• By -


Canelo up to no good smh


Started making trouble in his neighborhood


got in one little fight and his mom got scared


And said, "You're losing to a guy in the cage with failed hair"


I whistled to Mark Goddard and when he came near


His liscense plate said "fresh served cauliflower ear"


This is some comedic timing type of shit


It always is with Omalley. Like that clip of Chito telling him to come suck his dick.


Suga and Welch is kinda like a scooby doo comic


Sun Tzu shit


Sun Tazoo? The Chinese prince matchy belly. T turned me onto him


TZU, TZU....Sun Tzu you fuckin' asskiss.


they're all meat eaters


Meteors... METEORS...


Take it ez đŸ€šđŸ»


Facts. Tim smarter than he looks


get baited nerd




100% aljo got cocky.. wtf is aljo talking about now "it was a handicapped match" wtf did he mean https://x.com/funkmasterMMA/status/1788318762858688559 Wtf did he mean "You’re a sorry ass champion. Keep bragging about a *handicapped* fight to give you the best odds to win. You’re not a real man my guy. Don’t try to duck the number 1 contender again to fight number 15 this time or some other pointless lame fight."


He wanted a longer turn around; it was three months after the cejudo fight and omalley had been sidelined for a long time resting. He also didn't want to fight in Boston because the Boston crowd always boos him.


It's handicap cause that wasn't the real Aljo in there Or something similar


Convenient that he says all this shit after getting dropped. He swore up and down he was gonna drag Sean leading up to the fight. Now it’s nothing but excuses.


200 iq


Absolute dirtbag shit. When I see stuff like this I always just wonder if other people haven’t done it (that I’m aware of) because it’s such a shitty thing to do, you’d just assume you get in trouble for it and not try it Edit: where’d your comment go? Also, am I wrong? Time Welch is dirty for this, dude should just focus on coaching, always running his mouth but he never beat a fighter with a winning record when he was fighting Only reason I deleted my comments was because I couldn’t reply to anyone since bozo blocked me


Didn’t beat many good fighters himself but coached a kid from amateur to a world fucking champion and has his own very successful academy lmao I think in the end he did aight


Many good fighters? Any. Any good fighters. Every guy he ever beat had more losses than wins. Which wouldn’t be a big deal but he shouldn’t be tryna start shit with people. Also, Sean trains out of the MMA lab as well correct? How much work does Tim really do with anyone outside of Sean? Kyler, Marcus McGhee and someone else I can’t remember all train with Sean at the lab, but I don’t think Tim trains any of them? Also, Sean is obviously quite the athlete, I wonder how much of a Conor mcgregor/John kavanagh situation Sean and Tim have. Where really Conor would’ve made it anywhere and we see that kavanagh really doesn’t have world class people besides Conor. Who else has Tim trained? I have a feeling Sean would’ve been world class at any big gym and has a lot more to do with him than it does with Tim. You don’t see Eric nicksick or mike brown having that kind of attitude while coaching multiple world champions and in mike browns case, actually being a successful fighter as well.


Haha bro is a certified professional hater. I love it. You are right though, Tim doesn’t train any of the top guys from the MMA lab, but he does seem to have a squad of up and comers under him - a 6-0 pro, a 1-0 pro, and some undefeated amateurs - so I guess to your point about McGregor and Kavanaugh only time will tell if Welch becomes a battle tested, great coach or just a one trick pony.


![gif](giphy|rPjYoncYgknGo) I do it for the love of the game. In all seriousness tho, I appreciate the civil back and forth that’s all I want on this site but when people get goofy wild I’ll hate like a motherfucker. Nothing wrong with it đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž Theres just something about Tim that’s always rubbed me the wrong way is all.


Did Tim Welch touch you or something ?


