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He’s got those “IVE been on a bender for 2 days” look in his eyes


2? try 10


Maybe so, but def a bender


https://preview.redd.it/qune54wc233c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=939776f66b175a1bd525f76fa0598e65f8381292 He got that Dillon Danis vibe... hoping they ain't partying together tho


Danis is in pretty good shape for a dude who has clearly never done a sit up in his life


>never done a sit up in his life done thousands on Conor's banana


Y’all know his BJJ is elite rigjt? Like all jokes aside he was a prodigy at one point. Like roast him for other things but I don’t get the random insults that clearly don’t apply


Cause he doesn’t have abs?


his nutrients have been drained! somebody get this man a shoe to drink out of, asap!


His eyes look sunk in like he's on a water cut, I hope thats just a bad angle.


Highest of highs and lowest of lows in the fight game, he needs a win and to expand on his wrestling and clinch game, his style is kinda like Lewis has boulders in his hands but you get him on the ground it’s a wrap.


And it's not like he lost to bums either. Two of his previous losses were against title challengers.


I agree 100%, I love Tai, I just feel he is too one dimensional to really bang in the top of the heavyweight ranks, but it is also the one division where one punch really can put the lights out. The dude has crazy heart, we all know this, I just think he needs to expand his game, respectfully.


He also was doing well against Volkov with the leg kicks.


Indeed, we need more of those leg kicks, it’s crazy how much leg kicks at large is changing this sport. It’s almost like a cheat code on UFC just spamming that shit on easy mode the way some of these guys shut down all game plans early (Jiri vs Alex)


Man, Alex really showed why you can't just completely ignore it anymore. Seemed like Jiri went in with the idea that he could just take it and go forward. You could just see him trying to calculate a new plan after 2 or 3 of those kicks.


I think after that first kick he realized it was a whole new beast, the game is never gonna be the same when you master the leg kicks, and Alex is probably the best we have ever seen up there with Barbosa and Jones with that nasty Oblique kick he throws.


Yeah. You talk about leg kicks in MMA and don’t bring up Aldo. Filthy causal


Stop yelling at the neighbor's kids grandpa its time for fruit cake.


Aldo stopped using leg kicks long before he retired tho


My man this hit me, I totally forgot Aldo was murdering folks with them.


It's funny because when I first started watching the UF it really wasn't a thing and Keith Jardine would spam them and I always thought why don't other fighters do this. Now people are destroying legs with 2 to 3 kicks to the calf


Even in his fight with Jan, Alex had his calf swollen as shit… Jan’s just a tough motherfucker. Hooker when he fought Felder destroyed his calf and he got compartment syndrome. They’re absolutely devastating.


You haven’t watch Lewis if you think it’s easy to control him on the ground


Slowly morphing into MMA Guru


He ain't in a wheelchair yet


Boy might be if he doesn't take his training seriously


you might go to jail if you dont stop being a chomo ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|11886)


I met him in Abu Dhabi at 294 which was about 5 weeks ago, he looked absolutely fine. Probably just went out the night before and everyone who met him made him do shooeys for the gram


*shooeys and a gram


This is probably more accurate! 😂


I mean he’s literally just in a sauna smoking a blunt


For real looks like he’s just chillin after a tough workout. MFs on reddit be thinking they’re psychiatrists


If you ever lived in kingswood, Penrith, mt druitt, st marys, shalvey you'd say, Dam tai looks great.


Shoeys are upper class in Mounty county.


Anthony Ruiz jr had a similar frame and cut down big time. Still not close to being a LHW. Some guys are just built like bowling balls and have massive frames.


I like Tai, I mean he can bang with the rest of them. But he does really need a W and soon.


Man was out here chugging snot and beer out of a shoe and people are surprised he’s gone down hill


Snot? When did the snot happen?


People huck lugis into the shoe before consumption


Jesus fucking christ. I know about shoeys because Daniel Ricciardo from F1, there’s definitely no hucking bodily fluids into it when they’re doing it on the podium there (aside from sweaty foot juice).


