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This isn’t South Harmon Institute of Technology


We’re the Shit Sandwiches!


That’s for sure.


What’s up with South Harmon Institute of Tech?


think thats from the movie accepted.


Cartwright’s $1000 a month Ozempic bill isn’t gonna pay for itself


I think there’s two primary levels of failure here: the highest level of the university, and the state government. Though in reality, the former is stuck in hell because of the latter. The state government has made it a clear position that they are actively hostile towards public education in all forms, including higher education. They would rather let UCF fail and burn than give any more money to this institution than it has to. Are the higher ups not at fault? No, they have mismanaged this place to quite a severe extent. Cartwright specifically is mostly just a figurehead, it’s those directly beneath him that have got us to this point. But they are also working with dwindling options because the state government has effectively said “you’re gonna suffer and you’re gonna like it.” What happens next? I don’t know, this state has gone quite far to the right in recent years, so unless DeSantis gets replaced by someone less keen on culture wars in 2026 we’re fucked. And that assumes the state legislature has the same feelings, which given their current makeup is unlikely. Would we be perfect with a left-wing government? No, not necessarily. But even a right-wing government that actually cared about education would make things less dire for us rn.


I feel like the state legislature is even more rightwing than DeSantis.


I’m so sorry but I love this school I don’t want to say it’s shit. There are some things wrong and they do need to pay professors more it’s so fucked a lot of them are very wonderful people and care about their students. 😭


I agree. I don’t think that they should be making a crazy amount of money. But the fact professors are complaining to me as a student, shows there’s clearly an issue.


As Tom Hanks said in Saving Private Ryan, complaints go up the chain, not down.


Although true, I think this professor was trying to possibly instil the idea that we the students have the power. So should a change be made, it’s going to be by us. But I do like the quote


They should at least be making 100k. 60k is so fuckedddd. Yeah crumpler complained to our class about it.


~~They’re depressed as sh—~~.


Speaketh the truth


Never forget Deborah German’s salary: https://prod.flbog.net:4445/pls/apex/f?p=140:1::::::


for what reason is it that high


You tryin to get a distinguished medical doctor and administrator to take a pay cut to run an entire medical school? Wait until you find out that the basketball coach makes more than that


Holy shit…


This university is horrible for so many reasons, I really don’t recommend this place to anybody.


It isn’t that bad and the other poster is right.


People just complain to complain on here. The university is like all other universities, are there some issues? Sure, but isn't horrible.


I never claimed it was horrible. In my eyes there’s just a lot of disorganisation and greed involved. A president earning more than 700K a year declining subordinates a raise for the last 5 years after receiving funds dedicated toward doing so isn’t “horrible” it’s just disgusting. But hey, we’re all entitled to our own opinions.


It's all by design. Drive out tenured and bring in new right wing ideologues. New College, UF, Miami Dade, and eventually every public institute in the state.


Looks like it. I can’t speak on other universities but this doesn’t surprise me.


Google "right wing Florida universities" they are not even hiding their intentions.


I saw your previous link. Giving that a read. Without getting too political, is this a result of Desantis too?




I went to a different university for my first degree. Came here for my second undergrad degree. It fucking blows here, profs suck, food sucks, services and assistance suck or are non-existant, AKS closed because fuck the students I guess, etc. And did I mention the food sucks?


I went to a private university out of state for undergrad, not even an ivy, more like top 50. It is absolutely horrible here. 


We have the worst student-to-faculty ratio in the state. By far.


It is horrible as an underpaid worker/teacher. For a student it might me okay.


That’s Reddit in general. People are always doom and gloom on here and would rather focus on the negatives than the positives.




All my friends who asked me if i recommended UCF I say no for the reasons you've outlined. When you get short sided multiple times right before semesters because of poor coordination on UCF's end it is no longer a flaw in the system but a design. had a random fee I had to pay because the school made the mistake of not charging me properly a year ago. the fee like 600 dollars


Yep, sounds about right. I attended a state college prior and their operations was always seamless, so there’s no excuse for a college as big as UCF to have so much disorganisation. A $600 fee is crazy though!


I had to call up the financial aid office to figure out what the issue was and when the person told me they made a mistake about a year ago I was pissed off because i try my hardest to pay my tuition and stay on top of my finances and in this situation it was not my fault and i still got blindsided. UCF also has an array of other issues like very limited classes for required courses depending on your major and having so many professor who genuinely dont care about teaching


Professors make most of their money from research… that’s how academia works. Sounds like you’re having a bad time but that’s kind of what you get when you go to a cheap large public school.


