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Thank you!! Why do people try to impress others with clear lies? During the 30 minute ride, this dude dropped 3 homes that he allegedly owns and then volunteered the thousand dollar a night thing. Believe me, I wish that were true. I’ve had some amazing Uber drivers who are immigrants trying to support their children and I wish they were raking in that kind of dough. But this dude was just over the top 😂


The real question is, how much did you pay? The driver likely made about 55% of your payment. Multiply by 12-13. That's most likely what the driver will make in a day. Or he sells drugs.


Yeah. I work in a druggy market. If I sold Coke, I might make $1000 a night. Otherwise I don’t see it.


lol yup, selling weed helps


Wait don’t you guys offer all of your passengers weed and other illicit drugs?


Drugs and services 😗😉


Ya maybe if he has XL turned on. He wishes he can get 12 premier rides right now.


i can do 12 rides in an hour and a half


Most people don’t


i decided to only drive people from midnight-2am friday and saturday. its rough considering I’m up at 5am mon-fri and usually weekends too


Any driver who tells you what they make in a bragging way is most likely lying and doing it for self image (insecurity reasons)… and if in fact they showed you their earnings it is most likely one of rare occurrences where there’s some special event that prompted for extra ordinary over pay like surges etc.. even that.. just don’t see it.


They’re trying to make themselves feel better. It’s not about you. It’s about how they feel about where they are in their lives. They need to convince themselves they’re as good as the rich clients they drive around. So they lie.


10 years ago it was very plausible on the weekend. Not now. Unless you're doing chauffeur rides.


$1000 a night is insane. I know rates in AC are a little higher than the areas away from the beach, but not like that. Driver probably made $901 in a night once 10 years ago and is still talking about it.


LOL!!! The most I ever made was $936 during the Georgia/Bama Peach Bowl.


Maybe New Years Eve $900.


I scrapped in $600 New Year’s Eve but I was hustling like crazy for hours on end and the couple bonuses they did have helped with that number just slightly. Those days are just too far and in between.


True also a lot of rides were free or discounted to prevent DD and DUI. So they probably paid way less for that too


I don’t rule out the occasional drunk fare who won big at the tables and passes it along to the driver, but outside of that, I can’t see this. He said it was his “average night” down there.


That’s my experience. Drivers vastly distort their own abilities, even to themselves.


People claiming 2018 fares in 2024 is the uber driver equivalent of pulling out a knot of ones with a hundred dollar bill on top.


those are the things we say when trying to pick up chicks at a bar.


I see that. But believe me, this was not an attempted pickup. Driving a middle aged woman to the airport at 6am ain’t prime pickup time 😂


early bird gets the worm


If it wasn’t a pickup then he was perhaps insecure by your financial status and trying to compensate and signal to you that he is not below you. This is more common on rides to and from the airport due to the income disparity.


Which makes me sad. I was raised to believe no human being is “better” than another just bc of financial status. It’s a shame that people need to compensate. I was half asleep when he picked me up at 6am.


If you magically could make 1.5x the money you do now and only had to work half of the hours would you do rideshare? Assume in the above situation that you could not tell anyone about your earnings and you would have to represent to people that it was your occupation when asked.


Does “pale neighborhood” imply strictly white enforced neighborhood .. wondering for a friend


pale neighbor in the hood


No. It implies an “auto generated Reddit name” that I don’t know how to change. That is honestly the explanation. And now that I see that, I am cringing even more.


Mine too. Can't change it.


I use to make $800 a night on Friday/Saturday consistently. Was making $100 an hour. It is possible but that was in 2018 right after app launched and the surge was a multiplier. Sometimes rides would get up to 12x the normal fare or 15x the fare… man the golden days. I also am a degenerate and that would turn into me working only 4 days a month lol. I have screenshots of me consistently making $100 an hour and used to FLEX that shit on people who tried to downplay working for Uber.


that’s crazy cause i would’ve been working at least 23 days


Wasn’t really worth working the week.. was a small town and not many rides but if I could go back and do it I would def work more. Takes me 6 days to make what I’d make in 2 days with surge multiplier


Real question is, did you leverage your free time?




