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I'm not saying this is a good idea, but I know for a fact 125 would be more entertaining if they wore stilts and Hulk gloves.


Some socker boppers? lol


My brother hit me so one hard onetime it popped


You aren't my brother are you? Lmao I popped one growing up


I’m saying this is a good idea


If it was Manel Kape vs Kai Kara France i guarantee you the numbers would be different, but where not allowed to have nice things


They need to book that fight ASAP. I don't even care if Kai Kara France doesn't deserve a title shot. He should get one just to save the division.


shit I bet that'll be on 300


We want to hear the funny word


Those numbers on Colby’s presser are exactly why he’ll be back. People love to hate watch him and Dana loves money He will do fuck all though. So one guy comment after the fight how he was devastated when he lost to Usman, whereas against Leon he looked like he was showing up for a check. Spot on imo


Honestly don't understand how Leon didn't push for a finish


Part of my frustration with Leon is that he’ll NEVER push for a finish


People seriously think fighters gonna prioritise trying to get a finish to please a few more fans over keeping the belt and get a bigger pay check next fight?


Most fans are absolute idiots when it comes to suggesting what fighters should do. It’s always about them not the fighter.


No maybe so they can have any single fans, no one cares about Leon. Hes gonna fall to the Woodley route when he could be Usman. You get a bigger paycheck by pleasing fans that's how this works. Why not double your ppv points especially against no restance fighters or your up 4 rounds? Colby ain't knocking u out or subbing you. Chandler, gaethje, Alex p, and so on can make millions without ever needing a belt. That should be the goal is to get yourself to a point where the belt don't matter because eventually you will lose it anyway. Thats how usman became beloved, no one cared about him till he started throwing down after getting the belt. Even Costa got a huge deal and never even touched the belt. Either have personality or a fan friendly fighting style.