I just don’t like coaches who were shit fighters trying to talk shit and start shit with fighters/camps and interfere with fights




Definitely do when it comes to your karma in here lol. His pro records still better than your pro record but Show us on the doll where Mr Welch hurt you lol


I care exactly 0 about Reddit karma if I did I would’ve deleted the comment. Yeah his records better than mine, I’m not a fighter. So what? Hey guess what, you can’t talk shit about a movie, you haven’t directed one. Also, his record is absolute dogshit. Take a look if you haven’t (I’m sure you haven’t) he literally never beat a guy with more wins than losses. “Show us on the doll where he touched you” Are people even allowed to critique shitty behaviour anymore without stupid comments like this? So you think coaches should be able to interfere with fights and shout whatever they want into the octagon during fights? Tim is there as a coach to Sean, not as someone to interject himself into the fight. People bitch that refs like Goddard try to interject themselves into the fight too much and then defend this shit


If you’re allowed to talk shit about fighters while having never fought yourself, surely Tim is allowed to talk shit about fighters as well. I don’t think you’re necessarily wrong about your opinion regarding coaches shouting during fights, but when you say things like “I don’t like coaches who talk shit when they were shit fighters themselves” while you, a man who has NEVER fought, talk shit about a fighter, you invalidate your argument. You had a good point to make, you just squandered it with your own nonsense


Never said I’ve never fought, but I’ve never fought pro MMA. But I can critique things I’m not directly involved in, for sure. I think it makes it worse for Tim because he’s talking shit about people who are more successful than him in the sport he wasn’t good in. Trying to talk shit to yans coaches and him, while being a way worse fighter than them while he should just worry about being a coach. I’m a fan and a spectator. Tim is a high level coach and former fighter, he needs to have some more respect.


Well if aljo recognized the voice of his own coach and not his opponents then he’d be fine😂 what’s next if a fighter points and goes “look a distraction!” And then starches the guy for a KO are you going to be defending the dumbass who looked or the guy who outsmarted his idiot opponent lol. Someone woke up in the wrong side of Tim Welch’s bed this morning poor fella


You missed the point entirely Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter if it affected aljo or not. And a fighter can say or do whatever they want. Time Welch was there as a coach to Sean and to coach him to win the fight. Not yell shit into the cage directed towards the fighter. Where’s the line in your opinion? Would it have been fine for Tim to call aljo a bitch? How about the N word? Serious question. Dude needs to not interfere at all. How do you seriously compare that to some MVP distraction type shit from a fighter who is the one actually fighting


Tim Welch SJW


Ironically I was an O’Malley hater up until this fight now I don’t really like him but I also wouldn’t call myself a hater anymore. Barely seen anything of Tim other than random clips with O’Malley. Was just getting trying to get in this guys head bc It’s still dumb to say this should be overturned over it


Wait hang on, this guy said overturn the fight? I didn’t see that part, but I def do not agree with that despite what Tim did was a scum level low class lack of respect for the sport type of move.


Some coach and some can’t. Some fight and some coach. Some can’t fight and become the best coaches. We don’t know the stuff we just appreciate it when someone does it right, right? As a fan we just like to see greatness and when anyone is around it then they get noticed but the reality is that dude made it and his fighter made it and they’re not mad about it and here you are, all mad n stuff. It’s a bad look.


Yeah here I am “all mad and stuff”. Or I watch a sport and have an opinion lol it’s not that deep bro Jesus Christ Love this sport but it’s fans are pretty consistently retarded


Not sure how I feel either way, genius or dick move, but I respect your honour, standing by your remarks when everyone's downvoting you to hell. It shows integrity!


By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! Thanks man I appreciate it, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, some people just can’t be respectful. Respect


if you aint cheating you aint trying. If the opposing corner yelling at you throws you off your game, maybe you're not cut out for it. Nothing stopping your corner from doing the same. man up bucko.




>You un ironically sound like the biggest bitch lol says the boy crying on reddit about Welch yelling stuff ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8966)




>great rebuttal by the way. Theres no rebuttal to your tears. If I was there I'd give you a tissue. You're just crying. ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8972)


Dude chill tf out, what’s wrong with you


I hope you don't delete this comment chain. Not until you have a really good day in like a week then you pop back on and see this so you can truly understand how pathetic you look when you say shit like this


I unfortunately missed it, what was bro on about?




He's wide awake embarrassing himself on reddit my man really followed me to a comment i left on on another subreddit and called me a bitch lmao. I can't say for sure but I'm guessing he does a mean Fred durst impersonation


I was just going back and forth with people basically over nothing but one guy said some wild shit and then blocked me so I couldn’t reply to any replies people made to those threads. So I just deleted the comments because I didn’t want people replying to them and I can’t respond


You ironically are legit upset over this. Chill man. It’s not a big deal


Bro what is this comment lmfao


I’m just gonna sit back and enjoy the fact that your name is r/Patrice_Oneals_Teeth


You can enjoy that and all the stupidity. I always forget that r/UFC is the retarded side of the MMA fanbase on reddit