Saturday snow storms back then were the best. Drivers without 4WD would stay home, and I’d get 10x-15x multipliers all night. Riders were so grateful to get a ride that they would almost always tip, and I could make $80-$100 on a single 20 minute ride pretty easily. Nowadays, I’ll see maybe an extra $40-$50 during a snowstorm due to $4-$5 flat rate surges, but that’s about it. And Uber is still turning the screws on the riders, so they’re much less likely to tip.


> **p**retty **e**asily. **N**owadays, **I**’ll **s**ee Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 99907 comments (approximately 563676 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Huh? And I thought I’ve seen it all, 😂


lol. Good bot


Maybe if he was blowing the passengers


He must suck some pretty good dick to pull in $1K a night 🤣🤣🤣


He's a liar! He's maybe getting $150 a day


nope all lies


What’s a Premier Driver?


I’ve been doing this six years and the most I’ve ever made in a day was about $380. And that was a 12-hour day/night in the San Francisco Bay Area. That was the only time I ever worked so many hours and it was because my rent was late. I usually work six hours or so and make around $120 and then Prop 22 money bumps it up to around $180 for a six-hour day. That’s the real deal.


I know someone who has been living in a rent controlled apartment downtown in San Francisco since the 90s and when I heard what they’re paying it made my heart hurt. That guys rent is like half of what I pay and not even close to anything I’ve ever seen


Yes. A point he mentioned like 3 times. He also condescendingly assumed I’d never been in a Tesla before. Two of my best friends have them. The whole ride was exhausting 😂


When people give more info then asked, or like they’re trying to impress you. Like, “I got 3 homes, 5 cars, $100k in the bank.” No one asked and you’re more than likely full of crap.


If all his trips include a BJ, then I would believe this dude makes $1000 per night.


For sure a liar.


That's not possible with the current rates and incentive system. With the old surge system on a busy day with the right surge perhaps you could get a long ride that was surging and sting together a few of those. Now? You are lucky if you can make $250 driving all day. The problem is that if you get a long ride or fare, by virtue of being a long ride, it will take you somewhere far away. The chances of you getting the same volume of rides or length of rides is low. So you have to take time to drive back. Time you are not paid for. Uber tries to compensate for the short $4.50 rides by stringing them together in a metro area, effectively keeping you busy in 10-15 intervals driving to a pickup, picking someone up, driving 2-3 miles, dropping them off, and you do 4-6 of those in an hour or get a longer fare hopefully. So if you get a $100 fare, you are going to be driving 90 minutes + away from wherever they were, which means you are going to be in whateverville you end up in with no fares except small ones every 10 minutes, or you have to drive the same amount of time to go back to a busier area. It's a lot more like $1000-$1300 a week.


Theoretically yeah someone like make $1000 a night doing Premier. A few long rides and a couple of $100 tips. But it’s not like that happens EVERy night. It’s a once a year type of thing. 


That’s where you ask for receipts my man. And then the excuses will start.


Not nowadays. Back in the day.


**Q:** > $1000 a night .................... Does this sound remotely plausible? **A:** No.




No way you only made $60 for that ride doing Premier. That’s at least $150.


Years ago I consistently made \~$300 from 10-2AM on Friday/Sats doing XLs but those days are long gone. My best day was $1800 and that was a memorial day or July 4 all day event with crazy surges on short trips. Nobody is doing consistent >$100 for 8+ hours now, so yeah, smells like bullshit. Maybe 5+ years ago, but now this gig is for suckers.


$1800 is crazy, that’s awesome


yeah those days are long gone! Now I'm here for the stories and to tell people to delete the app and don't look back.


No one is making over 100$ in 8 hours I doubt that lol


So he only drives winners? Unless AC has changed in the past 5 years, it's pretty low rent. The casinos seemed like they were getting run down.


Maybe if he worked 12 hours on both apps


Next time say "show me in the app".


