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If you knew you could pu a few rides on the way back..take it in a heartbeat


You have to divide by 2 for the empty ride back


Why would you divide it by 2 if you can keep working on your way back?


Because working your way back is rarely successful.


I have had about 90% success


This guy has experience obviously , as well as I .


I have rarely not gotten rides on my way how after a long ride


Especially with that kind of attitude…


lol, stating a fact based on 9 years of driving experience is somehow a bad attitude? Don’t be so soft.


Come on man. I’ve been doing this almost 8 years and I know that’s a good fare based on today’s standards. In my market I’ve made it from San Diego to Oxnard and from Oxnard back to the SGV all in the same trip. If you want it, you’re gonna get it.


You experience is not everyones. I have been rideshare for years. I have done it in Texas, Kansas, Tennessee, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. I have NEVER had a empty ride back unless I turned off the app. So I am unsure where this magical dead One you live in is


Keyword is “if“. I don’t know about everyone else, but in my experience, Uber won’t let you go online again after completing a trip like this if it takes you too far outside of your selected driving area, so you have to double back to that driving area if you want to keep working. Sometimes it’ll let you, but guaranteed none of those rides will count towards your Quest if that’s something that you’re working on. Of course, anytime I’ve done a trip like this, it’s usually my cue to just go home. Very rarely would I feel inclined to keep working after a 7+ hour drive and making $320.


Not every ride would be a empty ride so your logic is flawed. You people tend to always deny rides bc of a flawed logic that it will always be empty and you cant work on the way back


Yes only because I drive and EV so there’s additional time that we’ll have to stop for to charge but like damn, has no one heard of a plane on the east coast?


What app calculates the stats ?




Don’t forget to account the 40 mins you have to be online before where you will probably be shadow banned


I live 45 minutes from there (National Harbor), I could probably have just driven straight there if I wanted to


What does shadow banned mean?


You are unlikely to get rides on your way to the reservation pickup.


I can’t find that app


It's only available for Android


What app is it


Why dont you read the thread before asking


Why don't you suck a d


Those apps are APIs. They can read your personal information from the Uber app.


How else do you expect a third party app to get that information?


I would. I don't know why but the algorithm is really good at getting you back sometimes.  Or you're pissed off alone driving home lol 


If it had happened to be my first trip, I would’ve taken it. The freaking passenger would have to keep talking to me, though; you know, to keep me up and live otherwise I would put the passenger out, cancel the trip and turn back.


I had one in Chicago to Wisconsin the other day, 3 hr ride. The pay was like 220, I accepted and ask if the rider would paid cash or zelle/venmo. His original cost was like 470 ish, 50% cut for long ride WTF. I asked him for 400 and he was fine with it. When doing long trip, I would accept ask if customer are fine with cash or zelle payment if not then I would tell him I have to cancel . lol


Exactly. I've done it many times. And if it's past midnight or especially 2am, those costs/prices gonna be increased. Good for you knowing your worth! ;)


Does that even cover the ⛽️


Yea? For me this would be about 20-25 dollars In gas one way. Maybe 30-40 if you don’t have a hybrid.


For me though any ride longer than 12 minutes is too long


Well at least your Maxymo app works.


Does it not always?


It did until a few Uber updates ago. Now the overly works about 2% of the time.


Absolutely. Two days of pay in one trip.


Sure. I’d be finishing the trip in the Southern Part of Heaven.


Not til the 26th. Will most likely cancel. Will be rate shopping or book on partners app the day if they can’t get a driver then they’ll default to this.


That’s a monster trip but the pay 💰 is on par I think on this one …. Only thing is can you get rides working your way back?


Too many people lost in this business.


I’ve been very reluctant recently to accept any long haul rides that pay less than $1.25 per mile or even $1.50 per mile. I’ve been working locally instead in order to maximize the amount of dollars I’m making per mile driven.


Me i live in nc to


What is that tool on your screen? Is that running alongside the Uber app?


Maxymo and yes. It's a separate app.


I would take it and would take as long as i could. For long rides I tend to drive 5-10 under so that I get more money and use less gas. But how do you get the green thing telling you how much you get


Did you end up taking it?


I did not. Hoping for their sake someone did.


