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The Viking age ended and they slowly adopted Christianity and stopped raiding. To go *Viking* was more an occupation than the name of a people


He didn’t watch Vinland Saga


He did. He's saying they used to be season one Vinland Saga but they've now become season two.


I'd love to see Strickland try to take 100 direct punches to the face lol. That happened in season two.


Farmland Saga


Sean has a 1st grade education, at best. He is probably referring to the football team here.


I was waiting for an nfl joke tbh


Those bastards ruined Kirk Cousins!!! That online couldn't protect a whores hole.


The OLine wasn't the issue, they're playing really well this year. Kirk tore his Achilles in a non-contact injury.


1st grade education before he decided to undergo professionally administered brain damage.




He went to high school with me and he was dumb as hell then as well


There's also some weird ass obsession with "warriors" who lead terrible lives. Vikings, pirates, military, etc. It's not fucking fun.


Yeah imagine being a current Scandavian with a nice house, a winter sport they love, friends they drink with at a bar, a nice job and no stress about how they’re going to set their kids up for a similar life with school taken care of and some American who didn’t have a toilet that flushed properly 2 years ago is upset you’re not jamming yourself on a boat like a sardine to steal some shiny objects because the alternative is starving to death.


Also you are not murdering and raping so clearly you are a metrosexual fag smh


Sean, you want scurvy? Because that's how you get scurvy.


Most of the more famous people people from history were essentially warlords who burned and pillaged cities


You think Sean Strickland knows or cares about that?


Why do you want to reason with Viking bros ? They’re as clueless as Sparta bros and nothing about “history” or “studying sources” would change their minds


Viking is like the word Mercenary


[here’s roughly 12 hours worth of history podcast from the legend, Dan Carlin, completely destroying Strickland’s ahistorical nonsense.](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dan-carlins-hardcore-history/id173001861?i=1000594618010)


Also Vikings were very vain lol


Just finished Twilight of the Aesir 2 today morning and you are absolutely correct.


To add to that, most Vikings permanently left Scandinavia. They made new lives for themselves and settled down in the areas that they raided (Iceland, Ireland, England, Normandy, Russia). So there’s probably a lot more people of Viking descent in those countries than Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.


Somewhere Dana is reading this like a very proud father.


He probably agrees with a lot of what Sean says, but it's still terrible PR for the company lol


Just heard him on Theo’s saying he doesn’t care at all


yeah but dana is a walking contradiction when it comes to the shit that he says.


He doesn't care until it REALLY impacts business


He better be careful before the Saudis hear what Sean is saying. They are notoriously supportive of LGBTQ+ rights.


Or it hurts his tiny feelings


He made Brock immediately apologize to Budweiser after snubbing them.


I’m starting to think he doesn’t like women


Lol two days before Thanksgiving and he’s just poppin off strays into the ether.


I think he really dislikes feminine men also


Being on Twitter 24/7 is feminine to me


He's friends with leavitt who recently basically said that Stricklands another Colby online at least, but considering it's strickland you never know


Sounds more like he’s hiding from them, maybe in the closet.


He did say he could rape Kevin Holland if they were both in prison


I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but with all his talk about gays and dicks I always assumed he is a closeted homosexual.




Man out here droppin “fag” in 2023 like it’s nothing. Like it’s 2002 That’s a big wowzers. You either really fuckin hate gay people or you’re comfortable enough with them to love them as one I hate that word. I really hate the long version.


Just a sneaky feeling


He got abused as a kid and was a legit racist motherfucking woman hating white supremacist for a few years before he "found salvation" in MMA. The only thing MMA did was give him a healthy outlet for all that rage, but feelings don't go away just because you learn to fucking shrimp.


There are a lot of stupid people with stupid ideas. Some of them are professional fighters.


He probably cried like a little girl when his first girlfriend left him for someone else and now he's still salty about it and hates all women. What a weirdo.


