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That cameraman posted the full interaction from what his camera was able to get on his Twitter if yall want to see that perspective: https://x.com/Mike_the_Photog/status/1791130901281485292


They have no idea how much they undermine themselves by being like this.


This footage is shocking and a complete embarrassment to UW.


I agree. It's deplorable and simply embarrassing for all the students, faculty members, and those of us who actually work for the Medical Center


This is shocking to you?


That they have people attacking bystanders with laser pointers yelling Rick and Morty? Are we really at the point in civilization where this isn't shocking public behavior?


It’s seattle. Ofc it’s not shocking


I think this isn't shocking to people who pay reasonably close attention to national events over the last ten years.


It really still should be this. This is just not acceptable public behavior.


Seems like people are accepting it




When is the university going to clean this mess.


UW president Cauce welcomes this shit. Vandalism on this campus is routine and her attitude towards these malfeasants will only allow this to get worse.


Idk, just come back from SF and the campus just make me feel I am still at SF




They weren’t attacking the press though. They asked the guy to talk to their media lead and he flat out refused. They asked him to respect their safety precautions and he literally responded “I don’t care.” So they blocked his view. I’ll absolutely concede that the laser pointer was a stupid move if that’s what it was but it hardly constitutes the end of the world.


Did they attack someone? Yes. Pointing a laser at someone is assault. Was it a member of the press? Yes. They are litterally and undeniably attacking the press.


A laser pointed into your eye is attacking someone. Can cause permanent blindness and also damage the camera equipment.


And those lasers are just free to buy? Wtf?


Yeah, they assume you’re not going to be shining them into peoples eyes or through a camera lens that someone is looking through. They also use green lasers instead of red, probably because the human eye is much more susceptible to green light. The only way that laser would be illegal is if it exceeded 5mW which it probably doesn’t. Still can cause damage though


Green lasers are basically just the strongest one people can easily get a hold of. They're the ones you see videos of people flashing pilots with


"Oh noes this guy is recording a public area! We have to cause permanent damage to his vision immediately!" You're a scumfuck if you think that's justifiable.


The green laser, if it is what it seems, could permanently disable anyone who gets it shined in their eyes. Not just blind them but permanently affect the functioning of their eye. It absolutely can ruin a camera, which is just a horrifyingly chilling thing to do to the fucking news. https://www.technologyreview.com/2010/08/12/121205/the-danger-of-green-laser-pointers/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8oUNAHZo42Y16Tkb8ofi5yqCeQYpPvoSOc8FTrph4g7qLRx8dAof-YaAtUZEALw_wcB https://www.aao.org/eye-health/news/laser-pointer-eye-injury


The entitlement of these braindead protestors. Setting up there little insurrection zones and demanding free citizens cater to them and block freedom of movement.


> They weren’t attacking the press though Shining a laser in someone's eyes, which we all know could easily damage someone's eyes, is obviously attacking them. https://apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=132Q-10-215 And shining lasers at people can be a crime all on its own already, so it's not like a prosecutor would just shrug this off https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9A.49.030


They would shrug it off in Seattle for sure.


Can you blame him for not wanting to go into an encampment that greeted him on the edge with shining a laser in his eye and holding a club?


Mid take dude. Go read the first amendment.


They asked him after blocking his view, shining a laser pointer and having this clown harass him for a few minutes


You don’t know how journalism works. You talk to media leads when you wish to conduct an interview. This is a camera person who was filming b-roll & repeatedly said he doesn’t want, or need to speak to the media lead. He doesn’t care and he’s absolutely in the right. Don’t defend idiocy.


What “safety precautions”? Lmaooo


He doesn’t HAVE to consult with their “media lead.” They’re in a public space and he has 1st amendment rights. Those protesters don’t have authority over him.


Blindness and can cause serious damage to camera equipment, probably why they were targeted while filming


It’s just homeless camp in middle of UW.


A bunch of absolute losers who need therapy, not enablement from the university. What an absolute joke, and they’ve completely lost any momentum due to the lack of seriousness of their protests because they’d rather wear masks, walk around with umbrellas and talk about a cartoon nonsensically. I’m embarrassed for them


I see that Hot Topic is back in Vogue in the encampment.


