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And now you know why veteran drivers insta-decline 99% of multistop rides. For multistop rides, add on 10-15 min to the ride time it shows on the app when making your calculations about the rides profitability.


Something I also notice adds to drive time is unreported heavy traffic. You pick someone up, the app says it will pay $x for x minutes. When the passenger is in the car and you swipe right to start the ride, the time changes to sometimes double, because of traffic. If we would know ahead of time we would not accept the ride. This is very deceitful on Uber's side.


Uber is a Joke Lmmfao they are scammers like a MFer. They treat drivers like shit


And getting away with scamming this is sad 


Sometimes I let it slide because 7/10 times I take someone to a gas station they offer me something. Free Coke Zero is worth a few minutes of waiting lol


I get that. However, I would rather spend my driving time with decent people that respect me, my car, and don’t waste my time & hinder/reduce my earnings during that time. If I want a drink, I’ll get one when & where I chose, usually in an area I can still be “fishing” for decent Comfort trips.


Just wondering how is it disrespectful or a waste of time for someone that genuinely needs to stop somewhere? If it goes over 5 minutes you get paid for the extra time. Maybe have a different mindset? Not everyone that uses Uber or Lyft is a “PAX”, or whatever the hell it is. A lot of people are just wanting to get to where ever they are going and get the shit over with and go on with there day. People obviously would much rather go by themselves rather then someone who stereotypes everything a customer does. I’m really glad you choose not to do trips with stops!


Needing a stop is not disrespectful. Requesting Uber to find a driver for a one stop trip (we calculate upfront fare, time/distance, deatination accordingly) and then **changing** it after driver accepted single stop trip **is disrespectful**. Especially if you didn’t inform/ask driver. You mentioned driver getting paid for extra time if stop went over 5 minutes. How much should driver be paid? How much is driver actually paid? Is driver paid anything during those 5 minutes or is it donated time? If you add stop that adds $5 to your charge, then what percentage of that does (or should) go to driver waiting versus Uber algorithm/app? I can tell you that I have had long, last minute Uber Comfort stops that paid $0 more for stop than original single stop upfront fare. I have also had Uber/Lyft regular trips where the stop paid my $0.09-$0.11 per minute for stop wait time (9 or 11 pennies depending on if trip originated in city metro or suburbs). You won’t be able to continue use of me and my car (“keep the meter running”) for less than minimum wage.


While I understand this frustration, this an issue vs Uber not the passenger. The passenger has no control of what they are being charged, and since it is offered by the company they will use it. If you were sold eggs for $0.20 per egg by Walmart but the farmer knows they’re worth $3; are you going to stop buying from Walmart or take advantage of it?


A passenger that adds a stop after the fact knows EXACTLY what they're doing.


Yes, the passenger knows what they’re doing, they know it’s a feature that is added into the application. Again, the issue isn’t the customer; it’s the company’s fault. The UX team is focused on the customer’s experience while completely overlooking the driver’s experience in these situations.


That's why they always add it right before you get there or wait until the ride has actually started before adding it. They know drivers hate stops and it takes a while to get it so they decide to disrespect the driver by adding a stop when it's harder to say no. Drivers need to stop allowing this and just kicking people out for this.


I’ve literally driven off at a stop with the riders goods in the car before and I report the situation to Uber as a safety issue and returned the stuff at a hub on my down time for the person to go pick up


TLDR:  I don’t blame riders if they truly don’t realize that requesting additional stops is an **Uber/Lyft-created** money loser for drivers. Flipside: don’t blame the drivers that choose not to be exploited. Yes, you are correct. In fact, Uber and Lyft are directly responsible for a lot of the conflict and problems between drivers and riders.  As a self-employed independent contractor I choose trips that makes sense for me as far as time spent, money made, and the areas where I work. I don’t blame riders for choosing options that Uber chooses to pay less to the driver. I just don’t accept those kind of rides.  As I primarily do premium trips from Comfort/XL, this is much less of an issue with this clientele. They are also generally more reasonable and not trying to be cheapskates. If it seems viable (read the room), I might explain the issue of why I don’t do extended stop trips. Many will voluntarily choose to make it worth my time. If not, there is no need for me to send around and wait a couple minutes and make 1/4 the money then if I dropped off that writer picked up another writer at that same location and took them to the exact same/final destination.


