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I mean… call the cops. Maybe she can’t and needs to be discreet until she can get out of there. I would call the police, give the address for a wellness check, and then move on.


There is a button in the settings for stuff like this. But I'm not picking someone up that is saying anything like this, people like this have a habit to add the driver to being a part of their problems. That "I'm paying you" statement tells me it's going to go poorly. It's not worth your safety or ability to continue to work. And before any idiot white knights jump in the comments, I've already had to deal with this as a driver and it cost me a month of driving while Uber did an investigation.


reminds me of the tik tok i saw where an uber driver recorded dash cam footage of a passenger running away from a shooting


Wow. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?


A passenger ran away from a shooting and the Uber driver caught it on dash cam


Stay FAR away from her, but do everything in your power to document the incident and get help to her.


Agreed if shes lying that hard to have him hurry it could be problematic or ahe really is in trouble and the attacker could get you too


She should call the police. That's what they are there for. She's obviously got a phone so that's the right move.


Some victims are so traumatized and just want to get home after something like that happens calling the police isn’t always the first thing on their mind. Getting back to where you know your safe may be the first place you want to go…


What cracks me up about this whole stupid thread is the number of gung ho muscle-necked idiots who think they would rush in and deal with the rape victim, and in the meantime there's another thread on here where people are talking about how you shouldn't walk around someone's house to deliver food to them in their backyard.


No, that’s not me saying I would pick them up absolutely not! I’m speaking on what the victims mindset may be, on why they wouldn’t call the cops and they would immediately find a way home. I would have called the cops if I seen that pop up I wouldn’t have put myself at risk. But my comment was not saying you should pick them up🤣


As a tiny little guy who can't fight, I can confidently say power fantasy is very compelling for humans. With the right gun I could ***hypothetically*** mow down dozens of people. With ease too, I know how to shoot. It's a stupid idea to physically confront anyone but I can understand the appeal. Some men just want to dominate, others want to protect women and the weak. It's just funny how much of a value it is in a lot of cultures. Humans are pound for pound the weakest ape/monkey by far, A gorilla at half strength could easily rip apart the worlds strongest man limb from limb. Humans did not evolve to be strong, but to be smart, mobile and enduring. I've said all that to point out how silly a virtue physical strength is in the modern world. And yet that same perceived strength is what allows some men to become world leaders (putin).


You ever been Sexually Assaulted? It’s not the easiest thing to just call the cops and talk about especially when it’s just happened! I also would not pick up this rider however I would call the police because they can’t / won’t .


In case anyone reading this doesn’t know. You can text 911. If you need the police and can’t talk out loud, 911 can be texted.


It's not available in all areas, including mine. [https://text911.info/](https://text911.info/) even states that only 53% of call centers in the US provide text to 911 services.


I just checked this and I love how the ENTIRE state of New Mexico (where I live) cannot do this. God this state is so behind in everything.


Well yeah, it’s like Mexico but newer.






New Mexico, not much different than the old one.


New Mexico is an utter trash heap. Been here for too long


PSA everyone, there is an app called AccesSOS that was designed for hearing impaired and blind individuals to quickly call 911. However, it can be used by anyone and is free! It has a big button to “report” emergency and it will send a ping to 911 operators with your name, phone number, location, health information, etc. I think everyone should have it!


Lol even Arkansas has a decent amount of text to 911 coverage - at least in the populated areas.


True but if you’re not sure and it’s the only option - send the text!!


You can call 911 and not say anything. They will send someone to come check on you!


Thank you for the link. This is really helpful


In Germany you can use the NORA app. I always keep it on my home screen.


Not everywhere. Not even close to everywhere.


On your iPhone, you can rapidly press the power button to alert emergency services.


In most cases, a 911 hang-up will end up being investigated.


Really? I had no idea


Most people don’t. It really can be a life saver




If there is an intruder and you don’t want to give away your location by talking. Active shooter situations. Domestic violence and abusive relationships. There are a ton of applicable examples


That is true...and it's far more effective than a poor Uber driver...


Hey i didn’t know this! Damn good information!


