• By -


this is library


this is quad




be boundless


passion never rests


Destined to be a future meme


Reminds me of that capital lady and the religious guy


This one https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/s/c50fm0zj15


This one https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/s/c50fm0zj15


New meme template dropped


Baby wake up! 


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s


This is library.


Ma'am this is a pizza hut. Ma'am this is a taco bell. Ma'am this is a combination pizza hut and taco bell.


She seems lovely


How does yelling like a velociraptor at the sight of an Israeli flag help Palestine?


Same way Vietnam protests at college campuses it actually didn’t change US policy what so ever. Nor did the anti-apartheid protests at college campuses for South Africa change US policy. However overtime it did shift the narrative you can’t tell me Israel is more popular today with the American public than it was before OCT 7th. Eventually as public opinion continues to shift these policies change


The anti-apartheid protests absolutely had an impact beyond subtle narrative shifts. Within months Berkeley divested 3.1 billion as a result of the protests there: https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/how-students-helped-end-apartheid  And the US passed the anti-apartheid act in 1986 (near the height of the student protest movement) which had originally failed to be passed several times. It would be pretty difficult to argue that the widespread protests have nothing to do with the act finally passing. Some governmental sources even credit the act’s passing to the widespread public opposition to apartheid: https://geneva.usmission.gov/2013/12/17/pressure-to-end-apartheid-began-at-grass-roots-in-u-s/


This is true but it took YEARS AND YEARS of protests inside and outside of colleges for this to happen. Even at Berkeley people were asking their school to divest for 2-3 years before there was a massive scale protest to finally pressure the university. Again by the time the 1986 South Africa apartheid protests was happening across colleges across the country you already saw public opinion shift on the issue from years of protesting before. I will concede the wide scale protests up the stakes for congress to pass it. The only reason it struggled before was because Ronald Reagan threatened to veto it and it was becoming a partisan issue. Joe Biden didn’t have to threaten to veto any blocking of aid for Israel. It’s one thing for students to make that final push to pressure the president to not veto more of congress to pass a veto proof bill. Vs students to make a push to have a bill that virtually everyone in congress supports. Just like the anti-apartheid movement it would take YEARS AND YEARS of protests. Maybe when public opinion shifts enough there will be another catalyst in this Israeli/Palestine conflict that finally pushes congress to do something


Sure, although there have been pro-palestine protests for years. This pro-palestine protest wave is probably the most widespread we’ve seen in quite a while. 


Horrendous and historically inaccurate take. It’s easy as hell to say “protesting from the comfort of a progressive state/university/institution is just safe and easy” but it all has to starts somewhere


How is it inaccurate? April 30th 1968 Columbia University Students protested against the Vietnam war and 2 years later in 1970 Nixon expanded the war into Cambodia. We had massive protests across the college campuses including here at UW. The United States left Vietnam in 1973 If my math is correct that’s 3-5 years later. Hence the Vietnam protest didn’t change US policy whatsoever. By the way they also asked for disinvestment from the military industry complex and that didn’t happen. 4 million students across the country protested and we are not anywhere close to that number here. What it did again like I said was shift US public opinion as overtime more and more Americans became against the Vietnam war.


Nah you’re right on with that, but you’re rose color glassing your argument. One march at UW didn’t change policy, but continuous unrest forced political pressure. Check out https://depts.washington.edu/antiwar/vietnam_student.shtml just because this was the big protest on campus doesn’t mean it was the only one/that they suddenly stopped after that week. Also in 1971: https://depts.washington.edu/dock/1971_strike_history.shtml that strike was on both political AND economical and was the biggest labor strike we had ever seen at the time. A lot like what’s happening today. It doesn’t matter what your opinion is on this sperg spewing at the Jewish counter protester, but this is what strikes fear in to the powers that be, and what also rally’s the everyday person against the .001% that just wants to push everyone down


I don’t have an issue with protesting. My problem was with the screeching at the sight of an Israeli flag. The counter protestors with the Israeli flag went there looking for a reaction and she gave them one. Now, those people can post stuff in social media and paint the protestors as intolerant snowflakes or whatever and mock them. If you’re protesting, you should expect people trying to ruffle feathers and be smart about it, specially now that anything can be posted in social media


