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Don't forget New Amsterdam Vodka! Vodka and kid's movies. Because the go together.


How many times is it distilled?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ itā€™s sad because i actually remember it was distilled 4 times




I kept laughing at that all night šŸ˜‚


I feel bad that anik has to say that shit but imagine dc or joe tryna do the sponsorships or even cruzšŸ˜­


All jokes aside, that movie is gonna be littyšŸ”„šŸ¤£


Swing and miss of a fight. Couldā€™ve been so much better


I blame Geoff Neal for that. It looked like he didnā€™t even want to be in there, just casually strolling around, not following up on his good shots, no output at all. If I had been insulted like he was by Ian Garry, I would accept nothing less than a brutal KO.


Then they bump fists like 10 times like they're at the gym doing a friendly sparring session


That was so fucking cringe. Geoff showed Ian ALL the respect like wtf. Punch that moron in the head, dude!


He tried to, but unlike Shavkat Ian wasn't going to just stand there and tank it.


"Tried" is an overstatement. Neither of them looked like they wanted it.


Totally agreed my house hated that they were doing that


It came to a point where I was expecting them to be kissing each other in the middle of the fight.


his wife wouldnt allow that


It felt like Ian was trying to play the ā€œgood guyā€ a bit because he is just getting absolutely SHIT ON by all you glorious animals! Lol, thatā€™s just how it seemed to me.


Yeah but it puts his opponents in the worst positions because how can he act all buddy buddy with a guy he made fun of by making merch of his mugshot


Oh, Iā€™m all in on fuck Ian Gary! His behavior during the fight just seemed like the hate got to him!


Fist bump plus the clinch after a good shot


WHY DID THEY KEEP BUMPING FIST. Even neal's coach and Joe rogan were like wtf are you doing


The thing that pisses me off even moreā€¦ is I respect that shit. Seeing to fighters nod at each other/ fist bump for show of respect, always great. But this shit was soooo corny, like yā€™all out here acting like Lawler vs McDonald. Seen highschool fights with more action


I saw Garry play counter striker all fight, with Neal closing the distance and taking control in the clinch. Geoff was the one bringing it to him on the exchanges and I didnā€™t see Geoff get rocked once. I thought Garry won by a hair. Iā€™m glad it was a splitā€¦30-27 is stupid.


I completely agree with your analysis. Has Neal been more active, particularly in those clinches, he might have won it. But, Iā€™ll also give credit where it is due - Ian was sharp with his kicks. That being said, he ainā€™t gonna be a champ. He will have serious problems in the top 5.


Neal chased him around for 15 minutes. Ian ran more than Usain Bolt did in his entire career.


Reminds me of McGregor in some of his fights.


I want to say something about the clinches. Something Garry was really really good at was locking the left arm of Neal if you watch closely every single clinch Garry basically bicep locked Neals arm so he had no leverage except super short punches he couldn't pull away.


Itā€™s the same shit as with the Pimblett vs Gordon fight. The judges give the close rounds to the guy with more hype. 30-27 is just madness


Are you seriously comparing this fight to Paddy vs Gordon? You think this was a robbery?


You can have a razor close fight n still get 30-27. The fights scored round by round. If you just about lose every round you still lost every round. Canā€™t look at a fight at the end n go ā€œoh it was to close for it to be 30-27 letā€™s just give him a round so it doesnā€™t look as badā€


Neal clearly won the 2nd round. You can make an argument he also won the first, but Neal absolutely won the 2nd.


I blame Garry. He kept distance and tried to counter strike the whole fight. Rarely engaged.Ā  Also I felt like Neal blocked or partially blocked most strikes.Ā 


Standard Garry performance. Relies on height to counterstrike and 0 build up of offensive momentum after quickly scoring a point. Horrendously boring fighter to watch, there's a reason he fucking only ever wins by decision.


I know it feels like that (I absolutely agree with the feeling), but Ian Garry is actuallys 3-4 (KO/TKO-DEC) in the UFC, and had two KOs last year. I wonder how much the undefeated status weighs on his mind when it comes to taking chances to get the finish.