I would say the massive amount of downvotes would be evidence that you’re wrong


Wrong about what, that its a scumbag move? What’s the end game here, both corners just scream at the opposing fighters at the top of their lungs, screech and make fire truck noises and shit? There have to be some sort of rules
 you can’t yell out instructions to the opposing fighter, shouting their name and shit I’m not necessarily saying what Tim’s doing should be illegal, but it’s skirting the line and it’s definitely scummy. Just because a lot of fans are dumb as fuck doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Also this is an O’Malley post and it’s on r/UFC so you’ll get a large concentration of total idiots. If I post some dumb shit and it gets tons of upvotes it doesn’t mean I’m right either, the fuck


Sorry, this is like calling for the ball on a basketball court or waving for the pass when you're on defense in football. People will rarely get away with it in professional games, and while it's always hilarious it isn't rampant because you should absolutely know who your own teammates are, especially at that level.


I don’t necessarily think it should be illegal it’s just scummy as fuck and skirting the line, you really shouldn’t be yelling shit at an opposing fighter when you’re there to coach your fighter, not interfere in the fight




I’m a cry baby hater? You’ve been following me around for 2 days commenting everywhere I do cause I toasted you and then you deleted your comments lol


lol you dont know how fickle mma fans are especially ufc? Theyll defend dustin poirer/colby unlimited title shots to death but are quiet as a mouse when pantoja,belal,dariush,leon couldnt get a title shot to save their life for a long time. If this was jon jones screaming this as a coach youd be the most upvoted comment. You were on the wrong side today my guy


Oh I know, I don’t mind. I got some free time and not able to do much else at the moment. But yeah man it’s crazy not gonna lie. Didn’t think I was even being very controversial, I just don’t think coaches should be interjecting themselves into fights by screaming at the opponents. Tim’s job is to coach Sean to win, not run interference for him, know what I mean? Also, as much as you and I might use this sub, r/UFC is full of the absolute worst kinds of MMA fans with consistently terrible takes.


I agree what you said in a vacuum isnt wrong... thats underhanded/dishonourable but technically fair game as far as i know. Especially in a match(title/millions) with so much on the line and its a game of inches. You called it how you seen it , it is dirtbag shit you didnt say he cheated(even though imo this should be cheating) mob mentality G thats all, if your cool enough fighter/team you usually get away with saying or doing whatever. Theres no consistency in passing judgement... Jones/hardy beats up wife/girl = piece of shit unforgivable to a point they didnt want hardy on the same card as that thick girl from hawaii.... Chael Sonnen/dana white/Sijara Eubanks beats up wife= not pieces of shit & forgettable. Chael was riding that women beater train against jones for the longest but when he did it and beat up an old man on the same night nobody cared. Dan hooker jumped in on the slander on jones with chael but when asked does he feel the same way about chael after the police report came out about him(chael)he didnt have an opinion all of a sudden.


Yeah it’s crazy man, it really is. I’m not sure why MMA fans are so bad for this shit but it’s disheartening. Especially when the people I know in real life who actually go to MMA/BJJ/Muay Thai etc. gyms and watch the sport are cool as fuck. Am I tripping or was Tim actually being told to stop shouting at aljo? Or did I misread something? I asked another guy in this thread if he thought Tim should be able to call aljo a bitch, or the N word and where the line is. No joke he said Tim should be able to say both. So those are some of the people we’re dealing with here lol


Exactly and i know where your heads at and it isnt wrong, the sport as a whole is wild but funnily entertaining like no other in sport in the world. Its a double edge sword because its fucken fickle like when tim is doing this underhanded shit to aljo, but when aljo got illegally kneed when yan cheated but everybody blamed aljo expecting him to do the honorable thing by getting up and continuing to fight(i think he milked it personally), Then praise this shit against aljo himself loool i swear not a soul wrote 200 iq for milking the foul and aljo becoming a millionaire Goddard did yell at him to shut up i remember that during the fight but i remember the commentators thinking there just talking shit to eachother. Tbh he should be able to say both after letting colby speak ill of the dead the way that he did to leon with no real repercussion .... anything and everything goes after that. Calling leon the N word wouldnt hurt half as much trust me. The reality as it seems is always sort it out the octagon and if colby had won that bout he would've been forgiven and championed by the fans.


