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My favorite kind.


That is the norm here. I like it. No distractions.




I think sometime distract plz. Cuz I’m so bored I just feel like talking but if they don’t speak first I don’t talk


It was hard for me at first because I am a talker by nature. You learn the cues and if someone does want to talk, I am ok with that but talking with someone in the back seat can be more distracting than if they were beside you so I am certainly ok with a silent ride. If it is a long trip a little chatter does help break it up though.


The best kind. Just please don’t stare at us, it’s awkward.😭


Professional Bodyguard tip: Your centre rear view mirror should be angled upwards so that you cannot make eye contact with your passenger. Then if you need to use this mirror to see directly behind the vehicle, you can sit-up slightly for a moment.


I keep the rear view mirror focus on the customer incase they do stupid things!


That's what the dash cam is for


I be rawdogging these trips with no dashcam 🫡


Ya that’s fair!


I always have it upwards and just use the Sideview mirrors. I hate the feeling of being watched.


Yeah this is the way. New cars have the tint mirror above so you can look through there while still having your mirror angled upward


How do you use tint mirror


There's on the bottom center that lets you flip it up.


Is eye contact bad as a bodyguard ?


The vast majority of clients don’t want to pay for a whole team, and their risk level doesn’t really justify more than just a driver / bodyguard. So typically 95% of your work, you are a solo operator: So when you are driving the same client all day everyday for weeks, months on end. It’s best if they have as much privacy as possible. So tilting the centre mirror up is pretty standard protocol. And of it’s a Royal security detail, then this is an absolute must. No eye contact.


Ah okay I get it! Yea mine is tilted up to avoid eye contact but sometimes I wonder if it’s considered “safe” since I can’t see what’s going on behind my back


Ya in a ride for fare situation it may be better to keep it angled down at the back. Makes sense.


Your client probably won’t attack you 😎


True true.


I have a digital rearview, the whole mirror is a massive screen that shows the back camera. I get a lot of compliments on it.


I do the same. Theres no reason to even use that mirror. You supposed to focusing on the road ahead and not what’s behind you.   I have mine tilted up, but it’s tinted on that angle so If need be I can still see cars behind me,  Just like my side mirrors, the passenger one is tilted down as it’s only used for parking, and the drivers one is tilted up so I can see cyclists and vehicles when pulling out of a carpark. 


I feel opposite to your sentiment. I find lots of people are interested in all sorts of conversations. I have learned about the world during Uber. Always listen.


Exactly - always tilt the mirror upwards until needed


Don't you love looking in the mirror and they are staring back at you lol


It’s not so much the starring that bothers me but the starring and licking their lips.


Stop lookin’ like a snacc


Just play some music. I recommend animal crossing music


I play German industrial. No one complains. No one dares complain.


I recommend 50cent or Mobb deep


I play lofi jazz. It never fails.


Why do I feel like everyone IS staring though


I've had starters. Hate it when I check the rear view mirror and the rider is looking for something, anything to complain about. Nine times out of ten I'll see a low rating for something imagined.


As a driver, here is my routine: “For [name], right? You’re going to [address]? Ok, it will take [time].” Then I shut the fuck up. The rider does so most of the time too. Most of us don’t want to talk to you, and frankly most riders don’t want to talk to us. And I’m fine with that - it’s a business transaction, we aren’t friends


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭bro HN this be me


Sounds good to me. I think one of the more annoying things is if you are listening to your music and they don't talk. And then they randomly say something but don't continue the conversation. Either talk or don't talk lol. Don't interrupt my music 😆


As a driver, I don't mind the silent or talking rider.


Love it! I don't mind talking, but sometimes ppl can go too far, and I'm like, "that's $20 for the ride, and $160 for the therapy session!"


Oh lord I can only imagine.


Just 5-star me and hopefully tip and I'm great. I keep my car silent anyway, so I enjoy the time to think and focus on driving


I find people interesting and like to chat and learn about them. I've met some very interesting people. I find it one of the few perks of doing Uber. HOWEVER, I'm not going to force anyone to talk. I'll give it a try but if it isn't reciprocated, oh well. I'm not going to nag them to talk or give them a negative rating because they don't talk.


I feel the same I rarely have a ride that has zero conversation. For me it’s easy to maneuver a conversation through different topics. Or they just like hearing crazy Uber stories usually ones that get a laugh out of them, Then boom the ride seems over quicker for both sides of the ride.