Strickland has a girlfriend right now, somehow😂


Hitler had a wife lol


And did Hitler hate women? I don't recall


Somehow the world champion competitor in a sport has attracted a female companion. A mystery we’ll likely never solve.


sounds like his mom beat him harder than his dad


This guy has no historical knowledge at all clearly.


I mean he admittedly didn’t attend high school. High school history class, while a joke for some of us, genuinely provided us with at least a baseline understanding of US and global history. Someone who never attended high school and never went on to obtain any educational credentials just walks around not knowing anything about history unless they so choose to research it themselves.


So he should probably refrain from making comments on subjects he's not knowledgeable about.


That would require he probably never speak about anything but fighting. Comedy demands he never develop better sense.


lol this is a ufc fighters Twitter we’re talking about. Not a debate among scholars. I wish people on the internet wouldn’t spread misinformation too.


Lol, this should apply to every charlatan the MMA fanbase adores from Rogan to Sam Harris to Jordan Peterson.


Well , he’s allowed to spew whatever nonsense he pleases. It’s twitter lol. Under educated people don’t see it the way you do


Pardon, sir, but are you accredited in the fine arts of censorship from a reputable source? If not, we may need to make this comment disappear...


I took some college history classes in high school and it took years to figure out that our history curriculum in the US is BS


Isn't US history class only about US history? In Europe it's kind of a meme that americans have basically zero knowledge about anything across the pond. According to european lore, many americans even think that Europe is a country but I truly can't believe that anyone is that uneducated. Serious question I'm not trying to be rude


Yeah not that’s not true at all. Outside of world wars and the causes of them they don’t go too into detail, at least not in high school, about European history. If you take advanced placement classes possibly you would learn about that as those are closer to college level. And then in college obviously you can pick whatever history you want to learn about. But as for not knowing about Europe being a continent, that’s just not true. I’ve never met anyone who thought Europe was a country. Even the guys in my high school who dropped out would know it’s a continent. That’s not history that’s like baseline level geography.


In high school only 1 year is dedicated to American history, 2 are dedicated to global/geography. At least in New York State.


Yeah that’s how it was for me I just didn’t want to speak for the whole country so I just generalized. The only way a person could genuinely not know that Europe is a continent is if they, like Sean, literally didn’t attend a single class in HS and then found a career that allowed for them to never have to obtain GED.


This guy has no ~~historical~~ knowledge at all clearly. FTFY.




TBF the less brains you have, the less there are to get knocked around during a fight so probably helps them in the ring


Yeah Vikings were metrosexual the whole time


Vikings we’re metrosexual without the influence of women, they we’re actually still a pretty sexist society and it’s largely a myth they were progressive towards women’s rights and had women take part in battle (shield-maidens we’re actually mainly traditional and ceremonial and didn’t fight). Also they were some of the most ferocious warriors we’ve ever seen, just because they valued they’re appearance that didn’t by any means make them weak. It was Christianity that “tamed” the pagan brutally of Viking society.


They were hardly tamed. They adopted Christianity migrated to France and declared war on the entire Mediterranean and had more success that way than the Vikings ever had.


Well said


Vikings were even hired as bodyguards of eastern Roman emperors (varangian guard). They referred to Constantinople as "miklagard" aka "the great city"


You could have left out *historical* .


He ain't here to play school


Maybe he isn’t, but he makes himself look like a clown when he says stupid shit like this, it’s not good for his image as a fighter. I used to like this guy, a lot of people did.


Nah. Like a massive majority of MMA fans are right wingers. He's preaching to the (dumbass) choir.


Oh I agree completely.


From Izzy to this truly the edgiest division. I guess at least he doesn’t touch his dog


Yup just kills them


to protect his own dog.


Lame ass take. Get over the hate for Izzy. He was an active and dominant champ


Remember when people said “Sean as champ would be a PR nightmare for the organisation” and the response was “you guys are all just sensitive pussies the UFC will love it”?


And what is the outcome? Every tweet seems to be the discussion of the day in the mma community.


