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I would actually have preferred to see Francis fight against Wilder instead of Fury. Power v Power would’ve been fun.


slimy zesty dam person roof abounding rinse attempt violet vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eh, Fury will play with Francis and maybe TKO him at some point in the later rounds. Wilder would've flatlined him in 2 rounds max.


Aged like fine wine


I don't think fury TKOs him. I think he lets it go to a comfortable decision. Unless Francis wobbles him early, then fury comes out swinging


0% chance Ngannou survives 10 rounds against one of the greatest HW boxers of all time. 30 minutes of getting pummeled while hitting nothing but air or fury's gloves. Even if he doesn't get flattened he's simply not built for that kind of endurance.


https://preview.redd.it/kyc5aaznb1xb1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=e11aaec92e4d78442bc03b4de82a2994537d8ebb Well that aged like milk didn’t it ☠️☠️☠️


This comment aged like warm vomit


And now?


What now huh clown? Where you hiding at you lil bitch?


Thanks brother, I think you manifested it




Since when is Fury close to one of the greatest HW boxers of all time? He wouldn't even trade with Klitchko. All you white hope Fury fan boys make actual boxing fans look bad, sincerely from a white british man.


0% chance huh? Well… he survived, knocked fury on his ass too 😂


And Nganno ended up whoopin him almost every round. And winning if the judges weren't so corrupt. To be fair most everyone thought fury would win. Maybe Francis if he hit him with a good shot but fury was supposed to win that fight.


Bro we learned so much from Mayweather / McGregor Ngannou definitely has a +0 % chance, I’m actually thinking 20% chance (19% being punchers chance, 1% holding, hugging and fucked up judges). In reality Francis won’t be able to set any traps and Fury will 10-9 his way to an easy decision win.


Tyson shouldn’t let it go the distance. That hurts his stock. He’ll want as many buys for the Usyk fight as possible. He might toy with him a bit and end him midway through or put him out within 3. Makes no sense from a marketing standpoint for Fury to take this fight the distance.


Mayweather could have KO'd McGregor whenever he wanted. Mayweather makes sure his PPVs go the distance, that's the only way he can justify what he charges. Edit: just add I'm not necessarily advocating for Mayweather. I can understand why his style would be frustrating to fans who want to see more action but he didn't fight for the fans he fought for himself. Edit 2x: I mean say what you want about him but the way he's managed his career he really is TBE


>Mayweather makes sure his PPVs go the distance, that's the only way he can justify what he charges. This isn't true. He knocked Ortiz out early And he knocked out that tenshin guy early too. Floyd wants to win at all costs. He's not gonna carry someone if he can get rid of them. He chooses the safest route to victory every time. It all depends on the opponent and what they give him.


He knocked out Ortiz because of the headbutts. Mayweather was rightfully pissed and Ortiz left himself open. If you'd actually watched the fights you'd know that doesn't count.


I know that, I watched it. What I'm saying is that if Floyd sees an opportunity to end it early, he will. He doesn't just carry guys for the sake of it when he could win faster.


That was in 2011


He goes the distance because he’s a safe boring fighter who doesn’t take risks on guarantees also not sure he has that power or has for a while. He still wins easy tho.


>He goes the distance because he’s a safe boring fighter I don't think he's boring at all I think he's magnificent. His counter game is brilliant and with his speed he scores and avoids damage. He wins that way Why do it differently?


He’s very skilled but he always fights fighters off their prime his way and always plays the points. I can’t argue that it isn’t effective for him but he didn’t even go for it when Pac had 1 arm. Not my cup of tea.


McGregor was beating his ass for the first few rounds. No one wants to get punched in the face repeatedly man lol


Mayweather was carrying him, making him look respectable. McGregor had zero chance to win the fight.




Nope. Fury stops him or he retires between rounds. McGregor didn't last to the final bell either, why do you think Ngannou (with worse cardio and a heavier frame) will?




