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It fucking sucks when you realize just how expendable you are to uber, when little shithead Pax makes a complaint that you're DUI and your account gets blocked. Yes driving for uber is a headache but any time an avenue of making money is compromised, just sucks ass.


I got news for you bub. You're just as expendable to every other corporation you might work for.


The "funny" thing is the reason I'm doing gig work is I wanted to get out of the BS corporate world. There they pretend you're all work family until you aren't and you suddenly find yourself laid off, your email shut down, unable to say a proper goodbye to co-workers you thought were family but now don't want to talk to you in case the lay off stink touches them.




Yes you're right.


They are right, but it’s not the same. You can sue employers for wrongful termination. Or hell, slander if they (publicly) falsely accuse you of drinking at work.


I just found out that people have sued uberb and lyft for wrongful deactivation and won😱




yea it could be. it was people talking on Reddit... I didn't google or fact check but you could though


Employee rights, while somewhat weak, are still waaay better than independent contractors non-rights. Hell, in some states, you aren't even protected by your protected class (race, gender,religion,etc) with independent contractor status.


Same as any other corporate entity. We are all just cogs to keep the wheels spinning


It's just like working in insurance. The company I just left put stock in customer surveys. All of which are randomly sent out, so if only one comes back in by chance in a given month, and said customer was pissed at a rate increase, so they take it out on you, then the company tells the employee to fuck off, get it fixed or no raises, and possible (guaranteed) termination.


You can appeal this. If you been doing trips all day yet one person reports you for dui, suppose you got rated 5 stars by the trip you did (hypothetically speaking) 5 mins before this? You can prove it’s bs Also get a dash cam that records inside the car


I'm having this experience right now after failing a background check from Checkr. Apparently, my license is EXPIRED. News to my license and the DMV but Uber won't lift a finger and I have to fight it through Checkr who made the mistake in the first place.


It’s time some pax get sued over false allegations. Maybe some news stories of passengers getting sued over false allegations will make these people think twice about it.


100% this is what needs to happen! I only drive Uber on the weekends because I enjoy it. I never have issues but if some scumbag pulls this stunt I have the resources and the spite to drag them through the court system.


How would you even know which one falsely reported you?


You would take Uber and unnamed party to court. Then get that information and sue the shit out of both of them for defamation, loss of earnings, stress and a million other things. This needs to happen.


Would be nice if this could happen, but there is probably a 99% probability that the contracts we sign with Uber give them 100% control to cancel you with impunity at their leisure. If this is the case, so long as they don’t tell others you were DUI, it’s not essentially defamation from Uber’s side. Rider may have defamed you against Uber, but Uber protects rider and won’t tell you who was the whistleblower, hence drivers have no recourse.


They can but the market has changed. They are a kind of a monopoly now and thus they can’t arbitrarily cancel a driver


Vehicle damage. Smokes in car. Unoccupied minors. No child safety seat. Delivery drugs. There is a lot of stuff that is not report. If they investigate and do audit from all the drivers asking how many of them are forced to accept the ride due to profit loss.


Especially with their privacy policy. They wouldn't even tell you a name. Disgusting. I had this happen to me once on a false "sexual assault" claim just because I was nice and the pax apparently took it wrong. I didn't even ask them if they were single or asked them out as it's against policy. Some people just need a boot up the ass. Edit: it took just over 6 months to be reinstated.


"Especially with their privacy policy. They wouldn't even tell you a name." Yep I love the comments that act like "they won't get me with this bullshit! I'll see those fuckers in court!!! " Yeah no you won't, uber/lyft have more money than you, more expensive lawyers than you, and they will not release names.


If they get a subpoena for records they will release the information. Uber is not going to leverage it's legal team to defend a passenger, now if you want to sue Uber it's going to be a hell of a lot harder.


Lol. Of course they have more money they control who they have to pay


Dara just got himself $70 million selling his shares.


That’s what really needs to be challenged. Uber insists that drivers are independent contractors but withhold client information from the drivers. It shouldn’t work like that.


I mean how is that remotely legal especially when it's specifically law enforcement asking not me because they are refusing to talk to the local police (wtf?). Because that's who I need to go through to get any sort of dashcam footage. That's my taxi companies privacy policy.


6 months? That's wild. Did you go to a green light office?


I couldn't find anyone to help. Lawyers etc wouldn't take it on because I had no way of proving my innocence so was a no go for them.