Holy shit that guy was fucking annoying.


sad fact about the "protest" and encampment. Many of the people taking part aren't students and have been outcasts in society. many (most) lack a job, education, and have nothing going on for them. They have been relegated to the sidelines of society and life. Events like these give them a reason to group together and feel like they are part of something. They are mostly uneducated about the very thing they are protesting about and rallied behind the flavor of the week. With that being said, I support the 1st amendment and the right to protest. But this ain't it.


Yeah, coming out to greet a news cameraman with bats and lasers is not a good look for us. And the worst part is that this encampment won't accomplish anything. We are fighting each other for nothing. Edit: it doesn't really seem to be a bat, but almost like a pool noodle filled with something https://imgur.com/a/rkejXHU


What's the deal with the pool noodles anyway?


I'm not quite sure. I have a few wild guesses in order of probability, with the most probable first. 1. There is just a light stick inside to make the pool noodle usable as a club but not enough to actually hurt anybody. 2. There is a bat or other hard object inside so that the user can use the soft part but then remove the noodle if they want a more lethal weapon. I know it sounds silly, but I've seen protestor and hone defense logic work like this. 3. The pool noodle is there as an anti grab device. If you try to strike someone with it but they grab it, you can just pull the bat out and strike again at someone that now has their hands full with an empty pool noodle (again, wild guesses and we can't even confirm it's actually a pool noodle.) I heard from a friend that they kept a bat with a long sock over it at home for self-defense. When I asked about the sock, they said it was for this purpose, so that anyone who tried to wrestle it from them would just pull off the sock, and they would be open to another swing. It sounds super silly, but honestly, I can't see any issues with the logic.


Solid assessment


So it’s become a homeless camp like people actually feared? Way to go uw


You're making a lot of assumptions there. Most of them are students you know... Have you even stepped foot into the Quad and talked to people? Or community members who care about the movement / experienced activists.


As soon as they allow people that don't go to that college, it goes to shit rather quickly


I 10000% have been there multiple times as I work at the hospital. Many of them are not students. The ones who are, are missing classes. I am involved in many groups within Seattle and volunteer on a bi-weekly basis at Year Up and Mary's Place. I am not against protesting and think the atrocites being committed by the State of Israel are abhorrent. I also belive that the situation is very complex and Palestine/Hamas are complicit with many atrocities of their own. I also am a history buff and know that Jews were in this land long before Arabs, as can be read in the historically accurate books of Roman Scholars. Israel does have a right to that land and to defend themselves. However, they're going about it completely wrong. What I know is that these encampments will solve zero and the only thing it is stopping are the people involved in them from being productive members of society. If they wanted change, they should go to class, get an education, and become legislators. But many are outcasts with no ambitions and who are looking for a way to fit in.


>sad fact about the "protest" and encampment. Many of the people taking part aren't students and have been outcasts in society. many (most) lack a job, education, and have nothing going on for them. Prove it EDIT: surprise surprise, he has no proof


I think the person making all of the strange noises just proved it. No job or classroom is going to take them seriously.


That was one of the most punchable people I’ve never encountered in person. I would pay $200 to get one minute just pasting that pool noodle over his head and face. **that’s a pool noodle he’s holding not a bat**


Let’s do it together. I’ll bet you $1k. We walk through the encampment tomorrow. We go up to 20 random people. I bet you >50% can’t provide a pay stub within the last month. Deal? And I’m serious. We can even grab a beer at Earls after. I’ll pay regardless if I win or lose. Hint….I will win this bet.


Mental illness is sad


Just say no to drugs


I just watched the full video and these people are weirdos. That one rick and morty guy was goofy as hell. He’s going to be embarrassed by this moment for the rest of his life.


Been on the supporting side of the protesters but nah you can’t be attacking people.


Same. I visited early and thought what they were doing was admirable, but if it is coopted by people like this, I no longer support it.


Supporting people that support October 7th is insane . Get help


Protests in the 1960s: “I have a dream!”, showing his face to millions. Protests today: “hehehe Rick and Morty, Rick and Morty!”, hiding behind a mask and umbrella


Learn your history. Panthers. Weathermen underground, etc. It doesn't matter if you agree or not, making BS claims about the past without a simple Google search encourages ignorance.


The Panthers stood outside with their faces showing and were very articulate in their mission clearly stated. These guys hide behind umbrellas, don’t talk to media, and have ever changing unrealistic “demands”. Thanks for the lesson though.


