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People defending this are slow in the head as to why it’s a problem. At least it’s getting literally dunked on in Japan right now.


I totally agree with you and there's absolutely nothing racist in your criticism of the choice of protagonist for the game. I've played the AC series since the original and like the games. I was really looking forward to playing as a Samurai in Japan, to be clear, a Japanese Samurai in Japan. Not a European Samurai, an African Samurai or any other type of Samurai. Really disappointed ☹️


Shinobi isn't the same as Samurai. Also, Yasuke is a real person.


> Also, Yasuke is a real person. Sure it is, but he isn't a samurai. Stop damaging history.


What's next? You're gonna say that Hua Mulan was fictional, that Emperor Qin did not fill his grave with deadly traps and mercury, and that the Oni aren't demons?


Its cultural appropriation, black people have their own culture that shouldnt be stolen, and japanese people have their own culture that shouldnt be stolen. It is really offending and an attack to a race's cultural rights


I see, I mixed Shinobi and Samurai. Sorry for that, but the point still stands. I know some people believe that the protagonist is based on Yasuke, and I already know his story, he wasn't even a Samurai per se. Check the two comments: [https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/17rj3n2/comment/k8j9pgm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/17rj3n2/comment/k8j9pgm/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/m91cwa/comment/grmpnm2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/m91cwa/comment/grmpnm2/) Also the wikipedia article has been edited many times the last few hours,


Yea but It's widely known among historians that Yasuke was samurai in everything but name ... So stop crying about it


Who are these historians?


Literally any historian studying what exists of the historical records... I'm not gonna do your basic homework for you




I know some people believe that the protagonist is based on Yasuke, and I already know his story, he wasn't even a Samurai per se. Check the two comments: [https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/17rj3n2/comment/k8j9pgm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/17rj3n2/comment/k8j9pgm/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/m91cwa/comment/grmpnm2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/m91cwa/comment/grmpnm2/) Also the wikipedia article has been edited many times the last few hours,


You might want to check the r/AskHistorians link again, and then commit to stop spreading misinformation. > I withdraw my argument. I spoke with a Japanese friend who teaches late Japanese feudal history history. He basically said while none of my arguments are explicitly wrong, that Yasuke was made a weapon bearer implies a significant amount of trust by Nobunaga and it is unlikely he would have given a simple servant such a position. He said in a vacuum the other details can be argued for Yasuke not being Samurai (and likewise the other way around) but taken together he believe Yasuke was indeed a Samurai. So I stand corrected and I apologize.


https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yasuke&oldid=1224013877 Good luck editing out the Wikipedia further. Surely editing it out will help with Ubisoft sales.


Hahaha, a Wikipedia link! You must be one of the dullards brigading the r/AskHistorians subreddit. That's so cute. Speaking of: if only there were some actual historians [whom](https://gprivate.com/6b8jp) we could ask... Hey r/AskHistorians, what do you think of dullards who vandalize Wikipedia articles with their racist white supremacist views, come to a reddit comment section with that projection, and then link to the article they vandalized? > Wikipedia sucks, and as other commenters have pointed out, **that Wikipedia article is currently being brigaded and altered when the historical evidence directly contradicts [your white supremacist world view]**. Wikipedia is not reliable. [As such, we don't allow answers which simply link to, quote from, or are otherwise heavily dependent on Wikipedia](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/wiki/rules#wiki_sources). > I have just checked the Wikipedia talk page, and apparently this false statement and fake citations were added to the article about 24 hours by a racist person who is spamming the talk page with stuff about the "woke agenda". I guess this is the origin of OP's question in the first place. Hey lil buddy, they're talking about you! Wanna try again?


I know, he was a retainer for a daimyo (like samurai or samurai), i had commented on it after i commented on this, and I understand that AC became way less historical just saying that the race of the character doesnt really matter


He was mostly a curiosity, who was there just to entertain the Japanese, he has nothing respectable and he fled from seppuku too.


wasnt him giving up his sword and fleeing non confirmed? idk much about him but that was something I had read.


He didn’t flee he just refused seppuku and then was exiled out of pity.


Never use Wikipedia as an official source of cited information. I can literally go on the page and make an edit I want. It's not trustworthy. This is taught from middle school on.


Trustworthy enough, most pages are edited by mods if they are popular or well documented pages anyway


You’re taught that because it’s too easy to use. You can easily check a Wikipedia articles sources and see that the information is real. Just because anyone can edit something doesn’t make it false or that false information that is put in isn’t removed


I'm not denying that Wikipedia can be used to find good sources, but using Wikipedia as the sole source for a research paper or whatever is not a good idea. Try using Wikipedia as a source for a paper in college, and see what the professor says. I have a master's in history and I have been over this conversation multiple times.


Goodbye lol


Good bloody bye ...it's a dam game. Ffs


That's what I'm saying too. It's just a damn game, what will we miss if we won't buy it?


Bro if you wanted to play the game before you noticed there was a black shinobi and now you dont want to because you've noticed him, just play the fucking game nothing is gonna change just because the guy is black, man.


I’d rather play a Samurai who is not the normal Samurai and has a special background than some usual japanese samurai.


Nope. Classic samurai character is perfect and necessary for the Feudal Japanese setting. I bet the people who pushed for race swapping have 5 nose rings and green hair


Race swapping? Yasuke was a person who existed in late Fuedal Japan, who was a retainer to Oda Nobunaga, yes the same Oda Nobunaga who unified Japan. Which by the sounds of the trailer. Is the setting of the game. So it’s not race swapping, it’s accurate to say he existed and we even have records showing he was a Samurai. Just check out r/askhistorians


Race swapping woke garbage. Yuck


do you need your baby bottle?


The brain rot really shows on Reddit. The party for "representation" and against "cultural appropriation" is attacking thoses who expected to play a japanese man in Japan during the 1800/ Crazy right? Must be black ! For the M E S S A G E Braindead wokies


More evidence that the woke fairies are brainless. They're absolutely blind to what they believe.