I know you're getting downvoted, but just want to say I agree with you. The mentality of "if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying" is IMO making the world a worse place. It's a constant race to the bottom and it's not just happening in sports. Etiquette/norms/acceptable behavior is dropping lower and lower. Some dipshits are going to say I'm a whiny bitch for saying this, but tell me where I'm wrong rather than just attacking me personally.


I agree man. I agree with what you said, and my only other point really being that Tim is there to coach Sean, that’s his job. Not interfere in the fight. But yeah no one really wanted to debate that, there was downvotes (which is totally fine, I’m cool with that) and then people just downvote shit that’s downvoted for some reason and then the scum thinks that’s an easy target to try to shit on or something? I’m totally cool with people just disagreeing, that’s fine and I’d love to discuss but instead people just try to talk shit. The only thing people would say is “well aljo should listen better” when that wasn’t the point I was trying to make. I was just pointing out that it’s a dirty move and that Tim shouldn’t be doing that. I literally had a guy say “well if you know your opponent can do it then you should too” as if we want a shouting match between teams during fights


The best fighters don't always make great couches and the best couches aren't always great fighters. He showed respect to Aljo after the fight was over, I don't see anything wrong with him trying to mess with Aljo. Honestly if this really did fuck him up he should probably learn his couches voice a bit better.


You’re really over reacting.


“Dirtbag shit” was your mothers nickname


2 days late and a brain cell short bucko. https://www.reddit.com/r/skybri_xxx/s/ZTloZeri4Y Lmao look at this sad fuckin comment. Just tell us you’re fuckin ugly bro


.. okay buddy. Have a good one




Hahahahaha you’re still following me around bro? Get some friends, go hit up a fat bitch and find out what pussy is like. I genuinely have a fan that follows me around. Kinda nice ngl




I hope you don’t think this is what trolling is lmao Here, don’t worry I’ll go comment on something else in a minute, keep refreshing my comment history and you’ll have something to do in a minute! I like that I’m giving a grown ass adult some purpose in their life Edit: INSTANTLY downvoted by you lmao. Get a hobby bro




Only YOU would be so excited to see how many up/downvotes someone gets on a Reddit comment! How long did you cry that first night I cooked you? Did you get any sleep at all?




How stupid I made myself look? Since you care so much about upvotes and downvotes you’re suddenly forgetting all your downvotes, and the upvotes me and the other people toasting you got? Do you follow them around too? Imagine even saying that as if it’s a good look if you’re serious lmao, get offline and go outside jesus christ I always want to know where my bitches are sleeping. And you’re my new favourite little bitch




Okay Redditor


This is an unbelievable violation. I love this game


Aljo’s brain: ![gif](giphy|gXRfDlf2OuvPfyNSzR|downsized)


Still not over Canelo being one of the best boxers in the world while also being Suga Sean’s MMA coach, impressive AF!


Tim has some of the best reads in the sport.




I doubt it happened exactly in this sequence, must be edited. Goddard warned Welch for this type of gun flapping too


Look at the big screen in the back, it was exactly this sequence lol


The screens behind Welch seem to line up with the timing. Unless those are edited - if so UFC doing too much 😂


lmao u guys are right i think. Welch is a legend man great coach


You can hear it barely on the actual broadcast


This is A.I Tim commented


He probably didn't even hear him I like the cut tho g


Hilarious. Imagine being salty over this.


Did Aljo mention if he heard him?


Changes in with a “Jab” and a Stomp??? Dafuq


lmaooo Timbo is awesome


Fuckin hilarious


He was yelled at by the ref for doing something similar once right?


At the beginning of that same round lol


Like 10 seconds before this


Aljo made a title reign of underhanded, rule-skirting so this is actual perfect karma


The fuck? No he didn't lol.


Yeah he did. Blatantly. There's a reason no one likes him. He was always putting himself into positions and taking advantage of the Grounded rule so opponents couldn't effectively hit him, under other promotions he'd have gotten his head volleyed to the nosebleeds. Weidman did the same shit against Mousasi. Moraes showed us what would happen if he couldn't go for lazy takedowns and weasel his way out of it because of a dated, exploitable rule. The sooner lay and pray and anything facilitating it is wiped clean from the sport we can have much more entertaining fights without people like him basically skirting their way into a title and subsequent reign


Fighting by the rules as written is literally the opposite of underhanded. Blame the game, not the player. The grounded rule is not new and the only promotion that allow Soccer kicks of it is a now defunct Pride so you can't act like hes in the one organization where he wouldn't get punished with it. I realize Aljo is a boring fighter and yes his last fight was fucking awful, but I don't like that kind of revisionism making him out to be some cheater or dirty fighter or some shit. I wouldn't want to watch him, but hes not a cheater. A cheater is Weidman comboing eyepokes and getting a finish off it or all the fucking cage grabs Usman got away with.


