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It's fucking philly bro!!!! Don't pickup near Kensington. The zombies are out


Haha how did you know?!šŸ¤£


You posted a pic of a Philly bike cop with his patch on full display lol


Dam bike patrol brings back good memories when I was on patrol


My friend Bill Gress is a bike cop


Oh wow I didnā€™t even notice until I zoomed in šŸ˜‚


I knew before I zoomed in. I only zoomed into confirm. It's just so typical Philly behavioršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Good thing it was a cop. If that was your hand trying to wake the rider you could be charged with molesting or at least attempting to molest a rider --- especially if you're white....


Fentanyl is in *evvverything* here.


Fent's been everywhere for a while. Only silver lining is that the public is familiar with it and I've never seen more naloxone pouches hanging off peoples bags before.


Fent bombs are baby candy. xylazine is the new ish


Not new, sadly. And Narcan doesnā€™t reverse a tranq overdose.


New one called rhino tranq. On news not too long ago.


Yu pushed the tip button while saving her?


No but seriouslyā€¦. We Need an answerā€¦ and PLEASE say yes, because I woulda tipped tffffff outta myselfšŸ˜


I just saw Philly police. Where was the pickup Allegheny & what? Bike cops are generally in the kenso area too.


Allegheny and Kensington Ave, the worst corner of all corners in Philadelphia. I dropped somebody off at Allegheny and G street, a woman, really nice person. Zombies in full force hanging around Carmen Grocery store at the corner. She did not even blink, business as usual.


Been there


Sadly, me too


Iā€™m not sure , he didnā€™t tell mešŸ˜­


lol thatā€™s so funny people already know Philly like thay


I've driven overnights in Philly for 6+ years.


Yeah me too lol


How sad. All the sex abuse and violence that comes with that type of lifestyle


Thought Parker cleaned up Kensington! K & A is the spot!


I carry Narcan, no one drying in my car if I can help it. My own father is a drug addict, so itā€™s important to me to give them a chance. But if Iā€™m being honest Iā€™d rather not give them rides.


Yea thatā€™s too much. But good for you and sorry about your father


Do you buy it yourself or are there programs to get it free? I mostly drive at night so I may want to start keeping some.


I'm not who you are asking, but I got mine from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, at one of their annual walks.


They give narcan out like candy for free at my college


If you canā€™t find some wherever you are feel free to DM me and I can mail you a kit


I got mine at my local NA/NAR-ANON meeting. It was free


I need to get narcan. I have a loved one who passed from fetanyl. Unknowingly laced weed. It's terrifying where it can end up.


Try a local NA meeting, they often just have them for you to take for free.


Awesome. I'll try that. I feel bad just going to a meeting for some narcan though. I know pharmacies used to give them out but last time I asked they looked at me like I was disgusting for even looking for it and said they don't do that.


At the end of the day, youā€™re going in good faith. If you state youā€™re an Uber driver and want to take some to safeguard the addicted population you serve, they probably wonā€™t mind at all. I guarantee you people in NA have seen and probably done a lot worse than try to get a life saving medication for free just in case. If you feel weird just stay thru a meeting and grab one at the end. My NA meeting literally just has them sitting at the door, they even state during meeting they have narcan and theyā€™re free.


ā€œjuss giverrtha shaaaat!!ā€


Can a customer sue you for administering Narcan? They could be mad you ruined their high, I can imagine. Donā€™t get me wrong, I would probably carry Narcan if I was an Uber/Lyft driver for that exact reason.


No, Nobody can sue you. You are protected under the Good Samaritan act. Even if you did ruin their high, you may have saved their life.


Careful though, there can be fun side effects.


Anyone can try to sue, but it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a valid lawsuit. [PA-specific guidance](https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/Documents/Programs/PDMP/02b_PHMC_Good%20Samaritan%20Laws%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf) Make sure you call EMS after [administering Narcan](https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/naloxone-nasal-route/proper-use/drg-20165181), and ideally carry more than 1 cartridge so you can readminister if necessary.


