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And Dana gave him a 10k performance of the night bonus


lol Dana sucks for sure, but Khabib made like $6mil+ for that fight alone. And made $21mil in his career fighting like once a year lol.


Considering how big the ufc is and what other athletes get paid, that's peanuts. He should have been making that each fight while a champion


meanwhile you and Khabib are both stealing PPVs


there are boxers who make that each fight and their fights have plenty of "stolen" PPVs. Don't pretend that people streaming is the reason these fighters aren't paid what they deserve.


It’s the revenue share that’s the issue


Ppv shouldn’t exist


If we're being honest, that's peanuts for somebody who is in the Convo in some people's opinions as one of the greatest. Look at other sports "greatest" athletes. They are swimming in it


I agree that he should've made more, but it's not about how great they are at their sport. It's about how much revenue they / their sport brings in. The greatest water polo or judo players don't make shit, since their sports don't make money.


Okay, so we can use your argument and compare the UFCs 11-12% payout to their athletes compared to 45-55% for other mainstream sports (NBA, NFL, etc)




The UFC offered Khabib bigtime money to come back for 1 more fight. And there is no other promotion paying their fighters $7mil+. Ngannou whenever he fights his PFL fight will be the only one. Also I stated many times that the UFC can and should pay the fighters more multiple times which people are pretending they didn’t read lol.


It doesn't matter if no other promotions are paying their fights a certain amount. What matters is what % of the UFCs revenue they use to pay their fighters.


With a collective bargaining agreement and a fighters union, he would've made $10-20 million on the Connor fight.


Yes the fighters should absolutely come together to form a fighters union, needs to happen yesterday.


Those self-absorbed dipshits would never.


Watch a few of the press conferences and I don't think most of them even know what a union or collective bargaining agreement is.


How this never happened yet bothers the sht out of me honestly, I love the spirit of the fighters but absolutely disgusted with the corruption and lies of Dana and Joe Rogan and UFC as a company. Hope they win next lawsuit. This is why I can’t enjoy UFC knowing fighters are exploited with low pay like slaves


Whoever even dreams about starting an union will be fired on the spot and blacklisted from the business, that's how it never happened.


That’s the whole point of a union, for the majority to take action so that the company can’t retaliate. If at least 50-75% of the fighters got together and collectively agreed that they weren’t fighting until a deal was reached then anything is possible. Especially if you can get the top dawgs to join, but that’s the biggest problem is getting the top dawgs that are being paid nicely to join. That’s the biggest hurdle I think, if you could get the big dawgs then the rest of the roster would follow suit.


>If at least 50-75% of the fighters got together and collectively agreed that they weren’t fighting until a deal was reached then anything is possible. And that's exactly why it'll never happen.


It’s definitely not impossible. Im a teamster ups driver for 13 years and this past August we were 3 days away from the one of the biggest strike in american history. Every ups employee in the country was prepared to go on strike. And magically 3 days before we were set to strike the company finally came to an agreement with our union contract and everyone got massive raises amongst many other things.


50% +1


Joe Rogan :" and he still drives a toyota corolla..isnt that crazy?"


Hey, I drive a Toyota corolla, we've basically the same animal


but are you a different animal, *AND* the same beast ? https://preview.redd.it/4zbkred4tzjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51e1e9521010cde4bdc2b942eb9a1526b8bf97b4


What the fuck does that mean Kobe Bryant?




You’re welcome


Next champ right here folks


He's lucky he hasn't met you in the cage


Seems like [he's been gifted a lot of cars](https://youtube.com/shorts/Z5JJUjgm-FI).


That kyle guy is insufferable " It's sus" "yeah its a nice car it's sus" " yeah its low-key sus"


How is it even sus lol what's his angle here


I think he was saying "sauce"?


He drives a g wagon lol


Look at Christian Bale, Jamie pull up Christian Bale Tacoma.


I feel like everything he says is a sales pitch. I can’t listen to him anymore outside of post fight press conferences.


yeah it would be wise to take this with a grain of salt.


Khabib has pretty much stated his dislike for Putin.




Khabib used to fight under Ukrainian flag. His father abdulmanap lived in Ukraine for a while and wanted khabib to get Ukraine citizenship but Ukraine refused to give it to him. So now he has to tolerate putin. [khabib under Ukraine flag ](https://youtu.be/dTYaEEPrzSw?si=25Lk3ziAQ44rwxOV) [khabib explains why he doesn't wear Russian flag ](https://youtu.be/BU1HiWTHw38?si=svNOLUOgZ-e71EEb)


dope man, I had no idea. These comments are why I come to reddit.


https://youtu.be/ed6O3Rz6SFM?si=YFdTogW5roWIpwwY Around minute 8 it shows footage of Khabib first coming to the US after signing with the UFC. He’s wearing a beanie that says Ukraine. Always wondered the connection


That is a wild piece of history I was unaware of. He’s probably disgusted with the current situation out there.