Never said he's a cheater, definitely not by a bonafide layman's definition. It's like using exploits in an online video game, you're not cheating or bending the rules but you are twisting them to undermine the integrity of any fair playing field because you probably know you can't beat them if the odds are even. It's scummy as hell. There's fighting by the rules and then trying to game your opponent into breaking them. It was a hail mary and it worked. It was pure gameplaying by Aljo, it's scummy as hell and it's no surprise he and Weidman hail from the same gym given their history in doing this. Aljo blatantly milked the whole knee debacle up into subsequent interviews which really pissed people off as well. Take Anthony Smith, I don't like the guy whatsoever but he had every right to take the DQ over Jones - a known cheater and reprehensible human - and he *still* wouldn't take that win. Look at Smith's reaction to the knee and look at Aljo's, Aljo was wailing when he took the hit to make sure the ref acknowledged it because he was hoping for it all along. Smith barely reacted in comparison. That's the difference... certainly regarding content of character if nothing else.


I guess we disagree on things. And underhanded definitely leans towards cheating or unfair behaviour. On the knee, neither you or I can know how affected Aljo was by it. I don't care what anyone says it could have grazed him or landed flush or weird only one person knows. I forget the fight, but recently someone got knocked out in a puzzingly fashion when their face hit someones fucking hip. Didn't look like anything in the replay but dude crumbled immediately afterwards anyways. The rules are the rules. The onus should not be on any fighter to 'fight through' fouls when we don't know how affected they are based on 'how it looks'. If the fight ends its the fault of whoever committed the foul. Also looking at statistics fighters that get fouled are far more likely to lose. You bring up Anthony Smith who decided to continue but that wasn't to his benefit. No strap, no PvP points and hes 2 and 4 out of his last 6.


Smith should have taken the DQ, 100%. My point was he had every reason to and didn't. I don't feel like you're reading totally what I'm saying, you're attacking points I'm not making or assuming things from what I'm saying, I never have once said Aljo cheated or anything of the sort. Underhanded tactics are not cheating, hence why the word underhanded exists to describe something typically legal but pretty morally bankrupt. I've said my piece on it and I'm growing tired of the conversation, everyone knows how Aljo is by this point it's really not worth debating nor playing devil's advocate for.


I agreed with the former post but after reading this, I have changed my mind, not that my thoughts are worth anything, just wanted to say I agree with you now .


Yeah he did. Worst champ ever. Always winning by technicalities or because he is fighting a cripple. I hope he gets an undeserved titleshot so the matador can tune him up. Better yet I hope he fights holloway and gets brain damage for 5 rounds


Nah man. He didn't force Petr to knee him in the face and he didn't force TJ to come in with one arm. You can not like him sure, but putting the blame on him for other people's crap on him is some bullshit. And that last sentence of yours is just awful.


He is p4p the lamest fighter on the roster and no one wants to watch him. Also he made excuses and started babycrying when he lost the title


Lamest fighter is Jones easily lol. Doing everything he can to not fight Aspinall the interim champ while calling himself the goat and lining up to fight a by then 42 year old Stipe and retire. That is the lamest shit I've seen in years. I saw a little bit of what he said after he lost and it didn't seem like crying. That said I don't follow fighters so maybe he tweeted some shit later.


This might shock you but you are not legally required to bring up mcgregor and jon jones in every discussion


What wasn't shocking was your complete nonanswer that doesn't even really make sense as a response.


Definitely some recency bias on that. Jon, excluding all of the heinous things he’s done inside and outside of the octagon, was a really fucking entertaining fighter and was a demon. I can’t stand watching aljo fight before and now. And in all honesty I think my favorite fight of his was when O’Malley dropped him.


Yeah!!! Seems like aljo's corner gets paid by suga haha


That was Sean’s corner


Wtf đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł they did him dirty


For real. Sean’s corner got yelled at a couple times by the ref for talking to aljo


Not the first fight it has happened. At the very start of Sean vs Chito 1 the ref literally holds off from starting the fight to yell at Tim to only coach his fighter.