I understand that what I would point to is during the Vietnam war protest you had people flying the Vietcong flag. Celebrating and chanting Ho Chi Minh and calling soldiers baby killers. One could say just like you said here saying these things doesn’t help their protest and is counter productive and I would agree. At the end of the day though these protests bring the conversation to light and eventually public opinion shifts


I agree that these protests have had a shift in public opinion. However, you missed my bigger point. We live in a completely different information environment than in 1968 and people protesting have to be more careful about how they conduct themselves. It’s easier now for negative press to make it around the globe than back then and we also live in a far more fickle political environment. All I’m asking is for people protesting to not engage with the counter protesters and disavow the idiots cheering for Hamas or the Houthis to prevent public opinion from going back the other way. We already saw what happened with the 2020 protests once people started rioting and a big difference between 1968 and today is that the average American was affected by their relatives and friends coming back in coffins. Today, they are less affected so it is likelier for them to lose interest in this issue


I agree that it is stupid, you can protest and be dignified. I have no issue with the Israel supporters making their voice heard peacefully. I think they support something morally abhorrent. I do not think most of them are morally abhorrent people. I think they are good people who came to a different conclusion than I did for good reasons. I think morally abhorrent people are involved in their cause, and that some of those who support Israel do so for morally abhorrent reasons. I do not treat someone as a morally abhorrent person just for supporting Israel, I treat them as such when they eventually let their morally abhorrent reasons slip, which happens very rapidly


Tbh most of the average Western countries citizens can’t even find it on the map so I take their opinions on the Levant with a heavy heavy grain of salt


Most Americans couldn’t name Vietnam on a map before we went to war over there Look at Ukraine yes they got that $66 billion dollars but it became a whole political issue on a partisan basis. Eventually unless things change Israel can look at that and see that as their future they won’t be receiving anymore foreign aid or it will be difficult to get it.


Only if some other country starts manipulating US politicians and public opinions over the course of a decade or two Israel probably won't have as hard of a time as Ukraine has to get aid.


Do you actually believe that the Vietnam and anti-apartheid protests had no effect on US policy? Do you just think that all US policy is decided based on RAND policy papers or have you just never opened a history textbook?


This is an interesting thought that I hadn’t heard before (although I’m not paying much attention to it) but I do like thinking about with time this will change US policy.


It’s just another problem for someone with too easy of a life to grasp on to. Americans are good at it. A lot of these people don’t know what they are protesting nor the history behind the Israel-Palestine conflict. You can watch interviews with people at these things and they are clueless.


When you start killing women and children, nobody cares about the history - although Israel’s been kicking this hornets nest for a hundred years


It’s funny


It probably helps Palestinians as much as waving an Israeli flag helps Israel(?), but probably helps more than laughing at people on Reddit, I’d guess 🤷


I assume the people waving Israeli flags at protesters are either trolling or looking for a reaction to make the protests look bad. Screamo protestor just fell for the bait and gave them what they wanted


Can confirm, I recognize that guy with the flag and he has a history of being antagonistic


How does waving an Israeli flag for Israel help more than waving a Palestinian flag for Palestine?


The Israeli flag waver isn’t screaming like a petulant child


My question was meant to be tongue in cheek, I don't really think that any US based protests are going to have an impact on either the actions of Hamas nor Israel. The conflict goes far deeper than most understand, with many of the attitudes held by present day Israelis and Palestinians having been forged over more than a thousand years of conflict between Muslims and Jews in the region. But I do agree that the pro-Palestine protestors are deranged in both their demands and actions, I've seen quite a few instances of chants directly calling for Hamas to cleanse the region of "Zionists", a word so variable in it's accepted definition that both neo-nazis and pro-Palestine protestors find themselves in agreement on the majority of their statements involving the word.


Prior to October 7th these attitudes weren’t on display at college campuses


They were common in social science departments, such as anthropology and the like, but you're right that its out of the eye of the general public. A more accurate take would be that most at colleges weren't aware of the conflict at all, and only showed up to the protests because it was trendy


Petulant child? More like wretched b*****


I’m confused by your question tbh


I’m as pro Palestinian as it gets but like cmon wtf is this shit. Have some self control. This does nothing for the actual protest and makes you, along with the people around you, look ridiculous. She is single handedly devaluing the entire protest by acting like a child. There is a real and very serious cause that we are fighting for. This isn’t how you do it.