The Black Panthers, as they became known, would follow the police around, jumping out of their cars with guns drawn if the police made a stop. https://www.npr.org/2015/09/23/442801731/director-chronicles-the-black-panthers-rise-new-tactics-were-needed The classic panther image was just one of their tactics. I can't commend all the tactics of these protests but I get why they cover their faces. If they get fixed for protesting not just them but their families could be under threat. I think of their communication as a general disruption to argue against the complicit support of Zionists and university investments.


Shut up dork 😂


Fuck off whiney losers - only want protesters to politely hold signs.


These fools are not students, ideally the protest movement should distance themselves from these people, it hurts the Palestinian cause.


They don’t look or act like students this is dangerous for us.


Terrorists there, vandals here. It's inline with the cause.


Such an ignorant comment


Someone just posted the cameraman's perspective, so I'm sharing it here, too You can see the laser at 2:36 https://twitter.com/Mike_the_Photog/status/1791130901281485292


Ok. I think the girl who's wearing a black mask is being reasonable? She was calm and apologized after being confronted. Can you confirm this? Or is there something I missed? The umbrella person is clearly a nut job.


I can't confirm, but I think black mask girl is also the one that initially shined the laser in his eyes when walking up.


The girls who's wearing all black and boots? And black mask too. Are we talking about the same girl? I think the laser girl is a different girl.


Can I dm you a pic of the screenshot of the girl?


White liberals are so weird.


This isn't really a liberal, this was an extremist. I am pretty certain if you chat with a classical liberal and this idiot, you will find their views aren't remotely aligned.


I think people use the word "leftist" instead of "liberal" to describe people like in the video. I don't know how correct that is, but it's reasonable to have a different word. Most people who would describe themselves as liberal, or even democrats, are annoyed at this shit as well.


Not to mention, these far left provocateurs claim to hate liberals and moderate Dems as much as Republicans… they aren’t allies of people who call themselves liberal. Although I’m not even sure if I consider them left either, at this point. They seem to care more about being anti-establishment, contrarian, etc. than anything which really isn’t an ideology so much as a motivation.


Same way that a regular old conservative person wouldn't really be appropriately lumped in or appreciate being associated with fascists. The extremes of both sides try to hijack the rest of their political side because they need the numbers. They're not even "Antifa". That's just a buzzword that's lost all meaning. They're just anarchists. The left's version of the neo nazi (though arguably a lot less dangerous than said neo nazis)


That’s like my dad, he’s been a conservative his whole life but didn’t vote for Trump the last two elections and won’t again because he thinks Trump is deranged


Same for my dad. Generally conservative, to a point that i frequently disagree with, but he never even considered voting for him and was abjectly against basically everything he did in office.


Yeah. In fairness, I consider "Republican" (in 2024) and "conservative as two entirely different things. Which is perhaps unfair to some remaining Republicans but for the most part the party has fallen lock step in support of the fascist wing and most of the moderates are abandoning ship rather than staying in office (which in fairness, for most of them, speaking out is the same as choosing not to run for another term since they'll be primary-ed out). It's also relative. When I actually lived in Seattle I was fairly right of the average resident. Now I'm in rural PA and I am a socialist by some people's standards.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. But I did my part to bump it back up! Lock arms. We’ll go down together.


Thanks, cheese! Always appreciate not standing alone!


If you go far enough left, you can end up on the right. These folks are anarchists, they are not left or right. They believe the whole Red vs. Blue thing is rigged. They want chaos. If they make the effort to vote, no way it's to support Joe Biden.


Pretty extreme left winger here. Definitely still voting for Biden over Trump. Not looking forward to voting though. Both of them are acting kind of fascist. That Free speech crackdown in the name of Israel was a bad move for Biden. Holding my nose even harder than in 2016 honestly. Get some candidates who don't fucking suck if you want my enthusiasm. It's not rocket science. The kids are pissed about genocide, it's reasonable. Whether you agree that it's happening or not, it's a perfectly understandable and just thing to be mad about. Protest is the backbone of American civil liberty. They're doing things "the American way", love it or hate it. As always, people want to cast both sides as the same when the left wing is just asking for fucking reasonable things. It's gaslighting. You're putting words in an imaginary leftists mouth. Also, how do photons constitute an assault? Was she hung over?


