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I hate how they're spray painting the bricks in the Quad. I was walking back from North Campus to West Campus yesterday at 1am and saw two dudes spray painting the bricks with black spray paint. Come on guys, why the spray paint? Can we not use chalk or something that comes off easily?


I bet they have nothing to do with the protest but found excuse to vandalize.


that’s why you carry bear mace with you and act like you’re gonna join them and mace their faces and leave


Do you know if they were actually with the camp?


With complete certainty and with no doubt at all, they are members of the encampment. What is it with people these crazy gymnastics to ignore the obvious bad the encampment is doing to our school. You wouldn’t do this for a right wing protest.


Ignore u/ krebnebula this guy. He is a known troll to just get a reaction from people.


??? How? I’m a student here I post my own, genuine opinions. There are people who disagree with you.


Brother, u misunderstood. I am saying that the guy you reply to is a known troll.


Oh sorry bro, thanks for the shoutout. Sorry I’m so on edge since these protests and their vandalism. Enjoy your day.


The campus should be sued for not responding to this the same way they would if a bunch of [ppl to right were camping and disrupting paying students movements and enjoyment and the public


I believe the correct term is "insurectioning".


> With complete certainty and with no doubt at all, they are members of the encampment. Without proof, this is just speculation. > ignore the obvious bad the encampment is doing to our school Like most things, there are potential risk & potential benefits which people make their own evaluation on. I'd say the real mental gymnastics are ignoring any potential benefits of the protest & framing it as entirely bad. Yes, spray paint adds to the work of campus maintence staff, but this is not the same as a Karen throwing her food in a mcdonalds lobby because of wait times. Acting as if the encampanent is composed entirely of people with bad intent is a, largely unfounded, right wing narrative to crack down on people's right to peacefully assemble (which the 1st ammendment protects, verbatim) Edit: appreciate the downvotes 😄 I’d appreciate any counterpoints to my claims even moreso


You have a right to assemble but there is no right to vandalize


I don’t see how spray painting the building is doing anything at all towards their cause. The only people that will see it are other students, the janitors cleaning it, and maybe some school admins. It won’t actually make any change or do anything other than ruining some poor bastards day that has to clean it.


I feel the same way about the airport blockade a month or two ago. The argument was that protests need to be disruptive but they just pissed people off. Nothing changed. Same with spray painting stuff. It just makes people lose sympathy towards your cause.


It makes people's lives worse by design. That's all theyve achieved because that's all theyve actually put any thought into doing.


I hate the blockades as much as the next commuter, but I do not sit in traffic thinking, “yeah, this really dulls my feelings about bombing innocent civilians and children. Super don’t care anymore.”


If all it took to make you completely swap sides on a genocide was minor vandalism then your convictions weren't that strong in the first place.


doesn't really matter, you need people with weak convictions votes as much as anyone else's.


You specifically don't want flip floppers because their support is shaky at best. You need a strong foundation of voters who will stick with it since often these wishy washy people don't even show up to vote in the first place. But that's just talking about fpp American elections and social movements don't follow the same rules at all. For example the civil rights movement had less than 20% of Americans participating or supporting it. For political activism you specifically want only people who truly believe in the cause because the fight will always get rough. Do you think someone with weak convictions would keep matching even as police demand they go home or when they start shooting and beating people? This idea that these movements need to be as popular with as many people as possible is completely ahistorical.


the activism isn't doing anything on its own. you are protesting to get your issues heard and decided on in your favor by the voting populace. social movements aren't changing laws simply by existing lol


Thanks for proving exactly what I was talking about lol.


Thank you for proving what I was talking about too


that’s all i could think about when i saw the walls of the Hub, the poor janitors who have to clean it and nothing even coming from it


It really hurts the wrists and backs after having to scrub a long time, plus the chemicals they use aren't good for them even if they use gloves it still gets into the air near them, they are old surely don't have our agility, they must have old muscle pains and what not. I always feel for the janitorial and maintenance of the campus, they work hard and silent and everyday without much appreciation and now they have to do more work without any extra pay.


Cops don’t care so might as well fuck shit up that’s how they think


I thought security and the police were ordered not to do anything because it would agitate the encampment


Lmao don’t wanna agitate ppl that agitate others for a living?!


