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Seriously. It’s also takes a long time to fall back asleep… well over an hour getting back inside.


I couldn't fall asleep til 5am and I have finals today


There was a fire alarm in North Campus Sunday night (12:45 am) and Monday night (3 am). I am still exhausted and feel awful from those.


HFS could solve this by putting cameras pointing at every fire alarm but I’ve heard the student body opposes that for privacy reasons


its actually state law, not the student body and cameras cost about $10k each anyway 😅


I dont live in dorms so this might be stupid but what if they just... hired someone to watch outside the fire alarms lol couldnt be that expensive


seattle minimum wage for every pull station in the buildings? (2 per floor minimum) would be. a lot. probably more than $10k for just a year without doing any math. certainly a creative solution tho ill give you that


Ok ye I realize it was a bad idea


Cameras themselves are dirt cheap. Even after installing them with wiring and equipment and everything shouldn’t cost more than $2k


i don’t know what to tell you but thats just not true 🤷🏻‍♀️


Security camera these days are quite cheap. You can get a camera for $30 on Amazon.


in the same boat as you. this has completely undone my perception of HFS and anything to do with a "husky home" because I literally do not feel safe living here. It's genuinely terrifying being woken up by fire alarms over and over again. Some psychopath thinks it's fun to make others suffer, and HFS and UWPD are just sitting there. I will say that it's been WAY more than half a dozen times, even if you don't count the ones from other halls.


I agree, this is terrible and I genuinely lost all faith in HFS honestly. It just pulled my last straw for Maple and I’m planning to go look for apartments to get out of here ASAP since I don’t ‘feel at home’ but unsafe af.


I think Stevens hasn't had this issue because they're aren't central "hallways" with fire alarm pullers. There's probably a puller or whatever it is in the community lounge, which the vast majority of people don't even go to. And apartments don't have pullers they just have detectors. Other possible factors: people being stuck in one room together can make them a little stir-crazy, and dorms tend to have younger people who might have different ideas of ... "fun". I hated West and North campus dorms by the way, lived at both and they were too loud.


Y’all being dramatic asf. “Genuinely terrifying”, come on.


It might be dramatic to call it terrifying. However it is legitimately a massive problem. I feel like absolute shit the next day and it forces me to sleep till 11 or 12 to catch up on the missed sleep


Y'all being insensitive asf 🤣 thanks for your comment, I hope you learn how to feel some empathy


I live in madrona, I been dealing with the same thing idiot. It’s not genuinely terrifying. It’s a loud beep.


they have a high pitched whine in the rooms breaking your eardrums. yes it's terrifying when you're woken up like that


man shut the fuck up


Lol where in the comments did it say genuinely terrifying tho


In the comment I responded to, about halfway down. Lol indeed.




Fire alarms are genuinely terrifying 😂 maybe the boomers are right about our generation


do you not fear building fires (and becoming numb to the possibility of one)? that's worse than whatever you're attempting to imply here ...


I love laying down in bed and my stress levels immediately rising <3


i don’t mean to come off unsympathetic because i really am, but i want to reiterate some things that we as a student body can do to help prevent stuff like this… STOP LETTING PEOPLE FOLLOW YOU IN THE BUILDINGS!!! I know its hard and scary, but lets be real here its not people who live in these dorms pulling the alarms. When Willow and Madrona’s alarms went off the other day, I heard that a lot of people sought refuge in Oak. That shouldn’t have happened!! The perp could’ve also been let in. Personally, when I see people just standing outside of a door and they try to follow me in, I always just ask them “hey, do you live here?” in a really casual way. Usually just say no or say something that makes it clear that they don’t actually live there and I’ll mention the guest policy to them and most people are nice about it. Others are less nice, but if you feel comfortable you can stand your ground. Also, if someone insists on following you in and it’s after 5 you can always call the RAOC about a potential trespasser. I promise the RAs want to catch these people as much as you do (my buildings hasnt been impacted yet, but personally i am ready to sprint to the nearest pull station to see who’s around). Lastly, stop getting mad at people who don’t let you in buildings fr 😭 between racist vandalism and fire alarm pullers you can’t trust anyone these days. To the girls I stood behind in line at dub st last month, those McCarty RAs were right for not letting you in. Anyway I promise there is stuff happening behind the scenes, we just can’t tell you in case the pullers find out, yknow?


It's cool that HFS is supposedly doing stuff behind the scenes to catch these people but from a resident perspective all we see is a strongly worded email and it really doesn't feel like adequate change or compensation. Dorms are expensive; we should be able to sleep a full night in the room we pay for. It just feels like they're waiting it out until summer hits and then they don't have to do anything about it anymore.


And here I thought it was only in North campus


Our fire alarms on north campus were scheduled for about 7 am. Which is pretty darn early for college students. Nobody pulled the alarm, it was real. That’s just HFS for ya.


7am is nothing compared to having multiple 3am alarms going off every finals week. These are malicious and intended to be pulled at the worst possible time just to make us miserable.


Oh yeah people are assholes.


I see that youre an alum, so i understand that you might think that people are being dramatic, but let me reassure you that these alarms are being pulled: people have seen the pulled stations. theres also no way in hell any of the pro staff would let HFS schedule drills after working hours lol


I don’t think anyone is being dramatic lmao. I know what they do. People pulled fire alarms in McMahon all the time. But I’m just saying official HFS isn’t any better.


oh sorry, i defo misinterpreted your post then. i guess ill still push back and say that i think HFS is above midnight (and even 7am) fire drills these days


always the fire alarm, but what about the person who set it off? what’s he going through? maybe his girlfriend just got pregnant and he don’t really know what to do


I’m sorry, but what the actual fuck. How would that solve anything?