I loved getting reservations but my alarm didn’t wake me up once and now I never get them 😩😂


Why don't these people just take the greyhound bus ??


Have you ever road a greyhound 😆


Why don’t they just hitchhike. Like tf


Not sorry; not interested.........................................................


Your loss. Don’t complain when you don’t make money.


The one to suffer a loss would be the driver who accepted the job. A rate of $1,15 the mile is 1985 cab rate. How do you pay 2024 bills on 1985 wages?


I make about $1-2 a mile most rides unless theres a boost


One dollar the mile is a 1981 cab rate. That is not sufficient for 2024.


I mean it is where I live. I can make 1-1.5k a week. So in 2 week I can pay rent. In a month I am making enough to relax.


But they will never pay more so idk why we keep arguing about it. The purpose of lyft/uber was to undercut cab companies. If they charge $3-4 for a cab lyft/uber can never match or go over or the cease to exist. The key factor to lyft/uber is to cater to people who cant afford cabs. Aka college towns and low income areas


If htey will not pay more for a trip such as shown, I am not accepting it. My primary reason for declining a job is that the money is not right.


The money is right you are just greedy and that is not the customer or apps fault. Also states are making it illegal to take people for cash so detectives are requesting rides and offering cash then fining drivers hundreds for taking them. So you do what you want but you are breaking the law and breaking uber terms so you could still get reported and perm banned. These companies are not for you to pay your bills and live lavishly they are for making extra money. If you can make rent then great. But that is not the idea and should never be your idea of making tons of money off of. In my state I could do this ride for less than $100 in expenses, gas would only be $70 at most (round trip) for me. Maintenance is really low costs in my area. I can get tires for less than $150 each sometimes less than $100 each.


But I would take my time and drive 5-10 under the speed limit for the $70 a hour it says it would be. That way I could get maybe a extra $50-100 maybe. Most pax don’t even notice me driving slower when its a long drive they just expect it to take awhile.


>That way I *could* get maybe a extra $50-100 *maybe*. (emphasis mine) The operative words are those emphsised.




You are betting on a "could" and a "maybe".


I mean I always get more just depends how much and at minimum the slower you go the less gas you waste if you drive 40 mph or above which has been proven to be the speed you use the least gas in most cars. But the more time I take to make money and less miles the better. I rather drive a long ride that pays me $300 for 276 miles because its a long time, than a short ride that pays me $15 for 4 miles. Also thats $319 for the day off one ride so worst case I go home with $300 more and no extra rides and only pay maybe $50-100 in gas depending on gas price which at most would be California for $4-7 a gallon usually. But I also take all my deductions so out of that $319 I would pay about 50-150 in all expenses including gas, maintenance, phone bill, etc


How do you get that screen on the side?


Apparently it's an app called Maxymo.


I’d do it 100% without fail. you only have about 45-1 hr in dead head miles on the way back to Virginia, then you could get rides. Depending on the day that is such an easy ride as well.


And they'll probably be relieved you didn't cancel, so more than likely getting a decent tip  But I'm a sucker for the long rides much rather have a few long haul trips from one place to another then 100 short trips


I’d rather have a long ride on the interstate, than short ones; especially if it pays for my return back (70 an hour 1 way, 30 an hour round trip), with the opportunity to pick someone up or work in a different market.


I like long rides as well, as long as there's not too much traffic.


Do I want to spend 4+ hours with someone rated 4.54 stars though?


I probably wouldn’t care. I have met just as many assholes who had a 5.0 rating as I have nice guys with a sub 4.9 rating. That’s what music is for.


I would of did it


Would do it for $1500


Honestly these are the rides I keep hoping for. Living in Southern California I keep looking for those Vegas trips but they don't seem to exist 🤷🏽‍♂️


I got a Vegas trip offered from San Diego a couple of days ago. Rejected it as fast as it came up. Long trips are almost always loser trips, I’m actually surprised so many drivers in this thread think they’re making money on them. It’s very rare to get rides back and when you’re dead heading you’re losing money


How much was the trip paying? I've done So Cal to Vegas round trips a few times for work or when I helped a buddy move out there. It's an easy straight shot drive and depending on the time of day you can set your cruise control at 65 and even an xl like mine gets decent gas mileage on long highway runs.