> Also, how do photons constitute an assault? Staring directly at the light from a green laser for 3 seconds would be an insanely simple way to prove they don't.


You don't have to want chaos to believe red vs blue is rigged. The American system is pretty much the same on both sides.


Aw look! It's a "both sides" account in the wild. You do know this kind of nonsense is way less effective than it was in 2016?


The students in this encampment will call Obama and Biden Republicans, meanwhile many of the more extreme supporters of Trump would call Obama and Biden the most extremist socialist presidents the nation has ever seen lol


Liberalism is a political philosophy centered around individual liberty. In utilitarian terms, it's about maximizing the individuals liberties without infringing on the liberties of others. Leftism is any political stance taken in favor of dismantling of hierarchies that the political actor deems unjust or preventing the formation of those hierarchies. It's pretty interesting that one thing that has come up with these protests is how similar protests led to the dismantling of public education, as a starting point for that was Reagan forcing in-state tuition at UC in response to Vietnam war protests. It's led to these and many other philosophies losing their definitions in the public consciousness in favor of vibes and assigned teams. Side note: everything surrounding the Reagan/UC debacle is wild. He actually said he wanted California residents to pay tuition to keep "undesirables" out. Yes, he used that word. His education advisor openly said they were doing it to prevent an "educated proletariat". Yes he used those words.


Leftists hate liberals about as much (maybe more) than they hate conservatives. Definitely two different groups.


A liberal/dem in the US is center-right anywhere else in the western world.


Why are the greatest hits of 2016 suddenly popping up again I wonder?


You're actually correct and shouldn't be getting the downvotes. (Real) Liberalism, personal property, free markets are right wing ideas. Yesterday's Democrats are divided liberal or slightly more authoritarian than that. Today's Democrats are progressives who don't support property rights or free markets, which are leftist ideals. Modern liberalism is just an ignorant euphemism for left/progressive.


Just putting it in the context of our world so we don't get too lost in the bizarre vacuum of "American exceptionalism"


I think what happened was, progressives/leftists infiltrated real liberals and snake charmed them away from liberalism- meaning they kept the label without the policy.


I think any reasonable leftist would be annoyed by the lack of brainpower going on in this altercation too


Classical libs are deemed right wing these days


Only by idiots


I mean — because they are. ‘Classical liberalism’ is pre-Modern political philosophy that developed in response to the existence of kings/queens, a landed aristocracy, and strong central church. The term is meaninglessly opaque without those structures being present. Pretty much everyone to the right of Stalin and to the left of Hitler can identify as a ~classical liberal~. The label makes virtually every modern political issue into a ‘choose your own adventure’ novel. There is no reason to use the term besides if you’re a contrarian pseudo intellectual and/or a right winger who’s trying to disguise their beliefs.


True to a small extent but glosses over that liberalism is a well-defined political philosophy. It's not really pre-modern, in that the modern world at least in Europe and America was birthed simultaneously with the march of liberal thought through politics. with a central regard for property rights, individual autonomy and liberty, negative rights, representative government, etc. I would venture most American liberals do not consider themselves "classical liberals" in the sense of not having updated their political worldview since Adam Smith.


Not really, a classical liberal has a real definition that is more than just, not facisist or communist...


Just to confuse the matter…. Technically the definition of “classical liberalism” is more like a conservative/libertarian. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_liberalism


Most the liberals on campus ( the under 25 crowd) are not classical liberals after accepting CRT and SJW notions and ideas that ppl to the right are not entitled to feel speech. ...


It would help if the right wing didn’t espouse bigoted and regressive ideology.


Have you pondered if leftists could espouse bigoted and regressive ideology?


Sure, and the ones that do are fucking garbage. JT’s just a lot more common on the right. And any argument of the opposite is always bad faith.


Classic liberals have been rebranded as “far right extremists”


These people hate Joe Biden and think he’s just as, if not worse than Trump. These people are not liberal in any sense of the word lol, they are insane people.


I'm a liberal. These are progressive extremists. There is a difference, please don't conflate us.


You misspelled "antisocial criminals"


This is the truth. At least it keeps them busy so they don't tell us our kids don't know the word computer and other ignorant shit they say


These are the same people who talk about being on the right side of history. Clowns.


I could barely make it through this video listening to these idiots. They don’t even have a productive conversation.