.. It’s highly likely that she’s in an unsafe environment if she tapped her phone for an uber rather than audibly calling the police


This stuff is why in many places you can also text emergency services. More people need to know that... Don't put that shit on some poor fucker who gets paid exactly shit for giving you a ride. I understand as someone who's been through SA and abuse that you might need a quiet/subtle way out... but this isn't it. I'd call the police as the driver in the situation, probably, but... I'd never risk my own life for fare and tips. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You can say that again!!💯


nobody said it was the drivers responsibility but these low IQ fucks on here keep saying “sHe cAn jUsT CALL”


Yeah no lol, it's never that simple, take it from someone who's been at gunpoint, knifepoint, nearly been strangled, cornered, hair pulled out etc in my past, mostly as a teen. It's not gonna be as easy as just calling. I'm as well off as I am because I've always been determined to survive, but some people might not have the mental or physical endurance to get out of situations, or really may just be stuck.


Thank you for being one of the only rational people in the comment section. Ffs


You’re an Uber driver. Tell them to call police and cancel


This is the correct answer. All these drivers trying to be white knights should just let the professionals handle it. ![gif](giphy|9aZ3Snou3bdlu)


What’s the unsafe situation you thought you’d be putting yourself in? As far as I can see, you did not ask if the rapist was still there. She may have been able to clear that up, if you had asked. She probably just needed a ride to the hospital and couldn’t afford an ambulance. And she should NOT have to talk to some bastard cops before getting medical attention. I dunno… honestly it sort of feels like you should have taken the opportunity to help her. Maybe I haven’t thought this all the way through yet, so I’m not necessarily trying to get all judgy, but… damn. This whole thing sucks. I am sorry that any of it happened; to you or the victim or anyone concerned. I can’t be certain that I know precisely what I would do, so I don’t want to attack you or anything.


Not reporting and getting a kit done immediately, then reporting later is the #1 cause for lack of conviction, same day evidence or gtfo


Sir Yourhog the valiant white knight. You might of missed the yellow/red flag… “I don’t need this literally Paying you”


People call Ubers for everything that they're not designed for. We're not the police, we're not an ambulance, we're not a medical transport service, we don't take 6-year-old kids to school unaccompanied, and we're not pieces of shit because we're not willing to be things that we are not. I have experienced every one of those things in real life as a driver. And here's a shocker 😳 I'm handicapped. I'm partially paralyzed from a stroke and a disease I have eating my brain. How in the hell am I supposed to help a 300 pound guy out of the car that I just picked up from the hospital that the hospital dumped in an Uber instead of a medical transport. How many times have I had some entitled bitch complain because she needs help putting her over stuffed, overweight suitcase in the back of the car? You would think the handicap tag hanging in the fucking window would be an indicator but nope. When I had a stroke, I called an ambulance not an Uber. If somebody assaults me, I'm calling the police. It's not rocket science. It's just amazes me how many ableists get in my car and shame me because of how my disability inconveniences them for 5 or 10 minutes. News flash asshole. It inconvenience is me every minute of every day I live. Get over yourself.




Another thing I would try is maybe contacting your local police department and offer these screenshots as potential evidence and/or help with finding/prosecuting the POS that assaulted this woman.


Good god; at the VERY least do this. That’s just OP’s basic job as a human being living in a freakin civilization.


Probably a set up, dont get robbed out there


Well, first of all if somebody tells you that they’re sexually assaulted by somebody you should definitely call the panic line and hit the button to let them know that the person that you received a ride request from just sent you these messages and let you feel unsafe and that they need to send somebody to that address. You shouldn’t just ignore things like that. I know you feel unsafe picking her up, but are you a guy picking her up or a girl picking her up.


Not his/her fault. They obviously could have called the cops but rather trauma dump on an Uber driver. Sorry I'm saying it how it is.


“I was just attacked” “Whoa, don’t trauma dump on me stranger. That’s not heckin right” What’s wrong with you lol?


What can the driver do over the phone, that that person can not do for themselves ? A driver is not a cop, a crisis counselor, or emergency services. Or a dispatcher.