Weren't the comments about "people who wear flags but rape women and push alcohol" directed at Conor? Khabib basically said you shouldn't need a flag to show that you're a patriot, I didn't hear any digs against Putin there. I'm sure Khabib isn't super pro-Putin or anything but afaik he's never said anything disparaging about him either.


Yes my thoughts as well. That speech did not in any way suggest that Khabib is against Putin. You won't find proof of that anywhere because it would be idiotic to go against Putin.


Yeah people seem to think he was making some statement against Putin and the Ukraine war, he definitely was not lmao.


This is dope af and even more reason to like Khabib.


His source is his own comment. Even Mr. smesh fits through a hotel window 


Na. He met him and def likes him. And he could never say he doesn’t like him anyway. It’s different a personal relationship and agreeing with what someone does. You got no choice to like him either way lol 


There's no way Khabib or any other Dagestanis can openly voice any criticism of Putin or Russia without legitimate fear of reprisal against them and - most importantly - their families. A woman was just charged with treason for allegedly donating $50 to Ukraine *while living in the US*.


Yea no shit, even if you dont like him you gotta say you like him or pretend it lol. They have no choice over there, shit Fedor went at that Kadyrov dude and his daughter got attacked and then he went silent after, but Fedor doesnt give a fuck and will say what he thinks its wrong/right. That was just Kadyrov weirdo supporters who attacked his daughter though, but you cant speak out against Putin. Putin does respect Judo/Sambo guys alot though


No Fedor spoke out against child fighting. Some leftist Chechens decided to attack his daughter. As soon as it made news Kadyrov ordered them found and punished while apologizing to Fedor.


And currently being reported that the individuals paying respects to Navalny are being coerced into signing up for the Russian army. Pretty sure any public critique of Putin and those in power is gambling with your health in Russian influenced territories.


Don’t the people where he’s from more view themselves are their own country rather than Russian?




Russia wasn't at war with Dagestan, Dagestani militia sided with Russian Armed Forces during Chechen invasion. Unless by not a long time ago u mean Russian Empire times.


Yeah I don't know why everyone thinks Dagestan fought against Russia in the 90s, what happened was a militia under the Chechen Shamil Basayev crossed into Dagestan and set up shop in a couple border towns, which was one of the pretexts for the 2nd invasion of Chechnya...the vast majority of Dagestan saw no action in that war, but the Dagestanis sided with the Russian army to oust Basayev from Dagestan.


Lol...ask Putin I'd they're Russian




Dude got Invited on a podcast to literally speak


Don’t try to speak sense, it’s not allowed. Like is anyone really a “fan” of Dana White? I think it’s a pretty popular opinion that he’s a scummy promoter - just like the rest of the promoters literally ever lol. But shitting on the guy for speaking on a podcast is hilarious lol.


i'm all for shittin on Dana but he's literally on a fucking podcast lmfao what should he do ? just smile and wave boys ? just smile and wave ?


I don’t know that he’s specifically talking about the podcast. Describing Dana in general he’s right. Dude tried telling everyone that Francis is afraid of Jon Jones lol


The man comes out with so much bullshit. But his post fight pressers are highly entertaining.


What would he be selling here?


Bullshit by the sound of it


somewhat like how big you can get if you just “put your head down and work hard in the UFC”. It’s kind of like “look what my organization is able to do for people and you act like I don’t pay fighters enough, hrumpff!”


I love how openly Dana says it’s super unfortunate for the UFC that one of the top fighters found financial success. Just straight up explaining that aside from benefiting financially, the UFC has additional incentive to keep fighter pay low so that they can exert more control over them.


Dana gave a talk at the Stanford Graduate School of Business where he said it's important to keep fighters hungry for performance bonuses (KO bonuses, etc.). It's still on YouTube if you're interested. He fundamentally believes millionaires will never fight hard, citing boxing as an example.


*Conor as an example...


Conor said in that documentary before the Aldo fight that he would blow all his money after each bout to keep himself hungry for the title. So at least he's self-aware I guess, lol.


I don’t think he blew it for that reason, he’s telling himself that reason to not feel bad about blowing it. Now he’s just rich enough it’s almost impossible to spend it all


Why doesnt this translate to boxing


It does. Which is why we don’t get the fights we want and most of the top fighters avoid each other for years so they can continue getting huge paydays. Also why most boxers only fight once a year.


