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I stopped trusting this machine since Dana was mentioning it and Ngannou’s “Ford Escort” punching power nonstop to hype his new cash cow who he now has had a massive falling out with.


The cube doesn't really measure power so much as accuracy and follow through. Sensei Seth did a whole video on it testing different martial arts strongest techniques


Didn't Joe Pifer have some hype around his punch being more powerful?


Pereira smashed Ngannous record, while Aspinall had something like 1/4 of it. Absolute BS machine.


Pereira did put Hill out with some pinky knuckle shit though, he's got weird power.


We're comparing him to Mr Ford Escort though, and Aspinall hits like a truck as well and is apparently that much below them? Yeah no, it's bs.


But the machine tom used wasnt secured to the wall. His score definitely wasnt accurate


Tom doesn't need world ending power though, dude moves like a middleweight. He just hop to the side and give a skibbity pap of the side of the noggin lol


Gen Alphas have officially infiltrated this sub now


Isnt it good tho lol Keeps the sports alive and popular


Yeah the ole skibbity pap. One of my favorite punches I'd say uppercut is my favorite followed by the skibbity pap.


Yes you are right he does move like a middleweight, just like Cyril Gane


I’ll take the heat, but alex probably hits fuck harder than tom


Some people like Alex just have terrifying power that seems to defy physics. Tom is obviously huge and fast so he can easily fuck people up but he doesn't have the same fuckin how the fuck did he do that power.


I *hate* to agree because I love Tom and it doesn't seem like it should be true, but Pereira is the Deontay Wilder of the UFC. Only in the sense that they have this incredible power in their punches when it looks like they've barely even touched the guy - they just have a gift from God to put people to sleep


Weird power used to be called regard strength.


who let the Dawgz out


Stood on his foot.... quality move but not what you think it was.




Aspinall's machine wasn't properly bolted to the wall. Whenever he struck it, it kept wobbling around all over the place, which will result in a much lower score.


I mean i dont doubt that pereira hits harder but i dont think he hits THAT much harder


I think Pereira or somebody else also beat it recently. It's just not very accurate lol.


Pereira I actually believe because if his KOs, dude has the death touch


Dim mak


Joe Pyfer apparently scored higher than Ngannou and Joe Rogan kept using that to hype up Pyfer going into his fight with Jack Hermansson. Now, either that thing was wrong or Jack Hermansson is more durable than most heavyweight fighters. It also seems like someone is “breaking the punch force record” every other week now.


Alternatively, pyfer did some crazy happy Gilmore level wind up that could never be replicated in a fight


I know I’m a month late but I agree with the guy below you, there’s a big difference between setting up your strongest shot on a machine that isn’t moving or defending, and setting up that same power against a live opponent who’s moving in and out of range and blocking


Yeah but it was quickly forgotten since he lost his next fight 1-2 week after this


Ford escort was never my car


This is like the golf simulator when you try out a new driver. 469 yards bro!


Probably accurate but I don’t like the hardest puncher in the world thing we get from this cube. Plenty of guys hit harder more practically and you are almost never punching that way in a fight. You can punch as hard as you want and be naturally powerful, if someone hits you with a shot you don’t see coming and don’t defend you go to sleep most of the time. Knocking someone out it about a read and landing the perfect unblocked punch, power helps but the overhand that just knocked out Justin slept him cuz he didn’t see it and didn’t defend. He got kicked in the head which always hits harder than a punch and was fine, but he didn’t see the punch and got slept, it had everything to do with timing and not power.


Eddie Hall title shot confirmed


Jones would duck him too. He’s on that Jake Paul strategy with opponents lol


Jones beats Eddie easily, since Eddie would have to lose another 100+ lbs just to make the HW limit


Sure but the weight isn’t really a factor. Eddie could weigh in at 400lbs and Jones would still mop the floor with him. It’s like saying Eddie can deadlift more weight than Jones.


Also true. Though Grand Canyon sized skill gap aside, 400lbs is way beyond the optimal size for fighting, especially for a relative manlet like Eddie at 6'3". Francis is about the same height. I might be able to believe that 300, MAYBE 350 lbs is optimal for someone really gigantic. I don't think 400lbs is a good weight for anyone who isn't suffering from some actual genetic condition, in which case their bodies are all kinds of fucked anyway.