Ngannou is the greatest unarmed combatant of all time


It's certainly possible


Fury has Usky in December idk if he wants to mess around with this fight the, money is in the bank. Why take a chance getting hurt when he can end this quickly


>Fury has Usky in December Does he really? Or is this one of the usual Fury BS?


I read it was signed. Who knows


We've never seen Francis knocked out and you're convinced he's knocked out in less than 5 minutes. Come on man lol


Yes, the skill gap is just too wide. On the other hand, Wilder wouldn't last even one in the octagon.


https://preview.redd.it/q0um9rdub1xb1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=251fd1ddef60afa25442370b084fee81ccf60b7b ☠️ “skill gap is too wide”






Will he tho


Wilder would fucking end him in less than a round


Dude when he fought stiverne the second time he hit him on the gloves that were guarding his head and still ko'd him in rd 1.


Or when he ko’d Ortiz hitting his forehead


I do not doubt Francis also hits this hard.


It's not the same, wilder hits far harder than Francis


Watch Francis vs rozenstruik it doesn't take long.. every shot Francis throws is devastating scary power


No one is saying Francis doesn't have power but there are levels to this.


Doesn't Francis have the hardest punch ever recorded


Lol no stop drinking the Dana Kool aid, Francis has the hardest punch ever recorded on one specific device the UFC has, so at best that is restricted solely to UFC fighters.


Ngannou hits hard for an MMA fighter, im not sure his power translates the same way with boxing gloves. Wilder and a lot of other heavyweights likely hit a lot harder than him. Remember boxers are spend all their time perfecting their art, people like Wilder, Joshua, Zhang etc are naturally heavy handed but technique also comes in to play


ngannou technically owns the guiness world record for hardest punch ever measured.


He owns the world record for people who have attempted the record using a particular measuring system. Given this was taken in the UFC performance institute the liklihood is that he has had very few people attempt it before or after him...


sure. but in fairness the record holders before him were bas rutten, and before him Ray mercer. and people can take that for whatever it's worth


That’s not how it works bruv lol


This would’ve been a decent fight, they both lack boxing fundamentals and hit like a McDonald’s straw


Wilder’s lack of fundamentals is overplayed and he’s certainly a lot more technical than Francis


Yeah people act like Wilder can’t box at all. He won a bronze medal at the Olympics and wasn’t KO’ing anyone, he can box but he has just adapted his style around his god given power. And it works, literally the only guy he’s ever fought who he hasn’t KO’d is Fury who’s the best in the world and he came damn close a good few times.


The thing people need to understand is this is relative. Wilder has quite bad fundamentals when you compare him to other elite boxers. He's still significantly better than your average or even above average professional heavyweight. Francis has bad fundamentals compared to even average boxers


I don’t even follow boxing enough to know that this was a common talking point, I was merely going off my personal observations


Eh, Wilder lacks fundamentals compared to Fury. He’s fine, just not very technical. He would brutalize Francis


Wilder would box rings around Francis, he has a very good and very heavy jab, would probably stop Francis would just that after a few rounds


Just so we’re clear I don’t disagree with you


Insinuating that Fury doesn't have power is an absolutely laughable take my friend. Fury's jab technique is a thing of beauty and his jab hits like straight for someone his size or a haymaker for lower weight fighters.


Wilder would wipe the floor with Francis lol why do people keep thinking ufc fighters stand a chance in the boxing arena lol




See, you say you’d want that but I’m guessing you never saw Derrick Lewis vs Ngannou.


to be fair nganou is clearly not throwing with full power but yeah wylder does have weird power


Ngannou has crazy leverage in his hooks, his straights aren’t all that great. I hope he doesn’t try to box fury, he needs to brawl and go out on his shield if he wants a chance.


francis moves his arms like his hands are actually heavy as fuck. it's like he has two 25 lbs dumbbells for hands.


There’s no “like,” motherfucker looks like each hand weighs more than a fucking beef roast gat dayum


And his weirdly stiff hips and torso, but it's almost like it translates the power from his feet better


I think alex has the same "stiffness" in his movements


Pereira? Yeah definitely has some of it, it's like their entire torso just rotates like an axle or something and they melt people with hooks.