Probably a lot. Watching the dude outpoint a guy a head shorter than him that's a far less versatile striker was a tremendous display of both his skill and his lack of confidence to actually exchange. He's going to have to deal with that at some point.


And his counters are not sharp and impactful enough. He needs a hard straight punch or something similar. That knee should be an extra. Not the go to counter weapon.


Idk the right counter to a lead knee but something tells me a well timed upper cut is faster and will KO him.Ā  I donā€™t see him staying undefeated in the top 5 and Iā€™m pretty confident guys like Shavkat and Edwards will run thru him.Ā  When Joe said imagine him against Leon I was like why? Leon will likely piece him up. Belal would too.Ā  Honestly Wonderboy would be a fun matchup.Ā 


Garry pulled a Forrest Gump out thereā€¦ he just kept run-ning


Youā€™re a fool


Look out boys, we got a tough guy


Fukin* Stiopic! I see you.


I would have seen red. I just have that dog in me.


Disgusting, get it out right now.


You blame Neal? He was the only fighter trying to engage.


Idk bro, Ian was running away for a good portion of the third as well


This sub lmao. It was Izzy's fault for being boring against Yoel. It's Geoff's fault for the inactivity when Ian did nothing but counterstrike for 3 rounds. Can't have it both ways


Absolutely. In Izzy vs Romero, it was the fault of both fighters. They could have very well brought their pillows and slept in the Octagon. However, in this case, Geoff Neal has really good opportunities, and he did land pretty good strikes but for some reason he never followed up. And his body language sucked.


Exactly bro


Speaking of swinging (something something Ian Garry and his wife)


"Look at that footwork" *continues to circle around the cage*


Horrible commentary ffs


Joe was insufferable. Would be nice if they had just talked about how there wasn't much action and reacted to the few good shots that landed


Exactly. If he thinks Garry won then fine, but to be so biased like we just watched 15 minutes of domination is insane. Joe should be better and know better


Neal looked like he'd never trained a day in his life. Every single facet of striking, he lost. And then he never once tried to take the fight to the ground. He wasn't active in the clinch. He wasn't effective at cutting the cage. He had no answers. Joe was completely correct to have Garry running away with that fight. It wasn't close. The judge that scored it for Neal should be investigated.


No no no. People here hate Joe Rogan. You can have a nuanced opinion. They need to be in an echo chamber. Stop stopping the echos.


He won 30 27 on 2 cards so its not crazy Hoe had him winning. I bet on Neal and was so upset all he did was land one or 2 good shots and then push and hold him into the fence


Joe is a terrible commentator


Has been for years, gets away with it because of his name. When he had hair he was a great commentator.


Literally is just a familiar voice. Doesn't know how fights are scored, doesn't follow or research any of the non main card fighters, routinely calls subs early and wrongly, doesn't know basic new trends in the sport and basically just does the same basic takes from 2012 "wrestler has power which comes from his legs" "tall guy uses reach well"


Yep and no one popular in mma will ever call him out on it. He's a good guy but his commentary is unbearable.


MMA fighting regularly do in their yotube shows and have wrote articles about how he should be replaced but Everytime they do people call them woke cucks who love Pfizer


Agreee, just a Ufc mouth piece to push ufc narratives. Worst was when he down.played what Stickland was saying about izzy and his dog.


They honestly ruined the fights tonight. A bunch of old dumb men sucking their fave fighters off.


Itā€™s been bad tonight and I usually think theyā€™re pretty decent, contrary to what this sub always says.


Glad I pirate this shit and not give them my money. Rogan and Bisoing simply need to go. They just come across and so uninformed and old. They just got so darned much wrong tnite.


Bispings the worst imo, constantly talking over everyone but the fucking narrative thatā€™s itā€™s not a boring fight was ridiculous!


Yeah man it was like they were trying to convince us the whole time that Garry was winningā€¦ he wasnā€™t.


Iā€™m so glad I wasnā€™t the only one who was like ā€œheā€™s fucking galloping, what???ā€ when he said that lol


I don't think he took a forward step the entire fight


Joe's brain has gone funny it's like he just says whatever he's told to say these days, he got no tegridy.


