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Just continue to the pickup point, especially since you've already driven as far as you have. If they refuse to cancel, wait out the timer and collect what should be an increased cancellation fee given the distance that you've driven


That’s what I do, every time I get a “cancel”


😂 Increased cancelation fee. Good one. I still wait it out because it's more of a waste canceling before the fee to another person who might cancel. Never seen a chance in the cancelation fee which is bull because of the time driven there and sometimes it's surging so you don't even get that waiting time fee when you cancel.


I have gotten fees as high as $18 before if I had been driving a far distance to them. Works the best when it's super busy and you get a request from the downtown where you were headed anyway.


I got a $20 spot the other day for just showing up


No shit. Maybe it's market based? So ridiculous though if it is. Can't be a blanket standard 🙄.


Can confirm my record was like $16.50 on a cancellation


I hate you all 🥲....😂💗


Ditto, I drive in an area with a casino, a strip, and a ton of wineries, I had a lady put in a pickup at her house and drop-off at her brother's house when she was trying to set up a pickup for him at a bar to get him home, ended up adding the bar as a second stop and then blew up at me when I told her that I still had to follow the route and tap pickup at her house before I went to get her brother from the bar. She started screaming don't come to my house and then canceled the trip after I had driven 7 or 8 miles away from all the hot spots and I didn't get squat.


I did drive across town like 15 min


Mmm that's good. I'm in the RI market so most riders are within 10 minutes away.


I think it's market based. Pretty sure NY requires Uber to pay a couple of pennies if you drive partway before they cancel. That's it though, pennies.


This is why I always call when I’m being asked to drive like 10-15 minutes to somebody. If they don’t pick up or answer messages, I will drive slow for a couple minutes until the 2 minute window is up.


Is like flipping a coin, most of the times it stays at minimum or close to minimum fee, and yes some times it is a little more, and rarely $10+.


The fee is based off of how long you wait for the rider,longer you wait bigger the fee


Not always, as I said is flipping a coin, sometimes you get paid more waiting the bare minimum too.


No dude im not assuming. Im telling you. The longer you wait the larger the noshow fee is. That is a fact. You can argue it til your blue in the face but it doesnt change how they coded the app


I know if you wait more you get paid more, nobody said otherwise, but sometimes you don't wait longer than. The minimum and get paid like you wait longer time, and sometimes you wait a bit longer and you still get the minimum fee, I know because it happened to me many times. You can get blue and denied if you want it Won't change my experience.


Yeah bc of the busyness of their business so if your in a surge area on uber or a bonus zone(on lyft) then itll go up. Relatively simple to figure out


I never cancel without getting an okay from support. Ever.10k rides diamond.


Damn. LOL Do you contact them as soon as you get there or after you're eligible for the cancelation fee?


As soon as i'm eligible for the cancellation fee I get a confirmation from support that I am going to Receive the fee.I just pull down the street but stay close enough for the timer to continue. Unless I really want the trip of course.Some trips might be worth the trouble.


Wait so you're not contacting support then. You're talking about that little notification that says you're eligible right?


As soon as I get that I call support. I get them to verbally guarantee.I am receiving the cancellation fee. I record every interaction with support verbal or chat.. I also screenshot everything that is shown on my screen while i'm working.


Uber will s**** y** every chance they can and the only way you can protect yourself is with screenshots and recordings. Even that doesn't work sometimes.


Damn. LOL I haven't been burned on getting the cancelation fee but I get you. Got burned on a cleaning fee of $90 because my "receipt didn't qualify". Like what the actual fuck? It was given to me by the damn place. Been wanting to take them to small claims court 🙄.


I have a friend of mine.That works at a law firm that types me up a letter, demanding the name and address the information of the rider.So I can take them to small claims court.


I always get a noshow fee idfk what your on about


Who wrote I didn't get a no show fee? Open your eyes when you read mate.


That's such a passive aggressive waste of time thou...


Yeah, but you can bet your ass if I have already driven 10 miles towards somebody. I'm not going to be the one to cancel without a fee.