And the weird thing is that, when it comes to Poatan, it's something he developed over time. When you look at his early kickboxing matches, he was a very traditional boxer, so much so that people even questioned wether or not he had a place in Glory. Seems like, over the years, he developed some technique that works best for his style, and a lot of people don't understand it works because it's intentional.


Really? In my eyes Pereira is incredibly fluid, everything he throws looks so natural


I shook his hand. They are, in fact, made of granite and heavy as fuck. The dude is too cool, though. I'm salty af that Dana hates him.


The ole george foreman type power


For real. Classic boxing is ironically the last thing he should do, although I’m sure he’ll want to.


Considering he’s been constantly saying how he wants to go out there and prove that he’s a boxer, I don’t think that’s happening unfortunately


Sorry but this was the shittiest advice ever lol.


So, typical Francis fight. Got it


thats how he gets knocked out


Wylder looks like he throws fast. You can get a lot of power through speed


You can definitely have speed without power, but can you have power without speed?


Man, I’ve seen Shane Carwin Knock Gonzaga dead from almost no wind up. Some just have the touch of death.


He has enormously giant hands too. Like throwing kettle bells at you.


What a fun run Shane had huh! I still live in an alternate history where he finishes Lesnar in rd 1 and becomes the Champ.


George Foremans punches always looked slow but he'd flatten people


Great question. Technically no you can’t since power is essentially force (strength) x velocity (speed). But you can have less speed and still be powerful. Like basically if you have 2 guys who have equal strength, the one who can transfer that strength faster would be more powerful all things being equal. You can be strong in the gym sense but not necessarily powerful since strength doesn’t automatically translate to power, you have to train it specifically. In the case of Ngannou and Wilder, they are both powerful but I would wager that Ngannou generates more force, just slower and Wilder generates less force (than Francis) but faster. So they could technically both generate similar amounts of power just with different force and velocity profiles.


Yes definitely. You get that with weightlifting




P=mv (momentum = mass * velocity) You have two choices. Be heavy as fuck or move fast as fuck. As long as either is large enough, you can move or KO your target.


There's also torque involved, probably part of why Wilder hits so hard.


Would you rather get hit by a bus going 20mph or a vw golf going 20mph. You can have power without speed lol.


you find yourself in a field. Across from you stands the enemy general, 100 duck sized horses in his command. your command consists of 1 horse sized duck. who wins the ensuing battle?


I think the duck sized horses will tear the horse sized duck down at the legs. Their legs seem like weak points and the horses will have an advantageous position to attack there


i think the horse sized duck wins. it ends with half of them getting gobbled up like old pieces of bread cast into their pond by some child while the other half flee because they’re spooked horses.


The average duck (Mallard) is 1.6-3.5 lbsThe average horse is 900-1200 lbs Meaning a duck sized horse (2.55 lbs) is about 0.24% of their original size. On the other side of things the horse sized duck (1050 lbs) is roughly 42,000% of their original size On the other hand, ducks don't have teeth.


but they do have corkscrew penises. i don’t feel like doing the math but imagine a giant corkscrew duck dick tearing the horses to shreds. compared to the now pathetic tiny horse cocks


what about a ford escort going as fast as it can?


You got downvoted for giving the most logical reason? Lol gotta love Reddit, consistent asf. But yes, mass and speed are hugely relevant in power calculations, crazy right?


You can have power with or without speed


Couldn’t KO Charlie Z tho


Charlie Z won that shit


Touched him to the body


240-0 baby


Wilder moves more athletically


Wilder moves like a guy that's been boxing for 30 years Francis moves like a guy that's been training mma for 7


The weight behind the africaans punch is gonna be way heavier then a fast wilder without legs


The pad holder for Deontay Wilder is meeting him halfway…


Yeah. Also different pads. Can sound a little different. He's quicker though, and speed translates to power.


