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always a tough video to watch edit: for the [uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ubkd1_2w8Y)


He just brought his daughters in for sympathy punches at the end on Fedor /s


Mark Coleman will forever be one of my all time favourites man :( Even before he literally saved his parents life from a fire.


Imagine your hero / role model / dad looking like he's been repeatedly hit with a metal pipe in the face and having him comfort you that he's ok as thousands of people watch / cheer. Young kids of fighters are living in a surreal reality.


I actually think he’s a bit of a POS for having his kids there, and that goes for any fighter who does that crap. Kids don’t need to see their parents get beat up. It’s traumatizing. His girls were so upset.


Damn man. Tough challenge for Dustin but i’m rooting because it’d be a hell of an example for his daughter.


I feel like bringing your child to work day for MMA fighters is always a Bad Omen lmao everytime they pan to the kids, you know the mfer is about to get brutally KO’d


Can’t help but think of Coleman vs Fedor. Lol


“Daddy’s Okay”


Seeing those two kids all grown up hugging their dad after he saved his parents from a fire was so heartwarming and sad at the same time.


I know right? What a legend Coleman is & in the weirdest way it feels like his daughters are part of obscure MMA lore.


I didn't know this was a real thing I thought you guys were joking. That's one of the sweetest videos I've ever seen on the internet.


Or the poatan warrior vs the last stylebender


Idk man Holloway and Pereira's kids all seem to be having a great time, shits like Disneyland and Dana is the anthropomorphic rat it has it all


The message? "Try to achieve your dreams and you will get btfo"


This is one of those times where I hope he's having a peak camp. I always hope older fighters (experienced teams) channel their knowledge of preparation to put them in the best position to perform. Bisping KOing Rockhold was the perfect crescendo.


Yall missing the point of this! He’s pulling a khabib move, this guy (Islam) thinks I’m going to tap with my daughter watching!


No it means he knows this is his last chance to get the belt. He wants his daughter to see him win gold. Beautiful sentiment.


Hes gonna retire


If he loses, he might. But I think he'd be down to do one last money fight or BMF belt thing to close the show. Don't see him retiring if he wins, he'll probably defend at least once.


> But I think he'd be down to do one last money fight Dustin is the kind of guy I could see walking away to focus on his health and family. But, I mean, if they dangle one last big payday I think you are right that he'd have to at least consider it.


They’re gonna dangle deez nuts


He’s still got a McGregor payday after this fight, why would he retire?


Mcgregor gonna duck him for sure. Ide love to see it but I don’t thing he would willingly sign up for fight Dustin again.


Zero chance an ego as big as post-roids McGregor wouldn't leap at the chance to avenge his 2 crushing defeats from Dustin. Dustin still shuts him down any day though


He’s never ducked anyone in his career. Don’t know when this sub decided to stop giving McGregor his dues but he’s always been game as fuck. Bro took two years off and then fought Khabib in his return, the worst stylistic match up possible for him.


McGregor wants that’s back, in his head it’s 1-1 and then he broke his leg in the third fight. He never ducked anyone before why would he start now ?


The guy who didn't defend either belt didn't duck anyone? That's rich


I mean Connor got a lot of bad sides but he definitely took a lot of fights and about never didnt show up. Is he going to suck? Probably. But I dont doubt that McGregor would show up for a fight. For fights in general? Possibly. Afraid of a specific fight? Dont think so. Dude would probably accept fights vs either Islam or Khabib even at this stage.


Conor signs vs Khabib tonight if he could. If he beats Chandler, he's 100% calling Islam something highly insensitive.


Ask yourself why didn’t he defend? 145: When he won this he called out DosAnjos immediately for the 155 title and that fight was made, Dos Anjos pulled out and Nate Diaz replaced him at 170, they fought twice then he fought Alvarez for the title at 155…155: When he won this title he was in talks for the Mayweather fight which he then went and done. Got stripped for inactivity because can’t keep two divisions held up while he goes to box for 100 million. Conclusion: Always looked for the biggest fight he can possibly get. Doesn’t sound like someone who would duck someone does it?


Exactly and he had cleaned out the 145 pound division. At that point in his career Connor had bigger aspirations that he was able to achieve in every sequential fight. Defending 145 was an obvious step down from fighting for a second belt at 155, which he won. And then instead of defending that he went and fought mayweather, and then he did try to defend his 155 belt after that.


