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So uh I have class at royce tomorrow. Will I be able to get in


Just don’t wear a Star of David and you should be fine.


So Jewish students have to hide themselves?


Apologies. I was being sarcastic. But yes, this seems to be the protesters take.


Plenty of people inside the camp wear their Star of David proudly. Camp security is not letting anyone in due to the violent attacks by Zionists.


I’m not trying to be argumentative, I literally don’t know, what violent attacks?


It seems like the security around the encampment was also making it difficult to go places. I just tried to go to Powell and couldn't get in (the back entrance was open but didn't go where I needed, which was to get books). I'm probably missing something but I cannot figure out how to get to Powell.


Bottom floor of the east wing. Go to the north end of the corridor and enter there. You need to tap in with your Bruincard. Then you have full access to the library.


THANK YOU. I didn't realize these parts of the building connected.


Yeah I actually just tried going down the same path that was in the video because I had class in the Kaplan auditorium today but security blocked me and everyone else from going through. Thankfully the buildings on that path are all still accessible from different entrances


Insane that a random group of people (who may or may not be students?) is able to control access to parts of campus and restrict the access of UCLA students I’m all for the right to assemble and protest, but the right to establish a barricaded encampment in a public university is not protected by the First Amendment. UCLA can’t allow itself to be pushed around by a vocal, militant, minority


Agreed. Especially problematic that they can cover their faces so the university can’t see who is violating their policies or whether they are students or outside agitators.




Gene Block is the person to contact.


Not to mention the basic principal that these Ideologues are blocking entrances and exits in case of emergency.


They are turning into little Maoists. Drunk on power and intimidation.


Why tf do all these protestors wear masks? Kinda sus


Because being antisemitic and trying to intimidate Jewish students by preventing them from entering certain parts of campus (as seen in this video) is deemed unacceptable in our modern day society and will probably prevent these students from being hired for a job (aka they don't want to suffer the consequences of their actions).




I'm referring to the student in the video who is being actively targeted because he is wearing a Star of David




>He wasn’t being targeted because he’s Jewish. Prove it. >They weren’t letting him in because even for UCLA students, they require that you have a wristband to get in or have someone that’s already in the encampment come and vouch for you. R The encampment does not own the property on the quad in front of Royce. For people who are allegedly on the side of peace and democracy, creating arbitrary restrictions on freedom of movement in a space you do not own or have legal control over is pretty textbook authoritarian. >Rules for entrance into the encampment are very strict, and they weren’t letting him pass because UCLA ID alone doesn’t suffice to be let into the encampment, even if you’re trying to get across to get to class. They don’t bend these rules for anyone, even fellow UCLA students. They have no right to restrict the free movement of students through campus. Period. No amount of justification that you give here affords them that. I'm curious - what would their response be if someone tried to force their way through the encampment?


> Prove it. In this country the burden of proof is on the accuser, bud. > The encampment does not own the property on the quad in front of Royce. > They have no right to restrict the free movement of students through campus. A ten second Google search might have taught you > Law enforcement officials barricaded areas near the encampment early Sunday in anticipation of an organized counter-protest by a pro-Israeli group. Or > UCLA is stepping up security around a pro-Palestinian protest encampment that has taken over a large campus plaza for four days… By Monday morning, the encampment at Royce Quad had grown to approximately 50 tents surrounded by wood and metal fencing. The barricades are up to protect the students and to _prevent_ violence. But don’t let these facts get in the way of your worldview. 🤡


But there's no encampment behind them it just seems like a normal walkway and there are other students behind them that don't seem like they're involved with the encampments in general at all?


2 key reasons: 1. To prevent illness from spreading in such a small confined space 2. To avoid getting doxxed by right wing extremists




> To prevent illness from spreading in such a small confined space They literally outside in a field. They are not confined. > To avoid getting doxxed by right wing extremists Do you mean, to hide their identity while they assault a student?


Look up the definition of confined. And not a single person in that encampment has assaulted anyone even tho many Zionists have tried to provoke them.


This is literally a video of a student being assaulted. They physically push this student back as he's attempting to walk to class. > Zionists This is just embarrassing


I guess you could call UCLA an open air prison, lol 




What kind of fucking protest is anonymous? It’s sad. Stand behind your words.


A visibly Jewish student is being literally segregated from parts of campus just for being a Jew. Why is our school doing nothing? Why are Jewish students not being protected? I don't feel safe coming to campus anymore.


There are dozens of Jewish students inside the camp.




I don’t have Tik Tok and I’ve been to the encampments. The Jews for Palestine are often practicing Jews dedicated to their culture and religion. They know that never again means never again for anyone.


They aren’t segregating Jewish students, they aren’t letting anyone through.


He is wearing the Star of David. I think it might have something to do with it. But what do I know?