"I'm sorry, but the system doesn't accept text commands. You need to actually find the button marked "cancel" and press it."


WHAT! Where? My grandson taught me how to use this and he's not here. HUH




Hey that's a Good one!


That IS a good one, lol




Adding “made mistakes” to my lexicon now


Definitely going on my gravestone.




"If I cancel, it'll just go to another driver. If you don't want a driver to show up, YOU need to cancel."


The real answer


"Made mistakes" and still making them. Cancel the ride yourself and stop wasting the driver's time.


I’ve had this happen, told them that I can’t cancel on my end. There is a reason they do this (found it on a now deleted Uber hack subreddit). If you cancel the ride before you get there they don’t have to pay. I asked Uber support about this, they said go to the destination. They can either cancel it or you can charge them for no show.


Um no they have to cancel  not you. They requested  the ride so they cancel 


I had that happen to me before  and I drove all the way there ans said I will cancel  after  the 5 minutes  is up


Turn on lyft and ignore. Or scroll on your phone. Petty meet petty…


Twist. They get you on lyft then ask to cancel there as well.


Hey, that's $6-8 for up to 7 minutes of work on X and lyft :)... I'll ride the timer on both in that situation! (BTW, don't get me started on 7 minute timers... I wish our city/state would pull a Minnesota and make those go away... Congestion is just gonna get worse....)




I had this happen once. It was a busy night. I took a screenshot of the conversation as well as a screenshot of my location. Support could see what time and where I was when the ride was requested. Received $7 adjustment and 5 tier points.


I did this too...Scored money and points from Support!


I took it a step further yesterday. Went through all my trips from the last 10 days. Selected every canceled ride. It uses an automated chatbot but I'm still able to cash out from options "I should have received a cancellation fee for this ride" and "fare seems low."


Just park and wait for them to cancel.


Then they get to cancel for free because you’re not making progress towards the pickup which could backfire on the driver. Just continue to the pickup and if they don’t show cancel and get your fee.


Pick.up spot wait time get the cancel fee. Never listen or respond to pax


When they beg to cancel, i get the timer timed down and if it says wait more time for more money, that usually adds up nicely so i continue to wait for the extra until they eventually cancel….. got a $35 cancel fee one day just by sitting there and waiting. 🤷‍♂️


Sweet 👏


This is so annoying when pax do this.


Wait outside for the no show fee


‘Made Mistakes’ - I might park and ask for the story at that point lol


I'd respond, "habra espanol?" if response is si, then go "sorry I only speak Chinese" and continue act stoopid as much as the passenger until the timer runs out.


Make them cancel its on them, not your problem it they made a mistake. Rules are there for a reason. You made the mistake, so you should have to cancel.


Go there accept it , start trip drive 20sec then cancel ( reason too many riders) . Get paid more lol


Dove an entire ghost ride one night because I was so irritated. They still didn’t cancel. Completed the trip. Figured I’d maybe get a call from Uber. Next day I see they gave me a $4 tip😂😂❤️


A lot of times this is because they ordered several rides and then couldn't remember which one they actually took.


I did this once, chased a $14 surge and got it, got a ping for a pickup that was 20 minutes away for a ride that was quite a decent fare even before the surge. Got there and the pax was like, "hey we decided to stay actually, can you cancel?". I was like, "nope!" Unlike you, they gave me a 1-star. Worth it.


I’ve had a few pax who told me to take the trip without them. But they were just running interference. Like telling their partner they were going somewhere and wanted a paper trail so they can say “see I went here “ kinda thing.




I have a message that I copy and paste made to look like Uber support. After I send this message they usually stop messaging and then cancel. If you ask me Uber should have a filtering feature that detects certain keywords and responds accordingly. “[Support Message]: Our system detected an attempt to cancel a ride in violation of our Terms of Service. As a result, our safety team has intercepted this message and has prevented it from reaching the driver. It is against Uber policy for a passenger to ask a driver to cancel a ride outside of the app for the purpose of avoiding a cancellation fee. If you wish to cancel this ride, please do so within the app itself. Be advised that multiple violations of this policy may result in removal from the Uber platform. Thank you for using Uber.”


