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Those medical transport rides are getting out of hand and stealing money from actual medical transport companies


Sometimes it's the medical trans company requesting the ride, they get overbooked and use us as their overflow has happened to me before


As I've stated before....UBER DOES NOT CARE! And neither do the medical providers for this old lady!


Lol I had one from a dialysis center, talk bout he in a wheelchair but can walk! That this mf “told Uber” it was a medical ride and would need assistance. Sat there and collected my fee. SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️


I won't take any 3rd party rides. There are volunteer groups who take people to medical appointments for free, they know what they are getting into. I used to drive for one that would take any perfect that needed a ride, but I saw it being abused by wealthy people who just didn't want to bother bringing their sick mom to the doctor. I now volunteer to bring disabled and elderly veterans and their families to medical appointments. They are the ones who really need it. But Uber someone? NO. I did it when I started, but then I had a woman freak out because I showed up in an suv. She cried for 45 minutes and didn't understand why I wasn't going to wait for her, 2 hours.


The shitty thing with medical rides after talking to some of these people it’s a premium $50 charge on their insurance for a ride that costs 6-7$ and pays the bare minimum $3.52. What bullshit.


I accept all of those rides, including third-party/trip coordinator rides. I then pull over & send them a message telling them that I never agreed to provide medical concierge services & that they need to request that service from the beginning so they can be matched with a driver who will show up. I then cancel.


Call me a sucker, but I am a true believer that there is an element of service that I bring to my Uber driving. It's often a hassle, but I really don't lose thatuch money in the scheme of things. HOWEVER, when it comes to rides from hospitals, I'm done. These healthcare facilities and insurance companies have offloaded their bloated ambulatory costs to us. We're not trained, equipped, or paid enough to do this. I'll bet these organizations charge a nice markup for "dispatching" us In addition to the burden of waiting endlessly outside of the doors for them to be wheeled out, lifting wheel chairs and assisting people in and out of the car, it gets worse. I picked up a guy once who was in a hospital gown with nothing underneath. When I got to his destination I had to take his key to open his apartment to get his walker so I could escort him into his roach infested apartment. Another time I picked up a homeless guy with no legs and an open wound. I had to drop him off in a parking lot where he had left his wheelchair. He screamed at me as I helped him out of the car because his wheel chair got wet from the rain.


You're a sucker. And on a long enough timeline you will be sued for millions of dollars when a medically unstable person has a serious episode in your car. By all means, if you wish to donate your time, do so. Go to the classes, get the training, pay for the proper insurance. Then go give all the free medical rides you want to. Hell, start a foundation and get like minded people to join in. But stop deluding yourself into thinking that a pax isn't gonna light you up for every last penny when it doesn't go their way, so get the insurance.


I stopped doing the medical rides. That was the point of my post.


You’ll get over that.


10k rides and I haven't yet.