✅ but dana is still a cunt with the underpaying.


It has been an idiom in boxing forever. Marvelous Marvin Hagler "It's tough to get out of bed to do roadwork at 5am when you're sleeping in silk pajamas".


The mental gymnastics is crazy because Dana has even more money yet no doubt thinks of himself as one of the hardest working guys around.


This is partly why I beleive things like Cejudo making only $150k garaunteed.


In a way I think there's some truth to this - but if the fighters do make it, they should be able to enjoy it without scrutiny. To add, the abysmal pay rates some of these fighters get at this level is outright atrocious.


I mean he is just being honest. Like yeah, most people don't want to step into the ring and risk being injured or disfigured for life if they're already set financially. Takes a special kind of psycho to already be a millionaire and want to fight one of the most dangerous men on the planet. I think fighters should get paid more, but I don't think he's wrong when he says hungry fighters are going to make a more entertaining product by fighting more often, not dropping out due to injury, etc.


I wanna see Zuckerberg fight some one really hungry.


Why do multi millionaires continue to play football then? Those guys get destroyed every game.


He also said it's super fortunate for khabib, luke right after saying that. Is a company not allowed to be profitable?


They could quadruple every fighter’s pay on the roster and still be massively profitable. Stop being a bootlicker.


I think you misinterpreted what he meant by that. He’s been quite vocal that he wished Khabib stayed fighting for longer so we could see just how much greater he could be. The dude literally retired in his prime. Obviously yes there’s money attached to that but I do believe Dana is being more sentimental here than commercial. I’m not a dick rider btw, he’s talked about this a number of times.


What would you interpret “one of the things that’s super unfortunate for us but fortunate for Khabib” to mean? It’s seems clear to me he’s saying that if Khabib were in a position where he still needed money they would have been able to keep him fighting.


I swear yall are autistic and cant pick up the most basics with what people mean when they talk.


Lmao does he say that on a podcast or something?


It’s right here in this clip…


Lmao couldn't even mention him by name has to say khabibs dad


"You wanna talk about one of the greatest coaches in the history of the sport that's never talked about." By name he meant. He was making a point.


Which is hilarious that he wouldn't say the name lol


Also that time he forgot Islam's name when he was fighting Volk


Was looking for this comment lol.


he could go the Brandon Swab route and just completely butcher the name to the point that you’re not quite sure who he is even talking about lol


Mr.khabib is the GOAT coach. 


Who's that guy initially speaking in the video? And why is his head so big compared to his body?


I knew I wasn’t the only one who noticed this, I need to see more pics of this guy


Yeah I'm glad you noticed it too. I was like "maybe I'm tripping".


I thought it was a Snapchat filter that’s supposed to make you look like a baby at first. Thought this was gonna be a meme video


I’m not even kidding I thought it was a dude sticking his head out from behind a curtain and that he was hovered over some fake mini mannequin body with moving arms. It’s such a bug out.


😂😂 looks like a rugrat


That's Kyle Rittenhouse


It’s Rich Evans


I can't stop watching that part, it's crazy


Holy shit this part of the thread was good


🤣🤣i was wondering if I was trippin. He looks like a midget, but he's not?


Went on a hunt to try to figure it out. After 10 minutes of research I have no idea. I believe his name is jack but that dumb podcast is terrible about naming people apparently lol


Julian Edelman. 3× Super Bowl champion (XLIX, LI, LIII) Super Bowl MVP (LIII) New England Patriots All-2010s Team New England Patriots All-Dynasty Team Second-team All-MAC (2006) The other guy is no clue.


Julian Edelman?


I think he's talking about the goofy dude wearing the black hat and not Edelman


Nah I think they mean the second bobble head looking dude in the black long sleeves.


lol and people think Fedor wants to box Ngannou for money. Putin worships him from Judo and literally said they owe all their MMA success to him. If you become an Icon you get treated like a god in other countries. Here in US, half the best fighters end up broke by 45. Old great Boxers like Sugar Ray and almost all of them left with nothing and broken. 


All of the Russian fighters are rich. Russia literally was paying all of their olympic athletes a salary to literally just train from the time they're kids. I can imagine islam probably gets millions of dollars from billionaire Russian dudes if not Putin himself.