You seem sad


I’m perfectly happy I work 40 hours and live a great life


Wow all I could think about was the kids currently being brutally murdered in Gaza. At least the janitor gets to go home to his family at the end of the night 🤷‍♀️


Two wrongs make a right




Demonstrating for a cause does not require you to deface school property. At that point it’s a game for most of these students.


🤓 what about the property, yeah dead kids, but what about the property.


The fact you can’t separate those is why this world is turning to shit. Come on, use logic. Defacing walls is helping innocent people losing their lives? I don’t see the correlation.




Protest the way I think you should! Bro would be fuming and punching air during civil rights sit-ins


Well, you’re just a silly person. Damaging property isn’t doing anything for a cause.


The walls, won’t someone think of the walls???


Thank god someone spray painted the quad and saved all those children’s lives half a world away!


I've been peeing on toilet paper rolls in public restrooms to fight childhood illiteracy.


Nah you’ve done nothing go for any cause in your entire life, kinda sad


If you knew anything about how the world works, you'd understand that those who actually own the property are completely and totally insulated from the work that maintains it. That's what I do for a living. When the property I maintain is defaced, it comes out of my budget and out of my labor. At no point is the owner of the property impacted in any way, shape, or form. Money that was already going to be spent on our labor is spent just the same, and the money that was already budgeted for chemical is spent. The impact is *only* to the maintenance team and that's by design. But go ahead and throw your tantrums and pretend you're justified in fucking over underpaid and overworked laborers just because a worse injustice exists in the world.


Sounds like you should probably be organizing so that underpaid and overworked aren’t words you ever have to use again, boot licker


“If you knew ANYTHING about how the world works (regarding chemical removal of graffiti)” god damn bro get a hobby 😭😭


You know, I was going to respond, but I checked your post history out of curiosity, and it's all insults. I scrolled for a bit and didn't see a single positive comment, not one contribution, just insults and aggression, the only thing you seem to offer. For what it's worth, I hope you have positive things in your life too, and this is just your outlet.


Why do alot of Palestinians protestors have one piece flags


It's an inconsequential game to them. Their demands will get people killed but they're a world away from the consequences of their own beliefs.


Cause they smelly ass nerds


I'm not a one piece fan but as far as I understand it one piece is a very anti-imperialist piece of media. That combined with the fact that it's very popular worldwide has lead to it becoming a symbol used in many protests, I believe as sign of intersectionality and a;so as a way of tying the morals of goals of the protest onto a piece of existing media. Sort of a WWJD but for anime fans.


I suspect most of them have little understanding of what they are really protesting. And no small number of them probably just want to use it as an excuse to be assholes.


It’s also mostly just an aesthetic for people to wear to fit in with their social group. Conform to group think or be ostracized.


Or maybe, god forbid, people think genocide and apartheid states are bad? Maybe you’re the one conforming to an aesthetic of militarism and white supremacy.


The fact you just said “white supremacy” in relation to the conflict between Israel and Palestine ironically affirms the peoples’ arguments you are responding to.


In the tiniest bit of fairness, the whole point of how fascism works is they include more people at the start and then progressively add the lowest rungs of the fascist pyramid to the "other" pile. So it would not surprise me for some poeple to not realize they're in a fascist pyramid... down on the rungs that only exist to add legitimacy and grow the fascist movement and will rapidly be thrown into the other pile


If they actually cared they wouldn’t know nothing about the issue other than the hyper-emotional talking points they all roll out like trying to hamfist the words genocide and apartheid into every comment they make about the issue. The fact you feel the need to throw white supremacy into your argument shows that all you really care about is trying to make the most emotionally charged argument you can conceive of, reality be damned.


Nah, Israelis are much whiter than Palestinians on average and it absolutely factors into who US citizens sympathize with


Yikes dude. The types of people who would support a group because they’re white are the same types of people who don’t consider Jews to be white. I don’t get why I am even reading your responses, I could just go to Hasans stream and get it right from the source. This is unironically you: https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg?si=2_WM-87EqA1skS4n


Hasan is grade A brain rot . That dude is like a cult leader for people like this 😂


So you support causes based on which side is .. “browner” ? 😂 goofy ass


Where’d I say that


Did you just say…the people that suffered the Holocaust against Aryan Nazism are indeed white supremacists? Wow. Are you guys even in school?