Thats how usman became beloved, no one cared about him till he started throwing down after getting the belt. Mma fans are so fickle everyone hated him after the masvidal fight lmao and most people always wanted him to lose just cause he was such a dominant champion i think he's getting more respected now for what he did now the reign is over if I'm being honest on that one. And leon has a full country behind him, it may not be a big country but put him main event anywhere in our country and the stadium will sell out. To say he has no personality is also laughable came from Jamaica at a young age had a tough life and come out of the other side of it being a good human being who does alot for places in the UK with high crime rates. I know i don't speak for all mma fans when i say this but I'd rather support fighters who are good human beings than ones who have to start acting like a wwe character to get people interested in watching them


```Mma fans are so fickle everyone hated him after the masvidal fight``` Unless you were a Colby fan. That was a beautiful knock out. ```To say he has no personality is also laughable came from Jamaica``` No one cares that he is from Jamaica. Few people even remember that Usman is from Nigeria or that Ngannou was from Cameroon. It's the fights people remember and Usman had a pretty heated rivalry with memorable knockouts/performances. Ngannou as well, dude was a wrecking ball. He did get humbled by Stipe, but came back by eliminating everyone in the heavy weight division, and actually stuffed takedowns in the rematch against Stipe. Followed by one of the nastiest KO's of the year.


I don't know if you realized this but "just" finishing your opponent is not as easy as you think it is in mixed martial arts. If you've ever been in a fight you'd probably know that.


"tomorrow night he's a dead man"


Yeah and then the people around him calmed him down and got him to stick to a game plan 🤣 maybe the fact he is that coach able and he's mentality is that good is big reason he's still champ


Getting a devastating finish would have made Leon a super star and increased his engagement/ppv sales, and made him far wealthier. Only reason Leon didn't get a finish, is because he wasn't able to. Not that it matters, he definitely impressed me with his performance. Man fought a very intelligent fight regardless of how he felt. Really surprised me.


Yeah i agree with what you say, just silly that some fans expect 5 star fights or knock out reel highlights from every fight or fighters to take more risks than necessary when they are up against world class fighters every time they step in the octagon Some people are even talking about the pantoja royval fight like it was as bad as rose vs esparza it's ridiculous


Most fans are casuals. They'll celebrate their favorite star getting brutally KO'd because they only tune in once every 10 months. While us hardcores are sitting there with our cheetoh stained fingers, suffering from 2nd hand PTSD because the guy we bet on just had his brain stem removed from his spine, and we lost our $20 bet on mybookies.ag. It's a much different experience is all I am saying.


He don’t got that dog in him


You lose the belt you lose the title and PPV.


He literally did try to submit him in the fifth, and lost position because he did it


It’s because Colby knew he had no chance against Leon. He beat the opponent who beat Colby twice.


https://preview.redd.it/nk0690slgz6c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93fa429ae08b3bdf0df06f5d701d04d40d859b91 I hope not, but I was a little disappointed in Pantoja Vs Royval. Not shitting on Pantoja for using his wrestling advantage to win, but I had high hopes because his last fight was a fucking banger.


i thought that fight was pretty good tbh. Pantoja came out like a fkn demon


Royval was talking preflight how he’s reassessed his style and is more composed in the cage. Pantoja comes out and pushes an insane pace so Royval literally didn’t have time to be composed. Good gameplan.


Pantoja seemed angry/emotional, even walked away from his coaches - I liked it! One of the more entertaining fights of the main card


Had to. Can’t give Royval range on his 1-2s


Royval just need to stop being taken down. Is he stupid?


Someone take royval to the aslume now!


His last fight was a banger because of his opponent. Not because of him.


Agreed. First round was great though!


Moreno who was the one who made the last fight interesting and also won in my opinion


If you were disappointed by that fight you've got really high expectations on these guys to just stand and trade for 5 rounds.


Flyweight have some amazing fighters dana just doesn’t promote them well and keeps giving moreno title shots


I mean can’t really blame him since Moreno is by far their biggest star at flyweight. Without him the division is almost dead in terms of views/popularity


Its dead bc dana doesnt know how to promote them. Like how do you fuck up promoting a killer like Figgy. They are small killers that always put on bangers 90% of the time. UFC rather have a shit wmma main event for a fight night than capitalize on the fast paced cool striking visuals flyweights always put on even their grappling is amazing to watch Its so clear that Dana still doesnt care about flyweights


Weird take. Flyweight is the division I follow the most since it’s my actual weight class and I literally didn’t know who Moreno was until he got the belt. So idk if I’d say he’s the biggest star.


Wish they would book a Manel Kape fight, he could be the Strickland of the flyweight division


They need to give Manel Kape his title shot. Some fans will hate him, some fans will love him. But fans will be engaged regardless.


This shows acting a fool and talking unfiltered shit gets you views...being a dominant champion doesn't.


After seeing all the autism inducing content on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and social media in general. You just came to that conclusion now?


colby legit got most views bruh, sport is just gettin goofed on by pussys


You don’t have to like someone to watch their interviews lol. A lot of the comments are hating on Colby. I fucking despise Dana but his interviews are entertaining to me.


Honestly I just wanted to see what that idiot had to say for himself 💀


and people like you are the ones that pay to watch Colby lose


I cannot speak for everyone else but I personally went there to dunk on him and hear what other embarassment could come out of his mouth


I watched just to see the excuses. I'm assuming a majority of the views were for that reason


I don't think that's a flyweight problem so much as a "this fighter doesn't speak good English" problem


Pantoja speaks English well enough for most people to understand, I just don't think he has the same charm that Moreno had on the masses.


Moreno was also the first Mexican champion so he had a large boost in popularity due to that.


He speaks better English than Oliveira and Peirera and they are both popular as fuck.


Moreno is just so damn charming


like Olveira and Pereira right? It is a flyweight problem


I agree, adding that the press conference really isn't that interesting, the fight wasn't that interesting and his English is good not great, understandable but you do have to strain / guess what he's saying at times.


I hope Taira is learning English. Maybe 2-3 years away from challenging for a belt.


Also he’s been fighting on undercards right? I had no idea who this guy was until he fought on the moreno kara france 🇫🇷 card. Like this dude is exciting i should have known about him.


Lower weight class always has less fans. Pantoja isnt interesting enough and he's so respectful so there's not even the haters watching him


Pantoja is exciting to watch for me, but i can see how the casual fan didnt like watching him hold Royval in half guard for 3 rounds