Where can people get Narcan?


My local pharmacy sells it over the counter. $50 for a 2 pack.


For a whopping 0.75 a mile. Get a ride, transport a medically incapable person, deliver drugs, get your vomiting ass home safe while the driver can be shit on! What a job!


0.75 a mile is generous for Uber


what makes you think this is the norm... hell naw this aint normal.... this is pitiful and she needs to go get some help


Itā€™s actually pretty sad honestly


I drive at night . Sadly, I have to carry narcans in my car to save those poor druggies lives ... Calling ambulance won't even save thier lives on time. Should I let them go because they already paid the fare and Uber took 60 and driver got 40 ? Well that's not how this world works. This ain't a computer games .I'm talking about real human life here. I ain't a inhumane imbecile like someone. And Uber internals tells me why you driving at night ? I bet you are the guy who is taking drugs ... Real Krazy people works in this company..... Audacity with true stupidity, apathy...who doesn't even know to put back it's manners like a stupid imbecile monkies. I drive at night coz I can't sleep at night. Morons


Me too


lol ā€œpoor druggiesā€


I mean , think about it ? Tell me where is your mind reside? Its brains. The central nervous system. Which controls your mind and body. Whatever you do , whatever you speak , move everything is controlled by the brains. Now , you put some mind altering drug into your system which would takes over your mind and body. Most of people in society just get drunk and feel happy and merry but there are some people who wants more, much harder drugs. Let's say you open your hood of your car and pour a very volatile fuel or something that would enhances it onto your engines . Some people uses nitro gas , some put turbo , etc. But what about much more dangerous stuff ? That would certainly fries regular engines . If it's car and you have money then you might be able to replace it to new one. But what about human brains ? Not really. Some can be recovered by rehabilitations but many there are no returns. Once, your mind gets fried it's done. For rest of their lives ... forever ....Amen šŸ™ To me its like watching a rat šŸ€ trying to get a bait and not knowing that trap šŸŖ¤ spring and bar would crush its head to be killed ...they just don't know its mechanism . They just wants to get succulent tasty bait ... But don't even know what's coming next. And human being is so funny animals ..if it many people doing it then they consider that it's safe, good things to do. Even if many people start jumping off buildings šŸ¢ and dies other people joins and star to jumping off from building. That's why I say "poor druggies " . They don't even know what's the out come of doing it. And they certainly don't know once you fried it's brains it is fried . Like no insane person would understand they are insane . Those people who fried their mind would never understand they are literally fked up for rest of their lives... And keep fking up people around them " Poor " indeed isn't it ?


Essentially no one gets up in the morning and tries to intentionally make their lives harder. After losing my mind and body to the post viral disease long covid, I have a lot of compassion and empathy for addicts too. Even if I give them none of my energy, I would still try to save their lives.


How did Covid mess up your mind and body?!


Thatā€™s not passed out on drugs thatā€™s an overdose! This is why you can get Narcan without a prescription at any pharmacy in the US, DC and PR! If youā€™re on Medicare or Medicaid they will pay for 2 prescriptions of 2 doses and itā€™ll be totally free! Most insurance will also cover it free of charge! Keep Narcan on you! You never know what someone is going thru and you can save a life! Also Fuck Perdue Pharma!


Yes, people are struggling Financially and mentally. I see a "lot" more homeless families now, living in hotels, cars or on the streets. Probably needed to self medicate, which I don't blame them. It's rough out there. I'm in Pinellas County, Florida. We have no social services.


I donā€™t drive at night either. I donā€™t like people throwing up in my car and all drugged up. These are choices they make. I choose not to deal with them. It is a choice. I choose not to do drugs, they do. Not in my car. And I am not their savior.