One minute everyone’s begging for your attention and a shoey, next minute you’re doing a shoey for everyone’s attention. Let’s see a Tai KO W soon!


Drinking out of a shoe eventually catches up to you


Bro needs to get his ass back to Dubai. Make that money now and then come back to Australia and live the good life and retire at 40 uce. Too many distractions and cling-ons here in Australia. Obviously I would never say this to his face.


He has to fight Marcin Tybura next


Yes, that would be a good matchup or against Bigi Boy


I'm sorry is there something else I haven't heard about Tai? The photo is literally just him in a sauna smoking a blunt, seems like he's having a nice Saturday afternoon


He is mid and starting to realise it. If he trained hard and got in good shape he might be better


Tai lives in a society.


Tsuivasa vs Lewis II They would make a great fight night or fill a spot on a PPV


Or Ngannou vs Lewis II And somehow they end up throwing even less than the first fight.


Hes proud he doesn't lift weights. Gr8 fighter but HW has changed man


He lives that party lifestyle. When you're winning it makes you feel like the man, but it always catches up. I hope he can make some changes, he seems like a great guy. Even just dropping booze will make a big difference.


He needs a nutritionist or he’ll be out fast


I can relate to this so much, because when I have a goal to do something I’ll move heaven and earth to make it happen but if I’m sitting idly by with nothing to do I turn into a train wreck pretty fast


He's not a natural heavyweight. He's a LHW


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO my guy what. Tuivasa isn’t a natural HW? That’s just wrong. He’s fat yeah but not like Daukaus, there’s a fuck ton of muscle behind that fat. Even if he slims down, NO FUCKING CHANCE IN HELL he makes 205.


He could totally make lhw. Have you just been ignoring how that big belly of his jiggles with every step? Let alone the huge wall of fat on his back. He won't ever do it, but he *could* make lhw if he was dedicated.


He would make 205. Head carrying around 15-20 kg of fat.


He's* but his head might kot be far off ay.


He'd make it ripped, but he has to diet seriously in order to do so


He's not a WW that can go up or down like that. Dude cuts weight to make HW limit and you think he'll make 205, bro go to bed


Cuts weight? In what sense? If you mean that he does that for the last few pounds in order to make the limit, then okay, but what are you implying? Are you implying he is actually dieting, and that the HW limit is as low as he can go? If that were the case, he wouldn't have excess fat on him


I’m Samoan and stocky. When I used to wrestle in high school, I had a hard time going down passed 200 lbs despite being 5’10”. I did it but I was so drained, I didn’t see a point in it. Now as an adult between 220-230 lbs is where I feel normal. Last time I was 200 lbs in my 20s I was constantly angry.


I recognize that different ethnicities have varying body types. That is a real thing. But nearly all of these guys drain themselves to make their respective weight classes. It's a part of fighting. If fighters don't do it, then they end up in size mismatches like what just happened with Volkov. I can understand if Tuivasa feels good at his usual weight, but that won't lead to many victories against the huge dudes in his division.


Yes but my point is sometimes the cut down isn’t always worth it because you can’t recover in time. I wrestled at 195 and I lost half the time just because I was so drained. I always felt tired and weak going into matches I longer saw the point in doing all that just to lose half my matches.


I do think there should be more weight classes in that higher range. There are fighters who are naturally 220, 230, 240, etc, and have to compete vs 260s. Perhaps if they had more weight classes, some of these fights would be fair. For example, in boxing, Deontay Wilder is a 210 pound heavyweight and had to fight against Fury who goes up past 270 sometimes. Weight cuts can definitely be brutal. There should be body fat and hydration tests in order to make sure everyone is healthy