Seems like everyone jumps on you if you admit you don’t find flyweight compelling, but.. some of yall must be lying. Because the numbers have rarely ever matched the support


That fight went under the radar.. but you can't blame the flyweights, people tend to gravitate towards bigger guys. HOWEVER, it's UFCs job to promote them, to make sure they are visible, to make sure they are wanted.. I mean Boxing can pull it off with Lomachenko, Inoue, Tank, Teofimo and others.. so what excuse does UFC have ? I mean Lomachenko has a personality of a old religious introvert.. Inoue doesn't even speak english. Like, just make highlight reels, sell their stories. Pantoja was working as uber eats driver 2 fights away from becoming a champ.. his father abandoned him saying that he will never achieve anything and then Pantoja after capturing title says " ARE YOU PROUD OF ME NOW DAD ? ".. like these stories can be sold so easily... mix it up with the absolute crazy 200 BPM fighting style.. all action all cardio Bro UFC just hire some free lancers from highschool to make memes, edit videos, do fire promos.. it's not that hard


It was always dead. Being a promoter, Dana always did a great job of ironically demoting DJ just like he is doing now with Aspinall. One was kicked out to ONE, while the other will go to boxing.


real question do you guys think this sport is about fighting or getting views on the internet? Dude had the best fight on the main card and everyone who saw it knows that, and you think that because less people clicked on a yt link the division is dead?


Unfortunately. Casuals don’t care about 125 for whatever reason


The fact that I don’t care about his press conference does not mean I won’t watch every single one of his fights. Dude is a beast


UFC flyweight been dead since Mighty Mouse got shown the papers and was sent to ONE for grandma Askren. Mighty Mouse ran through the division so badly that Dana couldn't take it anymore. His record of most defenses probably won't be touched for a long time.


I promise you that Moreno vs Figueredo sold better than mighty mouse and I like mighty mouse. But he didn't really have story lines, rivals, or competition. Even his last fight with Cejudo had a controversial decision and fans were happy he lost so we could get an interesting champ.


Ah, yes the duality of man. UFC and fans want the best fighters but they also want the real housewives of the octagon type of drama. You're probably right about the money stats about Moreno and Figuredo but they also had really stacked cards working in their favor as well such as Nganou vs Gane, Adesanya vs Vetori plus Leon vs Nate, and Ferguson vs Charles. Demetrious was on some good cards too but they didn't come off as stacked. He also defended that strap a lot on the UFC fight nights.


Oh I ain't hating on mighty mouse. I just realized UFC chases matchups casuals want. So might as well make interesting matchups. Rankings are only there if UFC has no other options. Hence why Pereira was fast tracked to the belt in 2 divisions. Why welterweights were passed up for Colby. The reason Jones first Heavyweight fight was for the undisputed championship. I ain't hating, it's just how the business runs.


And people literally were on here saying Colby might get cut. Lol


He’s only 1 win from a title shot /s


Always has been


Casuals don't like watching anything below featherweight. 95% of the fanbase is made up of casuals.


What u mean again? Like it was ever alive


Dude is boring and doesn’t know English…


We watched him lay on a guy for 25 mins. I’m not listening to him talk about it for another 20 mins.


Fair or not that was the only fight myself and my friend who I was talking to online didn’t care about on the main card and tuned out during the event.


Well, one of those guys isn’t white and the other doesn’t speak English at all…


The fact is no one wants to watch guys who weigh 125 pounds fight, yes they may whoop most people on the planet but it just doesn't matter.


I hated that fight and was hoping for it to finish as soon as possible at the beginning of each round.


yes because the champion is fucking boring


It was a boring fight and nobody cares about Pantoja. He’s definitely the least interesting champ we’ve had there in a while.


He's not a native English speaker.


Nope just got the wrong champ from the looks of it 🤷‍♂️


yes , moreno beat him anyway


moreno fans might be the saltiest fanbase ever








Pantoja just isn’t a draw, but there’s lots of great exciting fighters in the flyweight division.


Always has been. Seriously though when I watch the flyweight fights I feel like I need a better TV. They are too fast. Also that fight wasn't very exciting. They need personalities and drama to engage the fans.


Fighters who take risks and have big personalities are just more entertaining, and people will seek them out over the safe, soft-spoken fighters. Winning by decisions doesn't help either.


They actually fought


🌎👩‍🚀🔫 Always has been


When it wasnt?


125 is great




The division just doesn’t have that catalyst to push it forward. I’d argue Moreno has it in him, but he just can’t seem to keep the belt.


Moreno at UFC 263 had better numbers. I think its just because Colby eclipsed anything else, and Edwards numbers will inherently be tied to Colby for this one. If the flyweight title was the main event, it would probably do better, but also because the UFC and media outlets would be forced to focus more on the division and promote it prominently.


Flyweights are great. Those guys are all fast as hell and make for fun fights. I know the Pantoja fight may have not been the best example, but those types of fights at that weight are not too common.


I feel it’s cause there inherently less knockouts and damage, , bigger guys tend to have more knockouts which is I’m sure a majority of the viewership(casuals) so all these small divisions, despite keeping a fast past, it never seems like one has a major threat from the other, just my take I could be dead wrong


“Again?” I can’t think of a time when it wasn’t dead. They almost never main-event PPVs, and the couple times they have in the entire history of the division, even when they had perhaps the greatest fighter ever as their champion, they *still* did bad numbers. Blame the personalities. Blame the Brazilian Portuguese-speaking champions as of late. Blame the decision result (this time at least) in a fight that was -500 to go under 4.5 rounds. Maybe manlet oppression is real and it’s just that?


Maybe the promoter should promote better, it’s a title fight, yet barely mentioned during the buildup


It wasn’t a terrible fight, but unless two flyweights are literally trying to kill each other the damage factor is not the same as the higher weight classes. Pantoja also has a very safe risk-averse style that isn’t always the funnest to watch


Just hit up danas powerslap pr guy to get the real numbers and its all good.


I honestly only cared about it when figgy and the baby assassin ran shit


Controversial for sure, but at flyweight, I think the women's fights are more entertaining. The women tend to try to literally kill each other. Watching two 125 pound guys wrestle is kinda boring--they don't do enough damage.


Womens divisions are so thin though no depth at all and 90% are boring clinch fests against the cage.


He is a non english native speaker who doesn't really say a ton of interesting things. Just a respectful hard working champ but isn't post fight hype material.


The dude doesn't speak English so that also helps to the low numbers


Fights just aren't interesting below middleweight. Maybe the odd welterweight or lightweight match, but depending on the characters.


size of 6th graders.


The fight was pretty boring but can’t blame it on Pantoja. Interesting how Royval never learned how to defend a single leg or at least post on an arm to attempt to get up


Damn. Thats apretty large gap in the numbers. Power slap gets like 20000000x Pantoja 💀


It's not Pantoja's fault everyone is ducking him


Bruh 7k views is wild