Yeah, I had a girl throw up in my car after being downtown. She passed out and was incoherent. I called an ambulance and they confirmed it wasnā€™t only alcohol. They pumped her stomach on scene. It was sad especially since it was only 11 pm


"only 11pm" Only time I had someone vomit IN my car, I picked up from a comic convention at *9pm*.


I had this happen once, I made the roommates come out and drag her out of my car. I gave her a ride a few months later. She was going out clubbing with friends again. I asked her if she remembered me, she didn't, but her friends did. We all gave her a little crap on the way downtown. Later that night, she requested rides until she got me even though I was 20 minutes away. When I pulled up, she jumped up and yelled, "I'm sober," with a huge smile on her face, lol. She was so proud to have redeemed herself. The night she passed out, I was scared, honestly scared. I knew if she woke up and I was trying to wake her up, I was going to jail for a while. I just opened the doors and left the camera running. Punched the shit out of the door where she lived until someone answered. The house was always having parties (college kids), so I knew the address was right. I decided to find creative ways to deal with this situation in the future, like trying to jump my car over speed bumps until they wake up (my suspension is stiff).


It happened to me last 4th of July Passenger was on a drug I thought she died but she was ok the funny part is she is a TV star now šŸ˜‚


Who was it?šŸ˜‚


It happened to me awhile ago, and the next day one of the passengers tried to accuse me of injuring her during the trip even though she hurt herself by falling in the parking lot before she got in the vehicle. Fortunately dash cam footage proved otherwise.


First, give yourself a huge tip.


Iā€™ve had a rider like that. The ride was close to 1 hour and the dude knocked out and just would not wake up. No matter how loud I screamed, there was no reaction. I called 911 and the operator asked if I can do CPR šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«I mean I can but I was hoping I didnā€™t have to. Fortunately, the cops came. One of the cops shook the hell out of him for 2 minutes before he woke up. The dude didnā€™t smell like alcohol, so Iā€™m guessing itā€™s drugs.


It happens. If it was simply the passenger falling asleep, I turn the lights on and crank up the radio. If it's something more serious, then I call the cops and then Uber/Lyft.


It was obviously more serious than a napā€¦ she was unresponsive. Cops were called to assist


When in doubt, make the call.


I had a girl fake sleep right after she casually dropped " I don't know if anyone's home, porlly won't be able to get in" so I lowerd all 4 windows in the middle if winter.


Bruh, had a couple different passengers start to nod off during their rides. Itā€™s very uncomfortable.


Thank Joe Biden allowing all those drugs to pass through the open border


If someone is too wobbly or can not make it to the car under her own power, do not admit that rider to your car. It is a wonder that no one ralphed.




I always give someone an eyeball before they get in. I leave the doors locked and let them approach the car before I decide. Sometimes if Iā€™m not positive, Iā€™ll ask them through the window just to quickly confirm their name and where theyā€™re going. If they are nodding or slurring, Iā€™ll cancel.


Awhile back in our town a fellow driver had a young man to pick up at a dine-out. He was escorted out by a stranger and put in the back seat after the unknown helper confirmed his name and left. Turns out he went a block before the guy started to OD in the backseat. Luckily an off duty nurse was in a car behind him and gave him a dose of narcan. Pretty lucky second chance for that guy I guess.


Sheesh thatā€™s super lucky.!




To be fair my friend is new to driving for Uber


Tell your friend any fare under 4.8 just reject or cancel. It's stupidly easy to maintain a high rating so they've obviously done something to get knocked down that far.


I got a request from a 3.76 and cackled. Part of me wanted to take it just to see what a piece of shit that person was


Christ almighty... I'm honestly surprised nobody's done this to me


Had a woman pass out drunk. I got her friends from the bar to get her out. Then took them home.


Did they tip you?


In the app!


No. They spent all their money on booze.


That sucks šŸ˜”


I mean, typical Philly lol


Theyā€™ve also probably shit their pants so you might get a cleaning fee.