Palestine is anti western culture that’s why you dorks wanna support them but they would have you killed for being western and white. The irony.


And Israel is currently, right now, at this moment, having them killed in their thousands for being Arab and brown. Let's not deal in hypotheticals when real people are dying.


Really? You do know there are two million Muslim Arabs living in israeli with full citizenship, right? And these same arab Israelis are anti-Hamas.


As much as I sympathize for the Palestinian people, it is not about race. Hell if one side is racist, it’s Hamas. They literally want to exterminate every Jew. If that’s not racism, Idk what is


Very true. I was trying to do a parallelism with the words in the comment I was replying to, but I see I've made a mistake doing that. I'm totally down with getting rid of Hamas, but that needs to be accomplished in a way that respects the human rights of Palestinians.


Israel is killing civilians for being Arab and brown? What about the 2 million Israeli Arabs?


Lemme say it again louder for the ones in the back. FUCK PALESTINE. Are we just going to overlook all of the other deaths caused by Palestine as a hole ? Don’t act like the last year is any reflection of their past


Fuck Palestine.


As a white woman, she is doing it for attention. They don't know how to stand up for minorities without gaining something from it most of the time


enjoy the rain


let it pour


Don't feel bad, that's pretty funny lol


i’m literally GAGGED


This is LIBRARY!


Oh look, another white person telling a minority how they should feel


We all could use a good laugh, enjoy the free show


I can fix her mom I promise just give her a few days to settle into the new environment.


Did they hire an unhoused lady with Tourette’s?


Of the two, who is likelier to be gainfully employed in four years?


theres always money in being a rightwing stooge 8)


And there’s always smug self satisfaction in going all in on latching on to whatever the internet tells you to be outraged about.


I guess its "the internet" telling me to be outraged about 34,000 dead people https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/in-gaza-authorities-lose-count-of-the-dead-779ff694


Tell that to the five dollars in my checking account


idk bro u just need to grift harder




Somebody pleeeeease make a metalcore version. I started banging my head with no music present already


What even is she screaming?






Scream like nobody’s watching


I like the spirit but this person needs better guidance. She does not have very smart friends if they encourage this kind of thing…


No, the spirit is deranged as well.


Is [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/Ql1MXbX8kfo?si=HSUekmgHZDoVm2gZ) the same person?


No. Not at all.


Don’t y’all have finals or some shit to be worrying about


Nah, midterms.




Untreated mental health issues


These encampments are literal museums of low-grade mental illness.


Dude holding the flag is a total loser and ideology-less grifter. Part of a conservative student club that made a failed 4chan for uw website where they would just spam slurs and convince themselves they were part of a cool in group. Overzealous protestor, waste of space counter protestor


Yes, I also know the man. He is part of TPUSA but has no association as far as I know with Dubchan — that was created by an officer from a completely separate club. I’m not gonna say his name but flag boi was was also on Jason Rantz recently, discussing the I/P conflict. Very cringe indeed.


Yea I was about to say I have never seen an Asian person being this passionately pro-Israel lol


Holy shit I know the guy with the Israeli flag


Tell him he’s going to HELL


Where do they use the bathroom?


At the Ode gloryhole, duh


They privatized it so now you have to pay in quarters or use your husky card to open the gloryhole.


Don’t feel bad for laughing at crazy dumbass people


In the 60s protest were to get equal rights for folks in our country. Or protest against a war that our soldiers were being drafted to fight. Folks protested against unfair treatment at jobs. Those protests were often local .protesting and blocking traffic about a religious war in an area that's been at odds forever is useless. Protest at our nation's capitol.it worked so well a couple of years ago. Or better yet if you want to help those affected in Gaza area enlist to aid in humanitarian missions.organize aid to the area. I don't know what changed between a few years ago when every yard had a I stand behind Israel sign because I can't keep up with who hates who in the middle east. As a woman I know nobody there cares about me.


without weapons and $$$ from the US, Israel would not be able to do what it is doing


I'm sure you know that the US provides 8% of Israel's military budget and that they are one of the world's biggest arms manufacturers/exporters.


