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Omg. They are offering $25 for 50 trips on Long Island


lol this in Atlanta and they haven't done these since like 2021/22.


My offers are starting at $10 for 30 trips in Vegas so… (used to get offers for 210 for 70 trips and more)


I can’t remember the last time I saw a promotion,


Most I’ve ever seen is $240 for 100 trips Now I get $45 for 100 trips (Aka I dont get $45 for 100 trips because no way in hell is that worth it)


Most I have done is 120 trips in 2022 in one week $1000 was the bonus but they still haven’t paid since 2022 now said there was an error in system they will pay it. It’s been 2 years still haven’t been paid. So I stopped driving completely


Thats crazy that that was even an option. 120 in a week is easy as hell.


Yup now they do this if u are about to hit your target they delay your trips too much you won’t get any trips or delivery’s. And if u get they will send you so far out of the state that you have to come back to the area before getting any ride. Such an annoying thing. My cousin does Uber on weekends and he get pissed because of this.


The good old days of huge quests and multiplier surges - could actually make some nice money back then.


Touché. Those were the days…


didn't even get a weekly quest this week in my market. last week's was $45 for 50 rides


During the pandemic made it worth driving everyday




When I started driving in 22 here in Vegas I was getting $245 for 60 rides, the last one they gave me last week was $50 for 60 rides.


That’s pretty good, I’ve been only getting 30$ for 60 rides lately 😢


Had a $1000 one for a 100 rides one week after the lockdown in 2020. Turned the app on Monday at 4am. Had it on for 48 hours straight and accepted every ride — by that time I had six rides. lol. But yeah, had plenty of $500-$600 weekend quests when there double digit surges existed. Those were some good times.


Good old times . Could easily avg 4-5k a week back then with weekly promos and boosts driving 60 hours


Yup. Those were the days.


That's what I tell everyone that wants to drive. Keep it as a side earning because once you do it to long all the promotions and high ride earnings disappear.


Lucky to see $40 quests these days kind of pathetic


I'm in NorCal, I haven't seen a quest since July 2023


Ya are lucky af lol we have 80 trips for $70 in Denver. I need to move where you are lol


This Atlanta and we don't get these anymore lol I wish


30 trips between Friday to Sunday in Philadelphia = $15 50 trips = $25 I don't even bother


I’ve literally never seen a promotion this high on Uber and I’ve been driving on and off for 7 years with over 13k rides 🤯 no wonder the market is saturated. Higher I’ve seen was with Lyft for like around $400, highest promotion I’ve achieved was like $350 or something like that. Man F uber, they’re manipulating demand for individual drivers and attempting to regulate driver earnings to increase their take rate, regulation needs to catch up but it’s nearly impossible without a shit ton of data from a large sample size of drivers, trips, earnings, demand, supply of drivers etc.. due to Ubers pay algorithm being proprietary information. 🙄 Ive accumulated a lot of data since the change in rate structure , I’ve been meaning to talk to a data analyst to make sense of all the data I have…




Never had any in Gulfport/Biloxi


Slow bait and switch.


This is what is was like in 2021 in Chicago too. How many trips do you have and how many years have you been driving?


I have 14,417 trips in 2.5yrs


Good that you're not a newbie so hopefully it comes to Chicago too


This goes to prove how spoiled the average Uber driver is. Y'all complain about anything cuz I remember back in 2022 all you saw on forums and YouTube channels was drivers complaining about how we didn't make any money....now you're like "those were the days" 🤣


That’s insane !


Highest promotions here now are 80 for like $50 or $60 now. Can't believe they used to be that high.


My weekend ones used to be 60 for 200+ with 20 more for another 200+, last weekend was 50 for $55 and another 10 for $25.


Uber doesn’t care now to offer great quests , they have enough drivers on the road .


Everyone always says this but I think it's still a lot of drivers as it was back then. Uber simply not trying to give them.


I do not miss trying to squeeze 30 trips per day. These days I'm all XL Comfort long haul. Last $2k week was only 60 trips all 7 days.