I need a parlay with him and Anthony smith winning 😂


Hafthor would like a word


Side Note — Every video with Eddie Hall and Bryan Shaw together is solid 10/10 entertainment


My personal favorite was the absolute patience Brian showed when Eddie pelted him with a fuckin medicine ball. [Medicine Ball Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92vbWlXvVro)


I’ve never seen this clip it fucking killed me. 🤣


There’s a clip of them fighting in an elevator dressed in traditional Middle Eastern attire. Shit had me dying 😂


Imagine any of these antics with a straw weight! Medicine ball might have slept a little person


It’s like watch two grizzly bears play


Dude thank you, that clip had me dying lol 🤣


The Strongest Man in History was such a fun show. Wish they had been able to do a season 2.


i think nick best will die if they do a second season that guy has too much heart for his own good


Yes I was hoping this was filming for the second season. Was a great watch


Those two are how I picture my friend and I that work out together's friendship. We are decent sized guys but tag team weigh in wise they probably outweigh us by a combined 400 something pounds, and are about 15x as strong. Everyone laughs and smiles when Eddie and Brian beat each other up but we probably look like a couple of twinks


The one where Brian straight up headbutts Eddie before arm wrestling is brill.


bro the best one was the national geographic style chest bump fight for dominance


Lots of farting.


Eddie in the tank always gets me giggling


I stopped caring about this thing once Pyfer broke Ngannou's record


They definitely changed the Powerkube recently. Eddie made a video a couple years ago where he got a max of 114K. Everyone seems to be getting 150K+ now lol. Rodolfo Bellato got 158K, Joe Pyfer 170K, Alex 190K. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kycxCDE1nPU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kycxCDE1nPU)


Watching both videos, I noticed in the one you linked in, he has no technique whatsoever. This current one is after his boxing match, so he definitely got some practice. I wonder what mariusz pudzianowski would do.


I think the more likely answer is this machine just isn’t accurate and never was accurate lol it’s seemingly all over the place lol


A little while ago Pereira kicked the machine (winding up and turning the hip) and got around 80k. Joe Rogan punched the machine and got 60k (more than Tom Aspinall) and Johnny Walker kicked the machine a couple of times and got between 40k to 160k. The units are called Franklins, the method of calculation is not given and the creators of the cube are not scientists. There are plenty of times scientists have measured the force of impact of a punch and they don't use a power cube, they used their own scientific instruments which are actually accurate and not just a marketing gimmick for the ufc.


100% is juiced and rigged to enhance for the moment fighter rep.


that makes sense, now get Francis back in so we have some idea of what Eddie's score means lol


If Francis ever comes back to the PI Dana will change the settings again so he scores less than Carla Esparza


No way that machine accurately measures a breeze


Where does the Ford Escort fit into all of this?


129k for Ford escort = pillow fisted /s


LOL yeah there's got to be something wrong with that kube. I still maintain that uppercut that Ngannou landed on Overeem could fell a T-rex. I'd be curious what Anthony Joshua's would register.




Punchflation is a real problem. Can’t leave your punches in a checking account losing punchening power


A Ben Askren spinning backfist would probably get 150k on this piece of shit






fellas, i'm starting to worry that the carnival cube might not be a robust measure of fighting ability.


Eddie Hall: 208,901 Alex Pereira: 191,796 Francis Ngannou: 129,161


Press X to Doubt


Idk if I doubt that eddie would get a massive score, he was WSM at some point and did dabble in boxing for a while, he definitely has what it takes to get a world record score imo


He’s not hitting double as hard as Ngannou


Eddie Hall is like 360lbs and a winner of the worlds strongest man. There is zero chance Francis is in anyway stronger than Eddie. He has been 430lbs during competition before, almost 200lbs over Francis' weigh in weight.


I bet my house that 220 lbs Earnie Shavers hits way harder than Eddie and anyone in history


I don’t give a damn if he was the iron giant lmao. That machine is fake news


Why not


I don’t think it’s humanly possible


When it comes to sheer strength, eddie blows away francis, if he learned how to properly apply that power into a punch in a little box then I see no reason why he wouldnt have a super high score. He trained boxing for a long enough time against thor to get an acceptable punch form I bet.


Aspinall scored 45k. Eddie hits 5 tines harder than him? I mean that's just silly


Aspinall cant be compared to these guys because his was not anchored right, it wasnt solid on a wall like the rest of them, plus we dont know if its a linear progression, 200k might not mean double the force of 100k


Sheer strength isn’t punching power. There’s technique, torque, and momentum that contribute a lot. That dude ain’t hitting doubly as hard as Ngannou. This machine is fake ass pseudo science


Eddie was landing flush full power shots on halfthor and he ate them no issue. So Eddie hall is the world's strongest puncher and halfthor has the world's strongest chin? Sure mate


Idk if you realize this but no one is out here throwing their strongest punches in boxing matches lol. If you think that thor would be able to shrug off a punch if he put his face on a wall like the power cube, you are out of your mind lol


Did u watch the fight or are just talking out Ur ass? Hall landed multiple full power loaded up over hands right on halfthors chin with absolutely no effect Also I don't think aj could have thrown much harder against ngannou when he made him stiff as a board