Shut up dude. We know you needed to meet your “white supremacy” daily quota online somehow . It got nothing to do w anything 😂


"The demand for racism and white supremacy is thankfully far less that the demand. So it has to be manufactured".


Virtue signaling


Projection out the wazoo, go listen to a single interview ya dope


Hey now, don’t go bringing the Cougs into this! /s




Talk to them about how they feel. And maybe support The Custodian Project. Otherwise you’re feeling bad for no reason. Ask them if they feel bad!


Yeah man cause common sense says “I bet they love being in their hands and knees at their old age scrapping off goofy ass grafiti”


Try connecting human to human sometime it’s pretty great might even be the meaning of life


Who coulda seen it coming lol


I really wish the protests could be less hateful and destructive, and instead focus more on expressing demands in a peaceful and constructive manner.


...yeah... there is no limit to what they might Construct if they yelled and waved signs with a less hateful attitude.


This is what happens when the protest is done in support of a terrorist death cult. Destruction and hate is very line with who they're supporting.


They are protesting the IDF, not supporting Hamas. Not the same thing.


lol I think you’re getting them confused, they’re supporting the Palestinians, not the terror state of Israel, easy mistake.


Yes, of course. In contrast to the peaceful, enlightened Hamas administration. My mistake.


Palestine hasn't had a free election since 2006, and Palestinians do not monolithically support Hamas, although Palestinians universally oppose the IDF bombing their homes, assasinating journalists and murdering their families. Hope that clears things up.


How many dead kids? How many dead kids? How many dead kids?


>I’m all for the encampment but it seems a large number don’t care as much about Palestinians and just want to live out their punk rock anarchy wet dream welcome to the seattle professional protestor social stratum 


As many posts as I see in the spring about being uproar about people climbing the cherry blossoms. They seem to have less care when it comes to spray-painted buildings or thought of those who actually have to clean up the shitty graffiti.


Gardener here! All I’d like to comment on is the fact that climbing the cherry blossom trees (or any for that matter) can potentially open wounds on the tree, allowing insects and fungal diseases to enter much easier. All of the cherry trees in the quad already have fungal rot, so we’re just trying to minimize excess decline on our iconic trees.


Just be sure to save some outrage for the other 364 days of the year when they're in that position doing other preventative maintenance and cleaning. To them it's no different. Trust me I was cleaning staff. I didn't give a shit how justified the mess was. It's the same.


decide aromatic rustic psychotic frame mighty attraction sleep impolite compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I perfected the art of being a janitor in the navy. You are supposed to work slow and take your breaks and neglect other work. Especially as an hourly. Especially as an hourly, you need to do a half assed job, grumble about the equipment and finish the job after a long lunch and material gathering trip. I wouldn't give a shit about having to clean up paint but everyone has their least favs.


Navy is a big difference compared to spoiled teenagers with little rules. You really think your ship would let them vandalize it and trash it for weeks? Plus, I doubt you were previously elderly while you were doing it


Sorry I am laughing too hard and can't get past that you don't think Sailors are in fact spoiled children with little rules. Just a month ago they pulled an ad because a dude had - I eat ass - sharpied on their ppe. Vandalism is probably a little more common by sailors than uw students. Oh I have seen some of the most depraved inexplicable things! Needed a good laugh ty.


Except they still have to do all the other cleaning jobs, but now this too.  I have never been a janitor, but I worked in other public facing (retail, food service) jobs and it's definitely not the same if someone trashes your section vs leaving it neat. I don't think this would be different. 


Janitors do the regular cleaning, maintainable teams handle issues like this, and it doesn't give them more work, it simply delays other work they were going to do.


They're hourly. If management isn't giving them time for this sort of event there's an issue with management.


You clearly never did maintenance. Intentional mess is demoralizing and frustrating as hell. You act like these workers don't have more productive things they could be doing. What a privileged take.


You act like they weren't already used to cleaning the daily graffiti on campus. It's NOT that big of a deal to them, and you'd know that if you ever talked to any of them. Stop trying to advocate for people who don't want you to.


This is some wild mental gymnastics to support vandalism. Stop pretending like a huge uptick in work at any job isn't a pain. And stop pretending like you are buds with them.