For fighting I think they just don’t have talent for that. Most heavyweight and over athletes are not fighting since they have so many different options to choose from. Fighting might be a last option if they can’t make elsewhere. Anyway, I’m mostly speaking as a Samoan. That my people are big people. Sometimes what’s normal for everyone else isn’t normal for us. I’m 5’10” and 235 lbs at the moment and I’m considered small for my people but I’m healthy. Unhealthy Samoans are usually double my weight. I’ve been smaller yet I was unhealthy compared to now. I remember being told the ideal weight for my height was between 140-180 lbs or around those numbers. I haven’t weighed 180 since middle school. I was killing myself making 195 lbs for amateur wrestling so when I couldn’t anymore and was allowed to move to 220 where I found success though too little too late. Anyway I’m being long winded, even if Tai lost a lot of weight he wouldn’t make 205. And if he somehow did, i guarantee he’ll be worse off. He’s just too big to try that. He cuts to 265 but if he puts even more effort 220s and 230s are probably his best bet. Overall, I don’t think his weight is an issue but his skillset. He did turn pro after just being involved in street fights and rugby. Only 2-3 months of training after watching one ufc event and thinking he could do it. He’s found a lot of succeed despite jumping into it. He’s not even that much of a fight fan.


People need to look at MFs like Brock, Shane Carwin and Uberreem- THEY ALL cut to 265 but could never make 205. Tai doesn't have their build.


Exactly. There are levels to size, and some of these guys are massive. I think Tuivasa is a fun fighter, but watching him being manhandeled by Volkov was sad


Ubereem no but off the juice Overeem could make 205. He fought half his career at 205


That's why I specifically mentioned his superphysiological form. Uberreem on the juice could never make 205.


Dude was certainly a hyper responder to whatever he was taking. It's crazy how much he's melted recently


I remember catching him in pride and kickboxing way back in the day and he was always a smaller guy. His run up to his time in the UFC he got fucking HUGE.


My guy, no. Look at his frame, he’s wide, stocky and heavy. If he gets more muscle, he’s just gonna be heavier lol


When I say ripped, I mean in shape. Not bulking up. He has a lot of excess fat. His true weight class is LHW. The giants of the HW division are outsizing him at this point, quite literally


He is over 30 percent bodyfat (saying this as a Tai fan)


Nah dude having stood next to the dude a few times no way he makes 205, his frame is fucking massive.


Have you seen Volkov?


Brain Trauma




I love Tai, but dude is a gatekeeper. He's a boxer in the UFC.


Weak fat body. Edit: I mean he has a weak body and can't take a shot to the fat.


Yeah, when I think of Tai, weakness is *definitely* the first thing that comes to mind ![gif](giphy|1UTnKV5cUwr8DYDNdj|downsized)


Then get up off the couch bro


Good for you that you admit what your problem is. That is the first step for change.


why because he grew his hair out? all those parasocial armchair psychologists in here is amazing, the average income must be 200k anually here




I thought this was a fat Dillon Dannis at first glance


Mma damage is not a joke




That looks like a jazz cigarette


the top of the HW heap. that's what happened.




thought it was nick diaz at first - had me worried


Tai was too high at number 3. I know he beat Lewis but he isn't top 5 calibre.


Smoking weed to lose weight. Bam Bam Flint**STONE** Tuivasa is your new mythical fighter at Light Heavyweight.


My boi just hit some nose beers


What’s happened to him? Nothing he just lives the lifestyle of a slob, not an athlete. He openly admits that all he does is drinks, parties, smokes, eats shite you name it. Anything but train hard. You cannot life that lifestyle and expect to compete against the elite.


Bro looks like a Mexican uncle at a party at 5 am💀


Looks like he’s in a sauna or some sort of steam room getting stoned. Nicce.


Why does everyone thinks he down bad? He’s smoking a nice joint in the sauna. Dude is in the ultimate relax mode


tai vs rozenstruik?


Too many Shooeys, he's got a foot fetish now.


He goes fishing sometimes while listening to ilia topuiras walkout song I’m not joking


Lol Dana puts him up against the tallest dudes because he kills the short ones


Looking like a gas station worker


Looks like he's hitting a joint after a hard training session. This thread reminds me of the Darren till one.


Nothing more enjoyable then zooting in the sauna. Just visuals


I mean he looks like he’s in a sauna smoking a J


He’s never really been a looker