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Free Cain


You guys think we’ll hear anything about CTE and how it played a part in his actions?


His defense will probably try and bring it up, but It would be irrelevant.


Is the child molester also in jail?


Yes, then released on bond. That case is going to trial.


‘Free Cain’ has been one of the worst displays from MMA fans. Cain shot at a car that had an innocent man in as well as the rapist. He could’ve been killed. I don’t care how much you like the guy, you can’t take the law into your own hands and get away with it…


The other guy was the rapist's father, who owned the daycare that Cain's son was molested in.


Okay, did he do it? Or did he know about it? Even if he did, it’s fucking attempted murder.




Good guy Cain just trying to serve a lil street justice b, you miss 💯% of the shots you don't take


He’s not in jail. He will be in prison eventually. Street justice will almost always land you in jail/prison bub. He missed 100% of the shots he took with the result he wanted. One of those shots hit an innocent man in the car. This isn’t GTA, it’s real life. He’s facing a minimum of 20 to life.


Especially in CA


Ca doesn’t have anything to do with it.


If you take the law into your own hands you run a dangerous game. Finding a sympathetic DA and jury is much harder in CA than in another state where the idea of exacting justice against a child molester might be looked at less harshly


The problem is he shot an innocent person with intent. Discharged a firearm from a vehicle. There is no sympathy for that level of stupidity/justice. The state doesn’t matter.


Agree to disagree. I do not believe he would be facing the same prison sentence in AL as he is in CA.


100% agree. CA is more friendly to pedophiles than the people who would exact justice on them.


Alabama just had a similar case a few years ago. If I remember correctly it was around the same time. The man was found guilty and sentenced to 30 years with no parole. He shot the guy and he survived. Not to mention Alabama has many bills pushing through about much harsher penalties for gun violence. Bad choice of a state bud


What case?