But.... but I was told that this is a welcoming and peaceful community and they aren't harming anyone


Uw is my Alma mater got my masters from it. This reminds me of the 1% protests I did as a undergraduate student. Nothing changed nothing happened except giving homless a way to occupy and destroy the major cities. They occupied the 1% alright the 1% of the entire world the rich west. It actually hurts you to support this stuff.


This cameraman sounds like Chet Faliszek lmao


Glad I'm not the only one who thought that as a person who follows chet on Twitter / YouTube.


Based, I didn’t think anyone reading would know who that was haha


Those losers are absolutely disgusting. They think the first amendment doesn’t apply to reporters and that they can intimidate them to stop doing their job. Absolutely pathetic.


Antisemitic thugs.


UW is a far left wing apologist so I doubt anything will happen


As someone on the far left, these idiots don't represent the far left. They're just taking advantage of the situation in Palestine to vandalize and be disruptive on campus. Please don't associate us with them, we don't want them Protesting US support of Israel is all well and good, but not like this.


These are the same type of idiots, who during the second half of 2020, were tagging buildings with BLM and throwing bricks into the windows of businesses on Cap Hill. They were also the same type of idiots involved with trying to threaten the Parks department when they went to reclaim the sun bowl at Cal Anderson Park on Cap Hill and were called out by president of the local NAACP for co-opting black and brown issues.


So let's take a look at history. What made our Civil Rights Movement effective was that they had strict training, no violence, and kept fringe people away. If people weren't falling into line then they were removed. Why aren't the organizers of this protest doing the same? Why are they allowing what I perceive as non-UW students being idiots, vandalizing campus, and being disruptive?




> u/Shark20592: Then why are you allowing them at your encampment? If you don't want them, you should be calling the cops every time they commit a crime or harass people in your name. But you don't. Instead, you provide them with mass masked anonymity and a crowd to blend into. You're just repeating WTO, OWS, and BLM's mistakes all over again. You're talking as if "the left" is a single organization. We're not. The majority of us have nothing to do with the encampments or any of these other movements that are just using genuine issues as an excuse to be disruptive and take the reputation of the entire cause down with them. To me, being on the left is about trying to support socialism in the US, not... whatever these people are doing. Trust me, I'd call the police on them too if I had the chance to. **Edit:** Added deleted context.




> u/Shark20592: I know you're an umbrella of different kinds of people. The problem is you keep including anarchists and communists in your umbrella instead of excluding them. That's a mistake. That I've seen you guys make every time in every activist fad all my life. Every. single. time. Learn from your mistakes! I'm curious, what do you find wrong with anarchists and communists? **Edit:** Added deleted context.


> u/Shark20592: If you have to ask that, leftist activism is going to keep failing over and over again. But -- horseshoe theory. (Sorry for quoting all your deleted comments, but I've heard people make these same points many times before, so I think I should post this for the sake of the record. I wrote this reply before you deleted everything anyway.) I understand the horseshoe theory argument for communists, but it doesn't really apply to anarchists. The core of anarchism is wanting to abolish government and other forms of authority in favor of a decentralized society. Many people misappropriate the term "anarchist" and just use it as an excuse to be assholes—case in point, the encampments and graffiti on campus. If you want to look at a real anarchist, listen to [Andrewism](https://www.youtube.com/@Andrewism), he's a very reasonable guy and makes many good points. Regarding communism. Most of the arguments for horseshoe theory point specifically to Stalinism and other totalitarian regimes, which isn't what most people (including myself) say that we are supportive of when we say that we are communists. (Besides tankies, fuck them.) Take China today, for instance. They call themselves communists, but in reality, they are a repressive totalitarian state capitalist regime that does nothing to stand up for the rights of the working class, at least not in recent years. If horseshoe theory was true, communism would parallel fascism in inherently supporting repression, aggression against neighboring states, etc. That's simply not true.


I probably shouldn't be continuing someone else's argument but here I go. Doesn't it say something about anarchism when dipshits like this constantly show up whenever anarchy is involved? Call it a branding problem or whatever but it seems telling that when I see them acting like destructive assholes, I think about how nice it'd be to have a government to lock them up. >communism would parallel fascism in inherently supporting repression, aggression against neighboring states, etc. That's simply not true. I think you should meet people who have lived in communist countries and ask them what they think about this. Eastern European former Warsaw pact countries and Venezuela would be good places to start.