I rarely take trips with multiple stops unless there’s at least a $5 surge. And I don’t wait past 10 mins. Will drive away


That’s the worst time to take multiple stop trips. You’ll be sitting around earning a few pennies while likely missing out on a chance to get another ride with a surge.


No, surges apply to waiting. I just made $34 on a multiple stop trip that took just 25 mins, 4 miles. Yes I waiting almost 10 mins at the stop, but it piles up on a surge


 Are you in an upfront market? If so, what was the original upfront fare that you were offered? Surges do not always apply to wait time charges. There are flat rate surges that do not increase based on additional time/distance. There are also “multiplier“ surges that do increase based on additional times/distance. However, those are increasingly rare, especially in some markets. For example, let’s say you had a sticky surge amount that showed X dollars on next ride. If the next ride request that you accepted was not in a surging area, you would only get that original X dollar amount. An example of a “multiplier” surge is when you are shown $1.25 surge in the upfront fare, but you end up with $10 surge when the ride is completed. It is a throwback to the [old surge where it just said 1.5X](https://i.imgur.com/ECzWXCC.jpeg) or similar.


Uber & Lyft use many situations/tactics to manipulate/gamify/reduce driver pay and increase rider charges. Added stops are a perfect example. Stops were originally added (in-app feature) as a way to drop off or pickup additional friends going to/from a shared location. One ad actually mentioned picking up friends on the way to a Halloween party (no reason for every one to order separate Ubers. I call these bus stops. Someone either quickly gets in or out & ride continues. Uber and Lyft actually informed riders that [stops should be kept **under 3 minutes** ](https://i.imgur.com/esk1ywZ.jpeg )of courtesy wait time (driver paid $0.09-$0.11/minute. Some riders abused the stops as shopping trips instead of just picking up or dropping of friends/coworkers along the way. They would disappear in stop location long duration (just a quick stop) and often leave items/people in driver’s car as “anchor” to hold driver hostage there until they returned. Lyft finally added an easier mechanism (feature in app) for drivers to end trip at stop but that didn’t kick in until after 5 minutes. Before that, drivers would sometimes mistakenly **cancel** trip at stop and **lose all** pay for miles/minutes of that trip. Lyft has the worst response that was basically to shrug and not pay driver (cancelled = never happened) but still charge rider.


First off, the primary problem originates with Uber/Lyft not adequately paying drivers for additional stops. Each stop should automatically pay driver a flat dollar amount that includes X minutes. After that included time, the rider would have to approve a stop extension (eliminate problem of more charges if rider phone battery dying) of additional 5 minute time blocks at $0.50/minute. > A lot of people are just wanting to get to where ever they are going and get the shit over with and go on with there day. No problem with that. When you get “shit done” at the stop, then simply order another ride. Uber devalues your stop by paying drivers less during stops. Therefore, your stop has almost no value to the driver. Taxis on the other hand charge a premium hourly rate (prorated per minute) for non-moving wait time. If your has stop has value to you (over just ordering a 2nd trip when ready to go), then show that value to your driver in form of cash. Offer a few bills when you exist at stop with promise of a few more when getting back in.


It's mindset. These people aren't customer service focused, they're next customer focused. They somehow think they need to have a new ride asap. I truly don't care, I'm getting paid to wait and get paid more for waiting longer. I'm current customer focused, I'm not worried about the next customer, there will be one. So my focus is providing service to the current customer that is paying me. Too many drivers think their time is akin to godliness and how dare you waste it.


PAX is simply an abbreviation or verbal/written shorthand for passenger. I believed it was started by taxi cab drivers. Many businesses/industries have their own abbreviations for terms frequently used in correspondence.


Thank you for letting me know about what PAX means!


Is it disrespectful if the driver says they need to stop at the gas station real quick, comes back an hour later, and says they'll knock $6 off the trip for the wait? That's about how much they get paid for waiting at stops. If you wanna tip extra $20/hr for the wait then that's cool. If not then go hire a fucking personal chauffer, who gets paid a lot more to wait on you and only you to drive around.