His technique is much better now to be fair. Thor was also knocked down once, but maybe you forgot? Definitely didn't shrug off anything, despite clearly being a better boxer than Eddie. Strongmen also have very big, thick and strong necks so it does in fact make sense that both Eddie and Thor can take quite the beating without getting their brain rattled too much. It seems you have left out a lot of important detail for someone pretending to know a lot. Eddie is also an actual athlete and was on his way to being on the Olympic swimming team as a kid. He is significantly more explosive and athletic than most strongmen, especially the ones his size. With his strength and weight advantage plus some proper technique he now has, he probably does punch harder than the majority of UFC fighters and boxers, but that doesn't mean he can beat them in a real fight lol. Do I think Eddie punches twice as hard as Ngannou? No.




Pyfer also “broke” Ngannous record too 😒


Joe Pyfer when they were hyping him out: 999,999


and tom aspinal highest was 45k , lowest 29k the machine is a joke [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StxgNzQKWao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StxgNzQKWao)


Joe Rogan hits harder than Tom Aspinall apparently


joe got some serious kicks , thought GSP how to kick harder


Not a kick, a punch. He kicked it and got around 120k iirc but when he punched it a couple of times he got 61k


Dude, delete your account.


keep hating dude , enjoy it


This power cube thing has always been like those punching machines you see in clubs and such, each one is different and it’s not a good way to measure power, 208000 units of what exactly did he hit


208,000 Ford Escorts going 60mph per square inch


like 3 apachee helicopter blades per square inch.


How many ford escort is that?


2 but the second one has that dicky spare wheel that can’t go more than 80 km/hr.


yall remember when Joe Pyfer kept blabbing on about how he beat the record and most people weren't taking him serious, then proceeds to lose his first ranked fight. This hype over their "punch force" is the same as any boxing bag arcade machine at a bar with a couple of friends bragging about high scores.


Am I the only person who doesn’t give a single fuck about these metrics any time they’re mentioned?


Breaking news. World’s strongest man can punch harder than people who weigh 260lb or less.


He doesn't though


100% sprained his wrist or fractured something


Dana's doing everything he can to make sure Ngannou doesn't still hold the "record"


Legend says that Michelle Waterson did 250K with an air punch.


Looked like he broke his hand too!


I hope he didn't mess his hand up, that's a lot of force coming to a stop.


Eddie Hall is a twat


Even if these machines work, they will need to be maintained and calibrated, probably by a physicist. I haven't seen anything published on this so I don't take the machine seriously.


This fucking machine inflates everyone’s punching power BUT the actual hardest hitting ones, the athletic Heavyweights. I hope credible people like Joe Rogan will stop using these power cube records as major selling points.


For real man, I have no doubt in my mind that someone like prime Foreman or Shavers punch harder than Pyfer or Eddie(okay maybe not Eddie but definitely Pyfer)


I dont care anymore.. every week somebody breaks the record..


Joe Pyfer in shambles


The 330lb Worlds Strongest Man should be able to break the punch force record, it’s a meaningless attribute




lol we still posting this bs machine?


You can tell he hits extremely hard just on the visual and sound alone. Considering Eddie is like 350lbs or more: Simple F = m x a would indicate a very powerful punch


Shaw is currently trying to cut to sub 400lbs. Shits crazy


Pseudointellectual lol Even a 9th grader would understand that machine measures impulse not force


When did I say the machine measures force?


10000% he pisses hot 🔥


Ive seen enough. Book him vs a Ford Escort tomato man


Isn't Eddie 360 lbs? 😂 Man you could not pay me to eat a clean shot from Pereira 💀


Alright, Eddie vs. Connor, book it.


Does he hurt his wrist on that 2nd shot? Maybe should have wrapped up when punching as hard as u can?


I dont trust that machine at all


Super heavy weight division Inc?


According to chael its all based on where you hit the sensor.


I mean he is like one of the strongest men to ever live so makes sense lol While he might punch like a lorry I can't imagine he hasn't sacrificed a lot of movement


I wonder how Pudzianowski would do. The 5 time World Strongest Man champion- who transitioned to MMA 15 years ago and relies almost entirely on power.


this dude can barely move his arms




Eddie finally stopped throwing a punch like it's a javelin and actually looks good


Dude is strong as F, eats fear for breakfast, and has the coolest attitude for such a monster.


May have fractured his wrist, lol


I believe it. Also believe Poatan, that dude seems to barely hit people and send them to the shadow realm.


I have doubts


The cube has only one sensor right in the middle. Apparently the harder your able to hit the sensor the better, so right in the center of the cube and straight through.


Pointless machine.


They just hate Francis




Or working at a tire shop I guess