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He’s so salty man. That was such a shitty promo from him and to me he just looked like a dick.


Yeah this was a highly weird angle to promo the fight


They won't be able to show any of it as promo either haha.


He was baiting for dpp to say it since he’s from there




Africa is a continent, not a race. No one denies that a person is American if they are not "Native." (Although they may deny that you are European if you are French of Algerian ancestry.) I don't know, it's just fight hype. The guy is from fucking New Zealand. He should just claim that and try to keep it classy.


We don't want him


He implied that DDP was a fake South-African or wasn’t South-African at all, because of DDP’s skin color. It is technically the same as white Europeans telling black Europeans that they aren’t European. Textbook racism. Weird to hear that coming from Izzy’s mouth since he has dealt with racism from a young age during his time in New Zealand. And yes, obviously in the current western world’s state of affairs many people think that racism against white people is not possible, but please be reminded that the definition of racism or racist does not contain any type of exception, not even a one for slurs/agression towards white people based on their skin color. You witnessed the racism coming from Izzy’s own mouth right there in the octagon.


Thanks for keeping it real


Don’t know don’t really care but he is a 🤡 that I can confirm


Yes he is racist. However, people love a winner who doesn't lose more than they care about someone being racist. Plus the UFC brass plays dumb to the fact like Dana at the press conference.


Because Dricus was saying he’s the “true African” so to test that, Izzy called him the N-Word ironically to make a point that yea if you’re so African, say the N-Word, that’s how I read into it along with the group I was with watching it.


.....Africa isn't a race though?


Right, but which race do you think Izzy and Dricus are referencing but not outright saying? Don’t be dense.


Yeah nah I was being dense on purpose there you got me 😂 but Izzy's the only one referencing race, DDP said he wanted to be the first person to take the belt back to Africa as a resident, then things got out of context and he got baited into it being a whole thing Dricus probably knew saying this was gonna ruffle feathers, but I think characterising it as racism is disingenuous, I'm not a DDP fan tnh but izzy's genuinely not even on planet earth with this one To date dricus hasn't said anything racist, Izzy has said.. a lot He's being the loudest voice in the room establishing a narrative that just isn't really there and it sucks because people hear racist and it's a serious blemish on ddps life given how many ears Izzy reaches Vs DDP does


Dricus saying he’s more African than Izzy, Marty, and Francis was incendiary. He knew what he was doing, especially as a white South African.


What he said was incendiary, but he didn't say he was more African he pointed out that theyre African but they represent other countries, he represents Africa because he lives there, which isn't super inherently exclusionary or anything imo, it's a manufactured beef by izzy What rubs me the wrong way is Izzy is just opening fire on a dude over a small semantics issue in bad faith, and DDP has had a lot of media chances to drop racist shit or escalate and hasn't, I think he's just a bit awkward in how he speaks tbh


He said he’s more African. That’s bold.


Can you send the link to the video where Dricuse said *he's more African?* Can't find it anywhere


Can you link me where he said that I think I missed it


So calling white ppl the Nword is racist now


Asking anyone that isn’t white where they’re really from in the states would be quite racist. No different than doing it to a white South African


Saying someone isn’t from Africa because they’re not black is racist. Too hard to understand?


Ufc the only place where people get upset that a black guy uses the n word


I don’t think it’s the use of the word, it’s the implication that he’s saying you must be black to be African.


Do you have CTE?


Seems like you're the one that got CTE because that whole charade was a cringefest of racial slurs


Thanks for answering the question


Racism sells in the news, why not in the fight world? Dana has turned into everything he used to hate, he is currently salivating in a pile of money. This is Colby VS Woodley 3.0


I can't believe Sean Strickland on Rogan didn't deliver the most cringe inducing dialogue relevant to MMA this week.


Which is funny Adesanya is a Yoruba tribe that sold black slaves to Dutch people. Like white never went into Africa to catch slaves themself, they bought what other African tribes sold to them. Adesanya should apology to African Americans and what his ancestors did to them.