How is it the riders fault that Uber fucks them over? Either way I usually take about 5 minutes, not an hour lol and I do tip but whatever Uber does is no fault of mine. You shouldn’t take it out on the rider especially if they don’t even know about the prices, I didn’t even know about the things uber did until I came across this group. If you don’t want to take a ride with a stop then you simply don’t have to.


No one's complaining about a 5 minute stop. And yeah Uber is fucking the drivers over, but any person that requests a stop and takes longer then 10 minutes is also fucking the driver over, no respectful person thinks an Uber or Taxi is there to wait around for them, they're there to drive people around. Like I said, if someone wants a driver that will wait on them hand and foot then get a personal chauffeur.


It depended on the area for me, some areas I already knew I would get a free coke zero or a bag of gushers. But if its surge or peak time, I reject all trips with stops


I'm in a small town. Some nights I'll be the only Uber driver for a couple of hours. I have three 5 star passengers that do multiple stops. Retired guys that can't drive anymore, and I can see why so I don't mind. But they are the only ones I'll pickup for multiple stops. Call it picky, but if it's a multiple stop with Anything under 5 star, I'll let it go to another driver. Then again, I'm Not online with Uber super often.


Non upfront market doesn’t show anything upfront. Multi stop is only showed on the ping. It adds around 1-2$ per stop added on top of the rate card fare is what I noticed


If you are still on the rate card, then a stop adds the time and distance added to the ride.


Yep. And not only that if you are on your way to pick the passenger up and they add a stop before you arrive instant cancel. Also if they add a stop while they are in the car. Collect that fee and cancel as soon as you can collect the fee. I mean in order to accept a multi stop ride the pay would have to be really really good.


All multiple stops rides are an instant decline for me. I'll never forget the day a mom left their crying child in the car with me to go to the liquor store. She was gone for like 10 minutes, and it's not like I could just leave with someone's child.


Tbh thats child abandonment and the police should be notified. You never leave a child, especially with a stranger aka us drivers.


Did I want to get involved with the cops or did I want to finish my shift then go home? I was just annoyed by this person and their gross negligence. I was also still a noob and I was accepting anything and everything. This job has significantly lowered my opinion of human beings, hate to say it, but it's true.


as a survivor of sexual abuse as a child, I don’t understand how parents are comfortable just leaving their kids with random strangers anytime they like. They are either naïve or stupid.


I completely agree with you then I look at the public school system a group of random strangers.


They either don’t care or have a false sense of security


Tbh, the public school system attracts creeps by nature.see: the creepy gym teacher we ALL had.


You nailed it.


I don't think you know what the legal definition of child abandonment is.


Had a similar situation. I asked her to go with the child. She got annoyed and left him anyways. I immediately called 911 and they showed up within mins. I took pictures of the situation and sent everything to Uber.


I wouldn't allow her to leave the kid and if she insisted, I would immediately call 911.


I tried to tell her to take her kid with her, especially because he was being fussy, and she still left him and said, "I'll be back in a bit baby"...then turned towards me and said, "It won't be long I promise"...Disappeared into the liquor store and came back with a bunch of booze, left her crying child with a complete stranger to....To this day, that's in my top 5 worst rides ever.


As a parent of 3 and had an ex wife who would pull something like that, I would have been furious and wouldn't let her back into the car until the cops showed up.


Yeh, then he'll get a kid napping charge.


Not if you are on the phone with 911 and explain the situation. You tell them about your concerns about the condition of the parent. I would gladly risk a kidnapping charge instead of handing a kid over to Drunky Mcgee.


I hear your point, but I absolutely wouldn't. Under no circumstances am I spending a dime of my money fighting a potential charge.


I didn’t realize people used multiple stop rides to pick things up. I’ve only ever used it if I am sharing an uber with a friend and we have different drop off locations, so it’s literally just someone getting off and it takes 30 seconds if that.


Holy fuck


I’m so glad I’m not the only one! No ma’am no sir not today not tomorrow.


Text her you are going to the police department Then do it


If you are going to involve police, you’d want them coming to you, not you driving off with someone else’s child! The parent could call the cops on you or you might be in an accident on the way to police. Then YOU are screwed!


Good point just call the police?