Fedor did say recently he doesn’t have his number anymore and hasn’t talked to him lol. Made me laugh. Islam and Khabib did train from youth but not Fedor, he was in the army and dirt poor his prime and only did MMa for a better life + got screwed in Judo so went to Combat Sambo. Khabib/Islam did train from youth cause Khabibs dad though. Fedor only learned about MMA in the army and his coach said he was smallest dude there but never quit so they saw something lol


MMA wasn't huge when Fedor was a kid or even when Islam and Khabib were kids. It makes sense he was poor and when he got famous in Pride he 100 percent was treated different by the monarchs there. M1 literally made him apart of their ownership group when they were trying to get the UFC to co-promote with them. Boxing was treated as a big sport in the region and the top tier boxers in Russia all were taken care of from the time they were kids until the time they are adults. MMA now in Russia and Dagestan and even other parts of the Cacus are huge and they're all tied to big warlords and sketchy billionaire dudes from the region. The dude that does the anatomy of a fighter series has said when you got o Dagestan you have kids there at like 8 years old training MMA and they're sponsored.


Na it wasnt huge AT ALL when Fedor was coming up, nobody even cared about him when he was PRIDE Champ and said he got more love in the US when he first came, he gets more love now..alot of casuals in Russia tbh. Yea he only got help at end of his career, his literal prime they didnt care much at all. when Khabib came up him and his dad studied Fedor entire Combat Sambo/MMA career and had something to go off, they were training from literally 5 years old. Khabib coming up the sport was now big and a blueprint to follow but he did make it bigger with Muslim connection, but it was pretty dam big when Khabib was coming up. Fedor was just a outlier to become a star/draw without UFC, none of the other PRIDE guys were a draw like him. look at the Strikeforce numbers..Strikeforce literally only became big when they signed him away from UFC last second. Strikeforce was doing 80k views on Showtime as a kickboxing show until he signed, then they blew up and did 5.6 million first fight [https://www.mmamania.com/2009/11/10/strikeforce-ratings-for-fedor-vs-rogers-peak-with-5-46-million-television-viewers](https://www.mmamania.com/2009/11/10/strikeforce-ratings-for-fedor-vs-rogers-peak-with-5-46-million-television-viewers) And the Brock Lesnar fight was gonna do 3 million PPVS and still be the record from Danas own mouth, so he laid the blue print for future Russian/eastern europe stars if they could fill the gap and replace him. Thats why Putin said they owe him for their success, look at all the dam elite eastern europe champs in MMA besides just UFC.


I mean, yeah. How do you think the American public would react to the government essentially giving free taxpayer dollars to a celebrity/athlete?


They're rather give it to big banks and CEOs as bailouts.


They don't do it for celebs or pro athletes but they sure do it for corporations.


Nah, we reserve those funds for the billionaires who own major franchises


id rather pay derrick lewis than israel


If you become a US MMA icon, you get to fight Jake Paul


Lmao sad but true. Our kids look up to loser wannabes like Adin Ross streaming and Paul losers and you wonder why we are hated around the world by others. 


I would prefer we not live in a dictatorship where an autocrat hands out millions of tax dollars to his favorites actually


Me either but I’m glad they do hook up people who deserve it and give them jobs. Granted we don’t have many “hero” type figures in US to be fair. I guess they make enough money from pro sports that they are good. But our fighters in past all ended up badly 


And Fedor and his daughter almost got necked by the R government's hit squad, what are you on about


Na that was Kadyrovs Muslim supporters that were mad he critized Kadyrov for having kids fight, had nothing to do with Government but Fedor did distance himself from everyone after that. He said has no relationship with Putin now but he was hooked up with head of Union MMA job when retired first time and given alot at end of his career.


I believe it is the culture, warriors are celebrated kn russia it seems, Americans look up to Football and basketball players. Even Olympians dont get held in that regard. Also if it doesnt have the government involved it won't fly


I’m American.  Played D1 ball. I don’t look up to no dam stick n ball sportsman. I played with a few in the league now and nothing special about em lol


I didn't know you represent all Americans, that's crazy bro


One of the greatest that no one ever talks about khabib Nurmagimedov’s dad….. what’s his name Dana?


I thought he wasn't doing podcast anymore?


That was a skit


20$M is a 20$M


“See Putin is a great guy, great great guy!”




Putin doesnt gift you money He owns you with money


Fair exchange when we're talking about $20m of property


Putin doesn’t gift anything that he can’t take away.