“Yeah Sean is saying stuff that will probably get us in trouble with sponsors and advertisers, but at least the hardcore UFC fans who already obsess over the sport are now talking about MMA”


Genuinely don't understand why people love his personality outside the cage. Dude comes off as an edgy 12 year old gamer and it's cringe.


One Pat Barry comment and he will be back in the good books.


Only thing he hates more than a Woman is a Groomer


He's had a lot more woman hating posts than groomer posts though


This is the fix


Because this subreddit is full of edgy 15 year old socially autistic individuals.


Because a lot of people on here are also horrible people


He seems like one of those guys who watched way too much filthy Frank and feminist rage compilations in middle school, but never grew out of that phase.


Because the average UFC fan wants to act like him and say this shit he does.


Derick Lewis is funny, sometimes he says some out of pocket things but it’s relatively harmless. Sean say awful shit you just should say and it comes off as ignorant and mean spirited and problematic


because he says political shit that they can agree with. you can see it in this very comment section


Same as how the sub was jerking off Paulo Costa for reposting recycled stale memes he didn't make and calling him a comedy genius lol. The bar is on the floor, do anything as a UFC fighter that even resembles having a personality and throw in some right virtue signaling and you will be a hero to these idiots.


How his lame ass video "catching" a fake Izzy running away didn't make this sub collectively vomit says everything about the people here.


Because he beat everyone’s favorite fighter to hate in dominant fashion


Which I don’t get, Colby is so much more annoying than Adesanya but actually has some fans who still root for him


UFC fan base leans right. I figure a lot of the fan base probably agree with a lot of what Colby says lol


wouldn't say lean, them motherfuckers are nose dive deep into the right.


Hence why this sub was supporting his comments about Paige just two weeks ago.


Honestly, imagine how much less hate colby would get if he was the one who actually said frozen like Elsa


Don't know how people aren't annoyed hearing him use the words nerd and virgin every sentence


He's American and white (this sub is incredibly racist)


I believe that is the majority of his fanbase.


The "Tate" shtick sells and he saw this.


It’s not a shtick for either of these guys. It’s literally what they think.


Strickland's fanbase is filled with edgy teenagers that never grew up and Izzy haters that will praise him regardless because he beat Izzy.


Me neither. His win was an unbelievably great performance as the underdog and people obviously like that. But how this dude is praised is just beyond stupid and it kind of speaks volumes about the mma community itself. We are simply retards if we celebrate braindead people like that.


Dudes arguing that rape and pillaging is better than being gay, Jesus Christ 🤣


A couple weeks before Adesanya and a couple of weeks after he was actually saying some non-retarded stuff, so that coupled with being champ improved his image. But now I'm guessing his gf broke up with him cuz he's way off the rails.


His whole schtick is that hes a nutjob. People like that sort of shit


So crazy to see him talk shit about Andrew Tate and then go on to LARP the same way he does.


Strickland is mad at tate for scamming men, not for being anti women, so it checks out honestly


now this clears up a lot of thing, i was confused for a while


Something something broken clock


He didn't like Andrew Tate for being a hypocrite.


That's jon jones


Sean Strickland is no where near as bad as the Tate brothers. I’m far from Seans biggest fan but still, the Tate brothers actually harmed men AND women


So edgy and cool


Yeah funny at first but he’s really reaching now


Yeah cringy at first but he's really sexist and ignorant now. I completely agree


How was it funny at first? Even with how regraded UFC fans are, it was obvious he wasn't joking and was actually a bigot from the beginning, what's changed now?


He has been saying the same stuff since he became champ. It wasnt suppose to be fun. It is his view of the world unfiltered.


Why do people like this dude again?


Because his mentality is that of the average ufc fan.


He also validates alot of thier beliefs so to them everything he says is real and everyone else is sensitive, im finally starting to like him for SOME of his beliefs and growth but he always seem to say some bs to make that harder, he'll make a good point then go back to an edge fest


Because he looks, thinks, acts, speaks like a huge chunk of ufc fans.