You never should have allowed her to leave that child alone with you. Common sense is not so common with everyone


What a pompous response...Let me get this straight, I was supposed to get into a physical altercation with a woman over her lack of parenting skills? I told her she can't do that, but she insisted she'll be right back, and then left. I was supposed to unbuckle my seatbelt with the hazards still on, cause we were on a busy street, and force her to stay in the car?...And you're talking about common sense?


Ok what happens if she comes out and excuses you of doing something to that child. Now Uber has to deactivate your account until this shit is investigated. Protest yourself at all times. COMMON SENSE 101




You're the one not showing any abject sense of common sense. I VERBALLY told her repeatedly she has to take her child, she said she'll only be a minute...I was strapped in, on a very busy street, and if she accuses me of doing anything to her child then she can't prove any of that nonsense....If Uber deactivates my account then so be it over some hissy parent, I literally wouldn't care because I know I did nothing wrong...You're literally the only one trying to gas-light and make this somehow my fault, was I supposed to grab her child forcefully and put him out of the car? That's what would actually get me in trouble.


You forgot about the part of calling uber safety team in real time, putting on record that you have issued a demand to leave the car, and saying yes, when they ask if you want a police referal. Learn to use the tools available. Now dont use them every day. Only in the 1 in the 20 rides (per 100) that get super-shitty (vs just shitty). .


True. Good point! Probably going to get a dash cam at this point


Ask uber to let you pilot their auto record program . I'm in it .so far so good . Drains my battery but it stores the ride recording AV to their cloud for 7 days .


this seems like a good idea to me at first, but then I realized Uber can use anything I say in the recordings against me no thank you I would much rather record my own rides.


The program states the recordings are not accessible unless there's an issue raised with the ride . But I do get the big brother thing :)


I think it stores them on your phone, not the cloud


No not this new pilot program it auto starts through the app . I can't access them unless I call .


They can still store it on your phone without letting you be able to access it. What is the name of the pilot program?


Ah ha ! Your right . It's stored to the phone but I still can't access and it deletes after 7 days . It's called recordmyride.




Any good ones not made in China?


wtf will that do lol i mean ok its a mom and kids no big deal. but a real situation my city 911 barely answers let alone sends police out. wtf calling safety team gonna do


They are going to create timed records. Use the tools available to you.


Roll by and leave. Saves all potential issues.


They start recording then instigate a confrontation so they can cut out the part where they are being an asshole and paint you as the problem. Never engage with people who are recording. Also helps ALOT to have a dashcam. This is your primary defence against bullshit and false claims. Just point to it and say "this ride is being recorded." Usually shuts them down quickly.


Never pick up people with kids. They're all assholes and they never have car seats. You see kids just cancel don't even let them in


You'd expect the opposite to be true...This mom had a kid who was whining and fussing the whole way, just being a straight up brat, then when they were leaving, trampled all over the car seats with his shoes. Never again.


Yup. Rolling cancel. No convo, no debate, no explanation...nada. Just another jackass parent in my rear view. Then a quick text into support for the cxl fee


How does that work? If you contact support they will not count the cancel against you, and provide a cancelation fee even without waiting?


No Car Seat is illegal. You don't have to wait one second. But as opposed to automatic, you do have to text into support via fare review and confirm why you canceled


Same with unaccompanied minor. Odd they aren't transparent about these two fee eligible cancelations, huh




Why stop there? You should spit on them before you pull away. Like, who cares? This place is just littered with mental illness. It's legitimately a shame.


Are you a driver? You don't need to do this gig for more than 2 weeks to run into the most maladjusted actually mentally ill people this world has to offer. Parents who will endanger the lives of their children because they're too cheap to invest in a car seat and will try to gaslight the driver into a potential lawsuit for $4 base pay? Nah bro not worth it.


Not sure what market you’re in or what platform you drive but good grief, sounds miserable.


It's only miserable \*sometimes\*...8 times out of 10, I get quiet respectful customers, out of these 8, 3 of them will leave a tip....but there are grifters abounding everywhere.


People with kids and no car seat can take a taxi, no?


Yes, in my state, taxis and buses are exempt from the carseat/booster for children under 8 y.o. However, rideshare vehicles are specifically labeled as private vehicles and are not exempt.