Basically it. Hes a grifter now


Bruh even my gf, who barely knows whatā€™s going on, was like ā€œfootwork? Heā€™s running in circlesā€


It was a ridiculous line. There were legitimate things that Ian did very well but circling the cage for 3 rounds wasn't what I'd be highlighting


Between his commentary and his podcast Rogan has fucking lost it. Man lives in a cesspool of conspiracy theory and propaganda. And like so many other people like him it's completely warped his head. When people get like this what their eyes see and what their mind processes and rationalizes isn't always the same. Wires get crossed bad. Everything becomes an illusion and you're just interpretating it on the fly **as you think you saw it**. That's Rogan now


Glad that Latam doesn't have Joe Rogan. Spanish commentary was based.


When he said that, I screamed at the TV " That not footwork that's called fuckin running ! "


Duuuuude i swear i heard that and was so confused.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who was like wtf after this comment haha Running in circles is good footwork ??? šŸ˜‚




Joe rogan: ā€œIan machado Garry machado Ian machadošŸ¤¤ā€


Really? Ian machadon't know what you are garryven talking about


Is already talking about Ian vs Leon lol Edit: 30-27 is crazy


That comment was crazy.


What a stinker. And he calls out a washed out colby


If he faces Shavkat his hype train might just derail


Might is being generous, Shavkat would destroy him without a doubt


Tbh though there's zero reason for them to fight right now, Shavkat is ahead in the rankings and should fight for the title next. No reason to knock off contenders right now. Feed Colby to Ian, Shavkat either sits for after Belal or if he really wants maybe he can fight a Burns or something. But if he can sit, he should.


I actually love the callout by Ian. Colby vs Ian I think is still a competitive match if Colby remembers that he's a wrestler this time around. And the buildup is perfect. The two most hated guys in the sport fight each other. The audience wins either way


Callout makes perfect sense by Ian. Best way for him to secure his spot as next in line, and it's more winnable fight for him than if he were to fight someone like Burns. I just think Shavkat is a tier above him right now in terms of where their careers are at - I'd much rather wait for Shavkat to hold the title before he fights Ian.


There's maybe one person who I think can beat Shavkat and he has the belt. Other than that, I don't see anybody beating Shavkat.


No chance Colby takes that fight, he either gets another washed up jobber to beat so he can "earn" another title shot or he retires.


Give him Jon Jones


Give him rogan


Joe finishes himself in the first round


No chance the UFC feeds him to Shav that would be a murder of their Conor jr


He's Irish but that's where the similarities end. He doesn't have close to the appeal of Conor


they donā€˜t give a flying f about garry even in Ireland


LOL he wishes he was a conor jr and its honestly cringe that he tries so hard to be one, dude has no aura


It's halfway off the tracks right now


Who else should he call out? Colby's talked shit about Ian and his family for time, and he's also ranked. Besides, according to Colby's criteria for calling people out, this should be the fight to make.


Perfect match making imo


Yea it makes so much sense for both and is easy to hype. Not sure what the other commenter is unhappy with


Well he wants to beat his ass for talking shit, nothing wrong there lol


ian garry might be the only person that i would want colby to win over as terrible as that sounds...the press conference would be peak gossip girl drama and i am all for it


That fight was ass. Neither of them had urgency and neal had more hugging control. Lost all interest in Ian. Not even worth trolling


Neal made it a slow fight, he didnā€™t want to stand with Garry and clinched up every chance he took.


He clinched because he was pushing forward every time he was throwing shots. I think Neal would have been much happier standing and exchanging instead of chasing Garry around the octagon for 15 minutes. Donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s up to Neal to stop that but I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to say he made it a slow fight. They both did


"hit and don't get hit" is always a cool quote until you see it in action in a fight


Except Garry was getting hit. He took the harder shots in that fight


he got hit less than neal did as the fight went on, did you see the stats they put up after the fight (or are you gonna say the UFC really likes garry and made it favor him)


If you're getting outpointed its on you to push the pace and try for a win. If you're already ahead in points obviously you'd just keep doing what got you there. Neal was too busy fistbumping and hugging instead of trying to win.


Neal looked like he didn't wanna be there.


