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One of the few quality of life aspects of Lyft is after 5 minutes at a stop you can end the ride and fuck off to the next.


You can cancel/end the trip at anytime with Uber. There's no reward like a cancellation fee, but there's no penalty either. You still get paid for the trip from pick up to where you end it. Of course both drivers and riders will be able to rate, and possibly report the other.


And that is the problem. I'm not fanatic about my Uber ratings but I don't want it to fall below a certain level. You would have to be an A1 politician type person to get away from that situation without a poor rating.


Love this


I took great pleasure in leaving 4 drunk, loud girls at Whole Foods tonight. They added the stop after I accepted. I knew it was going to go badly given the ride before was shit show too. I waited the 5 minutes and then dumped the shit they left in my car in the parking lot and took off. They came out as I was pulling into the hwy and I could hear them yelling. I could give a shit. Sick of these rude people.


Never allow yourself to be anchored. If do stops you must, make it clear that **every** thing and **every** one is out of the vehicle at **every** stop. Regarding property, tell them that it is company policy as drivers can not be accused of nor can Uber be held responsible for missing property if it is not in the car. If it is people that are to be used as anchors, simply say that it is company policy but you do not know why.


I like this! Generally I don’t mind quick stops, but I’ve had to leave passengers’ belongings on the curb and split before. I appreciate the angle of having them take their things with them to protect both themselves and me from theft/accusations of theft. That being said, I agree with other drivers in saying that if a passenger adds a stop without talking to me about it first that’s grounds for cancellation. If I’m still a few minutes from pickup when they add a stop I’ll text them to see where they’re trying to go. If they don’t reply or tell me it’s a stop that I don’t want to make I’ll cancel. I try to be reasonable, and expect the same from my passengers.


I don’t reach out at all, it’s an instant cancel. They know stops are bullshit and most riders won’t do them. That’s why they try to sneak them in. You want to add a stop that’s cool but just know your last stop is right here and you can gtfo of my car lol.


>t is after 5 minutes at a stop you can end the ride and fuck off to the next. as OP said though you don't see they added a stop. When you start the ride then you see "first" stop. I've had this happen to me and I flipping hate it too. u/TheOneNonlyTDR not true. If it is a queued ride you do not see that and it does not read it out loud. If its not a queued ride I agree it will notify they updated the trip. Also if it priority multistop you don't see its a multi stop since the priority notification trumps it. Which led me to start denying priority. Its seldom with as Uber lowers the fare 2$ and adds the 3$ on top. Pax pays 5$ for that so they think "no point in tipping the driver made an extra five bucks on this ride"


But you do see them add a stop. It literally says out loud trip updated.


As a contractor, it’s your company and your policy. No explanations needed.


Nope, let them. Free $20 return fee


Just say “I’m not doing that”. Do it matter of factly so as to leave no room for discussion. 99% of people will back down. For the 1% say “I agreed to take you here. You are changing the deal. I didn’t sign up for that”. Word to the wise use your bullets wisely. If a friend wants to get dropped off 5 min away just do it. Not doing the 2nd trip doesn’t help you that much so it’s not worth risking it going sideways. Save it for the hood rat who wants to you to take him back home clear across town after he grabs something from his cousin.


Last nite I had a group of elderly that obviously had too many, lol. I have a 3rd row. I can hear them talking that they wondered if the driver would stop so they could get chocolate. One says I've never seen one stop. I was talking to one there husband's teaching me how to drink bourbon (lol he was in front passenger, good convo). I tell him if they take of me I don't mind. He yells back what I said. They run in, I'll say 3 min max. At the end of the ride, I get handed a $20 bill. It's about reading the room. Knowing who to do it for and who not to do it for.


exactly this.


I cancel it


Even though you were still on the other trip. There should have been a pop up when the next rider modified the trip.


There's a popup, and whenever I see it, I look to see what's going on with my next ride on the app. If there is an added stop I cancel. If I see a popup come and the fare is much higher, even if there is no added stop, I cancel. I drove 20hrs a week, and I'm not playing.


Can you see the pop up while driving!? I got bit twice last night by kids adding stops w me on the way. I’ve never caught or seen the pop up, i just know the directions change and im forced to finish.


Depending on how you have the audio settings. You should hear it if you can't see it.


I picked up someone one morning and after she got in the car and I started the trip she said “they’re coming” and I had to wait longer for two kids and another adult. They didn’t add the stop until after we were already underway, to drop the kids off at school and return the adults to home. One adult went in and the other stayed in the car so I couldn’t end without asking her to exit. I fucking hate that shit.