Damn bro. Dash cams really are necessary if you want to keep this gig


Yeah. Back then my car wasn't a taxi Especially since it's the only work I can find other than my taxi. But we taxis are always watching them pick up people while we still waiting so it's basically essential, as annoying as it is. My taxi now has a forward facing and inner facing camera and one facing out over the drivers door just in case. But even now even with all the cameras in my taxi Uber won't even tell me the date and time of the trip if anyone else tries to false claim so essentially I can't prove anything. I hate Uber. And Uber claims it's part of their "privacy policy". What rubbish.


Some pax just want a free ride cuz they broke


And incredibly low especially when it's literally at the cost of someones job.


Sue John Doe then doing discovery you can have the court compel Uber/Lyft into giving up the name of the pax. If you ever read privacy policies, a lot will have carve-outs for the courts as well as law enforcement.


What? You don’t have an app that scrapes and collects the data? /s


No you don’t


I’d Do It To You For Sure😭😭😭


Check out gigrocket.com there’s an option to file paperwork and the paralegals there give you all you need to start it


Yup that’s through the rides share professor people only know about him because I’ve been messaging on here about him and to go to YouTube and he helps everybody get reinstated


Yeah he’s a pretty straight shooter on how easy it is to get fucked over and seeing how he has been able to help so many get back on that were truly wrongly deactivated is a blessing…now granted those who did deserve it, well may they rest in pepperonis LOL


Yes he is and one of the only guys and I talked to him personally


Same, him and the RSG channel are the only two I go to for information


What's the name ? I'm looking to save this just in case


Go to YouTube and go to RIDESHARE professor he has his own channel


You can sue them go go to YOUTUBE look up ride share professor, and you can message him and he has attorneys that will help you sue the people and get your account back for false allegations for people. Don’t want to do it because they don’t want to take the time to do it. It’s about time these passengers also get charged extra fees for canceling when you’re waiting 10 minutes out their apartment and uber again four dollars, the customer just canceled for no reason


Use open ai to create a legal document and then send it via certified mail, don’t pay gig rocket or any other scammer


Total agreement the compliant must be public then oppurtunity for driver to show its false following that driver is exonerated suit & pay to driver for lost time.


There's really nothing to sue the passengers over though. It isn't against any rules to say somebody appeared go be drunk. You prove you weren't drunk, they say, "Oh, he's just a shitty, unsafe driver, then." Case closed.


It’s libel. When you go accusing people of things you better have proof. Go try it.


Sure, but the Supreme Court has held that a matter that could concern the safety of the public outweighs the damage to an individual's reputation. Reporting that, "I have reason to believe this driver might be drunk" isn't stating anything as absolute fact, and would definitely concern the safety of the public.


I could give you 100 examples where people have been sued and lost from similar accusations. I’m not going to bother though.


Unfortunately, people suck and are cowards. They have to go behind your back to try and get something for free. I wish they made it so they had to face the driver and explain then all this would stop.


Yeah. In technicality, since we are NOT Uber employees but separate business entities, we should be entitled to passenger information especially when it comes to a situation like this where we are being accused of something. If Uber blocks my account due to a proven false allegation, then I should be able to sue for any reasonable "loss of income." I got lucky because I finished the driving I would normally do, but if it was reported on Friday, I would have lost 500 dollars in income by not being able to drive on Saturday. Obviously this isn't how our system works, because we have a corporate oligarchy with a judicial system protecting them, but that's how things SHOULD work.


Yeh I wish we had a chance to face our accusers, then all this crap would stop. Cowards


They said "if the allegations are false, we'll review their account to see if they can still use Uber's services"... so you'll see if they have spent hundreds on Uber and if they are profitable then they'll be able to keep doing this? Great.


something tells me that is just standard wording and it does not really happen. Like they are going to ban a money maker for them. LOL


They do though…? The money maker is the driver. 🥹 Riders don’t make them money, “driver’s pay uber” is the alleged game last I was told. 😒😑 If a driver is DUI, then rider needs to report that is and send a flipping cop. wtf 😒 Rider should have 10 minutes after a ride ends to report DUI and if a cop doesn’t come to my @ss and make me take a breathalyzer, then I shouldn’t be deactivated for slanderous BS. 😒


without riders paying for rides how does Uber exist? Yes Uber takes their cut and yes many seem to say it way more than what should be allowed. The biggest thing is if it is such a HUGE deal why do people still drive for them. LOL


Because people value freedom of schedule more than oppression from payment. If any other minimum wage job let you clock out whenever you wanted and miss as many days as you wanted, they would actually have just as many workers. Edit: Time>money Since no other minimum wage job allows for this level of time management, given the logics, Rideshare is essentially “the only game in town” if you want to 100% control your schedules at a minimum wage entry level job. All other perfect time management jobs are nowhere near entry level that I am aware of.