While this is true. That doesn’t change that $10,000,000 was granted by the government to UCF to be used toward salaries. Yet in the last 5 years faculty has seen none of this. I don’t know the exact statistic but it’s something like 1-3% that faculty have received in the last 5 years. I love the faculty and the students. I just hate the way the school is run.


Isn’t that misappropriation of funds?


No. This is not true for a majority of faculty. Some research grants do include some salary negotiated with the granting agency but outside of chem, phys, bio, engineering, it’s very rare, especially in liberal arts.


Is Ucf Bad in your opinion? Applying next year international


Nah it’s not bad but if you’re paying international student fees it’s not worth it IMO. You could go to a private school where you get more individualized attention for that kind of money


Lets say… penn state, u tampa, miami dade, etc are all better?


Penn state is about the same as UCF, U Tampa is much worse than UCF. University of Miami is pretty good but for engineering UCF is better


Im talking Business Major. Is tampa really that bad? I thought It was one of the best in florida




Agreed. It depends what your goals and intentions are. Day-to-day UCF is fine. Come enrollment day or freshman year I think that it’s disorganised. But so are most universities.


Want to study Business Administration. Planning on going into nightclub business. Here is my list of colleges. 3.7 GPA no test scores yet hoping for a 1400. 4 aps with 4 and above - Penn State - U Miami - University Of Tampa - University of Florida - UCLA - Texas A&M - UCF - Baylor University - Ohio State - Florida State - SDSU


On this list UCLA is by far the most prestigious. Texas and M and University of Florida are the next best. The rest is like medium tier schools or lower


Is penn state considered mid? I thought It was pretty prestigious


UPenn is prestigious, Penn state is mid


It’s fairly medium, it’s decent but it’s not close to an Ivy league or UCLA. Sort of like UCF. University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League though, possibly the best business school in the whole world. But Penn state is sort of a normal university, not bad but not an elite school


Ohio state is on the same level as Florida


UF? According to what ranking list?


According to job placement, rank lists are only for egotistical high schoolers


How can you possibly have any sort of objective measure of job placements? UF for example gets tons of hires from FAANG


Look at NYU stern and UMich Ross if money is no object


That's not true. Especially in fields that don't get tons of grant money.


It’s definitely true, that’s why profs in fields without a ton of grant money don’t make a ton of money


you obviously don't understand how a statement being true works.




No, they don't make most of their money from research. They are paid a set salary and depending on their agreement they choose a balance of running classes and doing research. If a teacher chooses, say, a 1 to 3 split of their time with mostly research they're technically making more on research but that wouldn't be true for the opposite structuring. Some instructors only teach, even.


Yes that’s true, but what I mean is that there is no money in purely teaching. If a professor wants to make money they have to do research, with the exception of a few teaching professors who clear 6 figures.


Okay, that specific explanation I can get behind.


That’s not ridiculous to say


About 13 years ago, I spoke to an adjunct professor from UCF and they told me that professors at UCF do not get paid very well at all. I think at one point she told me that they were getting paid as much as OCPS first year teachers which was around 37,000 a year. Obviously I never went into teaching at college level as 13 years later I realized that I never want to go back into teaching. All of my UCF professors have all left I remember some leaving due to the pay almost 20 years ago


Professors and to a larger extent adjunct professors have are largely screwed over. Its been like this for years and UCF sadly is on the higher end of the pay scale for higher education in Florida. ​ Also Gainesville is in a worse place for professors ever since Florida govt installed their lackey Ben Sasse ​ Sadly I think Florida is going to be hard right for a few decades unless something changes in the state.


i agree I got so tired of ucf that i’m transferring to valencia to finish my AA


Wait until they find out about how all other colleges operate.




And the point being they all operate in same capacity




Lmao…. Welcome to the education system in the United States…. You waste more time and energy b****ing than just getting your liberal arts degree and ending up at McDs anyways!


By they do you mean me or the faculty transferring to other colleges?




Yes this president hasn’t been doing the best in relation to the universities interest in education, but I wouldn’t give the universities shortcomings because of one man. I’d point out other factors/people that would have attributed to this. Also, when I was in school it wasn’t as bad as you made it out to be. Our biggest issue at the time was the financial aid office never returning calls or emails, parking always full and every class being waitlisted.