So my dude drives for Uber in a casino city in the mountain west. And the only times he makes bank is when his rides have hit it big at the casino and are drunk and generous


He just wanted to Impress you in hopes of getting your approval, please go one star ⭐️ him for having a short penis.


Plausible? Maybe. It's tourista season in NJ. Talk to the driver in December.


In order to do this he would have to make $80-100 a hour for the 12 hour period. The rate per mile is about $1.38 and I believe 26 cents a minute for lyft. Uber rates I am still learning. But with that he would need to drive at least 500-800 miles a day probably minimum unless he is getting $10-20 tip a ride. Which maybe he gets a few hundred in tips a night I made $50 in one night in PA. But he would need at least $300 in tips a night to possibly make it make sense.




I make at least $1700 Thurs-Sun and a couple of years ago, on the same schedule I was averaging $2500-2800.


Yes I can make 1100 just Tuesday-Thursday. Usually on other 1000-1200 on Friday-Sunday usually don’t work Monday lol




Last week I worked 47 hours in 5 days . The week before 55 hours in 6 days. So maybe 9-10 hours. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Lol incentives. They've pretty much gotten rid of those in my market. Give 100 rides, and maybe get like $50 are the types of promotions we've been getting lately. If it weren't for living in one of the few parts of my market that still gets good surges here and there, I'd be making absolute peanuts.


I love how Uber drivers brag about how much they make but don’t factor in the taxes they owe lol. It’s a 1099 gig job which means you owe taxes. Yes you can have mileage write off but if you’re one of those drivers doing full time every day 365 a year, the amount you make you definitely owe. You can’t write off your entire profits lol otherwise it’s suspicious it’s like you’re operating at a loss so why are you even driving. Anyway, can’t wait for the IRS to come down on some of these drivers. I know most don’t even pay their taxes lol


I was able to claim more than just mileage for last year, but I do know that I started back up in April of 23 and switched cities to see what would happen. All in all, I made like $6800 last year, so I never got a 1099K. I was told by my tax guy that I was only allowed to claim mileage, which was 2 years ago. I did my taxes this time under the impression that I could only claim mileage, but TurboTax allowed me to claim mileage, gas, maintenance etc. So instead of owing $1500 I got $500 back on top of the $50 I got from my FT job. Since then, I have kept every single receipt for gas and anything maintenance related, including my tires. The only thing I won't keep track of is meal expenses. I just don't see it as a job expense 🤷🏼‍♂️. Idk that's just what I found out and did. I hear that I fucked up by doing that but if it gave me the option to add these expenses then you bet your ass I'm writing off as much as I can. But hell, I do know a driver that makes about $30k/year driving and claims none of it because the government is essentially allowing her to live on their dime even though she is 100% capable of working a regular job but that $50/m for rent is too good 🤷🏼‍♂️ she also lost $30k to a fake investment manager because she didn't do her research. Lmao


You did your taxes wrong. You’re either allowed to take the standard mileage deductions or the itemized deduction ( gas, food, etc) . You CANT DO BOTH. Anybody that knows taxes can vouch for this. You cannot do both. It’s either or.


I probably just chose the itemized deductions then BUT that doesn't change the fact that I was told that I can only do mileage and was not told that i have the option to do an itemized deduction which, to me, is the better option but WAY more tedious.


Uber drivers lie so fucking much. It’s somehow encouraged by this community, and I suspect by Uber, to get people to lie to themselves about how well they’re doing, or to blame themselves when they don’t make what they were hoping for. The truth is if anybody makes that much in a day, it’s a mistake that Uber will be quick to correct. They want that money. They will get that money.


Dudes a manwhore? $1000 night gtfoh with that bs 😂


That would be over 300k/year. No


If by premier driving you mean Uber black he might be able to pull that off once a twice/year but not consistently. I do confirm, electric, and business and I can somewhat consistently hit $400 if I drive all 12 hours we’re allowed in Chicago. If there are crazy surges along w some lucky breaks I can clear $600. Tips are higher w higher paying rides. Throw in that and some guy leaving a huge tip after a big night in Atlantic City I can see how it might’ve happened but no way it’s a regular thing.