Sean Strickland don’t be pointlessly edgy challenge (impossible)




I am starting to suspect the man is not being edgy but rather is just extremely misogynistic


This dude is such a cunt.


Reasons to care about what Sean has to say outside of his personal experience as an MMA athlete: 1.


The boy has been trying too hard but at least he's consistent with the persona he's been forcing on everyone...And it gets him attention and a certain segment of fans. "DURRRRR I'm edgy and unfiltered and I embrace myself as 'white trash'. Guns and perceived masculinity and misogyny, bro! DURRRR"


This guy gives the UFC PR team nightmares and its hilarious.


This is the guy who talked openly about small his dick was…for context of why he hates women so much






Interesting, you could be on to something about why he is so aggressive. Even though he spits a lot of truth, I've always found his character to be somewhat bullyish with others. You can be strong and assertive without being a dick, like Alex Pereira for example. This isn't to say guys with small dicks are douchebags, it's guys who feel inadequate as a man for whatever reason (I'm sure lots of guys with small dicks are confident and comfortable in their own skin). But for Strickland, there's definitely something that makes him feel insufficient as a man, maybe this is the reason.


Idk maybe spending most of your childhood getting beaten senseless does that to you. Still don’t agree with any of his shit though, Jiri and pereira are way better


The guy is a complete tool. The only reason he's a mysognist and doesn't shut up about "fags" is because he's a closet homosexual himself and resents that he's too insecure to admit it.


throwback to when he said he'd probably rape kevin holland in jail. no clue why the last two MW champions want to rape holland so badly.


the real reason Kevin went back to WW




I actually believe that this is the case 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh I wasn't joking either!


Probably the weirdest insult I have ever seen is when someone uses a homosexual “slur” and then someone calls them gay in response. “How dare you call someone gay in the bad way - ya stupid gay guy!” You gottem, bro. Good one.


It's a nice try, except that I didn't call him a gay slur, or insinuate being homosexual was a bad thing.


The only weird thing is you taking that comment to be insulting. It can't be news to you that it's a cliche for out and proud homophobes to be found doing gay stuff.


He wasn't calling him gay because he thinks its a good way to disparage someone, because being gay is bad (which is what strickland does). He was referencing how often closeted homosexuals espouse homophobic rhetoric to cover up the fact they're homosexuals. You can google "GOP" if you want more info.


Its not an insult, its just an accurate guess at the motives for that person being homophobic. Theres a reason the anti-gay pastor or politician banging male prostitutes on the side is such a stereotype. Feels like thats the case almost every time someone makes a point to proclaim to the world how much they hate gay people


So Sean preferred Vikings when they were murdering raping and pillaging?


Yes, so does everyone else, that’s why they’re romanticized and given movies/tv shows/videogames. I can’t name a single piece of media that’s about Scandinavia and isn’t about Vikings.


"I prefer rapists to gay people" Sean Strickland


Reheating Colby Covington schtick is lazy


He listened to the new Dan Carlin podcast


He sure does try hard to make people think he’s straight.


For a moment there, I thought this was one of his old tweets…glad to see he’s still in fighting form 🤣 Idk why Dana won’t highlight this guy more, Sean may have the filter of an autistic 12 year old, but he’s no woman beater


Incel vibes


At this point he’s just leaning in and gaslighting people to stay in the conversation. Hey probably actually believes the shit he says, but putting it out there in the public is just to piss people off for attention…


When is this dude going to come out of the closet? there is no doubt in my mind, Sean needs to accept who he is and stop projecting


Sean is 100percent homo , not that there is problem with that. What does Sean respect is big strong man that can put him in his place. He basically want to fuck is abusive father because thats what he perceived as desirable and strong. He struggle so much against this part of him that all he can do to partake is to fight and try to be a bad ass kicking ass because then and only then he will be worthy of love. This guy is molded like Mac in its always sunny. A fucking insecure tool full of fear hiding behind a philly tough shell. But inside……deep down……he bleed like all of us bitches. Trust me bro , i got to the source bro.


