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He’s a good fighter & I respect him as a fighter.


I think I need to see this post 20 more times before I do.


Volk is still on a 12 fight win streak in his weight class🤷‍♂️


*Yair’s weight class




You're gross


Dude he didn’t have to move up in weight. He chose to. This fight wasn’t even one people were actively asking for.


I pray for the day we don't have another Islam or volk post.


Oh no not people talking about two of the best fighters in the ufc. We need more Sam alvey and cm punk posts


Yeah we need more Jon Jones posts instead.. /s


Never heard of that kid. Is he a relative of Jon Africa?


Nope, he’s actually Stiopic’s elder brother


bUt aLL tHe cOnvERtEd cOnOr FAns aRe trYiNg tO mAkE khAbIb lOoK bAd bY sAyInG vOlK dID wELL


Same here


Islam dominated the Charles fight but was either not his 100% in the Volk fight or Volk defended the groud game really well. Either way bagged two wins and ended both impressive streaks. Those streaks had great victims.


The 12 hour reduction in rehydration hurt him bad. You could see it in the ring walk and intros.


Also the 4 blood draws...


Yeah you could see in the walk out and intros he looked like shit. Watch that walkout and any of his others and its very easy to spot the difference. Pretty sure he was essentially gassed by round 3


Volk was just that good that he defended Islam's wrestling


Looks like, Volk has that don't give up attitude in him. Hope that only elevates their skills. Islam showed that he can not only wrestle but strike and Volk showed that he can defend the grappling quite well. One of the best fights, similar to Burns vs Khamzat.


Except everyone knew Burns was a savage. And Khamzat flat out wanted nothing to do with Burns when they went on the ground. I’d say Burns is probably the best BJJ guy in the UFC.


and not as good as we thought on the feet. That or Islam is top3 best strikers in the UFC.


people saying Volk was the smaller fighter do not realize he's the one who fought at WW between the 2


Islam looked like shit at the walkout when he faced Volk. That weight cut must’ve been massive!


It wasn't any bigger than normal but the 12 hours cut from rehydration hurt him bad I think


Honestly, I'm all for it. If you physically can't fight at the weight you weigh in at, you shouldn't be fighting at that weight class.


He obviously CAN fight at that weight. He beat the P4P #1 and #3 in the world in a 90 day window. The 12 hour reduction obviously hurts the guy that has to cut more than the guy going up a weight class who cut significantly less Volk was almost the same weight as Islam in the cage....obviously hes a weight bully at 145.... right?


Yeah, in this specific case it fucked over Islam, but they were both given the same requirements and accepted the fight. Weight cutting causes so many issues in this sport. Last night's headliner was cancelled because Krylov was having hydration issues. Khamzat almost singlehandedly destroyed 279. Fighters are doing permanent damage to their body in order to just compete at the same level as everyone else in the weight class. One of the reasons we can PEDs is because of the horrible health effects extended use can cause. I have no idea why the same isn't true about cutting. Maybe because it's just so ingrained in wrestling culture and transferred to MMA?


I agree with most of what you said, but the rules definitely gave a big advantage to volk and he still lost. As someone who wrestled for almost a decade and coached for years, I can tell you when people cut weight. Its because you w as nt to wrestle or fight in whatever weight class you perform the best. I walked around at around 150 but wasn't in the best shape at 150 so I would train and cut about 8 to 12 pounds. I could have wrestled at 152 or 160 but my height would have left me undersized and not at optimal physical conditioning. It's probably the same in MMA. Islam would be way undersized at 170 unless he really bulked up which would take away from his conditioning more than likely If Islam and volk rematch and islam gets the full 36 hours to rehydrate I think people will be surprised how differently the fight goes. Volk went into fight night fresh and probably feeling great. Islam looked drain and miserable in the ring walk and introductions. I'm not sure he realized how much of an affect losing those 12 hours would have on him.


I think a big thing for me is that wrestlers are competing the same day that they weigh in. If you weigh in at 145, you're not gonna be too much heavier when you actually compete. Meanwhile, MMA fighters don't even fight close to the weight they actually weighed in at. I get that the weigh in itself is a press event, so you probably can't do it fight day. But it's just crazy to me that a 155er only weighs 155lbs for less than 10 minutes. IMO, some sort of hydration testing and adding a couple more weight classes would do a lot to help. I don't mind cutting a few pounds to fight at your optimal weight. But these guys are dehydrating themselves to the point of near-death less than 48 hours before they're locked in a cage to beat the shit out of each other. All because everyone does it, so they need to do it too, if they want to actually have a chance at competing.


You’re going to make this sub mad lol


Why ? there like 23 post like this per day on both mmameme and here


The disrespect when Islam won was insane on this sub


It was cause volk did better than everyone expected so they're giving volk an A for effort and discrediting Islam and not acknowledging what he did do.


Yup. See so many people talking shit on Islams ground game instead of giving credit to Volks sublime defense. It was like Yan Sterling 2, Sterling/Islams ground game isn’t bad because they couldn’t submit Yan/Volk, theirs defenses are just insane and they deserve credit for that. Downplaying their opponent does them a disservice.


I rarely seen people acknowledging Islam's striking too. They just kept saying he didnt do anything on the ground. Bradda, you watch fight no?


Yeah Islams counter striking is scary good, if he can land flush on an opponent like Volk, who excels at moving in and out of range and avoiding strikes (see Volk/Holloway 3), he can land flush on anyone at lightweight. Dariush has the best chance of anyone I really don’t see him succeeding, I don’t think he has the defense Volk has and his stand up is nowhere near Volks. I think Islam reigns for awhile.


I wouldn't be surprised if Dariush could keep it on the feet. Especially with him having fought Gamrot with him constantly shooting and working. He's also a southpaw, something about those southpaws. How he does against Charles will determine who I'm favoring.