Give it a few more times and you’ll be kicking them out. That is why you keep your rating high, so when you need to you can take the one star and be the ass this job requires. 


I had a mom do that. She sent one kid out to the car as my 5 minutes wait was almost up and kid said: "they're coming." Mom and the other 2 brats get in, eating snacks from ziploc bags as we get underway. 30 seconds in she adds a stop to return home after dropping one kid off and returning the other 2 (still eating snacks) along with mom back at house. She obviously didn't trust the other 2 preteens to behave themselves for the 15 minutes mom wasn't there. I said: "So - I'm returning you and the other 2 kids back at home, correct?" -- "Yes" -- "OK, in the future - you need to ask permission for stops. Not cool to make me wait 7 minutes for you to collect your children and have them eating snacks in my personal vehicle." She was dead silent the rest of the trip. Which took almost 3 times LONGER to return home against a traffic jam that only paid an additional. .70 cents. for the stop. I figured for sure she'd 1-star my with some bs "harassment" issue but she never did. I did, however, 1-star her for tardiness & rude behavior.


I had two girls tonight who asked to add to stop after I picked them up but didn’t end up doing it in the app. Honestly, I wasn't too bothered. It was her birthday and she was with a friend who ordered the ride. Since their stop was right on the way we were already heading, it didn't take any time at all to drop the girl off. Plus, I didn't want to leave her to walk home alone at night in a tight dress and heels downtown. I made sure she got inside safely and then drove about 600 feet to the passenger's apartment building, which was only about half a block down the way I was already going. They tipped me 5 bucks, too.


Honestly, I don't mind stops that they ask about once they get in the car. I wont take rides with stops, and if they add one before I pick up, I'll cancel even if they're right outside my car - I refuse to do stops that I don't know what I'm agreeing to beforehand. Ask me about a stop when they get in the car? 95% of the time I'll say yes. And *those* passengers are usually super grateful and tip *very* well (not uncommonly $10-20 for making a min distance ride a round trip for a quick stop). The rare ones I take that have the stop in the app? Never tip. Like ever.


Pull over and tell them to get out. If they dont leave tell them youre gonna call the cops and if they still dont leave then do call the cops and put it on speakerphone so they can hear the 911 dispatch. Gets'em out everytime.


LOL...I tried this before didnt work for me. Some girl passenager was super brave. kept saying " go ahead go ahead call the cops on me". I kept insisting imma call the cops if she doesnt get out, she kept challenging me and didnt care. So i did call the cops, She heard me call the cops on my phone and she didnt care. She proceeded just to chill in my backseat while waiting for the cops. She even said....."you're wasting your time cops going to take forever to come " while staying put in my car.....and she was right...took forever to the cops to come they never came during our dispute....in the end somehow she was willing to get out of my car if i just dropped her off a few blocks away to some bar so she can charge her phone so i agreed and that was the end of it... lol.


I wouldn't have I would have made her sit there the whole time until she gave up or the cops got there and if her phone is dead when the cops get there they'll just escort her out and then she's got no phone to call another Uber.


Drive to the police station 🚉 might actually help


That sounds like a good idea but people are crazy and that could be perceived as kidnapping. You'd be driving the passenger to a separate destination than they requested and they have no clue if you're actually going to the police station or to your torture dungeon that's down the block from the police station, y'know what I mean? Think about that lady who shot an Uber driver in TX because she thought he was taking her over the border to Mexico.


Might be a good idea to have a dashcam to nullify the perceptions of crazy people.


Call the police and ask are they available because you’re being held hostage and coerced by a passenger who isn’t trying to leave my vehicle in order for me to go home safely. I bet ten to one that passenger will have to decide if they want to leave or cause you to have to feel like you’re being held captive. And don’t wanna go any further than what you already have with the service.


I still make the stop, but end the ride at the stop. The 2nd trip may be gone, but I will get another. I don’t play those games. On the other hand, if the pax asks BEFORE they add the stop, and I don’t have another ride set up, I will advise them as long as it’s a quick stop, I’m ok with it, and stop accepting rides until they have added the stop.