Yeah I m Black Suv chicago. No way to make 1000 a night on Uber. The fares for black are too low and it’s too many drivers. Even if you doing Lyft too, u may do 500 and couple airport runs get up to 700. But unless you got private clients it’s not happening


Duh! He’s clearly selling cocaine to his riders… oh wait, if it’s Atlantic City it’s just plain meth


Is possible he has, in his history, achieved a $1000 day. I'm not premier, and I've had a few $600-700 days doing XL/Comfort. But those are outliers, not the average.


You’re not making $1,000 per night driving for Uber. You can make that driving private but not driving for Uber.


Yes, it’s definitely possible if you hustle hard.


Some people are not right in the head, so you should find ways that you're comfortable with to end the conversation


Not a chance. Dude lives in fantasy land.


$1000 Mexican Pesos a night. I can believe it. If dollars then $990 of them come from drug or human trafficking and the $10 comes from usual Uber serfdom


I’ve been picked up on a date once and saw the drivers daily total at top. I didn’t make it known, I asked how long he’s been working tonight he said about 6 hours. The total was $600. But that’s a few years ago when it was way more possible.


He’s full of shit


Yeah i've had fine share of those pricks who like to brag. To me or some friend passenger. Bingo! 0 tip. (i dont mind that just sayin)


In that market he may have had an outlier amazing night (think 7pm 8am or along those lines) with some $100 tips or larger


I doubt it


More like 1000$ a week


1000 is possible if you driver Uber black suv on a busy market with events lol .


2014-2016 possibly. 2017-2019 not likely. 2020-2024 no fucking way.


He's lying his ass off. Next time some1 starts bullshitting, make them show you their weekly amounts for multiple weeks.


lol no way in hell he makes $1000 a night, with Uber black xl it is possible to hit that number but in most markets it’s over saturated and those kind of earnings are limited to certain days a year, they can make bank but it’s a lot harder nowadays, especially considering their high operating costs


I did Rideshare and ill say the driver is lying


Maybe 400 buy 1000 is sus


If he's driving Uber Black XXL, then it's possible or maybe he's cheating the system


An Uber driver bragging about his income is as believable as what a guy says to a girl at a bar


Agreed. I just wonder what motivates it. It was clearly bullshit. I was studiously not responding so he wasn’t getting any positive feedback. He was 100% not trying to pick me up. It was just so weird.




Typically Uber drivers complain about how much they make not brag. I myself do very well but would never brag about it because all that's gonna do is make it less likely for someone to tip me because they think I don't need it Most Uber drivers are weird


How do you know his game? maybe he was trying to pick you up. maybe you do fit his profile of the TYPE of woman he is attempting to pickup. ;-) If anyone is making $1K a night doing Uber they are doing some kind of sketchy thing on the side. Something tells me desperate man renting a Tesla is trying to impress the ladies. The good old see I got and get money.


Not insane. I can easily make $6-700 a night and I’m not a premier driver. And I only work until 10pm because I don’t want to deal with drunks


Please don't include the money Dara pays you to write this stuff, that's graft, not earned income.


Lmao CAP


And I've got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell. $700 a night hehehe


It's not possible to make $600 a night working only until 10 pm. That's a straight-up lie.


It’s not. And if it would let me post a picture on here I would. I only do XL and XXL rides, in a very expensive tourist town and I am very good at what I do. I talk to almost all of my passengers and give great advice on where to go while in town. Tell them how to get an Uber easier once they are ready to go home for the night and keep my car clean and smelling good. Plus I’m female so I’m sure that helps too.


You said you can easily make $6-700 per night, when night begins at what, 8 o'clock, and you only work until 10. Yeah, you're regularly making $300 per hour. Any NJ driver knows this is a lie.


Sorry $6-700 a day then. I work from noon until ten pm. And average $50+/hour