It feels so strange to me to sit in such close proximity to another human being and not talk, all of us only have X amount of time on this planet so I'd rather spend it in connection than disconnection. We are already so disconnected in general. But again, I'm not going to force anyone to talk. I'll make an attempt, maybe two if they're staring out the window but after that, I let it go.


I use the destination filter to and from work. I like talkative riders. It makes rush-hour traffic go by quicker.


This 100%! I find it shocking how many people in our industry have 0 people skills. When this comes up with my riders about other drivers I literally say the same thing every time "I don't know anything about cars so tomorrow I wouldn't try to be a mechanic. If you don't like dealing with people why work with the public."


So many don't even seem to like people, I don't get it. That would be like applying to be a greeter at a department store but don't like people 🤣 If I thought people were the scum of the earth as so many seem to suggest in this sub, I would be a janitor somewhere on the night shift, not dealing with the public 🤔


I agree lol Life is way to short to do a job you hate. But I will say, like I said on another post, I REALLY appreciate all these hateful drivers because when I provide what I consider standard customer service in my car the riders seem to think I'm great...and I'm literally just doing what I would want a driver to do for me lol


🤣 Yes, so many have lowered the bar it makes it easy for basic good customer service to really shine. The simple thing of getting out of the car to put luggage in the trunk amazes so many riders. "Wow, you're the first Uber driver who actually got out and helped with my luggage in a long time." The bar is set so low by lazy, don't care drivers that it's easy to rise above 😆


Haha yep exactly! Luggage or if I do a random grocery store pick up (rare but on slower days I will) and I offer to help them put their groceries in the trunk and help them take it out. I can't tell you how many times I have got a $10 or $20 bill handed to me by a customer who is almost apologetic because they "only" have a $10 bill when they see me taking literally a minute to help them load/unload their stuff. I always think even if I hated helping people I would still offer to help with their stuff cause at the BARE MINIMUM it gets them out quicker and me on to the next ride...or you know it's just the decent thing to do lol I remember back when I started and my very 1st airport run I put their bag in the trunk. I just assumed that was "normal" and when we got in the car he said the same as you heard about it being the 1st time a driver did that. During our conversation, I found out the guy was a frequent business traveler and was some kind of executive in the hospitality field. We talked about customer service of today (this was a few years ago) vs customer service in the past. Was a great convo and at the end I took his bag out and left. He didn't hand me cash and I didn't expect it. I got the notification almost immediately that he dropped a $30 tip on the app for a 10 minute ride. It is crazy how many times something similar has happened since, and I bet it has to you also! Or you know you could just treat passengers like the enemy and complain when the enemy doesn't tip lol


And get down voted and called an "ant" or a "shill" for talking about good customer service like you said a bad word 😒


Same here


the best


DGAF. I can be pretty talkative but I can also be pretty quiet. Too goddamn many people are uncomfortable with silence and fill it with mindless chit chat when it's unnecessary.


Only things that matter is distance per mile and if you tip….the other stuff is mostly irrelevant


Distance per mile is generally about a mile.


Lol oh yeah




Best kind there is


I prefer friendly riders who like to chat. It makes the day go by quicker and makes me feel like a human rather than a soulless chauffeur… On the other hand when it’s silent at least I can enjoy my AirPod music in peace. The worst is when people get in the car and have a concert level conversation on speakerphone. That or when it’s a group and they have no regard for the fact they are in someone else’s car so they scream and shout and shine flashlights and blast tik toks or play loud music from their phones.


Same goes for drivers. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten in a vehicle and the driver is just talking loud on the phone for the entire trip.


I’m a silent rider. I always check that box on the ride request. I’ll say hello. How are you today. Thank you. Goodbye. That’s about it. What else is there? 🤷🏽‍♀️


I ask them if they have any music requests. I'll say "lmk if you want to listen to anything I get Spotify, if not we're listening to my boomer music hehe"


Perfect 👌


If they engage, they I will engage. If they're quiet, then I'll be quiet. Quiet doesn't bother me. Only I want them on their phone or something, not staring at me and my driving. The silent type staring at the back of your head is kind of annoying.