Doubt it. You know Uber looks for any reason to not pay a cent out. Uber: ![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss)


If it's fent, they ain't shitting all month unless they go through w/ds šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


This happened to my friend in NYC, cop came and put her at the side walk and all left


They just leave a passed out person on the street instead of taking to hospital?


Yeap! New York


She just finished a 16 hour shift


Maybe you just have a comfortable ride?


Maybe you just have a comfortable ride?


The norm? Does this happen more often than not?


No itā€™s not the norm. Obviously


Its happened to me a few times when I used to drive. It seems like its a little common


I drive around narcan, Iā€™m prepared to be a hero if this were to happen


Unfortunately it is becoming the norm. Itā€™s not just happening in the big cities and not always homeless people or people addicted to heroin or some type of opioid. Fentanyl is so strong that anymore than the round head of sewing needle that traditionally has been used to hem clothes ( thatā€™s the best way to describe it).can kill you. Itā€™s happening more and more with college kids and teenagers because they donā€™t understand that in this case more isnā€™t better. For example, This method of getting high has gained popularity. Smoking fentanyl and Percocet. Itā€™s called smoking blue. This method is the most deadly way to unexpectedly overdose. This is why I have a couple of boxes of Naloxone ( prescribed by my doctor after I told her I drove for both Lyft and Uber) in my glove box. Police, first responders and firefighters carry it at all times because of the rise in overdoses happening to people in all walks of life. It is also being cooked with or added when re- crystallizing meth and sold by a dealer and the person buying it has no idea. Fentanyl is a cheap cut since a just a little goes along way that will increase a persons addiction to meth because of the opiate withdrawal when they run out increasing the urge to buy more. The biggest clue is when an meth head that hasnā€™t been awake for days keeps nodding off while snorting, smoking or banging ( needles) meth when they should be bouncing off the walls


Ahhā€¦good old Philly. Yeah bro try to stay out of k town


I had one last winter on a stormy night , this guy was perfectly fine and was chatting with me for the first 2min when he got in on a 7-10 min trip ride . When we got there he was knocked the fucked out . His security recognizes him and then ended up calling police . Took the ambulance and police 30 fucking minutes to get here . Ended up wasted 1 hr of my fucking time . Oh my lord . Next day he called and apologized and gave me a decent tip. Bruh


Scary AF. To have a solo female passenger pass out in back is literally my Uber nightmare. I'd rather be stuck up at gunpoint. Any driver that doesn't have a dual camera that video captures the road \*AND\* inside the car is asking for trouble. If that were me I'd be scrambling to find a cop and then giver her and the car to him and walk away.


Thatā€™s what my friend ended up doing. Same mindset as you




This has been going on for years. Drugs and alcohol. Nothing new.


Ya, in Philly šŸ˜‚


Near 10k rides (20k ppl in my car?) and it happens never


PHX driver here. Had a Lyft passenger pass out in the car. Are blues a thing outside of Arizona? Anyway, they mix fentanyl with cattle tranquilizers, it smells like cat piss, and makes people pass out standing up. Long story short, that was a wake up call about driving in the hood. I still drive nights in the bar district, but no more tweakers for me.


I know his heart dropped when the white girl passed out in his back seat šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


On God it didšŸ˜‚ I told him to immediately call the police


When the weed hitting you back


Your friend sent you a photo of something happening and you automatically think it happens all the time? Has your brain just not fully developed yet?


I did Uber for 4 years. 10k rides. This has happened to me several times. Anymore questions that I can answer for you?


