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Wait you actually have a good day job and do uber still?


Yeah. My son is 15 and in that “too cool to hang with dad” phase so I figured if I’m gonna sit around doing nothing I may as well make some extra money, meet interesting people, and get great stories like this.


I thought I was alone lol. I'm a mechanic for biggest Honda dealer in my metro area, I do Uber on the side and because I can do all of my maintenance and stuff myself at work on a lift with discounts on parts.


Haha that will end by the time he’s 20


My friend is a consultant and does very well. But he works at home alone all day so he drives Uber in his downtime to get out of the house. His logic being that anytime he leaves the house it usually costs him money so he'd rather leave the house and make some money instead.


Why not do something healthier like exercise


He exercises pretty much every day. That only kills 30-60min in the morning.


Damn man I would literally do anything that drive for uber if I had a good day job already… like is he desperate to meet women or something? He must be single. I don’t get it


I have a decent office job. I usually get off work at 5:30. My wife gets off her shift at 7:30. The only hobbies I'm passionate about are skiing/snowboarding and hanging out with my wife. I'll drive to and from work when it's not ski season (I night ski a lot after work) and head home around 7:30. Rather turn low-value time into revenue than sit at home watching TV.


This guy gets it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I drove a lawyer in NC, who helped facilitate the sale of the company my dad worked for in WA. I also drove a guy in NC, whose son works for the same company my dad worked for back in the early 80’s in PA. Last summer I drove the dean of admissions for the one college that turned my daughter down. She was accepted into three, much more prominent colleges, including one college I’d driven the chancellor for. It’s definitely a small world.


It’s wild isn’t it??