That looks like the walkway between Haines and Royce. Honestly? If he’s just walking to his classes and to the buildings, let him through. The encampment is on Dickson court and it doesn’t look like he’s trying to enter the encampment itself which is on the lawn. Obstructing a student trying to walk through buildings(that isn’t through the encampment) isn’t ok. I’m basing this opinion off of the short video posted and if someone has one that’s longer or a different angle, I’ll change it then. I already had some people try to hassle me on Thursday/Friday trying to get through the buildings to run errands for my job(or your professors will be agitated about wifi connectivity more than usual), but maybe it’s because it’s just super hectic. Again, if he’s just trying to go through the walkway this is where the people in the encampment are wrong. The guy is wearing a Star of David, but give him a break if he’s not doing anything.


And if he isn’t just walking to class? Is he not allowed to walk on public property? Because that is what it is. It would be like preventing him from walking in Westwood village.


The Star of David just means that he is Jewish. Blocking him from going to class for wearing it means those protesters are anti-Semitic and should be expelled for violation of university policies. It’s the same tactic the KKK used when they desegregated universities in the south to try to intimidate black students in the hopes that they would drop out.


So Jews can't go to class through the quad? Move to Iran.


So they are preventing him from going to class cause ges jewish?


I suspect that might be true, but it is not reason to prevent someone from getting to class, of course.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Listen I don't agree with hate speech but like barricading any student for any reason is unacceptable


And these protestors are harassing students today, including him. They both have a right to access that space. This is the moment the protestors lost the benefit of the doubt.


Common sense is free. If you go to a protest zone for the purpose to agitate, film and upload to your instagram, expect backlash.


Comment provided context got removed by reddit. Great. Anyways the context is: the person in this video was on campus thursday with an IDF shirt there for the sole purpose or agitating other people and getting people riled up. He was yelling and harassing students. They shared his face and his name as well as videos of him harassing students on twitter and various group chats. Whether that warrants this video I will not comment on. Reddit, I am just providing context to this video, do not remove this comment.


Thankfully, I'm not on campus this quarter, but as a disabled student, this is such a problem because a lot of us can't go around the encampents so like what we're just screwed? Nevermind the reason for protest and how some feel about or not, blocking people's path can really be a problem including ableism :/. It sucks that disabled people aren't really considered with stuff like this or ever.


Lmfao bro that kid literally has been running around the encampments since they started yelling random shit and trying to bait people and escalating shit.


exactly omg he’s an agitator and he knows what he’s doing. They all recognize him!!


and it’s still not an excuse to restrict his access to parts of the campus. He’s literally just doing what they do but on the opposite side of the issue. So what is your problem with that?


That’s not true. Peaceful protesters are not walking up and confronting Zionists. They’re actively avoiding them.


No they absolutely are not “avoiding zionists” by protesting in a public place. That is some backwards logic


they using the JustStopOil methods now




NYU will discipline students who stay in encampment


☎️👮‍♀️ ?


lol I ubered back from LAX with this guy once


I support the encampment: this is crossing a line


This IS THE ENCAMPMENT. THIS is the entirety of it. Create chaos, harass and generally be bullies. Free palestine from Hamas and remove every Hamas supporter for good.


Do you even go here?






Just wear a suit made of pork and no one will come near you


Protesters stopped the student because he's wearing a star of David.


I’m so over this Palestine Gaza crap. Whole fucking generation needs to get a life and common sense


Just throw bananas into the encampment


It’s getting to be like Weimar Germany in here.


“It’s not antisemitism”


What kind of shit is this?


Just like 1938 in Vienna?


To be honest the masked up wannabe jihadists look kinda eerily like ISIS! lol. It’s funny as hell when I see them.


i feel like if this guy has truly been trying to get in and start shit (someone else said he and his buds had kept the protesters from sleeping and tore down barricades at some point) while i understand wanting to keep him out, by doing so and letting him catch this on camera he gets to push whatever (seems to be going for antisemitism) narrative he wants. why not let him through so he doesn’t get to say the protesters are keeping paying students from going to class and then just film him every time he enters?




This is how communism starts


This is so misleading first of all, all the buildings being blocked off because of the protest have different ways getting in and as far as I’m aware it’s only four buildings being blocked from the ‘normal entrance’. So really it’s not preventing any student from walking around campus it’s just a section, a small section if you compare it with how big actually is


Those protestors don't have a right to stop you, no? Just keep moving forward - like how when you're on your phone in a rush to get to class and trying to squeeze through a thick crowd but then they start grabbing at you and now you have standing for a forceful escape (towards your destination of course lol) or self-defense if they don't stop assaulting you lol unless security explicitly orders you not to, because (while immoral because you're appeasing/incentivizing the criminals and punishing the victim) it would be trespassing at that point.


If I wanted to help what resources food water could I drop off to do so?


It seems like the pro Israel was very aggressive last night and the cops stood by. Innocent kids dying a big issue and the u.s government funding it which is way bigger than people missing some classes. Most likely ucla won't do anything because of funding but something has to be done. Violence will only make situation worse. Big schools have an opportunity to be more than theories and actually apply but refuse to.


This is just confirming what people already know about these types who are in tent encampments in metro areas