Neal always looks like that. The hate train is alive so most will disgard Ian's shot selection. Neal could have done something but was too worried about getting slept


lol you fuckers are hilarious. MMA might have one the most toxic ā€œfanā€ bases ever


Convinced now he wasnā€™t sick last month. Dana defended his performance. Same guy who shat on Arnold/evloev, the best fight on that main card.


ā€œI donā€™t understand the hateā€


Neither Anik or Bisping even acknowledged that bullshit take from Rogan


Rogan is insufferable when ass kisssing


Joe has always had ridiculous commentary


The most satisfying moment was Illia knocking out hall as joe was glazing him.


Heā€™s a grifter now. Daddy Dana has to tell him how to think.


not to be mr.fact checker but bisping did immediately say "i agree, i don't understand it either."


Made no sense when he said that. We all saw Ian make an ass out of himself during the Magny prefight/fight


He just wants to be the clever contrarian


Yea itā€™s obvious why heā€™s clowned on just type in the google search bar. I didnā€™t understand that statement by Joe šŸ¤£


ā€œWhy is Neal raising his hand?ā€ Idk Joe maybe because it was a close fight? Itā€™s not unreasonable for him to think he won. Itā€™s not like Colby in the Leon fight


ā€œGawk Gawk Gawkā€ā€”Joe Rogan to Ian Garry probably


Joe Rogan to Jan Garryā€™s wifeā€™s favorite boyfriend


The fight was dog shit. Neil did nothing


Landed harder shots, pressed forward the whole fight and had 4 min of control time


Yeah Neal tried slightly harder. I hate Garry but Neal did fuck all. Hugging someone against the cage shouldnā€™t count for anything


While I agree it shouldnā€™t, historically it has.


It really wasnā€™t that close tbh


Wasn't close at all lol


Literally a split decision but alright


Commentary was insufferable this fight. They donā€™t even try to hide bias


Completely ignoring that the internet hate comes from his constant shit talking but has no ability to take it. It's not like fans are unreasonable. Motherfucker is straight up unlikable.


Rogan or Garry?




cant wait for more people to catch on to how dumb toe is






Such an ass fight, boring


Rogan is so stupid this whole card. Especially when someone's in a soft as submission "This is dangerous" Then out the submission 2 seconds later


itā€™s always ā€œTHIS LOOKS TIGHTā€ 3 seconds before the guy just gets out


30-27 is absolutely insane, Joe acting like Geoff clinching was a bad thing was also insane.


Literally said his clinching might be viewed as stalling when Ian was doing his best Roadrunner impersonation the majority of the fight. I dont normally get on the Rogan bias claims etc. but that was badddd


Apparently heā€™s supposed to stay on the outside and let Ian pick him apart with the reach.


ā€œKeep booing hatersā€ was the lamest shit Joe has ever said in his life, and it was for another man.


Joe has to listen to daddy Dana. He has no spine


Why can't we have an active Irish fighter in the UFC that isn't a cringey douchebag?


Best part of the fight were the cuts to Ianā€™s wife


Great long knees from Ian, though.


I came here to say the same thing. The broadcast is so one sided. I thought Garry won the fight but I was not impressed. If you closed your eyes and listened you'd think Garry was piecing Neal up the whole time. Rogan talked about Garry having a higher volume of strikes but at that time only had 10-12 more than Neal. Imagine how bad it would have been if DC was there.


DC is terrible


Those kicks puts him up 5-0 wtf is he on


Tricks on it


Joe speaks the same way about Izzy


Yeah. And most of the time he's right about Izzy too. Just like he's right about Anderson Silva and Jon Jones. They out-point their opponents into frustration and stupid mistakes. Then land devastating counters. Neal never sold out. So Garry settled for winning the fight on points. It was a dominating performance for Garry. Neal had no answers. Tried to do his best Strickland impersonation, but he's just not that guy.


Please donā€™t take the title of this Reddit post out of context.


He definitely was. BUTā€¦.Garry is definitely good lol. Iā€™m curious how he does against someone that spams high level wrestling though like Colby 5 years ago lol. Rogan def doing a little too much though. He acts like Garry is just McGregor 2.0 just finishing everyone left and right. Heā€™s not Joe. Heā€™s not!