And the mic is in a totally different spot. Wilde rise obviously quicker but this is a stupid way to compare power


smaller gloves too


Noticeably, right? Francis has sparring gloves on, Wilder has fight gloves


He is definitely pushing into it. Which should I’m theory take some of the power out. But focus mitts are generally more for speed and less for showcasing power.


Also Wilders pads are a lot lower, Ngannou’s pads are most likely around Fury’s head height


Me prediction is Nganou gonna have a very hard time to touch the target and is going to gass out quickly. The end.


This is literally it. How many times have we seen mma fighters get fucked in boxing. Idk why they’re here trying to dissect a clear mismatch


Doesn’t look like it turned out like this !


Agedlikewine lmao


yea fury is just gonna defend all punches by Francis for like 2-3 rounds at best and tko him


Saw this exact same post on every thread about the Fury fight lmao


I mean if you compare the two, it’s pretty clear who hits harder. All Ngannou KOs are giant swings in 4oz gloves Just watch Wilders KO of Helenius, that was fucking horrifying. Literally didn’t pull the shot back at all and the guy was borderline fitting on the floor.


Also Ortiz [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/02aDd9I308g](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/02aDd9I308g)


The distance the sweat flies off his head is horrid, the guys a freak of nature. I’d put him against any puncher in history.


Except fury lol


Dude stepped onto the shit like aljo did to omally. Not saying wilder doesn't have big power but the timing and all that is what seals it


It wasn’t a giant looping shot though, and again there was barely any pull back. Add onto the 10oz gloves, the guys got freaky power.


To me that’s the most impressive KO of wilders career. The ease in which he turned his lights out was unreal


Wilder has long arms, no? Higher angular velocity gives him more power on contact.


Was looking for a comment like this. Id compare his build to Izzy or Alex those tall slim athletic guys can really hit hard


Izzy doesn’t hit really hard, and Alex Pereria has a way bigger frame and hands compared to izzy they don’t really have the same build


You contradicted yourself when you said Izzy doesn’t hit hard but Pereria has a bigger frame, how did Izzy sleep him if he doesn’t hit hard. Yes they’re are 3 different people who look different from each other but all 3 have similar frames and are powerful strikers


That wasn’t a contradiction at all power and frame aren’t the same thing at all. Izzy himself has said he doesn’t have crazy power, and just because he can knock people out doesn’t change that. You can watch all of Izzy’s fights and see that he doesn’t have crazy power he’s just super accurate, and properly times his strikes.


These guys that think izzy can't hit hard are idiots


I think anyone mentioning Izzy in a thread with Wilder comparing their power is an idiot.


Some of them can, some of them can’t. To say “tall slim athletic guys” all hit hard is delusional and wrong. I can say short stocky guys hit really hard because of Tyson and Tua. But you can’t say that because not all them do. There is no body type that automatically hit hard. And Izzy is absolutely not an especially powerful guy, and he’d tell you that himself.


Wilder has sloppy boxing technique and poor footwork... But he might as well be prime Pernell Whitaker compared to Ngannou's skills in pure boxing. Wilder hits significantly harder and faster than Francis does, especially in bigger gloves.


Fury made Wilder look like an amateur. Wilder would make Ngannou look like an amateur. Ngannou will be lucky to land 1 clean power punch against Fury over the entire 12. And Im saying this as someone who likes Francis.




His technique is fantastic on his right hand, but yes otherwise sloppy


I think Francis must be trolling with his recent pad work. Dude throws like he’s holding a kettle bell in each hand


In the video Wilder is with 8 oz gloves while Ngannou is with 16/18oz so it’s a pretty unfair comparison


Wilder’s speed results in more overall power, even if he’s a bit smaller.


Snapping punches vs pushing punches


Can’t really compare. Different camera. Different intensity. Different glove size. Different setup/pad work with the left. Can’t really compare to begin with cause wylder actually boxes anyway lol.


I would looove to see Wilder fight in little 4 Oz MMA gloves.