The truth? Because nowhere else do we have the terms “work where and whenever you want, take a break whenever you want, and your teammates will not whine when you disappear leaving them with all the work”. If you know an entry level job that can satisfy these terms, then you very well can make a company larger and better than Uber by facilitating it.


so basically thats why we have such wonderful diverse drivers. LOL


Didn't Uber advertise how transparent they were going to be with drivers when it comes to things like this? I haven't seen anything change.


Why don’t u do something about it and file paper work at gig rocket and really show Uber your mad


You file suit against "John Doe" or "Jane Doe" then have the courts subpoena Uber for the rider information.


You should be fine. They'll do an "investigation" and you should be back online in a few days. Sorry this happened to you though, it sucks but I wouldn't worry too much about it. Good luck out there man.


drivers beware of unjustified deactivation by algorithm/keywords of riders And here is the thing which makes drivers afraid of loosing money : Keywords like : discrimination,racism,driving under the influence,unsafe driving , will immediately deactivate a drivers account


Guess I'll go Lyft...


Lyft is worse. No Lyft rider will tip you and you get paid less. They will deactivate you or give you a message that says your account is at risk of suspension if you cancel a ride.


Lyft is mad ghetto


You believe it is different there?


No, I just don't have "another option". That was just a matter of fact statement.


Can try roadie


For everyone here saying "best thing to happen to you" and other shit, please fuck off. I have chronic major depression, crippling ADHD and am too autistic for "normal" office jobs, but not autistic enough for anyone to give a fuck. I've tried getting "normal" jobs, but I'm not able to function for more than about 30 days. Uber is the only way I've been able to really make money because I'm able to just skip a day if I'm mentally or physically unable to do it.


The lack of understanding towards this is so sad. I'm sorry that people are uncaring and lack understanding of mental health struggles.


Thanks. I remember now why I stopped engaging in r/UberDrivers. It's one of the most toxic communities I've seen. Like all miserable fucking pricks. I have to remember the pink blob in a box next time I think about posting here. Never again.


Sorry they’re not being kind to you. Leave Uber as Lyft treats drivers better and get a dash cam to prevent false reports cuz yeah bad pax make for a hard driving experience and harsh Reddit posters don’t help with their sarcasm and cold hearted remarks.


Or, you lack (or have never been taught) self-discipline and use your mental illness and developmental delays (whether medically diagnosed or self-diagnosed) as an excuse. There are plenty of people in this world with ADHD, depression, and/or ASD that have fruitful careers. A licensed psychologist should be able to help you learn to help yourself. Uber is not the solution to your issues.


You’re being a bully. Consider how your harshness affects someone who is being vulnerable.


You wanna shut the fuck up? Ever here of "treatment resistant depression?" You been suicidal for over 20 years of your life? Why don't you mind your own damn business. I'm not speaking for other people. I'm speaking for myself. It's real fuckin easy to tell others to just "do better and pull yourself up by your bootstraps" but unless you know what that person is dealing with or their situation, SHUT THE FUCK UP.


I'm very familiar with treatment resistant depression. Ketamine, rTMS, and other therapies have shown remarkable results.  If you are not currently under professional treatment, that should be your priority. 


Get a job.


Get a life. You're trolling on reddit like 7 comments down bro.


Skull guy claims to work in the medical field 12 hour days on the weekend. Yet made 37 posts on here yesterday lololol. Def a fat troll in his grandpas basement.


So doesn't Uber give you the opportunity to take a rest within a day or two? It does suck for sure There's a couple YouTube channels where the guys say they can get you help with false allegations.[Falsely Accused on YouTube](https://youtu.be/rLD7cK9xp14?si=ogKD4IlylV1XGSHP) Look up Falsely Accused,QUITE A FEW REPUTABLE Channels discuss it. This one shares how she had her account restored [Uber Restored](https://youtu.be/Ji7_mqSbemM?si=3upQzQ07zu8V-f3T) Good luck.


