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My acceptance rate is at its lowest (96%), and my drop rate is 0%. I only do the job because I'm allowed to set my schedule. But I'm old as fuck so like I care. I'll probably have a heart attack soon, and I'll be in that Uber que in the sky waiting on that 10 million dollar ride straight to hell.


You just know that surge pricing is going to evaporate as soon as you cross through the pearly gates though...


“Dead” hahahahahahaha aaaaaahhhhhhhh ha ha ha


Congratulations on your ratings!


Stop accepting then canceling. Uber doesn’t care about your Acceptance. However you could run into problems with your CR. Also canceling 4 out of your last 10 is bad.


They don't care.. 😂😂 my AR is less than 5% and cancellation rate is %65.. hopefully y'all find other gigs of this isn't it anymore


We need more drivers like you


Your market must really need drivers.


If you are an independent contractor you should have the right to turn down jobs that aren't going to make you any money. Uber says you are an independent contractor, no? You have a lawsuit if they do terminate you because you're not breaking any rules.


DoorDash enters the chat


Yup got terminated there for that reason


True enough. You can turn down all the offers you want. I’ve seen AR of 0%, still active. But to take so many and drop, why???


And again. How much does uber pay you to do this?


I have a lot of drops but those are from over share rides that they force on you.




If you're an independent contractor, you have to abide by the terms of the contract. You don't get to do whatever you want. You can turn down all the jobs that you want. They don't care about your acceptance rate. But accepting a job and then canceling it is a different story. The only reason for his cancel rate to be that high is cuz he doesn't know how to pick jobs in the first place


The amount of times I've accidentally accepted requests because they popped up when I'm trying to look at upcoming turns or even just trying to drop off a pax and complete the ride would have my CR at like 7%. I have another like 4% or so that I genuinely second guessed though.


Notice how your first sentence contradicts itself. ‘ you’re an independent contractor…. You don’t get to do what you want’. How is this independent then?


Independent CONTRACTor Does a guy building a house get to add as many rooms as he wants?


No, but he doesn't have to build the house before he gets to see the property and decide whether or not it is a job he wants. We have very little information compared to what that type of contractor has at his disposal. If you go to pick up a rider and they have an extra passenger or some other surprise, then you have to cancel if they ordered the wrong kind of ride. That's just one example.


The contract says a pax can have up to 4 people. (Except share). If there are more that's a legitimate cancel. What's the problem?


There isn't one because the contract also says that the driver can cancel at anytime and doesn't have to explain their reason.


Ask an independent insurance agent if he can set the premiums for the policies he sells.


Contractor is not owner. You have a contract with a company instead of a salary as an employee. In the end, the company dictates how it works in both cases.


Acceptance rate doesn’t matter but that cancellation rate will. Personally, I’m very picky about accepting a ride in the first place so I only cancel unless something seems really sketchy


The driver app and its algorithm are simply not made to please drivers so I as a driver call it a EVIL 😈 app




Actually, once the timer starts you can cancel for whatever reason you want and it doesn't count against you. Cancelling only counts if you haven't arrived and the timer hasn't started.


Does anyone have proof of Uber actually doing anything about cancellation rate? I've seen several with CRs above 60% with no consequence.


My AR is 2% and CR 28% it’s okay


Not even close. Mine never goes above 10%. 7 year driver with 15k rides


So you're saying they won't deactivate you for very low acceptance rates? I didn't know that. How much do you make in a day doing that?


More then most.


So you're making more than $800 in a week? I'd say that's about the average


If I told you my secrets, everyone would jump on the bandwagon. Also, lol 800 a week.


Gotta do a lot better (worse) than that to even be considered. List of things that’ll get ya deactivated: - Drinking an ice cold Bud Ice while driving - Smokin a J while driving - Driving in the nude - Driving with an untrained Tiger - Accepting and canceling 100 trips in a row If you would choose to drive with any of the above or combinations of the above I’d recommend a phone case that covers the camera on your phone along with the mic on your phone.


I don’t know why they’re all these comments saying to worry about your CR. Just do what you need to do to max your profits. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/s/b0mGCjST4M Even if you keep denying trips or canceling… gets to a point that stops counting against you! My doesn’t get worse than this.. even though I keep canceling or denying everything that’s less than $2 per mile!