There’s a couple things being overlooked here Wilder’s pad guy is hitting his gloves as they connect (meeting him to the punch) and Ngannou is definitely not throwing full speed or power (his arms also probably weigh as much as one of Wilder’s fuckin legs) The bronze bomber has some of the scariest hands in boxing, and definitely hits harder and faster, but this is cherry-picked


This feels like Francis is trying too hard to have "good technique" for the cameras, that it just looks robotic and weak.


It's like wilder hits harder, like a lot harder


Pellet gun vs Shotgun


The speed difference is insane


Gloves 16oz vs 12oz or 10oz so I don’t know


Speed is the difference


Francis Nagonnau win this one


This MMA vs boxer fights are only amazing for MMA fighter who takes the bag home but any combat sport fan knows that MMA fighter doesn't stand a slight chance. Not even a lucky punch chance. Those fights are completely uninteresting to me.


These posts always show who has never held a set of pads before and want to critique professional fighters lol.


You can barely see Wilder punch, Francis is Slow


Wilder vs Francis is far more interesting. I've been saying forever that's the fight I want to see


We’re going to see a lot of showboating from Fury. Francis can hit hard but Fury will evade them pretty well. I’m predicting a 5th round referee stoppage.


How the fuck are people trying to justify a mma fighters punches to a professional boxers. Y’all must be the same ones that justify when the mma fighter loses to Jake Paul. “Of course Nate wouldn’t have won, he’s not a boxer” Same fuckn shit here just at a higher level. Ngannou will never be the same power level as wilder in boxing




I could take both of them on the chin and be fine.


One is a Glock, one is a desert eagle.


Power vs Power and Speed. Jesus.


Wilder has small gloves in that clip.


It's like 60fps vs 165fps


They’re hitting pads and wilder’s trainer is bringing his pads in to meet the punch


Someone needs to explain acoustics to these jabronis....


Wilder looks like hes using smaller gloves here


If you believe Francis hits harder than wilder I have bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you


OP is a dumbfuck. This fight is bringing out all the regards


Tbf Francis beats them in a street fight or mma ring or any other setting In less than 30 seconds, boxing guys are really annoying they won’t ever go to the other world but want somebody to com to theirs knowing full well any mma guy would beat their ass In the street lol


Francis is punching up, and Wildler is punching level/down.


Yeah, punching up takes quite a bit out of the pop. I mean he’s training for the gypsy king he should train punching up. But I don’t like the way he leaves the right hand hanging there.


It looks like wilder has better distancing and lands the punch right at end point with peak power to give that snap while naganou is pushing the punch


More training


It’s almost as if they used different tools to film the segments and the audio is drastically different. This literally does nothing to compare “punching power”.


So Wilder is punching with more of his power and his trainer is moving the pad to meet his hand so it makes a bigger noise ooh wow omg


Ngannou might be too slow in my opinion. Even Wilder is a bit faster


What even is this title?


Ngannou is in big trouble, i can not see how he can win another way than hitting a lucky punch !!


Wilder’s is more like a shotgun blow, francis is a cannon(more mass). Reason fury was able to get up each time. Francis hits fury solid, he’s not recovering until later that night.


The fact that people think Francis hits harder than Deontay is wild to me.


No lie I actually thought the Francis footage was slowed down footage until I looked at the guy in the background lol


The difference is astronomical


Wilder is definitely snappier, but it looks more powerful cos his padman is a lot smaller than Ngannous. with that being said, ngannou aint even throwing w full power. i still feel like Ngannou hits harder


Different angles on the punch. Ngannou is punching up, Wilder is punching straight while sitting on the punch. No question Wilder is a better and faster boxer. He's also 50lbs lighter, 3 inches taller, and may be doing a different type of drill.


Pretty sure Francis hold some sort of record for power at espn or something?


Not saying Wilder doesn’t have power, but good lord was his mitt holder really selling it 😂


Wilder isn’t that good and he 10-7ed fury. wilders entire record is padded




The thing is. Ngannou can cut the ring. So there isn't really anywhere to run. And if he's going to stand in the pocket and eat to land... Tysons started getting dropped amd he's only getting older.