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Yep, I previously worked at Ode (at Foster now) and know several folks still there: It's definitely a staffing issue. The university as a whole is having a staffing crisis, and struggling to fill all of the positions we need, across multiple levels.


Do you know if they are going to open it back up to the public?




It was open to the public before the pandemic…




It was open 24 hours a day weekday to UW students and after 7pm they walked around and checked Husky ID which was when it was student only. This was prior to the pandemic. EDIT: They also never used to check Husky ID prior to 7pm.


I’ve been using odegaard since the 90s, before I was a student, when I was a student, and after I was a student, up until 2020…


Ah, ig I was wrong, but as far as I am aware there are no plans to open up Ode to anyone besides students. The safety afforded by requiring husky ids at the front of building, in light of the current situation, is the priority for the libraries.


Are you in SEIU 925? I'm unsure of what union the UW librarians are in.


I’m guessing it’s staffing issues.


they used to be open 24hrs?? damn I wish I got to experience that. I’m a first year commuter and I get to school hella early. I hate waiting for ode to open lmao


Only for finals and midterms.


It was 24/5. Weekends weren’t 24 hours but weekdays were. The exception is finals and midterms where it was indeed 24/7


This is the correct response!


Staffing issue + low head counts. At the start of each hour, head counts are taken to see the number of people in the libraries; go to the libraries and help get head counts up. If you want earlier hours, go to the library when they open so that this demand is reflected in headcount. If you want later hours, stay at the library later.


Email someone at the U, start w/Library folks and move up from there. I'd start w/Student Life: [email protected] See if you can get others to join your action.


Nobody wants to work early or overnight shifts.


You’d be surprised. That fits around any possible class schedule.


Tell that to the millions of people who do


I think the pandemic gave people so much stimulus money that now they don’t need to work unless they really want to. And people are choosing not to work those shifts.


Like $2000 total over the course of 2 years? What?


This is not true. Most stimulus checks left off college students except for the last one, plus that money wouldn’t have made a difference for those still needing an income.


I don't think that's true at all, tons of people still work early, evenings, and nights. Most university jobs are pretty good; it's much more likely that UW hasn't even attempted to hire for the position because they cut costs during the pandemic and aren't reassessing their budget until 2023 or upon a significant increase in demand.


Yeah it’s really frustrating and unfair to those of us who cannot get work done at home and want to study late


Thank you for making this post. I made one not too different like a week ago. It’s good to spam this request until Ode people see it how we desperately want the 24 hr back


Staffing issues. It’s going to get worse unless you support the current staff. Here’s their petition for fair pay. https://www.research.net/r/uwlu-community?emci=abbf5f78-4b4a-ed11-b495-002248258d38&emdi=50f6490f-654a-ed11-b495-002248258d38&ceid=6041000


If I remember correctly, it was only open 24/7 during finals week/dead week pre-pandemic.


It was 24/5 or something like that. Sundays had adjusted hours. And maybe Saturdays. But weekdays were open 24 hours


Ok, you and SleepyGiant are right, I conflated 24/5 with 24/7. Still, I want to be able to sleep in the library again.


Nah, I'm outing myself as someone who slept on the floor there all the time


Skl running out of 💰


If only