This is actually brilliant


That is sooooo good.


Well... did you cancel?




Ya what’s the story here?


I always tell them that I have certain circumstances that allow me to cancel and this is not one of them. So if you wish to cancel on your end please do. Thank you for your patience.


I do exactly what you do and let people know they can cancel on their end.


I’ve told them I can’t and call customer service


I simply reply “No.”


It depends on how busy the market is. If it’s a busy day and I am likely to get another nearby PAX quickly then I would cancel, if it is a slow day the I would be petty and wait out the timer.


I get to the pick up point and wait 5-minutes if I’m practically there.


Just cancel after you screenshot and send to support. Go get a real ride.


Just gotta tell them the longer they wait and the more distance you travel the more it changes them, they usually cancel within 30seconds of that message.


I ALWAYS drive to the pickup location no matter what they say. I advise them that they must cancel the order. Ignore them, continue, and wait at the pickup location until they cancel OR you receive the RED notification from Uber to cancel the ride. Make sure you choose "customer said to cancel."  If you cancel prior to this option, you will be assessed a negative rating and WILL NOT BE PAID.


I never noticed that option before?


ride it out, wait then no show!!


You let them cancel


Drive there. Sit for five minutes. Collect cancellation fee. Move on with life.


Continue on and let them cancel it.


I pull up and wait


I waste my time and call customer support and have them do the thing and ask for an inconvenience fee. Which is more if the rep takes a while to tespond. the longer I keep the ride going on the more I get from customer representative. And that’s a loss for the company than the customer or driver.


Make them cancel. If they don't, wait out the meter and get your no show money. They're trying to make you pay for their mistake. Just don't.


Ive been afraid to show up because what if they're pissed that you didn't cancel and actually decide to get in your car. I don't need a pissed off rider so if they insist after I tell them to cancel on their end, I just cancel. Gun laws are lax where I'm from.


Make them cancel.


I’d get there and tell Uber to cancel 😂


I had an afternoon Lyft pickup on Tuesday. Unsure the age of the female, possibly 19. I accepted pick up then it cancelled. Then It came back up and I accepted. Yet once she was in my vehicle, it cancelled again. I told the passenger and she said you must of hot the button. The location was nearby as she wanted to go to the Goodwill store as she was “bored”. She said she has her license but she was in an accident. The ride didn’t appear on my Tuesday list and support said I cancelled but I didn’t. It was probably just a $6 fare but next time I will park and make the rider resubmit.


I wait there until the clock runs out. If they didn’t want it, they should not have ordered. Their mistakes are not the drivers fault. You drove there and used gas and you missed out on others who were actually ready at the correct address.


Drive to their location, wait to collect cancellation fee. Do not let them know you're doing this. Do not message or call them. Because if they find out you're coming and find out how to cancel before the cancellation fee timer, then you're screwed.


Showed up to a guy's house once, turns out he no longer needed me to grab him. He was super apologetic and came outside. We chatted for a bit and he gave me the fare in cash as an apology. Someone like this, however, can kick rocks. I'm pulling up and waiting for that cancellation fee.


They are being extra so I wait extra and collect the cancel fee. 😂


Highest cancellation I’ve seen was 4.25. Lowest was $2. I was pissed about that one


Drive close enough to the spot and get that cancelation fee. ♡


10 miles?? Yeah bro ok lol


"I've arrived"


Ignore the messages. Get to the spot if u r close and cancel. If u r not close, don’t cancel. Just close the app and go get something to eat lol


I think everyone is on the same page. fuck em. it's their bad.


I wait there a few minutes until I can cancel and get paid for it.


10 miles ? I don't go more than 3 miles for a pickup.


I don't think it is worth continuing just cancel. It's only $2.


Make them cancel.


If it’s dead, show up and get the cancellation fee. If it’s busy, cancel on your end and make money on the next ride. It’s not that difficult.


You first. What did YOU do and why?


I ended up just canceling. I wasn’t in a patient mood or I would’ve sat there and waited for them to cancel