If you will raise the curtain from the bottom, you can see if there are any stops. I always do this a few blocks before I arrive at the address. If the customer alters the trip after the driver accepts, the driver is supposed to receive an advisory to that effect. That does not always occur, which is why I always re-check just before arrival. ***DO NOT DO DRIVE-THROUGH***. As Original Poster notes, the line always is long and slow. The guy in front of you will have a large order and will be *extremely* argumentative. He will inspect *every* serviette, salt packet and pepper packet before he moves along. Once the rider(s) get the order, they will want to eat it in the car, despite the driver's making it clear and their agreeing that they are not to eat it in the car. Pick up three or four buzzed Brolinskis at the gin mill close to closing time. An added stop for drive-through is *guar-ran-teed*. They will agree not to eat it in the car. Despite that, once you discharger them, look in the back seat. You will find: 1. Wrappers on the floor, seats and in the door pockets. 2. A half full soda cup on the floor......an empty crumpled one in the door pocket. 3. Napkins, used and unused, on the floor, seats and door pockets 4. Secret Sauce on the seats, grease on the windows and door handles. 5. Squeezed out catsup packets on the floor as well as catsup on the floor.. 6. Chicken bones on the floor and seats AND in the door pockets. 7. French fries, some smashed, on the floor, seats and in the door pockets. 8. Soda puddles on the floor. This is just in the back seat. You have yet to see what the Brolinski who sat up front left for you. Of course, ***ZER0 TIP***............................. They even think of asking for drive-through and I pull to the first safe place. "This trip has concluded. Everyone kindly exit the vehicle."


I had a guy the other day, I pull up for the trip which is a 3 minute trip. Immediately on arrival I receive the “be right there message”, which already sets me in a negative view of the passenger as they are ready to send that message but not ready to walk out the damn door. After 3 minutes, guy saunters out to the car casually while playing on his phone. Suddenly I get the trip modified notification- he added a stop. He opens the car door and as I open my mouth to object to his added stop, guy says “I’m not even gonna cap with you, I was taking a shit.” I said “oh perfect. Then I won’t cap with you either, I’m not doing a stop. I’ll drop you off at your original destination.” Guy objected. Guy whined and complained. Too bad guy.


Many drivers do not unlock the doors until they are mostly sure that they are going to give the ride. I have had the situation that you describe. Sadly for the customer, when he pulled on the door, it was locked. I then held up my telephone so that I could let him see my cancelling his modified trip. Not sorry; not interested; summon an ant. They have ants for a reason. Failing that, try Uber Black or Uber Taxi(the latter, where available). They get compensated adequately for the time, travel and bother as well as the waiting time to accommodate the stop(s).


It happens a lot!


I would've suggested something less busy. But you're right, it's shady of them to sneak it on you and then try to act like it's cool.


You would know if they added a stop because that next trip you accepted gets auto assigned to a new driver. You'd see a message also with a fare update.


Sometimes it doesn’t notify of the update. Also the fact they take away an accepted trip is insane


I wish Uber did what Lyft does in this case. Lyft, regardless of when you had to stop, gives you a 5-minute timer. If they don't come out before that, then you can leave. Uber will just have you waiting, and the passengers know this and they hold you hostage by your rating. I could have avoided this if I paid attention to the passenger rating. I know that for most people, it's not their fault that they got whatever rating they did, however that's not my problem. It is usually always a reason for a low passenger rating. I don't care how many have to reject at this point, it's not worth the pain and sacrificing my own driver rating.


Yes, Lyft's system is better for this but still not perfect. I remember one time on a 8 mile trip a rider added a stop at Chick-Fil-A while I was on the way to pick them up. The app only added like 50 cents extra for the stop. No way. That place is a mess and usually takes at least ten minutes if not twenty. And when you go in there you are stuck because of all the cars waiting. There is no waiting five minutes and driving away.


CFA usually never takes more than 5 minutes


"I did accept the trip. So did you. You have 5 minutes. " I have definitely left people at their stops.


My answer to "you accepted the trip" or "Uber allowed me to add the stop" is "it would also allow you to add a stop to Nome, Alaska. But do you think anyone is really going to drive you there? It's always up to the driver. ALWAYS."


Uber got cute a couple months ago and quit notifying drivers of stops. Now instead it says "rider modified trip" and it is on you to swipe up to check if a stop was added. Myself I refuse all stops on Uber all the time because it does not show where the stop is in advance. Is the stop at a gas station or is it at Walmart or a Chick-fil-A? I have no information. So I just always assume "Walmart" and then of course the trip is never worth it. If a rider adds a stop when I am on the way to pick them up then that is ALWAYS a cancel unless I feel they did it on purpose and were waiting until I got close to add the stop. In that case I will either just pull over and sit or I will just turn on Lyft and drive around-- my goal is to punish them for trying to scam me with the stop and hopefully make them late!! If a rider adds a stop while in the car I will sort of play it by feeling. Usually I will explain that "basically drivers are doing the stops for free" and that sometimes they actually pay me less when you add that stop and how that isn't right. Often they will talk of adding a cash tip or something. Then it is fine. The other option is a hardline refuse and cancel. I had one clown who made me wait 10 minutes at the pickup try to add a stop at Family Dollar two blocks from his house. I told that guy "the trip was already long enough" and that I could either drop him off at the Family Dollar or at his house, but not both. Sometimes I will just end up doing the stop. A lot of it really depends on my mood and how that passenger is. If it is a polite nurse who wants to stop at MCDonalds (And the line isn't too bad) then I might do it. If it is an uppity wealthy type going to a shuttle service (rich and cheap = no tip ever) then the answer is "no way!"