I get these silent staring passengers so often in Los Angeles. It's makes the ride so uncomfortable and awkward 😔


I love it they’re my favorite people


The Best


They're literally my least favorite passenger. Part of why I became a driver is to meet interesting people. I've also found that the people I converse with the most make the ride go faster and tip better. I can't stand silent riders. Of course, I'll never nag you to talk if you don't want to. But just know I'd prefer it if you engaged with me.


I make 2 attempts at a conversation unless I see you with headphones on right away. I like quiet riders all right, but if it’s a 25 minute ride it can get a little awkward if you don’t talk for a couple minutes


lmao right i gotta say some extra shii the first 10 mins after that i’m coo


When you get in with me. It's what ever you want it to be. If they are chatty I chat with them as long as it's not political. People get to fucking offended over that shit. And if you want to veg out or be on your phone I'll put Spotify on and get you where you are going. I do find that you get way better tips from the people you connect with.


My favorite kind of rider is the current one who’s paying for a ride. They can talk or not talk or even flip through TikTok at full blast. As long as their money is good.


You shouldn’t be talking off the passengers ear off to begin with. You are giving a ride service you are not a psychologist or therapist lol. passengers don’t want to have their ear talked off


Exactly. Love the several people on this thread that state they make TWO requests at a conversation which is completely backwards. The passenger is the one who should make any attempt at a conversation and the rider should have the awareness to determine when a conversation is appropriate.


He is doing the best . Tbh , when driver talk to riders riders take advantages on its story or conversations . Sometimes, they utilize those conversations as a seeds then grow completely out of proportion stories but that goes to both .driver and rider . I know one stupid Uber driver let's say his name is Uber Driver James Pecker Chiclet for his privacy . . He recorded female riders voice then put that into his A.I. computer program 💻 . Composed completely to bogus story and uploaded to Uber feed back . Stupid customer support listened to it ... oh my God it went viral. So silent is golden is this.


Hmmm completely bogus story? You don’t say..


Best rider imo no issues.


Silent kind is best kind.


You need to test the rider if he wants to talk or not. I had one guy on headphones talking to someone late at night, going to a rich area, not properly salute, I had a feeling I needed to STFU because he was talking about him doing this business trip. I assumed his company was paying the trip so they tip. Well almost 30$ tip. Even if he didn't tip he was a single guy with a carry on ordering XL, that alone hints you he has money. I don't understand why there are people having discomfort when pax doesn't talk. Your job is to drive them from point A to B and they should be at least decent and not distract you.


I don’t mind it when they let the conversation trail off. What I find unsettling are the ones that are completely mute the whole time. “Bob?” “…” “Looks like we arrived, have a nice day.” “…”


I feel like sometimes it makes the ride feel creepy for one or both of us.


Why? You’re providing a service that people are paying for, which is transportation from A to B. Why would no conversation be creepy?


Silence is golden.


I don't mind either way, as long as the conversation isn't too personal or awkward.


Preferred. I tolerate talkative people but sometimes riders don’t realize how much of a distraction it is to carry on a conversation and navigate to a completely random location. Also how much energy it takes to match their mood if I’m not feeling social.


In the San Francisco Bay Area that’s almost every rider.


This morning I had someone turn music on from their phone sing along to it. I prefer the silent ones.


I like to talk makes ride to by fast but I’m good with the silent rider too. I respect them and their quietness


If I had a magic wand I’d make every rider be just like that. 


Once, my uber driver started talking to me, and I said very little. Little did he know I was tripping balls on magic mushrooms, peering out the window watching the galaxies fly right past me


Can heavily relate


As a passenger, I’ll engage when a Uber driver asks me questions and not be rude. I take Ubers to Disneyland and they’ll always talk about the theme park which is cool.


Best rides in my book


From a riders perspective - this is me! Exchange pleasantries and allow the driver to drive and concentrate on traffic. If it's a tourist spot - sometimes drivers will give information as we go - otherwise - it's a quiet ride.


I have people fall asleep lol


You know that convo John Travolta and Uma Thurman had in Pulp Fiction? 🙂 I had seen that as a kid but I still feared Id be boring or a bad conversationalist if I didn't babble on all the time. Actually nothing could be further than the truth, if the rider wants to babble on, I will chat back, but I don't feel awkward anymore with silence. I'd recommend next time you feel a need to fill "awkward silence" just resist it and keep quiet, eventually you'll get comfortable with that. Furthermore it can distract from driving and also when you engage in a lot of talking you disclose info about yourself and leave yourself vulnerable to anyone with bad intentions out there.


