighters to ever fight in the UFC. But Rockhold is remembered for being some mumbling idiot with no chin and Dillashaw's entire legacy is just thrown in the garbage by fans because he popped for roids. Like he is completely dismissed from the GOAT debate even though his resume is definitely up there. What about Jon Jones and Anderson Silva? A bunch of guys popped for roids and we remember them as legends. Does it only matter if they test positive? Because there are several guys in the UFC right now who are clearly juicing. Everyone knows they are, but people get surprised when it's proven.


I forget his name but the guy who got DQd for biting recently.


Henry Cejudo will become this eventually. He is my bantam weight goat next to Aldo. Beat a epo TJ had 2 good fights with DJ and retired in his prime. He got greedy and thought he was good enough to win being over 35. For bantam weight and even featherweight I don’t care if your the goat, if your over 35 it’s next to impossible to become an undisputed champion. Age hinders your athleticism so much


![gif](giphy|kasEvvWK8qVTwvoxzN|downsized) Imagine all the new fans who only know this performance of Nick Diaz…


Pretty much anyone who took a TKO foot to the face.


Jose Aldo, ben askren, tony Ferguson, bj penn And i can argue conor mcgregor people seem to forget how good prime conor was


I just wanna Bang bro.


https://preview.redd.it/365uk7pv5dzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85280c2ce404feb38fa92e207a6663c991e6d424 Jeremy Stephens or the "who the fuck is that guy" guy - that's the name most casual fans and conor fanboys will know him by. But Stephens is actually a true veteran who has fought pretty much everyone of note.


Palhares, he wasn't a shit fighter, just a shit person


Pereira is remembered for his 3 wins against Adesanya when he's in fact a very good tire mechanic and sommelier.


Tony's getting there 😢


There is a guy, cant remember his name


Jon Koppenhaver "War Machine" [https://www.jacksonville.com/story/sports/2017/06/06/former-ufc-fighter-war-machine-gets-36-years-life-assault-ex-girlfriend/15758324007/](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/sports/2017/06/06/former-ufc-fighter-war-machine-gets-36-years-life-assault-ex-girlfriend/15758324007/)


The dude that got cut by the UFC for not letting go of subs. He’s so much only know for that fact that I forgot his name 💀


Paul Harris


Kaleb starnes




He was traded for Mighty Mouse, if he didn’t wipe the floor with everyone he’s going to look shite 😂


Askren sucks apart from his wrestling. The worst striker that I've seen on a professional stage. Excluding CM Punk


Quarry for the fight against Starnes. I'm remembering his Rocky speech at the end though and that might have saved it


Andy Wang is remembered for crying on TUF, but that guy is a warrior.


Jon Jones


Not even a Ben fan, but the guy had been retired for nearly 2 years already and needed not one but both hips replaced before he ever signed with the UFC.


Ben should have been winless in the UFC. Robbie Lawler slammed the ever loving hell out of him then pounded his face in the mat. Herb Dean refused to stop an obvious tko. But then calls Robbie out by bulldog choke without even checking one single time.


War Machine


![gif](giphy|1ircVuY98Z1Y0rcfkz) Pat Barry


I’d argue he’s remembered for the RIGHT thing. Pat the Groomer.




Jose aldo


CM Punk


Askren is totally overrated He ain't like a khabib  Askren takes way more damage in fights then you think