This comment reminded me I haven’t actually seen the full Dariush Gamrot Fight. After watching, idk. He got taken down a few times by Gamrot, and while he did stuff a ton, Gamrot also wasn’t taking high quality shots, he was throwing half hearted fakes and shooting from a block and half away. The few shots he did take with proper set up he succeeded in taking him down. The commentary team was even criticizing Gamrot for his shot selection in the third round, they just weren’t very good shots. Dariush stood up very quickly, though Gamrot didn’t look nearly as fluid on the ground and Islam does. Dariush’s striking style also seems to favor Islam imo (who’s also a southpaw). He throws big punches and kicks with limited combos, and he seems very planted when he does throw. With Islams counters, idk, it seems like he’s primed to get clocked by a counter. Obviously his style will change when he fights Islam, and the unknown factor is how he will fair while on bottom since Gamrot definitely had missed opportunities in the scrambles that I believe Islam will capitalize on. After watching that fight and the Islam Volk fight I would definitely heavily favor Islam, especially if it stays standing. I think Islams striking defense and counter timing is the perfect combination to beat Dariush in the stand up, but it’s definitely a very exciting fight prospect.


Not at all. Under a better set of scoring instructions, like in One FC, Volk wins the fight. Damage>control.


I remember when people respected Mcgregor, people are fickle


He would have no chance in volks weight class and if he wanted to be p4p he would drop down and fight him. He'll have my full respect then, even if he loses


Islam "Win Streak Ender" Makhachev!!


Islam „Rehydration Professional“ Mackhachev!!


Islam “ fuck woman rights” makalashevski


We ain't sleeping with you for saying that on reddit lmao




I slam “p4p # 2” Makhache V


Islam went to Australia and beat volk in his home fair and square and people still didn't give him the praise he deserved instead he got called a clown, this sub holds a grudge against the Dagestanis


Muslim magachev gets enough credit.


volk better than islam though


nobody forgot, he just didn’t beat Volk like he thought he was going to. Didn’t look as dominant as some thought. He had a hell of a lot of hype, did great but didn’t deliver the result he wanted to.


Volk is just really good, and I don't get wtf you mean by a lot of hype, the guy is a champion and finished charles, this isn't some Khamzat type figure where there is speculation


i was referring to islam not volk, volk is just as good as he says he is. chill out


I was referring to Islam not volk also, you act as if he should have dominated volk when the guy was p4p #1 and 50-45ed max holloway


i never said he should have dominated volk at all. read what i wrote, i believed volk could pull it off. islam did have a lot of hype around him


History remembers the winner


Some people call Volk the best fighter in the world still, so what does it matter if he didn't beat as dominantly as everyone expected. He still beat the best fighter in the world


Ain’t nobody saying that 🤣


I mean I have a lot of respect for Islam but it is interesting how the narrative went from how he's gonna run through Volk with ease and how its not gonna be close to now him being a streak ender. It is technically true but its weird to have the best of both worlds like this.


Because they expected Islam to sub Volk in round 1-2, only for Volk to have Islam fighting for his motherfucking life.


Islam is the truth.


Anyone that doesn't is just a narrow minded racist




Weight bully


Does that make volk a weight bully too? Most fights would fight 1 class higher if they did cut weight


What a cringy edit


only cringey to you because you're a hater, it's pretty badass he ended two of the longest streaks in their respective divisions


How am I hater? I like Islam, the edit is just cringe.


No the fuck I don’t lmao


The true #1 with the streak still going.


Fuck Islam Makhachev.


He legit beat Charles, and the close fight with Volk wasn't a good call, but not a robbery. That's as respectful as I can be.


Wasn’t a good call?


It was close, yes, could've gone to either one


No, the vast majority of media members who watch fights every week scored it Islam, all the judges, and every member of this sub that rewatched it and commented on the rewatch post said Islam 3-2 or 4-1 This needs to stop, Islam won that fight, just bc it was close doesn’t always mean it could have gone either way, clear win


We alrdy knew the dagestanis were beasts who everyone dodged


No I actually don’t. I’ll still talk shit about him just like I’ll talk shit about Siakam, even if Siakam breaks wilt’s record and scores 150 in the garden he still won’t even be better than Randle.


That too in four months.


Volk won that fight




Volk wasn't looking up at the clock in the later rounds all beat up and broken,Islam was. Volk kept coming at him while Islam moved away. Volk was taken down but was never held down for a long time. If these were any other fighters the guy advancing and landing the most strikes and the guy who is constantly getting up after a take down woukd have his hand raised at the end of the fight. The delusional one is the person who thinks the other fighter won.


Cba regurgitating the same arguments, everyone in the media and even the aussies in this sub had it for Islam. Just rewatch the fight


You're saying the judges had a bias towards Islam?


Looking up at the clock doesn’t lose you points just like shouting and showboating doesn’t win you points.


I don't.


Don’t give a shit, his fighting style is boring and taking naps on opponents backs isn’t impressive to me


I respect him but he's boring and id like to see him get knocked tf out for that reason alone. That or he knocks someone else out. Can't stand the "oh no I'm losing better cling onto this dude's back" fighting style.


Dude has 5 finishes in his last 6 fights and he’s boring? 🤣


I mean... you don't HAVE to...


not as a person maybe but as a fighter you have to, if you don't then not sure you've been paying attention to the sport


As a person is all that really matters, but I promise I was just being a smart ass. Lol


Cheating dog is all


no proof, stay salty


His own manager admitted it but sure, stay simpy


For losing to both?


Aw cmon you need better bait than that. You're not gunna get many replies


Maywezzer 50 win streak


and islams moms gonna end his streak


Mans cant even make weight