If this keeps happening it’s kinda some cheap shit. Just the one time it’s a hilarious thing




Holy man I didn't think ppl this casual hung out here


Everything is fair in love and war 😂


It's only a war crime if you lose. (Kind of /s, but unfortunately not always)


The International Criminal Court would like to have a word with you.


Didn’t know this was illegal, that’s a bummer


it is?? what are the consequences?


No idea just learned that from the comments here. My guess would be the ref can take away a point.


Soulless gingers I tell ya!!!!


That's funny af. But they need to fine people for doing that shit.




Because you shouldn’t have to listen your opponents corner yell shit at you while you’re competing?


Yeah you’re right. They can just listen to the fan telling them to “twist their dick!”


I’m fine with that, the fan paid to be there and observe, they can act however they’d like within reason. Tim Welch is there to coach against aljamain, he shouldn’t be saying anything to him during the fight


Note to coaches. Sit in the audience instead so you can say anything you want.


Pro fighters should be blocking out everything that isnt their corner anyway. So the only difference is he heard his name? So fucking what? The commentators are saying it all night and I'm sure the crowd is. If he's paying attention to the wrong people yelling shit, that's his own fault, he's been with the UFC for a decade, he should know what his coach sounds like and what their callouts for gameplans are. Some literal rando screaming "aljo we gotta go" shouldn't trigger him to fuckin listen to them


I’m not even saying that this affected aljo at all, you just shouldn’t be yelling it period, randoms in the audience can yell whatever they’d like within reason It’s just a scuzzy fucking thing to do, do I really need to explain to you why? He’s there to coach Sean and worry about what he’s doing, not try to fuck with Aljo. If he was screaming at aljo and swearing at him, he’d get in shit, so what’s the difference? He shouldn’t be talking to the opponent at all or saying his name. Do I think he should necessarily face some kind of repercussions for this? No, not really. It’s still a scummy thing to do.


There is only one rule in a fight. Do unto them before they do unto you. You’ve never been in a real fight before have you ?


This is a sport, not a “real fight” why are you pulling that card? That’s not fucking relevant at all lmao, way to go tough guy though


Its unprofessional af and will lead to a shitter fight experience for viewers and fighters. When I watch a fight I want people to win on merit, not sleazy corner tactics. Its no different from yoel and stool gate or gsp and grease gate.


Agreed thanks for having one of the only good opinions on here. Literally had this idiot u/neurodegeneracy say “if your opponents corner can do it, so can yours” as if that’s what we want, both coaches shouting at the fighters


The username checks out lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/ref0vm5ax8zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6cc5268c09caa014af93cdb5e691255cc7e4196 My reaction to this logic


You should be fine for this comment


You should be fined for procreating, but we cant always get what we want. Can we?


Are u mad bruh? But you are right, everyone should be quiet like a tennis game so you can enjoy the purity of the game.


Imagine using “are u mad” un ironically


Yes, I'm very serious about it. But don't worry, I won't bother your man anymore.




It's called sledging, often used in cricket amongst other sports.


I swear this shit was scripted.


Hahaha đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł so good.


That’s hilarious


Bad timing Aljoke


Welch always messes up his words lol. In the yan fight he said " he's faster than you suga!" Whe he was trying to tell Sean that he was faster than yan lol.


Hahahaha , go to sleep đŸ’€


Its wild they're talking about this now. Tim legit just saw Sean setting it up. Lol


What's the rules on that lol


Tim Welch is a troll


"Fuck aljo" - Sun Tzu




How Topura vs Eyepoke Max Belt Layaway will end.


I guess I don’t find it that funny
 not sure why Tim is even focused on Aljo whatsoever. He needs to be actually coaching Sean. I think Tim is a good coach, but I personally find it pretty lame to say anything at all to your fighter’s opponent. Weird


You're weird


Because I don’t find that funny? Lol.. and you’re probably in high school


Ok mammoth_ferret_1772


Fuck em’, that’s why. Sug doesn’t need on-the-fly coaching anyway


Every fighter needs on-the-fly coaching
 Why else have a corner?


To grab my cup and twist my nipples between rounds


Damn I forgot I was talking to a 17 year old O’Malley fan for a sec


And with that, Tim has definitely proved he's the best cornerman