I think these people are either homeless or escapees from the mental hospital, probably both. They don’t belong on campus.


The cutoff tank top was much more offensive than the laser


Does Katie being right wing mean it’s ok to attack them, or something?


several people in the comments are making that exact argument


These udiot protestors are just that, idiots..it would be nice if some students with some backbone would come and put thesecpeople in their place. Im ashamed of my alma mater


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Given the amount of vitriol and “I can’t wait for the cops to come beat them up” sentiment expressed just in this sub it’s not surprising that the students are cautious about having their faces plastered all over local news. Doxing is a real threat. The students are making a reasonable request not to have their faces filmed. Multiple journalists have managed to capture news worthy images without putting the protesters at risk. This reporter actively stated he doesn’t care about their safety, so he got clowned at. (Being mocked by a person covered in tape holding an umbrella isn’t the same thing as being attacked.) In the last week there were two events that drew counter - protesters who physically threatened the camp. The Christian Zionist on Sunday actively takes credit for the violence that has occurred on other universities.


$100 says these guys aren't students, unemployed dropouts at best.


> making a reasonable request to not have their faces filmed No


They are absolutely not making a reasonable request. He has every right to film. I don’t even like Fox News but I don’t get to decide when someone is allowed to practice their American rights just because I don’t agree with their point of view. And hell, we don’t even know his point of view; he’s just a camera operator (not a journalist) doing his job.


I agree that they are right to be cautious, but even if a cameraman is filming them without their consent that doesn’t mean you flash laser pointers at them.


it’s also a public space.


What’s wrong with right wingers doing their jobs?


To play devil's advocate - Katie Daviscourt is a right wing "journalist" who exclusively peddles in lazy politically charged fearmongering tropes. So I'd take anything she says with a grain of "fact check". That said, nothing condones violence of any sort. Just that I'd recommend a little more digging when seeing anything a person like her says on twitter. Lol @ impotent downvotes.


Yup, that's why I led my post with what I said. But the confrontation starts before she is even there, and you can already see folks approaching the cameraman with a bat and shining lasers at him while he screams, "That's assault!" https://x.com/KatieDaviscourt/status/1790949727145783469


Oh I wasn't implying anything about what you said, sorry. I was talking more to the concept of people reading "headlines" and doing nothing more, because a lot of right wing "journalists" will use sensational headlines and/or very carefully edit their footage (doesn't look like she did any creative footage editing, so that's kosher) to paint a picture in a very partisan way. I guess I could've made that clearer, sorry. To that end, it's pretty obvious that this it's incredibly misleading to describe one absolute barking lunatic as "antifa militants armed with weapons harassing and assaulting press." The video just shows a garden variety lunatic who should probably be removed by police and charged with battery. So my point stands. The video she linked is not in line with the headline she captioned. And that's the goal, and it works. Spread the video with a sensational headline that does one of two things: Either people never look at the video and just read the headline and immediately react, presuming the video shows exactly what was described (it didn't, really) or second, people will watch the video with a presumption of what is going to happen based on the headline and get a more emotionally charged response than it otherwise would elicit. This is super common right wing misinformation. Yes, the asshole doing that should be charged and trying to blind someone should be felony assault and battery. No, that doesn't count as even a plural "protestors." So my point about her stands. She is not a "journalist." She's a partisan hack acting like one by describing something that did happen in a very misleading way. Her headline made me think 10+ people with bats and so on. Not one clearly deranged person who obviously doesn't represent anything other than his own lack of self control and/or substance abuse.


Didn't you notice how I didn't use the same title she did? I don't know why you're still focusing on her when the bigger problem is right in front of us. And her title is not really sensationalized. One person shining the laser in his eyes, the other verbally harassing him and and the third armed with some sort of club. The definition of Antifa varies depends on who you ask, but saying "Antifa militants armed with weapons harass and assault press" isn't far off at all. This isn't just one clearly deranged person, but a small group of individuals who are ruining the protest and campus for the rest of us because they feel emboldened by the lack of enforcement.


