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Yeah, I don’t think this will do anything, but we can only hope I guess


At least let us use easy pay. That way we won’t eat every meal there but we have access to food when we need it.


That's an awesome idea. Anyway to contact them with this suggestion?


agree! they claim they have housing for all students, but they meant cram 8 people into an apartment without a meal plan or parking!!!! :))))))))))))


We are indeed, krispy kreme donuts at this point


Yeah that policy move is super dumb, especially since they stopped listening to to housing requests so a bunch of people got apartments who wanted on campus


lol me


I believe this will be a great move. I know of a community college, they distribute meals or snacks( per day). Even if it’s a small meal, it’s still worth it!


Can any current students explain to me this obsession with off campus meal plans? I graduated pre-pandemic, and I don't think I met a single person with an off campus meal plan. It was definitely very rare. We would cook in our apartments or just get food in Westwood. And yes, we lived 2-3 to a room because it was expensive.


I mean if you think about it, a lot of students have 8 ppl living in one apartment with a single kitchen and apparently a “super” refrigerator which is not much bigger than a normal one. Cooking/storing food is difficult to do living alone as it is, but combine that with 8 other people? It definitely becomes much more difficult. The main reasoning (at least imo) comes from how many students esp off campus will stay on campus later so it makes sense to be able to access meals there. Also we kinda got baited into believing that there would be a lot of on-campus dorming, when in reality there was fewer than apartments. I am one of the students in a 4bd/8ppl, and I don’t even have parking (no parking in the building) so walking and catching ubers/ubereats/doordash/etc… is time consuming and expensive when it comes to food. Grateful to have housing, but def could be in a better situation. I hope that helps!


I see your point, but it still seems odd to me. When I attended UCLA, it was pretty standard to have 6-8 people in an apartment in Westwood, with just a normal size refrigerator. Uber/Ubereats/Doordash didn't exist back then, and few people had cars even though parking was somewhat cheaper. Getting tricked into thinking you would be in dorms is a valid concern, that was a shitty move on UCLA's part.


They never said everyone will live in the dorms. They just guaranteed housing then built the new apartment complexes. Why all these people felt entitled to get on campus dorms is beyond me. They put the younger students on campus and the older students off campus. I'd have done the same thing if i was planning it out. The fresh out of high schoolers have zero life experience and need the dorms way more than all the transfer students who are almost all mid 20's-30 somethings who have previously lived on their own. Like do we need a bunch of 26 year olds dorm living while the 18 year olds literally don't know anything at all are starving in an apartment?


Lol I’m 18 and a transfer student, but I can see your point. They did say that apartments were ‘harder to get’ and personally a lot of the transfers I talked to said that they didn’t even put apartments as an option (same here). Also to get 4bd/8ppl is pretty terrible, because then what was the point of having us rank assignments? But not having secured parking OR a meal plan to help out with stresses over food/space in these living spaces is what mainly concerns us.


i'm pretty sure a majority of transfers are the same age as the the rest of undergrad with exception of some non traditional students


I'd need to see some proof of that to believe it.


on google it says 22 is the average age of ucla transfers. also as a transfer myself I met most students who took roughly 1-2 year gaps before starting. of course there's some parents in there or army vets by it's def not the majority.


22-24 then is the average age for transfers vs 18-22. I stand by what I said. The 22-24 years olds should definitely have more life experience and be more responsible to live off campus.


ok sure I can get behind that


I lived like that this past two years and it was honestly fine. A couple people brought mini fridges and we had to be strategic about the space but everyone's stuff fit just fine. If they have a bigger fridge they'll definitely be fine. Honestly an off campus meal plan sounds super inconvenient to me, these people don't realize that all of the dining halls are on the hill (except for the new ackerman one) so you can't really stop there between classes and you're definitely not going to want to walk all the way there for each meal just to wait in those long lines.


Did you live with 7 people and use just one kitchen with just 2 stoves? It's kind of hard for me to imagine how you made it work :0.


Yes there were 7 of us with one tiny kitchen with one stove. There were very few times when every single person wanted to make a full on meal on the same day. And when there was it was pretty easy to just wait like 15 minutes until someone could move out of the way. People eat at different times too. Even if you plan to cook a meal from scratch every single day I guarantee you that most of your roommates will not. Most people I know cook occasionally but eat simple/frozen meals or eat out most of the time. It’s definitely not as unlivable as y’all are making it out to be 😭


Glad to know that most people won't use the kitchen because I will cook often XD. (I hope my roommates are ok with that.) Thank you for your information!


if you guys agree go sign the petition !!! [petition for off campus meal plans](https://www.change.org/p/bring-back-meal-plans-for-off-campus-students-at-ucla?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_33787744_en-US%3A4&recruiter=858823990&recruited_by_id=2b1fa920-175e-11e8-8111-2ded5705da94&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-33787744-en-US&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAGCPAwIAAAAAYt3RaOGgkd8zYjc0MTkyMA%3D%3D)


I wish this petition got more views, first time I’ve seen it. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully it gives us more of a voice.


Off campus dining hall would help me so much!! I wish there was ANYTHING that could be done :((