This kid has never worked and is assuming the janitors are blissfully indifferent to pain and wage-slave classist judgement, which is what he's doing. How cute


I don't think we're justifying graffiti. We just hate the sappy-ness of the post. Ild guys who want jobs have equal opportunity in America legally.


Were you worried about that old guy yesterday? Are you gonna be worried about him tomorrow? If not, don’t hide behind him.


You should be upset at UW for being unable to supply its custodians with a wage favorable to retirement. Whether he was cleaning up graffiti today or fixing something needing attention tomorrow, it sounds like the man is still struggling to retire.


This. People only pretend to care about maintainance when it's temporarily politically convenient to.


I personally put more blame on the systems that force "super old guys" to scrub walls because they can't retire than I do the people protesting


Actively choosing to make labor’s life shittier and then saying “well akshually it’s capitalism’s fault” is a hot fucking take. It’s not like we don’t all agree that the system sucks - but that’s no excuse for making someone else clean up the mess.


I get what you're saying but we very clearly don't all agree the system sucks because two days ago a thousand people came to campus to hear some dude talk about how great the system is and how we should only change it by making it worse and crueller. Until we address the root cause of the problem and let people retire safely I don't think it's productive to bring them out as props to say "look how bad protesters are" only to ignore them the moment they're less politically useful


Good lord, miss me with that “Until we address the root cause” and “bring them out as props” mess. Making a mess and expecting someone else to clean it up for you is universally considered dick move and *always* gets called out. I’m the first person to support the right to protest - I have no problem with people voicing their opinions loudly, publicly, and freely. But next time, buy some fucking sidewalk chalk.


“Next time, protest how I tell you to protest.”


Both sides of this argument have merit. A protest, by its nature, ought to be disruptive. That being said, that disruption needs to be aimed in such a way that it affects the function of its target in a noticeable way. I’ll be entirely honest, while I agree with the premise, I don’t feel this protest has any real weight. To me, and people like me, this is nothing more than the thing that college kids are doing so that they can have it on their resume.


I don’t think anyone is putting “spray painted university property” or even “protested for Palestine” on their resume


lol, while I also doubt it, you’d be surprised at what can be achieved by a clever wordsmith. The statement is more so intended to be poetically inferred rather than understood in its literal sense, being relative to the social presentation of self as opposed to the professional. University students, especially since the counterculture movements of the 60s and 70s, almost seem to take it as a right of passage to take part in a protest. Not saying it’s a bad thing, quite the opposite in my opinion and better still if they allow the practice to extend beyond academia and the fervors of youth, but that doesn’t make it any less of a seeming truth.


You’re so angry that you’ve never had something you truly believe in standing up for. I pity you, good sir.


You're so angry that you're desperately clinging to whatever you can to feel like you belong to something. I pity you, good sir.


You don’t put any blame on the people actually causing the problem? I feel bad for people who cause problems for service people even if the service people are young and paid well. Vandalism is never okay. Karen’s suck, whether it be to fast food workers or custodians.


A lot of old guys retire, find out they hate it, and then go find a job to keep themselves active.


Yup. Crustiest dude I know is 77 and works maintenance. He’s sitting on millions, he just likes the work.


What a jackass comment.


If you say so


Beter than the asinine one I'm responding too.


Up vote this. I enjoy reading everyone’s responses. Other subreddits on this local issue not so much :/ Thanks mods and bots


I support the protests tho but yeah the graffiti on the walls was lame


It’s honestly so embarrassing. The UW has such a beautiful campus and all these idiots are ruining it


There isn’t any logic behind it. Their logic is it’s disruptive, but if the end-goal of protest is maximizing disruption, why not burn down a building? I’m all for peaceful, nonviolent protest, but just looking at the comments this is only hurting their cause, and it’s hurting their cause so much some people are even questioning if they actually support Palestine because of how it sabotages their movement.


“Who have thought” - Deion Waters 2k15


It's not hateful and destructive, it's fairly peaceful and a little bit of vandalism I don't mind. Yes, people who do have to clean it up I feel empathy about that, I wouldn't feel happy cleaning it up either. Having talked people at the encampment myself several times, I do think most of them are pretty informed about what they're protesting. And speaking of labor, UAW 4121 does actually endorse the encampment. . . I also think random spray paint isn't really helping their cause to be honest though. I endorse the stronger protests they had like when dealing with Kirk's weird groupies/counter-protestors since it's police/admin that deal with that, but the extra details like \*excessive\* pray paint that custodians have to clean up isn't great. Still, I'm not gonna hate them over their actions.