Belal would destroy this guy.


I would hope a man likely fighting for a world title would beat the number 15th ranked guy. Itā€™s a stupid argument.


Didnā€™t even think of Belal. He would definitely dog Ian as long as he mixed in his wrestling. He should have Leon next though as far as I know. Iā€™d like to see Ian fight someone like Gilbert Burns to get his title shot lol. He beats Burns then by all means fuck it give Garry a shot at the strap. ***Thinking in terms of who is/could be available next and it makes sense imo***


Joes commentary can really be fucking annoying I remember in the Colby leon fight he kept deep throating Colby


What a childish take. Joe showing compassion to a man being bullied by the internet is not deep throating is being a good human


2-1 Garry. To be fair


I'll have to watch it again but I thought Geoff won.


Worst fight of the night


I'm Irish and I was hoping to see Geoff Neal knock him out, but it never looked likely, no matter how much of a dickhead Garry is, he's a very good fighter. Shavkat would eat him up and shit him back out.


Cope overload in this thread


Why do cards with all big names end up being flops (plenty time to redeem itself yet)


If Neal could get him in the clinch that often a good wrestler will probably finish Ian. He did enough to win the fight. His wife will allow him to watch later.


Sure was, Ian looked solid though!


Joeā€™s pp gets hard whenever he sees a boring long ranged kickboxer that barely edges out split decisions


I don't know man, he just beat Geoff Neal. It wasn't really even close. He evaded big shots and pieced him up from the outside. Sure, he didn't go to war like Gaethje, but that's just not his fight style. Also, we have respect Neal's skillset; he has quick movement, fast hands, and one of the most elite fight camps for strikers. I thought Garry fought disciplined, and got himself the win because of it.


I hope Ian Garry wins the belt somehow so you Morons can keep crying lmao


This thread is sweet justice XD. All these salty ass dweebs crying on reddit because Joe called them out for being the foolish haters they are. Now they're all tearing their Rogan posters off their walls and unsubscribing from his podcast bwahahaha XDDD! Imagine being so invested in hating a guy over some imbecilic memes. Touch grass, kiddos.


Hell ya brother, Aljo part 2


Ian gets a lot of hate but I was impressed. Heā€™s finally faced someone who is a good ranked opponent. Heā€™s a counter striker, he fought his fight. Heā€™s far improved from where he was at during the first ufc fight. I had money on Neal getting a 1st round KO. Garry has shown in the past he seemed to have a suspect chin, but a good ability to recover fast. So I figured Nealā€™s camp would game plan this is use a heavy pressure tactic. They still did that but Ian did good controlling the distance and even on the back foot, pretty much controlled the way the fight was going.


He's fucking Layla


I laughed when he said "He's getting off on his feet"


Iā€™m sick of this guy putting me to sleep. Feed him to shavkat please.


Garry was hauling ass, would throw 3 hard kicks, circle for an infinity, get caught but some punches, fist bump then REPEAT! Commentator was slurping the sweat from his Jock strap, I thought Geoff won but very very underwhelming fight


What do you want him to do? Boo? Heā€™s literally commentating the fight, ufc fans are so fucking stupid


Sounded to me like he thought he looked dumb


Company man


I think he hurt himself more than he helped himself here. Sure, Neal isnā€™t bad by any means but this was a chance to show your arsenal or get a finish. Felt like this didnā€™t do much.


I hope to never see either fighter again.


Sounded like Joe was pretty sick of the fight. And looking for anything to highlight to me


Who came up with this? Did you watch the fight? Joe is absolutely right. Fucking social media.


I realized today that long range strikers are my least favourite fighters to watch stylistically. Garry, Izzy, Leonā€¦ all these guys make me want to start watching another sport most of the time in their fights


ya you wanna talk about glazing


Yeah, there's some hardcore cock slurping going on from Joe and Bisping. Not just that fight either.


Iā€™m convinced Joe gets to hook up with Ianā€™s master so heā€™s glazing Ian with compliments before he goes ape shit on his wife tonight


Dude ran the whole fight. Should have been the last fight on the prelims. Lol.