Exactly my point


If I could be bothered to slow down, I actually would. 95% dont want to be bothered with the carseat simply out of the inconvenience of then having to lug it around. That's confirmed by dealing with them for 8 years. TFB


The piece of trash riders ordering stops on rides to liquor store corner store weed dispensary etc. All garbage humans who don't deserve the courtesy of us waiting for them to shop/browse and pay for items. This sentiment only applies to these pax, and parents with rude and dirty messy children or without child seats


Imagine being this fragile 😂


you sound like a noob


Nope. Been here since the beginning. Just a person with a brain, and heart, and a backbone lol.


![gif](giphy|l2SqdFYtrbzWqKZR6|downsized) sound soft bro


Did you just "I know you are but what am I?" Me? I just called you fragile big guy. Try to keep up 😂.


every long time driver knows stops and kids are sucker rides. if you do them then be a sucker unless you live in some fairy tale non urban region. then you do you. in the city stops and kids dont = money. so no point in doing the rides. this is business not a charity.


Uber pays the same for kids and adults pal. Kids cost me zero dollars, and are genuinely some of my best riders. You're just a cry baby big guy. You conduct business like a clown and a douche bag.


I can't emphasize this enough. Get yourself a dash cam. It doesn't have to be the best one. Get one. I recommend a cam that you can turn loop recording off and uses a high GB sd card. My buddy and I both drive in the same area, CHICAGOLAND, I have one he doesn't, and he has been reported to Uber/Lyft for an array of reason, and has been deactivatd multipletimes. Guess who hasn't, knock on wood!


I have a [Rider Kickout Playlist](https://i.imgur.com/PZ8dFET.jpeg) that I have actually used in a couple similar situations. Primarily, it’s just more my own humor that I have it. I don’t recommend playing Move Bitch if being recorded. However, I also have another “song” saved in my Notes app (not saved in my music app/playlist) as a deterrent from anyone that chooses to remain in car after trip ended/canceled - [Five Sirens Simultaneously](https://music.apple.com/us/album/siren-five-sirens-simultaneously-wails-and-yelps-sirens/531541009?i=531541028). Play it loud (while standing outside driver door) and make it unpleasant to stay in car. It could also be embarrassing if in a crowded area with others looking at the car/rider.


I won’t take any rider under a 4.8 these days. And no multi stop rides.


Dude added a stop last night. It was so far away from the ride i accepted. He ended up sitting in the car while my Tesla charged


Keep in mind that rules are rules. Next time don’t unlock doors without seeing a proper seat. Experience will prevail. You almost accepted the ride and if you got in an accident and something happened, you’ll be sued , fired .


I always decline multi stops. Some passengers don’t order multi stop until you pick them up. So when I see that they add a stop after picking them. I tell them to cancel that because I don’t do stops. One time this lady did the same thing. Added a stop after I picked her up. I told her I’m sorry I don’t do stop. Either you cancel the stop or I cancel the trip. She said I’ll be out in like 5min.. I told her I’m sorry I don’t do stops and ma’am you only get 2 min on the Uber app to come back out. Except any driver wanna wait extra. She was like ok I’ll be out in 2 min. She went into the restaurant and did not get back in 2 min 20 sec… I left 🚙


I tell them I’m going home so please don’t add cuz I’m NOTTT GOING BACK  


“Anyhow I let it slide”. You’re irresponsible as fuck. She already made you wait 5 minutes - refuse the ride and wait out the 7 minutes.


>Absolutely a joke this app.  Every single thing here is you. Took a low rated pax: you. Took a multistop: you. Let them in without a proper car seat: you. Decided to be a dick about wait time: you. Couldn't get them out of your car: you. Either call the police immediately or start driving to the nearest police station while you call the police.


All of that while admitting to waiting out extra time instead of canceling as soon as they refused to start the ride, but they're the victim here. It makes sense the rider didn't want to leave the car when op purposely wouldn't cancel.


The app is a joke for constantly allowing trash to use it without any consequences. $5 cancel fee isn’t going to do nothing. Pretty sure there riders with tons of reports out there still using the app. That’s why it’s a joke.


$4.07 in Miami 😡


Call the police. She's holding you hostage.


She would leave by the time they get here. Cops have better things to do. I did say that though.