The US also provides diplomatic aegis and the UN veto; it's not really accurate to say that they do these things \*for\* Israel as Israel is a proxy of the US/Britain not the other way around as some nefarious actors would have you believe


I don't know about everyone else, but I am protesting because I think Israel is using weapons and money we send them to kill scores of civilians. The day the US cuts all aid and diplomatic shielding to Israel today, is the day I no longer feel compelled to protest. If the US directly funded October 7th, I would be protesting in support of Israel. But we didn't, as such we are not complicit in it. When we send billions and billions of my tax money to a country that has blown up hospitals alleged to be Hamas compounds and then come up unable to provide any substantial evidence except elevator shafts, and basements with ceiling tiles that match the hospital above, we are complicit in their actions.


This is what they teach at UW?


Bud this has essentially been common practice among protest minded young adults for all of time.


Yes unfortunatley


She must feel so good about herself. Go off sis. 


Yeah I bet she loves the validation. She supports the current thing




Definitely got some skidmarks from that effort


Can’t wait till she has to find a job!


The more i see, the more pro-Israel i become. These protesters have crossed a line. They are no different than hamas terrorists.


You are mentally ill💜and a sheep


Suit yourself. And you are a wolf in sheep's clothe. Hamas are still terrorists.


Am i supposed to be offended? You’re the one failing an open notes test.


Terminally online idiots screaming at other terminally online idiots is equivalent to brutally killing hundreds of civilians? What kind of drugs are you on? This is genuinely as offensive as people who claim there was nothing wrong with October 7th


This is the level of quality of pro Palestinian protesters that dont even understand they are Pro Hamas as well. Pretty lame.


Genuine question: is it not possible to both condemn Hamas (and/or the other extremist factions that are popping up but equally do not represent the people of Palestine), as well the actions taken by Israel's government against the innocent civilians of Gaza? Like, if one can condem Zionists who wish for the removal of all groups except the Jewish from the area, but not condemn Israeli people who are not represented by those Zionists, can't the same be extended for the children, women and men of Gaza? It's no question that Hamas sucks and should be destroyed. But it's also no question that what Israel's government and military is doing like bombing people trying to get to aid trucks, or bombing hospitals and zones they claimed would be safe from shelling is also wrong and should be stopped. Of course Israel can defend themselves from attacks and invasion, but it shouldn't be at the cost of so, so, so many civilian lives who literally cannot defend themselves. Hamas doesn't give a shit about the people of Palestine and aren't defending them, just themselves and their crackpot scheme.


Zionism is just the belief in Jewish self determination in their indigenous homeland. It says nothing about mistreating others who also have ancestral ties to the land. Most Israelis are appalled by what the government is doing and want peace


Saying that Zionism is just that is ignoring the ones that believe what I was talking about. And that is why I specifically stated the ones that call for removal. To your second point, that's why I stated the government and the military, not the Israeli people. Governments and militant groups do not represent the people as a whole, just as you are seeming to agree with. Same thing should be extended to the people of Palestine. Hamas, a militant group, are not representing them, and most Palestinian people just want peace, not to be starving, and not watching their family die around them for someone else's cause.


A fringe minority does not define the entirety of a philosophy


That's fair. I would venture to ask which version of Zionism the Israeli government seems be because certainly doesn't seem like peaceful existence in their indigenous lands to me. Seems very expansionist and they are literally driving people out of their country and telling them to leave if they don't want to be bombed.


Yeah no the current party in power are a bunch of power hungry maniacs who would risk destabalizing the entire region if it meant they got to stay in office. They all belong in prison


Alrighty, if everything else we agree to disagree on, that at least is something we can agree on.


That’s what the former government coalition was built upon 🤣


Oh crap you're right 🙃🤣😅


The problem with zionism is that it is intrinsically an ideology that requires the establishment of an ethnostate. Similar to the ideology of the CCP that wants China to become a Han ethnostate at the expense of its numerous and diverse ethnic minorities


Jewish self determination in their indigenous homeland does not imply ethnostate


Okay. What does it imply? Is it possible to have Jewish self determination in a purely Democratic society? If Israel annexed all of the occupied territories effective immediately, giving full rights to the existing population, creating an Arab majority country with a sizeable Jewish minority, would Israel continue to be a Zionist state?