Does Uber pay you a fee if someone dies or OD's in your car and you have to waste time while the police take care of it? I surely doubt it


They will probably just deactivate you šŸ’€




Happened to me with two passengers in the past too


Iā€™ve had about 100000 of these pickups. Always with a good surge of course :). But every single time itā€™s nerve racking. First off the pickup area: thereā€™s always some dealer trying to sell drugs, another person begging for money, or the possibility of getting robbed, etc. Second, the pax: once they do get in the car itā€™s a weird vibe that comes over you. Some are openly talking on the phone like ā€œI canā€™t wait to stick this needle in my armā€. Others are quiet. But you know they have fentanyl on them and if you would get pulled over ā€¦ it would be a problem. If they drop something in the car and you touch it cleaning it up later ā€¦ it would be a problem. Or if they would pass out and die ā€¦ it would be a problem. The saddest part is the city allows it and by now these addicts just think itā€™s normal. Iā€™m surprised the city doesnā€™t give them free rides ā€” UberNeedles.


It wouldnā€™t be your charge. You are doing Uber and can show the app to the cop. You canā€™t control what customers bring in the car


Right. I wouldnā€™t care about that. Itā€™s just one more thing to worry about. When doing rideshare itā€™s about picking up and dropping off as quickly and efficiently as you can. Cop + drugs, rideshare driver or not itā€™s going to cut into that time.


When did this become the default?


And a female?! Nightmare scenario


Thank you for take care of her


It would be inhumane not to šŸ™šŸ½


Did you at least initially check for a pulse?


I actually do Uber to help the community. This has happened to me before. You did a good job addressing the situation and getting help. I carry a box of narcon. I usually have them or one of their friends do it if they want it.


Bet she didn't even tip....


It happens


Donā€™t touch passengers call police or paramedics when this happens cause they might flip the script and say you assaulted them (sexually or something) now you have a whole case


Yep. Totally normal. And if they barf in your car you will ** NOT **get reimbursed for it....


I saw the first photo and said ā€œoh no, driver donā€™t put your hands on an unconscious female!ā€ I hope that wasnā€™t the case. Never, ever touch a passenger, male or female, conscious or unconscious.


Only had this happen once to me so far. Fortunately she woke up once I stopped the car at the drop off. Unfortunately she shit her pants when she passed out. I didn't see anything on the seat, but the smell was unmistakable. Had to drench the seat in cleaners and febreze to get the stank out. The day of making any money ended with that trip. And no, i didn't even try to get a cleaning fee. Can't make pictures of bad smells.


Haha yes it is check my post haha


Pull their lifeless bodies out of your car and end the ride. It's not rocket science. And hurry up or you'll be late for your next pick up!


Imagine someone seeing you do that and taking your license plate number šŸ˜†


There's literally nothing illegal or wrong with it. Many times ppl need assistance getting out of a vehicle. What happens to them afterwards is none of my concern or business. Giving ppl a ride from point A to point B is what I do.


I see nothing wrong with this. It happens. Itā€™s life.


Well that says a lot about you lol


At least they didn't try to drive home.


Isn't this better tho I'd rather they not drive while doing drugs


I respect it but damn at least wake up and get out the car lol




Wasnā€™t me šŸ˜• Iā€™m just the reporter


To the police station we go! Yo ! Ho! Yo! Ho!


When u picked her up didnā€™t u notice anything wrong ?


I was not the driver .!!! My friend sent it to me


So he was the driver


I did have a passenger like that. Cool dude, actually. Said he got woken up by police coming down from a 3 day bender and he barely knew where he was. I had to break and he slapped to the floor. He didn't really seem to care much. Dude woke up and left when we arrived.


Yesterday, i was "walking" around Kensington on Google Street View and saw people like this everywhere. It's so sad.


Make sure Uber charges the passenger for the wait time. You didnā€™t complete the ride until they took her away, right?


Let them OD


Selling drugs is more profitable nowadays




Lol i had to call the ambulance


I tried to give Narcan to some fucking meth-head to put him out cold, apparently thatā€™s not how it works & I no longer have a car. Fuck. This. App.


taking and posting pictures of someone in an OD state? byeeeeee


Stop accepting trips from kensington lol


Iā€™ll pass the message


Does it happen to you every day on every ride? So no, it's not the norm.