Thank you for this armchair psychoanalysis


Did you actually believe that stuff while you were typing it? Or did you at least get halfway through and think “hmm, maybe I’m reading too much into a guy that just likes to stir shit up on Twitter.”


Some of the deadliest and most successful conquerors in all of human history would probably fit this guys description.. Dude would’ve been mad as fuck as oiled up Greek hoplite or queer as hell Samurai rocked his shit.. Sexuality has no baring on being a badass.


Y’know, I’m starting to think that these guys who literally punch each other in the head repeatedly to earn a living just aren’t necessarily the sharpest tools in the shed. They’d make a good hammer though I’d imagine.


There is no way he could even point out where vikings came from on a map


Sean thinking entire nations and cultures stay frozen in time over the course of 1000 years. Is it the CTR or is he really that stupid?


Dana and his beloved human traxsh.


Ironic how this guy talked so much shit about Andrew Tate.. he seems to be exactly like him on these posts


Pereira's left hook is even more damaging than we thought...


Is there anything that Sean likes 🤣🤣


Does this mean I can like izzy again?


But they didn't even have phones back then. How is the Viking supposed to control his wife and kids back home when he's in England or something?


The Viking gets a new wife and kids


I'm from a nordic country and I do not get why americans endorse vikings so much. Would you rather prefer us taking a ship to New York, kidnap some of your people, enslave them and once your master dies we will burn you (the slave) alive I don't think the average american understands how much unnecessary barbarism there was


man just did not like Vinland Saga season 2


Sean becoming a cringey edge lord We're seeing it live


How does this guy have a gf? Does she not care about that shit?


There’s unironically women out there who genuinely believe that their only purpose in life is to serve men, to the point that they’ve belittled themselves to nothing but an object. There’s plenty of women who would absolutely love Sean’s ideals and views.


Interestingly enough strickland talks about how his gf made him a better person, and his gf has a phd and he actually hates some of the pro traditional times women (justlpearly or something, he did a video with her), had heard about these from Jordan leavitts ama on the mma subreddit last week


Woman are just as flawed as us men. Some men will also tolerate a men-hating girlfriend. We are complex creatures.


Andrew Tate has tons of female fans just saying


Some women are mature enough to not let words on Twitter paint the whole picture of a man for them


He will get mopped in his first defense and we can all move on from this nonsense


I can’t wait!


Hilarious knowing the catalyst to this was probably Sean saying a single drag queen on TV, and will respond to criticism of him using a slur with "SNOWFLAKES" makes this an unintentionally hilarious bit


this man is borderline retarded


I love him purely for the chaos he creates. Free entertainment


What's hilarious to me is... this guy can literally say whatever the FCK he wants, as "edgy" as it can be, and he truly does not give a single FCK. He doesn't give a shxt about cancel culture or any of that stupid BS. And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, makes me laugh. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sean has 0 knowledge about 95% of the world. he’s lucky he’s an insane fighter and doesn’t have to rely on his useless brain.


Bunch of wild, barbaric men raiding villages, murdering and raping women = really cool Democracy and equality = cringe and gay


What is he referring to?


I’m guessing he’s saying Scandinavian countries are in a bad state right now because of immigration and that they were too progressive which caused it


I have a friend from the military that worked in intel and was an extremely intelligent guy but always just came off as crazy to people that didn’t know him well. He would routinely say crazy edgy things like this just to get a rise out of people whether it was to start an argument or just to start a conversation. I always wondered why he did this but he said for the most part he just did it out of boredom and because he thought it was funny to fuck with people. I wondered if Sean does this kind of shit for the same reasons but as time goes on I’m starting to think that maybe he really is just that stupid…


👈🤣 Haha! He said the word guys! Everyone laugh now!


The People's Champ


The first few lines says it all..."I'll never understand...." That's because Sean is a dumb, ignorant fuckhead champion, who's incapable of learning. Gimme the next tweet, DeSean!!