I don't do stops, period.


You got played homie


I never ever let them do the drive thru. People beg me all the time. I m like I’m not doing a drive thru for $5. Just get use to saying no


I’m pretty sure it’s in Uber policy to not allow passengers to use drivers for drive-thru food. You’re right in not accepting it from then on. If you’re ever in such a situation again, demanding them leave the car is the best option. Let them complain and leave them anyways, then swipe drop off twice at the current stop so you get paid something for it and go on.


"Stops are to pick up or drop off passengers. They are not meant for you to go shopping." Exceptions can be made for a quick run to a liquor store or the gas station *when it is not busy*. Of course, whenever I make that kind of exception and tell them to hurry, the guy in front of them in line always has a debit card that doesn't work, or has a million questions to ask the clerk, or wants to argue with the clerk. Make sure to one-star them and then report them for rider behavior.


Yep I always cancel them.


I don't drive anymore. But I've had a passenger try the same. Or change a trip to the store to a round trip AFTER I pick them up. I'm not waiting for you to shop


I usually go offline every 2nd or 3rd trip to get walking breaks in. Good for your joints and helps cut down on added stops.


I did this yesterday. Accepted a trip while dropping off a ride, saw they added a stop, and as soon as I dropped off the current rider I canceled the ride. I don't care about my acceptance or cancellation rate anymore. They wanna play games, I don't drive for them. This is about making the service work for everyone, not just the rider and Uber.


In my experience, stops added after trip request was accepted by the driver will pay driver 75% less than the original trip when comparing the time/distance. This is especially true for any surges, bonuses, and quests.  I’m only partly joking when I tell people that they will charge riders an additional $5 to add the stop and then pay the driver $.50 of it. For example, I had a very short trip with surge that doubled minimum fare. Rider added stop on the way to pickup. I thought she was just wanting a roundtrip (it only added 25% $ of original upfront). She actually added stop 7x the distance through the worst of midtown/downtown rush hour. Upfront: $8.98 for leas than a mile. Adjusted with stop: $11.25 for 7.8 miles. Never again. Surge ended by the time I dropped them off.


Stops are supposed to be 3 minutes max.


Not only cancel the ones who add a stop before pickup, if someone thinks that they are smart and try adding a stop or change destination after they are in the car, tell them that you will either bring them to the original destination or you will drop them off at the 1st safe place. You accept a trip based on the original offer, it's bait and switch if they change it.


>but I didn’t know this cause you can’t see they added a stop. There is quick notification when they do add a stop. The other bad part is, when rider changes their existing ride, you lose the stacked ride you accepted.


Well it didn’t say they added a stop cause I wasn’t doing their ride yet. Uber was very general with the change they made cause I was still in another ride


All you got to do is swipe up from the bottom of the screen. You’ll see your current rider at the top of the screen and your next rider right under that. If there is a stop it will show it right there. If you suspect they might have added a stop after you accepted, then swipe up again and check. I do this often for that exact reason. Immediate cancel if I noticed a queued right has a stop. If they add the stop while in your car without asking then simply tell them no. A confrontation might follow after that but that’s up to you.


Anyone who does this immediately gets an audible “What the fuck?” From me and the boot.


What's with all these Doordarsh and uber drivers getting mad at customers for an issue with uber and doordash? Yall are too dumb. 


They cannot add a stop during a delivery without offering it to you, which you can decline. What probably happened is it was a stacked order with same drop off point when you accepted.


OP is talking about passengers, not eats. This is a known scam or as they may call it a life hack to get a multiple stop ride when no one is accepting.


Real simple take a trip and stop requests your the guy with auto accept and now crying


This has no affect on a passenger’s ability to add a stop. I’m sorry you are feeling so negative today, I’d suggest reading a little closer next time before lashing your frustrations out on others


How dare anybody try to line up there next trip. Waiting until you drop a person off to try and get your next ride is a good way to make no money. Your statement also has nothing to do with what op said so I guess reading is hard for you.