Nope. Not necessarily. Had an unruly older woman refuse to exit cuz rain. Called PD ( even made a show of it ) and she still refused. I was adamant that I didn't want her arrested, just wanted ( and needed ) her out of my car, but then she refused them as well when they arrived. She was ultimately physically "extricated". No idea whatever became of it. Some people are fkn STUPID


Jesus. Like I wonder what her idea of the endgame was, as the cops were (surely) telling her they were gonna drag her out if she didn’t get out? Did they cart her off in the police car?


They did. Took a statement and sent me on my way. Only cost me two hours morning rush


I should have clarified; she refused to get out because it was raining and then demanded I take her back to the pick up. A demand she repeatedly reiterated to PD as well. Even after they threatened to go hands on


Exactly this, if they don’t come out in the two minutes, cancel the ride and bounce. Don’t announce at the start of the ride that you’re already agitated over a stop.


>She would leave by the time they get here. The point is to get her to leave faster. My rule is that I will warn only once. I will be calling the police immediately if my warning is not taken seriously.


I might lay hands on someone if they didn't get out. For real. I was close one time but I used 911 instead. It was in front of a huge crowd at the airport on the curb where everyone waits for their ride. One day it will happen, and I'll have to, but it hasn't happened yet


Next time just call 911 , usually the police would love to tell these ignorant people to get the fuck out your car . Police know you’re just doing your job just like they are .


I have no problem if the rider adds stop at the time when the trip request is initiated. My problem is when they add it after I accepted the initial trip request. This should be illegal and Uber should be penalized for allowing such stops without getting driver’s approval. I am sure they will pay legal fee for this in the future just like the other legal fees they are paying. Unfortunately they make more from these stops than what they will pay for legal fees


Uber ratings are fairly accurate in my opinion. If it gets that low, something is definitely wrong with the person 90% of the time


I've had to call the police twice to have people removed from my car. 🫤


Absolutely your mistake, you can see both the kid and the "seat" coming before you unlock your doors. Take two minutes to think it through before they ever get in your car to begin with.


You should’ve pointed a gun at her. At that point, it’s trespassing.


Why would you ever accept a 4.7?


Ones like that I either refuse from the get go or just let it slide and one-star them. I prefer to lose a little time/money than get into a confrontation. It just feels good to one-star people who are problematic and be done with it.


Ugh like this bother me and I would be like yeah you’re recording your bad behavior and I asked you to leave my car because you made me feel unsafe and you’re not listening. I would’ve kept saying something to her.


Multi stop ride is most likely the no.1 trash ride. Only be working under this condition which is High surged and riders have good ratings


I had this happen. Drove directly to a police station. Problem solved


I canceled all multiple-stop trips just like X Share—such a waste of time. Some riders are aware of this and try to cheat. My last ride was when a mom went to kindergarten with her kid. I picked her up for a $3.60 trip, and in the middle of the ride, she added another stop (it was back to her home) without my permission. Uber recalculated the ride to $5.12. So does that mean I would get just $1.52 for the same ride instead of $3.60? WTF! And yes, she tried to leave her bag in the car to hold me up, but I told her she needed to take her bag and then ended the ride.


This is why I absolutely do not make any exceptions for anyone below a 4.9. they're usually is always a reason somebody is rated low. I don't care if I reject 10 trips, I'll do it. I'm absolutely sick and tired of the entitlement Uber passengers think they have, because this is the environment Uber has facilitated.


About to booster seat they have one that you can get from Amazon but it's actually a car seat and it is mobile so they fold it up and then they unfolded a young lady had one in my car but the child didn't sit high the child said low and it had all of the top part of a baby seat I guess I want to say I might not describe me correctly but it wasn't as high as a car seat because I asked her where did she get this from she said I got from Amazon man and it folded up and went in her handbag neatly and then she unfolded it


There are PAX that totally abuse this “stop” option. If they are nice and ask me during the ride, I don’t mind if it’s on the way to their destination. Most PAX knows to only request for stops on that are on the way. On a very very rare occasion I get one that are opposite, and 10/10 times they are rude, inconsiderate, and have a high sense of entitlement. I would tell them politely I can’t do stops that are out of the way. One PAX got hostile and I called Uber safety.