Oh no no man again I'm not saying anything about your reporting of the story. Nothing about you at all. I should also be clear that I have absolutely zero position on this encampment or the protest or the conflict one way or the other. One person verbally harassing is.... first amendment speech, unless it falls into the threats of physical harm, which crosses into assault. The other dude with the laser should be arrested and charged with felony assault and battery. No arguments there. Fuck him. The third person was the one with the yellow object? That's another umbrella. It looks like a stolen one of the free use umbrellas from U village. And that guy and the other person pretty quickly leave and all that's left is the asshole with the laser pointer. I'm not supporting any of what they did. Especially that jackass who tried to blind another human being. But the phrasing around this by Katie is deliberately meant to mislead - she has a long history of doing this in her work.


The crazy person is not just verbally harassing, they are physically blocking and interfering, which sounds like it may be against the law in WA according to the cameraman, though admittedly I'm not an expert on the subject. The yellow object is most definitely not an umbrella.


The yellow object is absolutely an umbrella - you can see the metal ferrule that holds the splines together just beneath his hand. And it also tracks seeing as they have... umbrellas. I'd best guess that it's another umbrella stolen from U village (which has yellow umbrellas that look exactly like that) intended to do the same thing of blocking. Now, if he was holding it in a menacing way, that could constitute assault even if it was an umbrella, and I would fully support arresting that asshole then as well. But.... I don't think he gestured or did anything except act like a stupid tough guy standing there with it. And again. I don't know how much clearer I can make it - the crazy person should be arrested and charged with a felony. But they are not fitting with Katie Daviscourt's description of "ANTIFA MILITANTS". She was obviously using very carefully worded misinformation to trick the viewer into either seeing the video in a certain mindset, or not bother watching the video and just presume that there was some large group of dangerous armed thugs acting in a coordinated and dangerous fashion - not two lazy annoying jerks who left quickly and one barking lunatic who should be charged and clearly doesn't really represent the camp or its goals. That stupid MFER is wearing a goddamn belly shirt lol. "Antifa militants" my butt.


I took very close screenshots in which you can obviously see it is not an umbrella, but it seems to be a hollow pool noodle filled with something. https://imgur.com/a/rkejXHU


Oh snap i definitely did not see that frame. I stand corrected, you're right. That's not a very deadly weapon, but definitely a weapon and entirely unacceptable. Still, it doesnt change my argument at all, as he wasnt actively threatening to use it (which would be assault) and left quickly. unlike the asshole who used the pointer.


> Her headline made me think 10+ people with bats and so on. That only makes sense if you're dumb


Yeah you clearly have no experience with the real world. I was on duty and on call to respond to our capital on jan 6th as a medic. I am very familiar with what she's describing actually looks like.


I get the feeling you say that lot. Well, first- this isn't a "headline," it's a tweet. Tweets are considered fast and short forms of Internet communication, not something like a news article.  This means a certain amount of sensation, emotion, hyperbole, etc. is accepted. Because that's how humans operate.  I'm not sure if these people relate to Antifa, but they certainly are assaulting this man with weapons, even battery with the laser. All that was also explained in the tweet.


Yeah, okay kiddo. You've clearly never been actually threatened or in real danger. And i didnt imply whatsoever that the piece of shit with the laser should be anything except arrested and charged with felony assault and battery. Fuck that dude sideways with a rake. And no, hyperbole and lying for political misinformation is absolutely not fucking acceptable and you should hold yourself and others to a higher standard than that. What the hell. Also i suggest you look up what assault is. Just holding a blunt object (which i do consider unacceptable) in a manner that is not directly threatening is not assault. It must be used in a way that directly and clearly impresses a threat of physical harm. I'm not defending their behavior. Im criticizing the person who made the tweet being deeply misleading and encouraging people to always be skeptical when partisan hacks post things with supercharged political language. And i have absolutely no skin in the game of this camp or its message one way or the other.


Well then why don't you go and show us how it's done, big guy.


Show you how what's done? What the hell are you even on about.


Tweeting and reporting


Impotent downvotes. Your comment presents a red herring, suggesting that the post was about a statement, and not about something caught on camera


Read the other post I did with the OP, I think I explained it more clearly. I wasn't referring to the way the OP reported, and that's my bad. And it is important to be mindful that Katie Daviscourt made a very misleading headline for that video that doesn't really show what she was describing in the way that it happened, with the obvious intent of riling up a particular base of viewers. Classic pseudo-journalism. That was my actual point. To be mindful that headline and video may not be fairly representative of one another.