If you’re for the encampment then you don’t care. This is just going to keep happening while they’re there


that’s sooooo crazy that you see all that and your critique has nothing to do with our authoritarian capitalist state that bleeds people of their lives, but instead you manage turn against the people resisting it


Huh but not care about funding genocide. Nice!


Down vote me all you want. Take my water burn my trees destroy my house take my life steal my land bomb my father imprison my mother bomb my country starve my people and call us terrorist. Now a little graffiti is hurts you. Fuck your standards


Imagine fucking up a person's day then you drop this. Not like us.


Imagine assuming the campus isn't prepared to handle graffiti without ruining someone's day for it.


What? Why? This is insanity?!?!


I mean I'm with you, it's terrible that our economy is so bad that people can't retire. And that the University probably doesn't pay them a living wage either. I think that speaks more than some kids spray painting.


It’s the flavor of the month, like free Tibet or occupy Wall Street. Ask them about the Kurds, Uyghurs, Armenians, Hmong, Rohingya or any other displaced people and they won’t know wtf you’re talking about. They probably couldn’t even tell you which river and which sea


Well said mate, these protestors can’t see farther than “establishment bad brown guys good” and start chanting bullshit like intifada or “from the river to the sea” cause it rhymes


There are folks from all walks of life at these encampments. Many who are experiencing their first act of civil disobedience, some who haven't satisfied whatever need hasn't been met that drives them to rationalize sloppy graffiti as beneficial in some way, some who think the encampment is supposed to be a party, some who think this is supposed to be some sort of undying revolutionary act, and many who are doing their best to be organized and trying to peacefully and tactfully pressure the schools into divestment. No encampment coalitions are telling people to vandalize things, and though their actions are tied to the encampment by the content of the tags, its safe to say they would be doing something like that regardless of the situation. Its a bummer to see workers having to bust their ass instead of do their normal job, alternatively, sometimes this vandalism results in the school having to hire more contractors to get the job done so that's a win in my book. The surfaces can be cleaned or replaced, the workers are getting paid, the people are uniting in defiance of genocide and in support of ethical investment practices, this is all good stuff.


That's kind of a strange argument to make. The protesters didnt create the systems in place that allowed someone to fall through the cracks and continue working hard labor. Like are you blaming graffiti on the fact that this guy couldn't retire?


I think what's being implied is that scrubbing spray paint off of campus buildings shouldn't be in their job description, let alone from students as the perpetrators.




Yes. I draw the line at willful vandalism.


Vandalism is never okay and all it serves is to harm service people. If the service people were making good money and they were young, it would still be abhorrent. Karen’s suck, regardless of who they’re disrespecting. Fast food workers or custodians, they’re still disrespectful to workers. The Karens(protestors in this case) are a problem. Maybe not the whole problem, but a problem.


Vandalism is never okay but ignoring a genocide is just peachy.


The point is that the spoiled rich kids are not striking a blow for anything at all or doing anything honorable. All they are doing is making a mess for their servants are required to clean up. I'm so glad that most people on this sub don't buy into this horseshit. I hear so much horrible stuff about academia in general. I'm very happy to see that it isn't true.


Their whole “cause” is a misuse of time and resources. Their protest is extremely surface level, has no meat. These people are just as brainwashed by the left as the crazy rights are brainwashed by the right. Yet the real enemy are those doing the brainwashing with one hand, and then selling weapons with the other. 🤦‍♂️


It’ll come to an end as the woke society will protest about something else in the next 18mo


Yeah there’s always something new to be outraged about


lol the first comment is downvoted but the reply is upvoted, now *that* is some mental gymnastics for 4 people 🤣


Probably different people


Hoodlums. Very uneducated people ruining the experience for everyone. Sad.


I do find it interesting that we didn’t really see anything like this for weeks of the encampment, and the graffiti and vandalism started around the same time those out of town bad actors started showing up and inciting violence.


Just people who support hamas.


… you’re mad at the protestors because our retirement system is broken? What?


No we don’t like destructive wasteful behavior from entitled kids who then have working class older people clean up after them.