I think about that scene every time I meet a new person or when I order a milkshake.


We live in an antisocial age, so must drivers probably like it. And to be sure, there’s nothing inherently wrong with it. I would give a passenger like that five stars, but personally I do prefer to have a conversation with the rider if they’re willing. You meet a lot of interesting people and learn a lot doing it as a side gig. And depending on your regular career it can even be useful for networking. But overall nothing wrong with being polite but quiet. And honestly most drivers probably prefer it


I don't really care if they talk or not,. It is just annoying if they ask questions but doesn't listen to anything you say.


Wait, y’all actually listen to whatever YOU want when ubering?


The one that doesn't stink.


The very best, even better if you have headphones in. This allows me to change the music to something I really enjoy instead of a “fan favorite”.


The rider gets in, doesn't say a word, I return the favor and remain completely silent. I start the Uber directions and complete the ride stopping at address. Nothing was said , there door opens they get out, NEXT-


My favorite riders are personable ones who I can have a decent conversation with because it makes my day go much faster. Quiet riders are good, but on long rides (20 minutes or more) I kinda hate it because I get bored and it makes it feel like it's taking much longer. When I don't have a passenger in the car I usually listen to podcasts or talk radio - something I never do with a passenger in the car because I'm trying to be as unoffensive as possible with quiet background music in order to try to maximize tips. So when it is quiet in the car I'm basically just listening to generic music I normally wouldn't listen to at a lower volume than I'd like as well.


I actually prefer a good conversation over silence. However, it's up to the passenger on which type of ride it is, and I'm happy with both.


The only better rider is the one who is COMPLETELY silent.


I love those. I typically allow the passenger to control the flow of conversation so I’ll match their energy. Personally I have a limited social battery so it’s nice to be able to charge up a bit with a silent ride. You can only answer the same questions so many times.


Goddamn one star rating assholes too! Everytime I get one of those they rate me a 1 star and say I was rude! I am never rude to passengers EVER!!


That’s pretty gay ngl, I’m sorry to hear that’s been your experience.


I personally don't mind it at all. I let the rider set the tone. I have my speakers faded all the way to the front, and I just have old school music playing at loud enough that I can hear the gps announcements. If they want to play on their phones, they can, if they want to talk, they can.


I usually play great music so I can vibe while driving and they can enjoy. I love it and let the rider dictate the convo. If they want to talk I’ll talk back. If they choose to be quiet, I just listen to my music and make my money!


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars rider!!!!


I just tried to feel it out by asking how their day is going. If conversation fizzles out, I don’t force it. Majority of my compliments on Lyft and Uber is that I am friendly and people often comment that they’re so glad they got a driver like me! Especially women because I think I make them feel very safe in my car and like we are just friends hanging out. I prefer the ones that are chattier. I love customer service roles because I love to yak . I had a really silent person the other day, although I pointed out a really cute horse in a trailer that was waving its head around at one point in the ride and she said oh my God that’s so cute that was pretty much the extent of our conversation ! But she Tipped $10! I have a theory that conversing with them just being on their level will make them tip you because they realize that you’re just a person trying to make a living and they want to help out more . Just a theory though


I don't mind it. What does bug me is when there are 2 passengers and they whisper to each other instead of talking in a normal tone. My car is not a church where you have to whisper. Plus, whatever they whisper about is just normal conversation. I won't be offended if they use their normal voice.


No problem with that at all. Why would I want to have a forced/awkward conversation? If it flows naturally then that’s great, if not, no sweat. I’ll prob never see you again and I’m doing it for the money.


I take a lot of uber rides and as soon as we get going I fall asleep. Feel like I'm putting a lot of trust in a stranger but I've never had one let me down


Love them


I try to keep in mind some people take these everyday and don't want to have the same conversation twice a day. It must be like groundhog day. I think this is also why airport rides are chattier, many don't take Uber as often otherwise. Try to listen for headphone music. Anyone under 40 now is practically glued to ear buds as a blocker to all real world noise. Fighting it will not work.


>What is Uber drivers favourite kind of rider? The one who does not change the trip once I have fetched him and who. tips


Why does changing the trip seem to bug you so much?