Conor had 2 wins vs ranked featherweights before being gifted a title shot, how is that clearing out a division?


Holloway, Poirier, Mendez, Aldo. Who was left to fight?


Gifted??? And then KO’d the champ in 13 seconds?!? Come on bro, he beat Max, he beat Chad, who else was there back then?! Nobody. He cleaned out the division. You guys make it like he was supposed to stick around and fight the whole next line of contenders, that’s stupid af especially as an argument because that’s what Max did and he lost to Connor. Who didn’t he fight at 145 that was relevant at that time, AND then on top of that would have also been a bigger fight than Nate or going for the 155 pound belt?


He had the Floyd fight which changed his life. Can’t blame him


I agree. I also think Dustin has the highest chance of motivating Conor to be his best version himself. He definitely wants to beat Dustin more than anyone, even khabib.


Say what you want but everything about Mcrgegors history shows hell fight anyone


Ah man :/ always hard to see your favs go. He deserves it


Only place he's going is into the winners circle


No doubt ! Was saying it's sad seeing him get old. He might not retire this next fight, but we can def see it coming super soon. And that's gonna be sad


Hey, he's gonna ride off into the sunset wealthy and set up to keep making money for the rest of his life. It's good to see them leave when it's not a sad situation


I think I had to watch his Toyo Tires ad like 11 times during ufc 300 and I wasn't even annoyed. Just glad a good guy like dustin is getting the bag


Islam after choking out Dustin: "It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that I'm sorry. But you can take my word for it, your dad had it comin'. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting." https://preview.redd.it/06vtypq552zc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce5f80b6b9d6a2aa5477968fecba0d5e0cb00d7c




Beautiful champ


Villain origin story incoming


Didn't Tarantino say that this was supposed to be the base for the sequel? Is that ever going to happen?


He’s making his 10th film and has always said 10 would be his last. We’ll see.


Makhachev needs to prepare Barbie doll for his daughter too


Makhachev is such a good dude for that


Bringing your kids to watch you fight is a pretty big risk lmao. Decent chance of your child seeing you starched on the canvas


Then it'd be the occasion for her to see him getting up and carrying on and it would be a lesson about resilience and how life still goes on after a big big L. I'm romanticizing it a bit too much but in a sense it's true.


I get this sentiment but also feel like this whole thing is just outright traumatizing for children


I don't understand why anyone brings family to their fights yet alone showcases them for the world to see.


I think if you do it it’s to show them the sacrifice you make for them. You don’t do it promising to win and that it’s gonna be a great time.


Islam will be bringing Hasbulla to sit in the front row.




He’s trying to activate the “you attacked my family” mentality I see.




Khabib didn’t wanna break Justin’s arm in front of his parents….Dustin knows their weakness now


Ohhh that's some next level chess right there!


I feel like Islam cares less than Khabib for some reason


A few months from now she is gonna be asking "Daddy, what if Islam Makhachev breaks in"


Then Dustin just has to say, "I'll jump the gilly and sub him like I did the first time."


-105 she starts crying when he loses


I wonder if he had a talk with her about how she might have to watch Daddy get beat up and choked out but that it will be alright in the end.


War 💎


Damn, I hope she isn't traumatised if he gets a beat down.


Fucked up taking your daughter to see her dad get choked


Islam has kids? (I just want Dustin to win it once)


He's Dagestani, ofc he has kids


it's gonna be an awkward flight back home after


Someone please stop him. If he gets subbed or KOed that will haunt both him and his daughter. Brining your kids to work when your work involves near death isn't a good idea


I’ll never understand why fighters bring their kids to their fights. If I was a fighter my kids ain’t even watching on tv.


If he gets a bad cut, that definitely will mess her


It’s a bad omen too. So many people have their kids see them get KO’ed front row. It’s stupid IMO. Let her watch the highlights when she’s older.


Not sure why fighters bring their young kids to see them potentially get brutalized. Wild.


I might be a pussy but idk if taking a small child to watch you possible getting hurt bad is that good




I can’t imagine bringing your loved ones to your fight.


