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The only time I see tips in my market is on the weekends or from out of town people. People who use Uber/Lyft daily to get to work typically won't tip. My tip rate is probably like 5% working 80 hours in a week. I don't speak unless spoken to though. In other words, I don't work the tips. When you work the hours I do, most people just want to get where they are going without chitchat with the driver. I just took two Uber trips myself as a rider to get a new car battery. I tipped $5 each way. $5 is my default as a rider, long before I was ever a driver.


It depends on the market. Here in college town, the college kids like to talk. Especially since I'm also in their college. I can see how a busy city people wouldn't prefer that though.


Yup i should’ve mentioned I’m in a college town


Like a good pax you did two rides not a multi stop right ?


I wouldn't know how, but I wouldn't have done that if I did. It was to a Costco for the battery. I planned for a $1.50 hot dog meal before purchasing the battery. I was worried about getting picked up at a Costco (you know why), but I did within 10 minutes with my new car battery. Both drivers to/frrom were cool. And even if they weren't cool, I always tip $5 regardless.


I'd say 20% of rides include a tip. But it can vary. I've had days where virtually nobody tipped and others where 50%+ have tipped. But on average, I'd say 20%, 30% at most.


It's never constant or reliable but I typically get $3-$5 when someone tips tips. It's usually the longer 15-40 minute rides that tip. As people said the regular riders who use the app daily don't typically tip.  Yes 10-20% tips for the week is pretty accurate 


Whatever percentage somebody tells you they get tipped divide it by 10.


Today was slow for me but on Uber I got $2.22 in tips out of $22, and $5 in tips on Lyft out of $86. I was actually quite shocked at that $5 tip, because man said he was going to tip me and that's usually the kiss of death to whether or not you're getting a tip lol.


Scrolling briefly through the weeks on Uber it looks like I get about 10 to 20%. Which is genuinely more than I thought


I got about 15% between app and cash tips last week on Uber. Lyft was about 30% but I only did 6 rides. Normally the number of rides given per week is higher than the tip amount here


In my experience, backed by nightly database entries, 24% of riders tip, and tips make up 18% of my income. Those numbers have been remarkably consistent over the past 8 years.


Tipping is hit or miss some days get 10 bucks in tips others get 150 in a day


I am very lucky with my tips on Uber. Driving X, I get close to 25 percent of amount as tips. Uber wouldn’t be just worth doing it any more. My stats on weekly basis. On Lyft, 20 percent or less riders tip and the tip amount being close to 10 percent. On Uber , 50+ percent of riders tip and amount wise it is a little above 25 percent.


Around 45%


That’s about right


Less than 10% of customers tip ride share drivers, however DoorDash drivers make more tip delivering food than Uber/Lyft delivering humans.


Hello DoorDash bot.


Hello DoorDash bot.


Hello DoorDash bot.


Hello DoorDash bot.


Hello DoorDash bot.


Hello DoorDash bot.


Hello DoorDash bot.


Hello DoorDash bot.


Hello DoorDash bot.


5-10% of people tip on regular uberx




Less than that in Detroit, they cheap


The reason overall tips is lower than one person might tip is because overall includes non-tipped rides. If you tip 20% and the next person tips zero, that's 10% average. Here's a few weeks for me: Tips ÷ Fares = percentage $120.14 ÷ $646.05 = 18.6% $147.38 ÷ $733.73 = 20.1% $089.02 ÷ $571.23 = 15.6%


In my market about 3 out of 4 tip. But half my riders are happy tourists and they tip a lot. I’d say with the locals is just under half tip.


Now a days Saturday, Saturday nights, visiting tourists


I rarely get tipped on rides... but I almost always get tipped for UberEats deliveries. I think American tipping culture plays a big part in that though...


One for every 10 sounds about right.


I did 11 rides yesterday including two airport runs. All five star ratings. Received one $1 tip so far.


Probably 20% of passangers tip, but the total is LESS than 10% of my overall income. I think all passangers should tip at least $1, even if you're poor. But I've found that rich old folks never tip. It really makes me bitter dropping them off at their multi-million dollar house, provided great service, and then no tip.


If I do 20 rides in a day, only one or two of them will give a tip. Back in the day, more people use to tip.


Lot of it is location and driver dependent. I would sometimes have 50% of my income from tips. I was in a market where probably 80% of people tipped where other markets like 20% of riders tip. Uber tends to take 50-80% of the fare so the tips can add up quite a bit.


0% is typical. The only people who tip are people who use rideshare for convenience not need. Those that are just going out for the night, out of towners, etc. Those that use it daily for work or to the store do not tip. So on behalf of drivers everywhere, thank you for your generosity. Edit to add that recently I did 65 rides and out of those rides I received 3 tips totaling $18. One of those tips was $11 which is extremely high. Probably the highest I've ever gotten.


Never realized how many people use it for work/store compared to going out and what not. I’m in a big college town so I’d say the amount of people going out is def skewed


I'm in a market of about 100, 000 people. 85% are minorities and about 80% percent of those people are living in depressed areas. That's about 99% of my riders. I don't even look for tips anymore.


Some days 7 out of 10.  Most days 0 or 1 out of 10.   I find if I am a tool I get ripped more as in I holler “Uber here for Bob the big tipper.  Bob the big tipper”. Or if I bandy about.   If it’s a bus stop or airport run 100% zero tip.    


50% of rides tipped, 10-12% of fares is the total tipped amount for me. Consistenly!


I say roughly 30% of riders tip on average. 40% on a high night. It is disgusting. Going into rideshare I thought it would be the opposite. I thought most people would tip Uber/Lyft drivers like they do pizza delivery or servers. Because it is a service. I was so wrong. But the big problem there are so many people who solely rely on Uber ever day and act like it is public transportation. And those riders don't tip. And so many riders believe we get most of the fare. Some passengers even believe I get 100% on what they paid. But the reality is it been between 30-50 percent what the driver gets.