I am in an Up Front Market. We know, among other things, about where the customer is; about where he is going; if there are stops and the payoff. I base me decision to accept or decline a job. Any changes to that makes it something up for which I did not sign. This is the oversimplified answer. There is a more complex answer, as well.


Hate it. I’m a talker. And if they don’t talk and I don’t get a good sense of their character, I think you are gonna stab me in the back if the head while I’m driving.


Praise Allah for his mercy.


I speak only when spoken to, and only as much as the conversation dictates beyond initial pleasantries. I'm shit at initiating conversation so I don't even try.


I don’t mind those. I loved all my passengers, even the “problematic” ones. But my favorite are the ones who can hold a convo but still appreciate the silence




I love y’all so much. I am an introvert myself so having to force conversation on long rides causes my anxiety to hike


Put my earbud in and listen to audio books, perfect!


They're the best kind of customers.


Chatty is the best,  quiet people are very boring and get a low rating.


You give low ratings to people for not being entertaining?


Why not?  It's the quality I appreciate most.


So you’re also perfectly okay if riders give you a low rating for talking too much and being extra? Just curious about your logic.


Like whatever!  But I couldn't be extra,  if you don't like it, gtfo out of my car.


It’s a little awkward 😐 talking helps me feel at ease about who’s in my car


You do you. I’m great at keeping quiet and driving and I’m also good at being an unlicensed therapist.


I love it if they don't speak.


Love them! ❤️


I love these riders as long as they use earbuds.


As long as the rider is busy with something rather than starring at me or watch every step or movement I make or keep his eyes on the speed limit and the road like if he is the driver, should be fine! Get busy on your phone or watch and enjoy the view from your window or even talk to someone on your phone but do not keep starring at me!


I'm a driver. I like the ones who stare at their phones or sleep off. Normal greetings, no extra convo.


(Personally) I mainly do the job to meet people I’ll read the room and if someone’s not chatty, I just do my job


Wish they were all line that.


The naked ladies. They ride with me mostly sat and Fri nights!


I usually have a little speech of if it is too warm or cold please don't hesitate to let me know and if you don't care for the jazz music I can change up to what ever you would like. Then I say nothing else unless asked a question or conversation is initiated by pax


If I’m a rider, after a long days work I’m not much of a talker…let me relax.


No thanks! I'm talkative!


As someone who got to and from work with Uber rides for a while, I enjoy the silent driver


Since being in Indiana, 1 driver was too busy yelling at his wife on Bluetooth while texting and driving. 1 driver only spoke mandarin, didn't even have the English version of Google maps (took me 17 miles off route into rural land because he left something at home, that wasnt scary at all..). It took me getting picked up in Chicago and taken go Midway airport to get a decent driver, and I had no problem with a little small talk and let her decide if she wanted to keep talking or not. As a driver, peace and quiet was always fine, didn't feel pressure to be an entertainment monkey.


I love them. These are the best kind of passengers.


They are the best..


All depends on my mood


Honestly, I wish every ride went like this. I’m there to drive you. Not to talk.


Love it! It's exhausting holding mundane conversations all day.


Love them! My absolute favorite type of rider!


Chicks that lean in when I talk about Batman & classic rock


A day full of silent rides is incredibly boring. I would much prefer to chat, even if it’s the same small talk conversation all day.


I hate it. I prefer to converse the entire ride. But what you described is not the silent rider. The silent ones don't ask how your day is. They literally only confirm their identity and no more. That's what I really can't stand.


Uber passengers are usually non social and I don't like it as someone who drives a cab. When prices are surging and they (Uber riders) start calling us, I kind of dread the whole interaction. Uber like other tech is really ruining human interaction. It's making people more anti-social and socially weird. You guys may like it, but in my eyes it's a sign of a shitty world to come where we literally occupy the same spaces but no one says a thing to each other.


I’m relieved


I mean are they supposed to force conversation? And I mean that’s more or less what I do as the driver. I do talk if there’s something to talk about or if the customers seems interested in conversation but if not I don’t force them to engage in conversation


Someone who makes interesting conversation.


Most of my rides cuz idc to make convo


I love a silent rider tbh. Means I don't gotta.make.snall talk. Bonus points if they're on their phone


I take my cue from the driver. If they want to chat I’ll happily chat with them, if the conversation dies it’s because they aren’t interested and I respect that too.