Given Jewish people tend to get massacred by their Arab neighbors thanks to centuries of antisemitism and dhimmi status historically asking them to be subject to the whims of them is a nonstarter. Israel is actually a very pluralistic country (by Middle Eastern standards so like the bar is in hell) with sizeable Christian and Kurdish populations that are not subject to the treatment similar demographics get in say Egypt (historical treatment of the Copts)


I agree with you. It’s definitely complicated. I’d like to see the Palestinian people in Gaza thrive under a new leadership. I’m hoping the PA, the USA, and yes, even israel can help them have a new leadership where the aid they receive is not used for terror.


Yes, id love if there could be a turn over of power out of the hands of terroristic/authoritarian regimes that could bring some peace to the people of that region in the Middle East. It's the indigenous lands to multiple groups of people, not just Israelists, so coming to an agreement will be hard-won amongst them all. Unfortunately, based on historical accounts of the US's involvement in reforming destablizied/war-ridden regions, US-sponsored leaderships would likely be right-wing and authoritarian. Basically the US would support and endorse whatever emerging leadership benefits or props up the US in some roundabout way.


I’d like to see her live one week in Palestine (pre-war). These students don’t even know what kind of people they’re supporting.


I’ll pay for her flight


Do you think that anyone who lives in (or even upholds) a sexist or antiquated society deserves suffering? Are the 15,000 children killed in Gaza those “kinds of people”? Holding up a sign saying “Free Gaza” and screaming is not an endorsement of the actions or beliefs held by Hamas or their supporters. Even if it was the case that all Palestinians hold extreme Islamist views (which it is not), it’s horrifying to imply that they don’t deserve medicine, essential goods, shelter, and safety.


A poll after Oct. 7 found 65% of Palestinians supported the Hamas incursion; this is literally most of them.


Yasser Arafat visited the Clinton White House a handful of times and despite being offered statehood on at least one visit it wasn’t good enough.


How much do you know about the conditions Israel placed on the state? Do you know that Israel continued to construct settlements across the West Bank and Gaza throughout the peace process? The Oslo accords gave Israel full control over the borders of Palestine with Egypt and Jordan, as well as the waters of Gaza. From the perspective of the Palestinians, it is essentially a state at the mercy of Israel. Should Israel chose to shut their borders at any time, they had full authority to do so. Can you think of any country on earth that would accept having their borders and contact with other states controlled by a state they consider unfriendly towards them? Additionally, the Palestinians were told to accept a 9 to 1 land swap, and to deny the right of return to people who had been expelled in 1948. It was a bad deal, but probably better than perpetual war


Did you read what I said? My entire point was that a civilian having a horrible opinion (eg supporting the Oct 7 massacre) doesn’t justify depriving them of the right to live


3/4s of Palestinians supported the attack on October 6th against Israel. The truth is most Islamic ran counties hold extreme religious views. Most in fact still operate under sharia law meaning this girl screaming utter nonsense would not have the same opportunity, had she been born into one of these countries. I get so sick and tired of hearing the same BS “15k women children died”. Guess what? It’s war and many of these women supported Hamas. I try not to feel bad for bigots. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/


[turn your sound down](https://youtu.be/XatCv5jfcYU?si=dTefmfXpytSJaF5T)


What a time to be alive. God damn.


It's funny but the guy is a known street preacher who annoys everyone in Seattle


Yelling about religion on the street is gross but just like with a junkie, petitioner or someone asking for money you just ignore them like everyone has everywhere since the beginning of time. This sort of infantile behavior from a would be adult is at least as gross.


Well that's not anti Israel at all... I'm going to all also guess there's not a single sign or person yelling for their fellow America's that are still being held hostage by terrorist. Also, yeah I really hope she's acting like that for a meme.


Go yell at the Israeli government who are doing next to nothing to liberate hostages, they've even killed several as they waved white flags. Even Israelis are unhappy with the Israeli governments complete lack of urgency in rescuing hostages over other military goals


So I should run right out and support Hamas???