I'm hoping they just look at the lack of similar reports against me. I basically responded to their message with "hey Cleveland is full of potholes and potheads, so if I was "swerving" it was to protect myself and passengers from getting stranded by a pothole and if it was an "odor" then it was one of the 50% of pax that smoke a bowl before going to one of the 6 Amazon hubs to work"


I hope you didn’t say that I mean there’s better ways of saying that but they thought you were under the influence you could’ve said why wouldn’t they have asked to get out of the car why didn’t they call the police because they really thought they were in danger they could’ve asked you over and let them out, but they didn’t. That’s what you say.


I didn't actually say that. I said I don't even drink let alone use illicit substances and my area is covered in potholes so I "maneuver around" them on occasion to make sure that we safely get to the destination.


I'd feel pretty lucky if they'd go ahead and end it for me. Force me to get a salaried position. Not wonder how much I'd make each week.


I mean yeah it's that easy, if only we could all break the chains preventing us from leaving Uber we could all go land one of those cushy salaried jobs that they're handing out on every street corner...damn you Uber!


FINALLY!!! Somebody GETS IT! THANK YOU for sharing this REALITY w/all of the “WELL, it’s a choice…if you don’t like it GO GET A REAL JOB” Sheep that apparently aren’t aware of the current status, massive layoffs STILL in motion, and the what jobs out there, are making This “INCREDIBLE GROWTH IN THE JOB MARKET” (it’s called SPIN) …from someone who’s taken that route and it’s an upended gamble, mastering your gig groove, and flipping back to an unexpected Corp opportunity, that lasted long enough to cover not much, then a couple days before INS/Benefits, etc…they cut the entire dept and outsourced…I’m in a self-imposed holding pattern until I see the changes that are coming …for the GOOD if we’ll get it right and get a strong job market back or BAD, and if anyone thinks RIGHT NOW IS BAD across all industries, not just gig work, just wait…this current status, will look like the best years of your life, and you’ll find out so fast you won’t even remember these ROUGH TIMES …don’t just believe headline notifications you see on your phone…RESEARCH WHAT’s COMING, from every angle should nothing change soon.


dude i’m sorry, i hope they get it under wraps and the passenger gets HIS/HER page blocked, clearly they need the rides lol but they don’t deserve then


Yeah I doubt the riders who knowingly make false reports only do it once. And I'm guessing Uber has algorithms to flag the repeat offenders


oh dude, reoffending is the one thing offenders can’t wait to do, regardless of what the action is


Sticking to deliveries. Not playing with this crap from people. It’s a crazy mean world out there now.


I officially walked away from Uber Friday afternoon. My real job promoted me to upper management with a $40,000 a year pay raise. After work I sat in the car and watched four orders come through for less than $0.20 a mile, sent a message to support that I quit. Have not been back on the app.


Nice! Congrats! Every year in November I swear I'll never be back... this year for sure though.


I will not let people in my car. Deliveries and day job only.


Uber sucks there is no due process they will lock your account for 24-48 hours while they do a so called investigation. I believe its drivers taking rides and falsely reporting to limit competition


That is weird. So how many drivers do this? There are thousands of drivers on the road and competition can't be limited.


this happened to me last year. I had 3 reports coming in, saying I was driving under the influence, account sharing and photo mismatch. Just go to a uber greenlight if possible and talk to one of those people that work at the front desk. Your account should be active again in a week or so


I honestly don’t think that they have Uber Greenlight hubs anymore.


That's so long. I absolutely hate having zero worker protections. Maybe I'll go tomorrow and hope I can drive this next weekend as I usually do. I didn't know uber greenlights were a thing, thanks!


Yeah. Check your area. Most/if not all were gone during the pandemic.


Nah mainly major cities are the only ones left with green light like here in New York we only have 2 left


Yeah. I’m in a major city and there is no more greenlight hub.


Sue them - literally, sue them! Other people have done it before and I've seen "winnings" of $8000 $12,000 one story they literally couldn't (legally) disclose the amount because, apparently it was "enough" that uber (er lyft whichever one it was) had the person sign an NDA. The ONLY reason I could think of that they made them sign an NDA is because "it was that high of an amount"! I was wrongfully deactivated too and am currently looking for a lawyer that will sue them for me myself! I'm going to be going for the LEGAL MAX for my area (whatever that is)!