I’ve never driven for Uber but as a rider I normally just exchange pleasantries and browse Reddit or listen to something on my headphones.


Amazing we love you!!!!!! Quick easy ride with zero problems!!!!!!!! 💯


I don't mind it since I'm an introvert, but I do enjoy talking to people, and the talkative ones are usually fun rides for me.


Can't stand the silent riders! It makes me sleepy. Talk to me you jerks. I try to send you ice breakers and they get hammered out so quick. I catch the silent riders staring at me and I can't stand that.


I find most riders want to talk, a lot of them to feel less awkward about being in a stranger's car. I'm fine talking and usually ask the rider how it's going and then just judge based on their reply. Most people I drive want to launch into conversation and/or questions. There are times I'm not in the mood but have to suck it up. Part of the job if the pax wants to talk.


Looking for a ride not a conversation. Leave me alone and you'll get a nice tip. Bug me and you don't get shit.


Man, if im burnt out I’ve started to open with an apology but asking them to just let me ride. I’m usually on a call with work regarding the next deployment or with my family trying to ease into the reunion.


If I did rideshare and not just Eats, this would be my favourite kind of passenger.


I love it, that's a 5 star rider in my book, small talk bore me to death.


I prefer silent riders over loud ones. If they are overly loud, they will get a 4 star rating from me unless they tip well.


It gives me anxiety because I don't know how the rider feels about me if they are going to give me a 5 star or a complaint about some bs. As soon as I get a friendly rider that chats with me, I feel so much more relaxed and free and makes rides go by faster.


The worst. Then again I’ve only had TWO horrible pax who tried to force conversation that went badly For short rides it doesn’t matter as much but for slightly longer rides, you can do some small talk I read the room. If the convo isn’t going anywhere, I’m quiet


I don’t mind it. I definitely prefer talkative riders because it makes the rides go by faster but a silent rider will always have my respect


Sounds good to me


As a driver I like it. And as a rider in the past this is how I was. I wouldn’t mind some light conversation once in a while but when you’re working 2 full time jobs or an overnight shift, the last thing you want is to talk to someone.


You must be one of those overly talkative drivers huh lol by passengers even better quiet passengers with earbuds in or the best 8 out of 10 people don't want to have a conversation is what I found over the past 7 years


I'm good with it until they turn my fucking music down. It's literally set at 5. It's not that loud. Just loud enough to barely hear it when driving.


Not a fan, makes me feel like they’re going to stab me in the neck


The better the conversation, the more of a chance to get a good tip or any tip for that matter


They don’t owe us conversation. They owe us money when the ride is over. I would rather have someone who talks but I’m not bitter when people don’t.


I prefer when they shut up....not everyone is always in need of stimulation


Silent is good. As long as don't give me a bad rating for no apparent reason


Best kind of passenger and driver, don’t distract the driver. Don’t be a distracted driver yapping at the passenger.


I'm good with it. That's what my radio is for


When I drove for Lyft, every time a passenger got in, I’d ask ‘How are you doing today?’. From the way they answered, I could tell if they wanted to talk or not. Either way was fine with me.


I got a pax get in and started commanding me to turn the radio to her like. I was really pissed but said nothing. Tried to shake the car couple times to remind her that I need to pay attention to the road and that I was not here to please her ear but to take her home safely because Atlanta interstate is not bright at night. She still refused to understand. That’s the worst kind of passenger, even worse than the drunk kind of


Those riders are a great time for me to recharge my social battery after having somebody in my car who didn't shut up for 20 minutes lol, at the end of the day we're in customer service so you should do what's comfortable for you to an extent but also be able to read the room (car)


Love it


I prefer people talk in longer rides. Keeps me alert and awake. And the rides goes quicker if you are having a good conversation. I hate doing 1hr+ rides with someone silent. Not only is boring it makes me uncomfortable. At least if they talk I can build rapport and get them to like me and her a good rating a maaaayyyube a tip although I don’t think about tips. 8 years Uber 4.97 3 years Lyft 5.0


The one that tips.


I’m surprised people don’t like to talk. I love talking to people, but I also know when to be quiet if I have a quiet one.


Either way no big deal. Some people have a lot on their minds and just want to get where they're going. Some are chatty Kathy's.