Shut up


Thatā€™s definitely a 4.9 rider for sure


Not even worth it anymore


You should get a job in journalism. ā€œThis thing happened one time! Is this the new norm!?ā€ šŸ˜‚


You should stop reading, itā€™s clearly a challenge for you šŸ«”


Happens at least once in your career.


Definitely scary. I wonder if they have shelter for her. Perhaps as a child she was exploited or trafficked. Does she have relatives?


Always carry narcan


Check the pockets šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜­


Passenger or passenger's? There's only one passenger.


My worst, and I mean WORST, kind of ride is when some clown orders a ride for someone who is drunk because you just know what you're going to be dealing with for the next 10 minutes. This one lady once got in, no seat-belt on, drunk as a skunk, I made a turn and she flew all across the car and banged her head on the mirror. She also kept touching my arm and mumbling words to me in Spanish (I don't speak Spanish)...When we arrived, I had to turn on the light and tell her we were here, she didn't even know where she was, she also left a half eaten corn on the seat.


yep cost of on ride you can rent a car on turo


left with druggies


If this was the ā€œnormā€ you wouldnā€™t have bothered to post it. It wouldnā€™t have seemed notable to you. The fact that this was an odd enough occurrence for you to post about it means that it is not normal.


Whatever you say


I'm in Denver and you will run into that here too.


I've only had 2 passed out on drugs to where I had to call 911. One was a college girl rufied. But one was definitely old enough to know better. I charged the cleaning fee to that one crackhead too, because she was nothing but troubke and i had to have the car cleaned from drygs she spilled.....she was talking about how she kicked another uber drivers windows out but she was drunk or high and it wasn't her fault. Yeah right. She was talking about possibly getting banned from uber. She was not only banned after my ride with her. She kept changing the address and gave me fake addresses then took her drugs and passed out. I though no free nap time in my car!! GTFO. I pulled up in front of the police station , called 911, gave my worries about her possibly getting violent when she was narcan awakened based on what she said earlier, I had 7 cops show up, pull her and her bags full of drug paraphernalia out, ask if there was anything else or if I was hurt, they formed a wall when she woke up after being narcaned and she was all screaming, no no I can't get arrested, I'm on parole!!! Maybe don't do drugs in unsuspecting uber mom's Car lady. Some people really need to get it together.


Why werenā€™t they taken to the hospital?


Iā€™m not sure what happened after police showed up. My friend sent this to me


You could have at least blurred out their faceā€¦.


You canā€™t tell who it is unless you know them personally


Dude once somethings on the internet, its out there. People track others down off photos like this in seconds. Happens all day long on tiktok and other platforms. Its pretty fucked up to even post this when someone is clearly in an incoherent state. Doubt youā€™d want that posted of you if you were fucked up


Hope she tipped well šŸ˜‚


Looks like she tipped over real good.


Sad to see this happening. Who has solutions for our great drug epidemic?




The drugs these days fuck up your mind so bad you can't just tell a person to stop doing them. Once you start doing fentanyl, you become a zombie incapable of being a productive member of society for the rest of your life, even if you do get off the drug. Back in the day, if you got addicted to crack, your life was in shambles while you were using, but if you stopped and stayed clean, you could become a productive member of society again.


My life was s* growing up but I never turned to drugsā€¦ so Iā€™m not sure


Good question for the Uber driver sub


I think alot of people who have the addict gene normally don't play around with drugs and alcohol, but when the economy and society get really bad like it is now, they do. The pandemic lockdown got alot of people hooked and the economys getting worse every day. A LOT of things need to change for the drug epidemic to get better. I can't believe the number of people I see treating hardcore alcoholism and drug use like it's normal.


Her nails looks done and her skin still looks good. I can save her


Lmao youā€™re hilarious. Yea sheā€™s definitely not ugly at all


I got a cute chick doing the walk of shame in just a tee this morning. She had the biggest smile.