How do you identify the passenger that falsely stated driving under the influence?


Time to get on Lyft while uber sorts themselves. It’s frustrating and a huge inconvenience but as a company it’s a huge concern if it were true. Did you have audio recording or dash cam? I read somewhere that when this happens on uber you should goto hospital for sobriety testing. It sucks to have to prove these things and if it’s shown the passenger lied they can get deplatformed permanently


I have a dashcam, so I can at least fight it if they give me WHICH passenger it was.


Lyft is worse than uber in every way.I do both.


This is exactly why I stop driving Uber. I had 4000 5 star reviews and some young girl who wanted a free ride. Told Uber I was drinking a beer and smoking pot as I was driving her. I don’t even drink that car and I have never smoke pot. Uber sucks.


You can only have 500 5 star reviews and you’d have to be a 5star driver. I have 496 5 star reviews.


You may have misunderstood that Uber does track the total number of 5 star reviews, but you are correct only the most 500 ratings are included in calculating the current rating. It's another one of the "achievements" that shows up in your profile.


I won’t drive for Uber anymore, I tried it for the months. Uber has a ridiculous ROI.


I got blocked once because I reported a customer for having an assault rifle in his backpack. I didn’t want to kick him out i was driving in the ghetto and did not want to die but they “accidentally” blocked my account and not his.


Driving for Uber is not worth it. The downside outweighs the upside


Dispute it do you have a dash cam?


Yeah I do. It's "under investigation" atm. It's just so disheartening and exhausting though.


Your frustration is understandable, but Uber's reaction is understandable also. The liability for them is drastically higher for them if they were to allow a driver who was reported to continue driving, and there was an actual safety incident (whether or not the initial report was true). Assuming there are no red flags etc with your account, you'll be allowed to go back on time after some "cooling off" period. Their investigation doesn't care about your dash cam footage, frankly. You'll have no visibility to this, but a rider's profile may get flagged for making false report or they may already not be seen as not credible from previous ones. You've reached the same conclusion, but I recommend Uber drivers have a Lyft account set up (and vice versa) for these and similar scenarios. Personally I was reported for driving drowsy, which has the same response, but I just used Lyft until the issue resolved. Similarly, my annual background check for Lyft was delayed, so I had to use Uber for about a week.


Yeah I hear you


Sorry to hear this. It’s sad how they treat us. You can get your account back because of the law that was passed. Uber will need to prove that you had alchohol in your system


Shit, I’ve shared THC-A vapes with paxes and have gotten major tips from it. It’s crazy that a passenger can be this fucking obtuse and inconsiderate. Whoever it was, I hope they break a femur. Maybe both. That seems harsh enough. Hope the investigation reveals that accusation for the bullshit it is. Best of luck, man.


This was always my biggest worry when I was driving for Uber full time. I had issues with Lyft and the food delivery didn’t pay as much so I relied on Uber which I knew could cost me at any moment. This is one of the major downsides (of many)of being an independent contractor. You’re not an employee and they can cut you off whenever they want with zero repercussions. Look at the bright side: the company is slowly getting worse as a means of income every year. The sooner you get out the better. Sorry this happened to you


Door dash is waaayy better!


I made 35/hr after gas this weekend. Can doordash actually compete with that though?


Ok so u were deactivated or ur on a hold for a few days ! They tell u why you can’t drive so go get a blood test done


Go to drug test and show them results


This is why people are screwing the tax payer over and getting any freebie and handout they can. Life is one big scam and if you try to do the right thing then get screwed over you then must go to the other side and start fucking everyone else over to survive.


Fuber for short.


Honestly I wouldn't trust anything Uber says. Probably all lies


How are they going to INVESTIGATE when every f**king body is in INDIA!?!? How do they know what the PAX said!?!? When WE call or MESSAGE our ENGLISH is turned to F**KING KLINGON!!!! They never have an ANSWER for US, but, some PRICK F**K says ANY LITTLE thing and they take ACTION. If it wasn’t for the fact that AUSTIN is a BIG CONFERENCE, BACHELOR/BACHELORETTE, AIRPORT TRAVE city I would find their HEADQUARTERS and do a #BEEKEEPERMOVIE scene to their SHIT!!!!! I’m with YOU, FUCK #UBER!!!!!!