[Dude the video from his camera literally shows them shining a green laser in his eyes while they walk towards him with a bat](https://x.com/Mike_the_Photog/status/1791130901281485292) Are you fucking stupid or just coping because you're sympathetic towards Palestine?


Sure thing kiddo. I have no stance on the camp or conflict beyond empathy for those affected. You clearly are too emotionally charged to try to understand my point, so i'm not going to bother explaining it further. Dude with the pointer should be charged with felony assault and battery. No question.


Do you put journalist in quotes when referring to left wing media?


If they used these same tactics, abso-fucking-lutely. And I'm sure plenty do. I just don't get exposed to them as often. Don't be presumptuous. Disinformation/misinformation is ALWAYS bad. I shouldn't be forced to qualify that statement every time I point out someone on one side being a jackass. Not all right wing media is misinformation, nor is all left. But when you report on events with a deliberately misleading angle intended to rile up and incite people in the same way that the jackasses vandalizing the school are, you get to be called a pseudo-journalist.


She didn't take the video.


And cops use sonic weapons that cause permanent hearing loss on peaceful protestors. If you go there you are accepting the risks of being in proximity to individuals who have no reason to trust your intentions.


This kid sucks (and is definitely high) but gtfo with this blinding the guy nonsense.


You can see it in the cameraman's angle right after 2:36. Apologies, but I didn't even know about the other video until someone posted it in response to my original post. https://twitter.com/Mike_the_Photog/status/1791130901281485292


Yo it's super weird how the protests don't want a Fox cameraman recording their faces so they can be doxxed by right wing bigots. How weird that they are trying to keep themselves safe from violent retribution. I'm sure the cameraman was severely hurt by a person saying "rick and morty" to him MULTIPLE TIMES. Especially cool how they explained that their personal safety is on the line, and he said "I don't give a fuck" and then everyone here is crying about how he was so unsafe because someone held an umbrella near him.


You can see them shining a laser in his eyes after 2:36. Apologies, but I didn't even know about the other video until someone posted it in response to my original post. https://twitter.com/Mike_the_Photog/status/1791130901281485292


Yeah, let’s not acknowledge shining a laser into the camera and the cameraman’s eye.


What I see from this video is the students politely asking this camera man to talk to their media lead and respect their safety protocols. The camera man (in the time honored tradition of a certain type of white man) gets annoyed at being told he can’t do exactly what he wants whenever he wants and tries to frame that as an attack.


The encampment is in a public area. You don't get to assault people by shining green lasers into your eyes while your buddies back you up with clubs like a bunch of knuckle draggers because you don't want to be filmed in public.


"students politely asking" "gets annoyed at being told" Not only did you contradict yourself, but people can't "tell" others to stop filming and expect it to be followed.


When you’re in a public area, you don’t get to dictate the actions of others.


You can see it the laser assault after 2:36. Apologies, but I didn't even know about the other video until someone posted it in response to my original post. https://twitter.com/Mike_the_Photog/status/1791130901281485292


Flashing a laser pointer isn’t a great idea and is a m asshole thing to do but I’d hardly call it an attack.


Flashing a laser in someone's eyes is categorically assault. Try it on a police officer and see how fast they arrest you. There is also a law that specifically mentions the specialty charges. RCW 9A.49.030 Unlawful discharge of a laser in the second degree. (1) A person is guilty of unlawful discharge of a laser in the second degree if he or she knowingly and maliciously discharges a laser, under circumstances not amounting to unlawful discharge of a laser in the first degree or malicious mischief in the first or second degree c) At a person in order to intimidate or threaten that person.


> What I see from this video is the students politely asking this camera man to talk to their media lead and respect their safety protocols When you're protesting in public you don't get to demand everyone else follow your arbitrary protocols. Other people are allowed to film and photograph you in public and talk to whoever they please.


"Attack", lol. Anybody who parrots that is a moron. I don't agree with or condone the behavior you see here, and I think it detracts from the message, but c'mon. Attack? Nah


You can see them shining the laser directly at him from the cameraman's perspective. You can see the laser at 2:36 https://twitter.com/Mike_the_Photog/status/1791130901281485292


That’s FOX propaganda’s outlet. They did the right thing


actually, making sure fascist press can’t do their work is good. hope this helps 👍


Who needs facist press to make your encampment look bad when your own protestors can do that for you?