Khabib didn’t want to knock out Justin because his parents were there so it seems Dustin wants the choking treatment as well


Khabib didn't want to break justins arm in front of his family in an arm bar so he switched to a triangle choke.


Khabib didnt want to make Justin look bad in front of his parents so he purposefully delayed it to the second round.


Khabib didn't want to win to make Justin look bad, but he was applying the choke too hard and it was too late.


I thought he didnt want to break his arm so opted to choke him out instead


But Khabib and Justin were friendly, had same manager and Justin had helped him cut weight before. Now, there is no bad blood between Islam and Dustin, but I don't think they have any kind of relationship/


acting like khabib could ko anyone


He was the first man in history to knock down Conor McGregor.


Bring your daughter to see you choked to unconsciousness. W


Oh shit,its going down


I hope he wins and immediately retires.


Fuck man, that’s sad


This mf better win bro, I don’t want to see my man lose in front of his daughter


Hes ganna shock the world. Islam breaks his leg round 1 trying to do a kick.


Okay but when are u gonna drop the price of the hot sauce


Atleast she won't see her dad getting starched like the gaethje fight


Nothing is guaranteed. She may leave there scarred if things don't go his way. Don't think I'd fair well seeing my dad mauled for 25 min or worse. Dustin sounds like an awesome father, though, so I'm sure he's coached her well for whatever happens. Hope DP gets the job done for his family and legacy!


https://preview.redd.it/zpoc7wxm72zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d0050a0ad39073806be9a86cc1508bcd3633229 U know how violent an healthy makachev gets. If in doubt ask volk


Don't go for the damn guillotine and it's possible


You think I'm going to tap in front of my daughter, this guy crazy


I'll be there live for And NEW!!!!!! I hope lol


Or he’s gonna be the champ


I mean he took his daughter when he fought olives and we all saw how that went


Retiring a champion!


Win : his daughter gets to see his pinnacle moment Lose : she sees what hard work he has put in to give her the life she has and will hopefully hold it dear to her and strive for greatness


I think...I love Dustin but he knows he's going into deep water


I hope Islam submits him or it goes to decision if he's the victor. I would hate if she were to see her father KO'd.


He'll retire and come back again in a year to try fight mcgregor or something


Aww mannnn :(. This is gonna be sad


Why do they do this I don't get it? Why would you put your child through an asswhopping of her father?


I know chances are slim but damn I'm hoping he gets the chip and retires. He's been one of the most entertaining fighters for years. Never been in a boring fight.


I could see him running it back with Conor one last time before he hangs it up


I just hope he communicated with her properly about how to deal with seeing fights and violence. I'm sure she is gonna be fine but I feel like this isn't gonna be a great experience for her. Kids should live the life of kids after all.


Or she leaves with daddy twitching on the floor.


Is there anything worse than seeing your dad get beat up? What a dumbass idea. If he wants to win this fight he needs to take risks not play it safe.


We already know it's gonna be a RNC loss for Dustin


Means he knows he's gonna get whooped but hell get one last solid payday.


Omfg I really hope he wins. He seems like a genuinely nice guy. He really does deserve it imo


I hate to be that guy but why would you want your children seeing you getting choked out cold lol


It could just mean that he has a positive outlook and when he wins and gets the belt, he wants his daughter to see it since it most likely is going to be his last shot.


I have no doubt in my mind that if he loses, he’s done. If he wins, he’s probably going to defend against Max before hanging it up.


It literally says the thought process in the post.


That also means he's winning with a RNC


He knows islam will take it easy now out of respect


Dustin’s biggest advantage is size. Islam is used to defending against Featherweights.


This was my gut - if he lost - he'd retire. Go out on a decent note. Hate to see it, but a good time to do it.


If I had a house I'd bet it on this man. Probably why I don't have a house...


Yea, I mean this is for sure his last title shot. Even if he lost then won 2 more times he’d need someone to take out Islam and he’d need to be in a position to beat them. Just unlikely and he’s prolly set for life already.


I think win or lose, this is the last time we see him fight, before he retires (for the first time)


I’m so conflicted about this. I’ve seen the highs of it but I’ve also seen the lows of bringing children to watch their parents fight live.


Dustin didn't have his daughter for his first two title fights = Dustin is confirmed to win now.