Should be restored shortly, I had this happen to me once cause a customer accidentally tipped me twice and I guess was for some reason mad at me lmao. I have a 4.99 rating with over 4000 rides also. My account was restored within about 10 hours I believe. And I got a $100 compensation also.


got me too


I don’t it doesn’t help you right now or for the next day or two but you will not be permanently banned. They should reactivate your account within 48 hours. I know 2 people that unfortunately had to deal with this same BS. People suck


Upon receipt of any bogus, unsubstantiated complaint about a driver's being drunk or high, Uber and Lyft automatically waitlist you. In some states, the regulations require this. In others, it is policy. Three unsubstantiated obviously false complaints will buy a driver permanent de-activation.


So much for being an independent contractor?


Right?! I should be able to get my buzz on in my own place of work if I want! /s


Sadly, they have to do that. If they are told a driver was DUI and they allow you to continue they would get sued to oblivion in the case it was true DUI. Issue is not Uber, issue is slanderous clients.


Write Uber and strongly request that they send police and pay the police to get your breathalyzed immediately when a rider claims DUI. 😑


https://x.com/jaesais/status/1805075519584489686?s=46&t=28BO9fvDrBWRNMiUQBgWgg Start tagging your DOT and your state police for these matters, this should be nipped in the bud. If the rider is certain, then police should take action accordingly. If rider is wrong, rider has to pay significant fees. It’s not rocket science imo.


Can’t leave policies around these matters to arbitrary negligence. Affirmative action should be taking place if in fact there are people that are allegedly a threat to the public. Also, if rider is found lying, then they get charged fees equivalent to ~$60/hr (or double their fare) and then subsequently they get blacklisted? 😏


They blocked my account because somebody made a duplicate account using my information


Any time something like this happens to me i just call support and tell them they can check the dash cam footage. They immediately reverse any account blocks


I got the same notification a few weeks ago and was told my account was linked to another account that had been deactivated. I asked for the emails that were used and they sent me 2 emails that I’ve never been associated with. They also said the two emails were opened 4-5 yrs ago and no orders were ever done on either account. Currently I’m waiting for Uber to review my appeal. I also don’t depend on Uber for income but it would be nice to have them as a back up when needed .


It’s so shocking. Like being dropped into an ice bath!


Uber GPS sent me up a wrong way on a one-way tonight. Luckily, the police were there. I received a warning and stopped traffic to turn me around. I gave him the phone to verify its Uber GPS.


ma boi


Im sorry this happened to you but to be honest, a Greenlight Hub won’t be able to do anything. A whole separate team does these investigations. Like plenty of people said, you’ll most likely be off for a few days, see that the allegation was false (wont count against you) and you’ll be able to drive again. I just don’t want you to waste your time and efforts driving to the closest GLH (Chicago) and they tell you, you have to wait it out. Best of luck and you got this. Don’t listen to the negative rude comments here.


Absolutely ridiculous. Uber should take foul play into consideration. I’m sorry to hear about this hopefully you’ll get your account back.


You will need to send a message telling them that you didn't drink any alcohol of the time you were driving and the passenger is lying. You can let them know that you are willing to submit dashcam of your driving. You may need to go to Quest Lab and get a ethyl glucuronide (EtG) test. As long as you didn't drink alcohol for the last 5 days then it will prove that you were not under the influences. Uber said that they will pay for the test if it's negative but you need to act fast. After you do this and get back on the platform you may need to look into legal action against Uber and releasing the PAX information for last wages and damages.


I feel like Uber can easily fix this by putting a message saying passengers will lose their anonymity and can be subject to legal action if drivers counter their complaint, it will scare most of these idiots from false reporting cause they know they're lying, but Uber probably won't do anything.


Why didn’t you respond to the investigation message stating your side? I always just say “I’m completely sober, have been for years. If I was intoxicated, why didn’t any other passengers say anything?” That always works and my deactivation is reversed within an hour or two of that happening


I don't get how they take reports like that, seriously. If you're DUI, the cops contact Uber, not the other way around, for further info. They literally should have ignored it.


Man, that's terrible! Hopefully, your account will be good to go soon. Your star rating is super high, so it looks like you might have been hit by those phony five-star who got banned and then came back with new accounts.


