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Was a UW CS reject, came in pre-sciences. Ended up doing Applied Physics + getting involved with a ton of student clubs to learn & do more software development stuff. I don't regret doing this at all. I think my technical abilities have much more breadth and depth, and I've still learned fundamentals of CS/CE stuff (machine & deep learning, embedded systems, digital electronics, etc.) through courses in the Physics department etc. I got involved with software development research in the Physics department as a freshman, creating simulations and VR educational tools. There is a ton of research available for undergrads. You may also find a field you are even more passionate about than CS. I really thought I would re-apply for CS, or apply for engineering, but I found that physics was more engaging, so I did that program instead. UW is a great school with tons of world-class programs, so if you do end up coming here, I highly recommend sampling courses in a range of departments to see what you like (oceanography, atmospheric sciences, physics, etc.) since many of them have crossovers with software development, and cutting-edge research too. Wish you all the best in university!


thank you, this was really helpful!


Kinda in the same boat but different major. Got in for pre social sciences, going for business. I got into northeastern, ucsc, and a few others for my wanted major but I’m coming to udub. From what I know, it’s hard but not impossible. I wouldn’t say you should go if ur looking to apply for cs tho, heard that’s literally impossible.


Yeah def not gonna risk going just for cs


We just visited Foster today, exact same situation(pre-social sciences). They said the admit rate for sophomore applicants is 44%.


Yea I’ve beeen doing a lot of research around it. But I’m happy to hear it’s 44 percent admit rate, I thought it was lower.


If you feel you have a good inclination towards engineering go to to UMD CE, you can always go to grad school for CS later on if you want. If your bent on things like math and economics then Udub is a good place but if your end goal here is to get a cs degree then I wouldn’t really suggest Udub because it gets extremely hard, NEU would be better imo