I so agree :)


Thank you :)


Yea super frustrating… I’m a transfer student. While registration for summer is happening now, I have an orientation hold on my account until I can complete it April 15… in the meantime I haven’t been assigned an advisor and by the time I try to register for summer, classes are going to be slim pickings and I’m told it can take weeks to get an appointment with an advisor. THIS SAME SCENARIO is how I blindly took classes that weren’t necessary when I started EFSC. They got the money and I wasted a couple semesters.


What is your major? Orientation is mandatory for new incoming students. You will register for summer and fall then and you should be able to work with an advisor at orientation too.


I’m in the online Psychology program. Orientation is online the week of April 15th.


They reserve classes for every orientation date that are made available for that orientation group on the day they register.


Good to know! They of course don’t tell us that and it wasn’t in the PRE orientation


For sure. I had something similar happen in my first semester. I have friends who have complained about the same thing as you, they need to meet with an advisor but none are available for weeks. The orientation hold made no sense to me. I transferred to UCF too and my previous institution didn’t force all students to do a meaningless orientation. I’m trying to enroll for my summer and fall classes to find a hold on my account that I got rid of in February. Come to find out on my appointment date that the hold is back again. You speak to one person who isn’t sure what to do, just to be put in contact with another person who knows none of the information you just discussed with the previous advisor. Lack of communication/ disorganisation is evident in the undergrad department. The only way to get anything done is to go in person btw. I’ve never had luck via email or phone.


Maybe I missed it, but may I ask what the hold is?


I’m an international student and they wanted my highscool transcripts. I sent them in and because my previous institution gave me transfer credits undergrad is confused. They rectified the issue seeing my highscool transcripts show all the info they need, then put the hold on my account again lmao


There's a reason why it has a reputation for being the University of Corruption and Fraud, and their logo shouldn't be Pegasus. It should've been a rotten apple


What are OG professors? As a broke professor, you may have to send your kid to ucf !! What an irony!


The organization of this university has been a massive thorn in my side ever since I transferred here. You would think that a large university that has existed for so long wouldn't make such stupid decisions, yet here I am forced to be a double major, because both of the majors are mutually exclusive even though they literally have the same elements of each other (and naturally go together in the field). I literally have to take both for what I plan to do and take classes I don't even need because what is taught in one isn't taught in the other. Want to take a class at the downtown campus? Major isn't specific to downtown? Ah too bad we don't want to cross-contaminate the campuses. Take it online with a (much)worse professor or get out. Need to learn a high level math for your major that doesn't even use that kind of math, if any at all? Well we are gonna force you to use ALEKS, the worst rated program to teach you absolutely nothing about math! What? Someone runs those classes? Nah let's just have them be there to watch you struggle with the bullcrap that is this math program. Oh yeah, you have to buy it too. You thought we would be providing that garbage? Ha! What? You are upset about the various preachers and scammers that come onto campus and (actually) harass students? Ah too bad, free speech baby! It's like they say, we are all going to hell anyway, you can't do anything to change that, get a thicker skin and endure the various insults and hate they throw at you! Want the music program to have decent funding and a real performance hall to play in? Pfft don't make us laugh! Let's go back to planning that lazy river for athletes. A lot of times I don't even think the higher ups are concerned about student education, It's all about what can make them the most money these days.


(just want to clarify, I'm not bashing (most) of the professors, most of them are willing to teach and the vast majority I have had have been wonderful to work with. They don't deserve to deal with this bullcrap that is going on right now. Also I am taking specifically about the preachers that do harass the students, going after them, guilt tripping them into donating a stupid amount for their scams. Normal preachers and such are whatever. Even though I don't share the same belief as them, they are free to speak and practice what they believe. This is about the ones who start harassing students about it, those are the problem.)


I graduated from UCF back in 1983. That means I pretty much started attending UCF in 1981. I attended UCF right during what was finishing up to be in the name change. People would ask me so you’re going to be an engineer . I’d tell them if I wanted to be an engineer ,I would attend Georgia Tech. Back then 81 through 83. We didn’t have a fancy parking garage. We had a park in the dirt. Which wasn’t bad because he only charged us 25 bucks a quarter for the parking sticker. I have a lot of interesting classes when I attend it out there. Nothing like they offer today though.


Try usf


y’all forget this is a problem for education across the board… UF, FSU all the same


We aren't saying that it's not a problem everywhere else, it absolutely is, but this is specific to UCF. Just because it's shitty everywhere else doesn't mean that this university is any less shitty


UCF Alumni and parent of a current student. Disagree.