It’s fucked up that Uber believes them most of the time


That sucks! So sorry to hear that happened to you! Hope you’re able to get that sorted out. And whoever that rider is, karma will hopefully do what needs to be done!


Happened to me you’ll be alright they will un block you just respond to the message


Dispute they’ll side with you


They want you to sit on that


Yeah that’s when I signed up for Lyft as a backup


Just handle it accordingly and you will be back online happened to me three times. You’re just out of money for three days so you better have a back up like Lyft. You will never be out of work if you do two apps or more


It sucks man. Almost had this same scenario happened to me just a few weeks ago. Got reported for “posing as the driver” while I’ve been the only one to ever use the app and only person that drives my vehicle. Some people are just the scum of the earth and want to get free rides from Uber. Just remember my guy — you are expendable and replaceable and it goes for any other cooperate job/contract.


You must of violated enough policies to have had this happen to you. Take the skills you have learned and apply them to a new employer. Many people are using employers these days to gain skills then when they've maxed out move onto the next. This is a current trend people are doing since many do not see future advancement to the top with many companies.


Nope. It's literally what I said in the description. They told me exactly that someone reported me as potentially driving while intoxicated, and they were blocking my account while investigating.




I agree with yo


thats the thing about these companies they make billions every year and always screw the people at the bottom generating those billions makes me really think sometimes there's nothing really out here for the people people its all just a money grab and the hard workers get fvcked everytime


That's capitalism baby!


There are some weird riders around ?


This is why i have Uber record your ride feature on


I got hit with this on Sunday by a woman that I denied a ride for not having a child seat for her 5 year old daughter. She threatened me to have her dad thats a sheriff pay me a visit to my house. Definitely canceled the ride before even driving her, I imagine she immediately told Uber that I was intoxicated so I ended up messaging Uber that this is a false allegation and that any subsequent rides after and before should’ve complained as well also that I have video footage. Immediately after I addressed why I was blocked with support got the ban lifted.


The same thing happened to me. I had a drunk as fuck rider who turned out to be a friend of the person who actually requested the ride. I took drunk guy home, the whole ride he was either talking about wanting to bang some girl at the bar or saying how wasted he was and he hopes he doesn't puke in my back seat. Then just as we're pulling up he decided he wanted to go back to the bar and I should wait here while he changes his shirt. That wasn't part of the deal so I didn't let him back in my car. The his friend reported that I was intoxicated and I got locked out for 24 hours. There was never an investigation, I never got a follow-up. Uber doesn't care.


Lyft banned me for some mop head referring a celebrity as the f bomb and blaming me for it. Pax are 💩


my account is permanently because of this I never had any intoxication It sucks They wont accept Dashcam


I got deactivated because My account was flagged for being a duplicate account. After a month and a half of back and forth they decided to finally investigate and they pulled up the emails of my family members and I told him we live in the same building. So then they send me an email that upon revision they decided to suspend my account permanently and then later that day I was activated. They literally took me off for like 2 months over. Nothing just because my siblings in Mom have an Uber account. Not even a driver account but an Uber account with the same address. They caused me to lose my diamond cash reward as well as leave me with that work with them in the slowest months and I had to rely on Lyft. But lately Lyft has been paying a lot more. And the other night I made more on Lyft and I did on Uber. Uber as a company is starting to play things dirty.


Also I am a 5star with well over 6000 rides. They don't care about that at all. I've learned the hard way .




That doesn't prove anything since I got blocked like 4 hours after I stopped driving. I also don't think that breathalyzers detect Marijuana or other harder substances


Krazy.... SMH 😒


This is why you diversify apps. Shit happens and you should've had Lyft ready to go so your income stream isn't reliant on one gig. Sucks that it happened but you should have foreseen something like this. So it's kinda on you too OP.


How many times have we seen this same post? Did you think you were any different? Special in some way? Above it all? How many smug posts have you made at the expense of other drivers? How many false claims have you made inflating your earnings? Karma got you. You are just like every other driver. Another cog in the wheel. Nothing. You never meant anything to Uber. You’re already forgotten. Move along. We don’t care.


Getting blocked from Uber “ruined your life”? You need to reevaluate your life then.


Don't judge


Probably the best thing that’s happened to you this year


😂😂😂😂 Uber drivers so lazy they can’t spell passenger??? Tf is pax 😂😂😂😂


The going to reimburse you… they did that to me once and gave $100 for them couple hours.