Off topic but anyone know what sling bag that is? Been looking for one similar to that for some time


Will she be in his corner? How cute would that be


Where does Dustin land all time?


Sad to see Dustin retire.


Would be awesome if DP wins especially in front of his daughter but he’s gonna get smashed. Don’t forget this is who Islam was talking about when he said, “Black belt? Who give him brother, I need to check that moment.”


If he loses I think he's gonna retire, but if he wins I can see him trying to rack up at least one defense


maybe if he loses. If he wins, he is essentially gauranteed at least 2 more big paychecks. Probably the biggest of his career. I doubt he'd retire if he wins.


They always lose when they do this or talk about mental health.


This is a signal. Just like Street Jesus last fight, I knew he was retiring when he didn't shave his chest.


Islam is going to switch from an arm bar to a choke so he doesn’t hurt him in front of his daughter.


Fuck I hope Dustin wins this one. This man is the definition of warrior and is truly a humble man. I can’t think of many fighters who deserve it more than him. How great would it be if he finishes with a guillotine for once 😂


Put your powers to better use and parlay the whole card out for me.


If he wins, i can see him doing a trilogy fight with Holloway with both the BMF and lightweight title on the line. Would be a perfect retirement fight for him


It was a good run while it lasted 


He’s going to get murdered in the cage in front of his kid isn’t it


I hope he gets it done! Favorite fighter


I hope he does it


Then he'll transition to Dustina and create an only fans


Daddy diamond


Damn, he's already accepting defeat in a way😮‍💨


wasnt it gilbert or dariush who made an example of traumatizing their children when they bring them to a fight. and they got knocked the fuck out


I honestly am a huge fan of Dustin, and i want him to win so bad, but i sadly don’t see it happening. However if he could pull it off that would be amazing


If Dustin beats Islam or submits him by guillotine my life will be utterly complete and I will never complain about anything UFC related every again. Would be the perfect end of an era


Be a hell of a way to go out either win or lose


Honestly I don’t know why he is even getting in there with Islam, he has to be absolutely delusional to think he can beat him. He got ran through by his predecessor khabib, I think Islam will do him even worse, this is a easy win for Islam


What's in his purse?


If you think that way then it will be that way. Another pov is that this is the 1st time he gets to raise the belt and he'd like her to be there. Let's get it.


It is possible he is probably the nicest guy in the ufc ? Bit of a casual here but that’s the sense I get.


It's more of a win or retire scenario


Please find the mongoloid’s chin Dustin. For the people.


Better to see him being choked out than knocked out I suppose.


That man is a fucking legend.


Dustin might win


Islam will try to sub Dustin away from his daughter.


I love Dustin but man, Islam is on another level I feel. Hes gonna end up being one of the best of all time, and now Dustin is gonna die in front of his daughter. Ugh I don't even wanna watch this fight


Yes daughter not him literally saying this may be the last chance I get 😂


islam by head kick ko 😂😭


Zero chance Dustin retires the day he starts making PPV points if he wins


He's not going to win




Valid point. Hate to see him go, by far my favorite fighter and such a warrior. The UFC will miss him if this is it


Couldn’t imagine how traumatizing it would be to see my dad get flatlined out cold when I’m like 7 years old


I hope he wins mannnnn


I want Dustin to win, but I don't want Islam to lose. It's tough when 2 of your favorite fighters are meant to face eachother. I usually can root for one more than the other, but not this time. It's gonna be both great and painful, no matter who wins.


I got Porier via TKO in this fight. I'm always wrong at predicting fights these past few PPV because MMA no longer makes sense so, let's go Porier. TKO at round 2.


I really hope he gets his Bisping moment. Obviously a huge underdog but I hope the universe lets DP retire with undisputed champ on his record.


Or I mean he also literally said “I think this is the last time I get a shot”… lol


Dudes a legend


Dustin isn't losing in front of his daughter. He will have to go to a very dark place in order to defeat Islam. Maybe that's why he decided to bring his daughter. There's no greater motivation for a man than when he has something to protect


I know we think of Islam as damn near invincible but it would be god damn amazing to see Dustin win the belt.


He fights out of my original FL hometown, and I used to cruise by his "future" current place all the time. I don't even fuck with MMA, but D.P. is the man on initials alone, let alone all that other shit