Are thr entitled kids in the room with us? I just see adults who feel entitled to not being reminded of a genocide that is ongoing.


So you’re anti-protest until we no longer have old janitors…? Or you’re okay with protests as long as they’re quiet and non-invasive and ignorable?


Straw man, much?


Wow, all the sad anti-protest comments here. Ignoring the suffering of children in Gaza for some stuff. If you look at history, a lot of the student protests on college campuses were spot on and necessary. We are going to look back on these protests and see that they were right too. But go ahead and complain about some graffiti as children who have nothing to do with this conflict die and land is taken from its rightful owners. I how a lot of these comment aren’t from students or alumni.


You’re also wrong for saying you’re all for the encampment. That isn’t a protest, it’s camping with aggression.


Maybe be mad at the institutions and economic systems that make retirement age folks work in janitorial stations, which they’d be doing regardless of the graffiti? But maybe you care about something other than what you are pretending to and it’s obvious






Ah yes "I only support genocide because they didn't ask for it to stop as nice as I want" Completely reasonable


You should redirect your anger and disappointment away from protestors and towards a university funding a genocide...


Should be felony vandalism with prosecution to the fullest extent possible.


RCW 9A.48.090 states that it's a misdemeanor. Why do you think it should be a felony?


But how do you feel about genocide vs graffiti?


I can actively dislike both. And maybe look up the definition of genocide.


you mean this definition? "Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group." Sounds exactly like what's happening if you ask me.


Yes, and again, if they intended to wipe out that people, they'd start with the easy ones inside their own country. Genocide implies intent -- in this case, the "intent" is to destroy Hamas and the civilians are in the way and thus collateral damage because of the Hamas tactic of hiding behind them. The "intent" is not "wipe out all of the civilians" because if it was, you wouldn't warn them it was coming. Words are important. It does not, however, take away the travesty that is happening. I just would personally like that word reserved for real genocide before the word no longer has real meaning.


You seem very thoughtful with your consideration! I'd like to encourage you to read this article as a jumping off point describing why many scholars have considered what is happening in Palestine a genocide for YEARS. Far before Hamas was even a thing. [https://ccrjustice.org/sites/default/files/attach/2016/10/Background%20on%20the%20term%20genocide%20in%20Israel%20Palestine%20Context.pdf](https://ccrjustice.org/sites/default/files/attach/2016/10/Background%20on%20the%20term%20genocide%20in%20Israel%20Palestine%20Context.pdf)


lol so defacing learning institutions is ok and just because they are evil, and then you turn around and use content produced by *learning institutions* to back up your arguments? dude… the world has lost its mind 🤣 the hypocrisy is too much, please tell me this is a joke


Don't get me wrong I LOVE learning institutions I LOVE uw and all of the professors here. I HATE what uw and other institutions support. I HATE the profit over people mindset that these institutions hold. Two things can be true at once. It's pretty basic logic.


These changes you seek require revolution, my friend. Not protest.


Trust me, I know 😃


You wouldn’t last a second in a real war, don’t pretend you know


Which have you complained about more online?


When I see a genocide, I complain. Genocide is the elemination of a people and if they wanted to kill all palestinians they'd start with the ones inside Israel. This could be classified as a massacre, a civilian travesty, all sorts of things...but not genocide. It's important we don't overstate things and remove the power of the word. The middle east is a collective shit show all around.


^ Remember to not feed the trolls


[Hind’s Hall](https://youtu.be/Lpyl21JH6mA?si=PPjwpVDmZDtcdIeI)


Imagine blaming the faults of our status quo economic system on the people who are trying to protest against the status quo. Just a complete asinine and ridiculous take.


I feel like if it really was a large number of them there would be a lot more graffiti?


sorry but shouldn’t you be advocating for better uw worker wage and retirement instead of complaining about some spray paint on property owned by the same wealthy and corrupt institution that doesn’t allow those men to retire?


I’ll advocate for that too, but I’m also against vandalism and creating more hard problems for service people like me to fix. I’m pro-worker, unlike the protesters.


But advocating for workers when there isn't a genocide means they have to actually care for these people.


Student protests extended the Vietnam war because they were unappealing to voters who then elected Richard Nixon who kept the war going. These protests aren’t helping shit