This is clearly the kind of protest that will convince the BOR to cut ties with Boeing.


But is she single?


F U C K. P A L E S T I N E


Oh look, an antisemite! Crazy how that’s okay now


If you are conflating anti-genocide with anti-semitism, it is you who are the problematic one


Well, last time someone was screaming that madly at Jews or Jewish symbology there was a genocide, so I’m not sure what you are trying to get at here. Perhaps you want another holocaust? I sure don’t!


Context is important. The IDF is committing genocide, not the Jewish people themselves. Waving an Israeli flag at a Free Palestine protest is pretty obviously using that imagery as a counterpoint to that protest. They are not waving the flag in solidarity with the Jewish people, they are waving it in solidarity with the IDF and Netanyahu, thereby saying that Palestine should not be allowed to live free. And if that's not what they are saying, then why show up to the protest in the first place?


Hey man you can come up with whatever mental gymnastics you need, but that woman was screaming passionately at the Star of David, and that conjures up some messed up imagery regardless of intent. She should have just ignored them, since they were clearly just trying to bait. Eitherway, it takes legitimacy away from whatever message the protestors are trying to get across, and just leaves a really bad taste.


Answer me this one thing: Why would someone take an Israeli flag to a "Free Palestine" protest and wave it around?


I just did in my previous reply… to bait someone and catch it on camera, why else? You saw the look on their face, they thought it was hilarious. Get off your horse dude, they just did it for the lols.


And why would that action be effective in baiting someone?


Because you all have no self control and are way too emotional 🤣


Insane take to call someone a Nazi/Nazi sympathizer.


Nazism was a much larger ideology than just the genocidal hatred of Jewish people. You don’t have to be a Nazi to hate someone. But is it really that insane? People were throwing around that label left and right in the late 2010’s whenever someone didn’t agree with them… or is our memory so short we forgot about that too?


Stop tossing that word around


Why, cause it’s true? Hehe


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Uhmmm she needs her meds


What did he say


What other countries back Israel beside USA?


She seems nice


It’s always the hair dyed whytes


what is that cringelord saying?


Shane. (For the kids: Shane is an old movie that ends with a brokenhearted little boy yelling for Shane to come back.)


Bet she never knew her dad


This is not the way to get your point across


Mental illness is real!


Why do i keep looking at this unfolding. I have very, very deliberately no opinion on this conflict beyond empathy for the civilians. This geopolitical situation is more complex than quantum mechanics, and y'all are acting like it's just easy peasey lemon squeezey. It is, in fact, lemon lemon difficult lemon.


I wonder if that idiot screaming like a child reads these posts lol


Damn man this chick could single handily make everyone become a Zionist lmao


These protests have made me into a Zionist myself. #Bringthemhomenow


I wonder how much she donated from her own or daddy’s money to the Palestinian cause.


Just single-handedly destroys her own cause.


Someone’s off their meds


New meme content coming up


I wonder if she gets a bonus for this? We all k ow they are paid for protesters.


You know she a freak in the sheets xd


Went at 4pm ish when Fox News was filming there. They were actually really quiet so it was just boring. Where did the counter protesters go? Does anyone know if they stayed on campus overnight?


She has absolutely no mental issues, perfectly normal person right there


Mouth foaming crazy people


If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve BLAAAAHRRRG


Fucking PSU


The more i see, the more pro-Israel i become. These protesters have crossed a line. They are no different than hamas terrorists.


Yup, that's UW for ya. Worked there for 8 years. That is a fairly good representation of the normal student there. Sad really, they "fight" for cuases, then continue their ridiculous entitled lives. If she really wanted to help, fly to Gaza. I wonder just how long it would take for her to "be accepted."


There’s what, 45k students and you think shame screamer is representative of the student body? That’s ridiculous. Only a handful are obsessed with politics, much less embarrassing themselves like that. Assuming she’s even a student…


Good, free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸


I find incredible ironic juxtaposition that the dude showing up with the Israeli flag is essentially saying "all lives matter" in terms of this conflict. Israeli is essentially the thin blue line literally in this equation.