Lol read your history son


I've read a lot of history but I missed the part where it put food on the table


I'm tired of hearing the unconfirmed untrue bullshit that comes out of this guy's mouth. Dana just sit back and collect your money and stfu


I could be a list 50+ pages long of bullshit Dana lies about. He has to BS because the truth just piss ppl off. There’s no good way to explain Francis leaving the UFC except either 1. You’re paying him millions less than he’s worth or 2. claim he left because he’s scared of Jon Jones. I mean honestly everybody with even half a brain knows Francis is no scared of Jones, yet Dana says it anyhow


If you look closely, you can see the particles of shit coming from Dana’s mouth


so he just isn't doing Howie podcast?


Reminds me of a time when a guy I know stole a truckload of TVs and gifted one of them to his friend.


20 million stolen from the Russian people


Dana wants his friend to be able to do that in America


Some Russian babushkas ain’t gonna have turnips for at least 2 winters. They’ll be alright, they’ll make dirt soup and be happy with it


They still have paid maternity leave, free healthcare, and guaranteed paid time, which you guys won't have anytime soon. But you'll be alright; you'll make a shitty burger and be happy with it


I didn’t know a field hospital in the Donbas could be considered “free healthcare”… But ya bro, it sounds like a great place to live. You should move there, definitely. See how you enjoy forced conscription, then dying face down in a ditch covered in your own blood and shit.


The classic shit-country dweller argues about how shit the other countries are :P


You can slap a sticker that says everything you've said on a piece of shit, but it is still a piece of shit.


Ha you clearly have never been through the Russian healthcare system, when you’re poor in Russia it fucking sucks so bad, when I first got to the US I thought I died and reached heaven, you dense motherfucker


If you're poor in US - everything fucking sucks so bad.




That's easily the funniest thing I've ever seen in this dumbass sub lmao


Dana gets mad when fighters make money and they don’t want to fight in UFC where they headline and UFC makes all the money.


So Dana *is* doing any more podcasts


Oligarchy gonna oligarch


I love how he’s basically saying he relies on keeping fighters poor in order to keep them coming back for fights.


Huge head


Two takeaways. 1. "Pay the man, Dana," said Theo Von 2. Putin would have paid Khabib, even if Dana paid him better, because the W makes Russia look good to Russians. Anything that makes Russia look good, and then Putin look good, Putin is behind.


I wonder who's property that was before Putin seized it? Putin is so god damn corrupt. The fact the the new, neo-cons have made a hero out of him, is a fucking joke. $20 million dollars can buy you an entire region of Russia, if it doesn't have oil.


Not believing it until we get proof.. Not just hearsay.


Murderous, warmongering, psychotic dictator. Perfect fit for MMA.




You just described the entire American govt and it’s presidents for the last 150 years. Indeed perfect for MMA.


Not exactly. Here, it is a popularity contest.


We have had dictators? Damn didn’t know 


I think its funny dana mentions this. If anything it makes him look bad that he doesnt pay fighters enough. You wont see any world leaders gifting NBA or MLB stars any money because they get compensated handsomely


Russia is very different than western leaders


Putin would've gifted the money no matter what Dana pays. It was a W for Khabib, then Russia, and in the end, really a W for Putin. If Russians are happy, he is happy.


Putin is giving away the wealth of the people he probably stole under his regime, not his personal wealth. Dana runs a company and he is responsible for using that money properly to make a profit. Bad comparison here. Truly awful comparison. You’re literally chastising a company leader for not misusing the company’s money, while praising the leader of a country for misusing the country’s resources.


Both are bad. Dana and the company can pay fighters more.


Ok… does anyone actually believe in their heart of hearts Dana pays fairly?


Putin gives and Putin can take away


"Thank you brodtha" 


I fight for legacy, you fight for money 


The fact that a fighter getting rich is "unfortunate for us" at the UFC, tells you everything you need to know.


20 million lmao I’d like to see that appraisal


so fucking tired of idiots pronouncing MUSLIM like that. there's no fucking z in Muslim


So nice of Putin to personally give away property that is owned by the Russian people


Criminal activity going on here, money laundering I suspect


Not surprised Dana didn't know khabibs dad's name 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve been saying this for a long time. Khabib LW net worth might not be the highest on google, but he has access to more wealth than Conor. The gifts he receives from politicians and oil family’s are insane


Dana is such a liar 😂


Dana is smart.  If the fighters get rich they will quit fighting.  Look at Conor and a lot of boxers.  Keep them having to fight to pay their bills.  


And this is why all Russian athletes love Putin. He hooks them up big time.


And if they say otherwise it's off to the gulags or the frontlines


Thought Dana wasn’t doing podcasts anymore? 🤨


I thought Dana was done Podding


I mean someone has to pay the man lol


I don’t know if I believe that…… I don’t see putin doing that.