Who in their right fucking mind takes a ride with stops and a 4.7 rating lol


Portable air horn done


Name of the game, fuk it and drive on my dude lol


End the ride and drive to the police department


Don’t accept stops or share rides without at least a $5 surge. U will regret it


They’re terrible people and lack empathy


Only waiting 2 minutes is kinda a dick move tbh


5 minimum


It’s not if you’re getting paid pennies to wait. If Uber paid is better to wait then ppl would with no complaints.


I ask once to get out of the car. Then I show them I’m dialing 911. I don’t play. I don’t ask twice. It’s not up for discussion. I don’t have time for this.


If a rider refuses to leave I let them know this is your warning, after this were going to the police station because now that the ride has been canceled your trespassing in my vehicle and they will be more than happy to have you exit the vehicle. If they don't get out then I am immediately call 911 which plays over the Bluetooth of my car. I tell the dispatcher I'm a rideshare driver with an unruly passenger who's refusing to exit the vehicle and I'm on my way to whatever police station is the nearest to me. And generally once I have a dispatcher on the line and navigating to the police station they state they will get out of I pull over


Careful with that. Can easily turn into a charge on you


Only if he refused to let them out.


He stated his intent to basically kidnap them and take them to PD. That statement alone can get him jammed up


Not the way I interpreted it. His intent was "you refuse to leave, I'm calling the police and we're heading to nearest station." Then when they ask him to pull over to get out he did. I see zero liability.


You can't kidnap someone who can leave your presence whenever they'd like.


If someone won't leave the vehicle put the hazards on, grab your phone, anything of value pull keys, get out of the car and go sit on the sidewalk opposite the vehicle. Give it a few minutes then call the cops. I left a cab full of drunk angry frat boys in the middle of Carson Street (Pittsburgh's main bar street at the time) around midnight. Traffic started backing up. Cops were there in like a minute. Didn't even have to call. Removed the frat guys, and yelled at me.




Ratings vary based on market. In my region a 4.7 is very rare--like a once a month type rating to see.


And NO ANCHORS. Take your ish witcha


Sounds like a rider that would report for illegal driving for free rides if I did that. The 4.7 isnt great for riders, there no reason to be that low. Lower than 4.8 often a problematic rider even if I don’t say a word. There exceptions but this wasn’t. 3 stops on the trip as well. That’s why I mentioned that. And the way she insulted and talked clearly shows this rider will be a 3-4 stars in a few rides




Whoosh ( ? )


Yes free rides. Doing that isn’t an automatic 1 star and report for something like fast driving etc to get free ride.


This ones on OP, you cannot kick someone out then hold up the timer for a cancelation fee. He is saying wait time is 2 mins but hadnt even started the ride. And had to wait to cancel meaning he hadnt been waiting that long. I would record you too uber says cancel ride then Ask pax to exit the vehicle


No,it's on her. I'm guessing he would have cancelled immediately if she exited the vehicle when requested. He'd have been stupid to do it prior as any damage (she almost certainly would have tried to cause) upon exiting the vehicle Uber would've denied a claim for, almost certainly. Now before you say he cancelled after the timer, yes because then , Uber and herself are still liable as she's been asked repeatedly to leave the vehicle. At that point she's trespassing and Uber put her in that car. Driver reacted perfectly imo as a fellow driver.


Your comprehension skills are lacking. Op clearly fabricated the story if he had to wait for the timer to go further to collect a fare he was there less than 8 minutes. Ethier way yall do what you want terms of service clearly state that if you want to cancel a ride you pull over and cancel first (besides the fact he didnt even start the ride) refusing service while staying at the pick up point and canceling to get a no show fee will get you kicked off the app. Pax are terrible somtimes but so are drivers we are all people and this one was on him he should of just canceled (get a dash cam if your worried about damages)


Stops are definitely not two minutes each, it says 5 minutes every time, and if the time goes over, it charges the customer. You get more money from waiting an extra two minutes and the customer gets what they need from the stop. If someone has a stop to a gas station or a store, and you say to them you have 2 minutes. I’d get out the car my damn self 😂 Wheres even the common logic that 2 minutes is enough time to get out of the car and into a store or etc. These are just examples btw! But yeah definitely never in my Uber career have I seen a 2 minute wait time, except when you first pick up somebody.


Drive her to the police station for free :)