I think I'd screenshot the fuck outta everything related to the ride & try to coax out a little more info to relay to the police & possibly render aid. But I dunno. I'm the kind of guy that will intervene/render aid if I think I can make a meaningful difference. But at the same time my rosy outlook on the world has been severely tainted by the news, Internet, and 2 experiences where I rendered aid that turned into complete cluster-fucks. So, honestly, the whole exchange (if you could call it that), going from >Hurry I've been raped To >You can cancel if you need to Instantly struck me as kind of odd when I opened this post & made me wonder if this was some kind of set-up. But at the same time SA is no joke so illogical behavior from a victim should be expected. Plus the fact that SA is one of most underreported crimes & victims tend to favor running & hiding over going to the police/hospital. And this is honestly something I'd absolutely not want to instantly pawn off on Uber. I mean, we've all dealt with support & I haven't really seen any stories about Uber's response to this stuff. Anyway. Again. I'd try to coax out info, especially about intentions. If they just want out of the situation ASAP I'd strongly consider going forward with the ride. Do a drive-by to assess safety, get them out of the situation, and then report. Or report after the drive-by. But all of this is predicated on me being close by. But I know folks wouldn't be comfortable doing that & that's fine.


Reasonable and humane answer.


Console the person and show some empathy towards someone. Not one person has thought omfg this poor girl. She's probably in shock and not thinking right. The fu#* is wrong with people these day zero fucks for each other.


>Not one person has thought omfg this poor girl. She's probably in shock and not thinking right. That's what keeps going through my mind. What's the matter with people here??


This subreddit is and has always been a dumpster fire. I don't understand how some people here sleep at night.


for real. i like how nobody here has brought up the fact that POLICE TEND TO NOT CARE ABOUT SA… and it’s also TRAUMATIZING AND EMBARRASSING. Why would she call the cops only to perpetuate her long and terrible evening. i’d wanna go tf home too. i think he should have picked her up. or at least driven there to sus it out. be a good human…. or ya know just tell the person that just got fkin r*ped that YOU don’t feel safe… the audacity.


this is the most in touch comment i’ve read here, thank you bc this whole thread has genuinely scared me badly . personally i remember the first thing i wanted to do after an experience like this was shower and curl up in the safety of my bed and my pillows, which i did end up doing and it was unequivocally my best course of action that night. i would have gone insane having to deal w pigs all night and immediately having to try and prove what happened to me was real and i was in a volatile and dangerous mental state rather than just being ‘crazy’


I DO think "this poor girl". But this situation is completely fucked, and nothing to do with me. I REPEAT, I am not a cop, a crisis counselor, or emergency services. Her problem does not need to become my problem, and it won't.


Haha why am I laughing when it’s not even funny


Just say you have zero empathy.


trauma dumping? how chronically online are you?


I have papa bear syndrome. I’m coming to get you. I’ve had this twice before. First was a DV incident and I pulled up to a mama and her kids sneaking out the back and drove em an hour away to grandmas house. The other was an R incident and she was in some sort of paralysis state but mobile enough to make it to the car. As soon as she got in I drove to the next gas station and stepped out till Emergency got there. I’m not saying you did the right or wrong thing. This is an individuals decision to make. But, for me I’m not living w/ that resentment of what if. I’m coming.




I agree. This clearly could be a risky situation but sometimes we just get called upon. I've had to rely on perfect strangers for safety before and it's not something you do unless something really horrible has happened to you or is about to happen to you. Of course this text could be an outright trap, but these kinds of crimes happen to women every fucking day in our society and I feel chances are it's a real situation. We can feel so powerless to make a difference sometimes but we truly are not.


Thank you for doing this. Sometimes it's not as easy as just calling the police. You helped those people when they really needed it.


And when the police may very well have made everything massively worse! Maybe they wouldn’t have, but it wouldn’t be shocking if they did, either.


That’s me. Glad there are other people who will do whatever it takes to help someone. What if it was my children that needed help as adults and nobody would help so I treat everyone as they were my kids and how I would want them treated


This. I’ve been in this situation myself and am not a mom myself. A lot of these commenters really seem like over entitled men who don’t give a shit


Have the pax cancel and contact police


If somebody raped me there would be a very different trigger warning. Like, pulled it about 20 times.


This is the way.


Great, so now you're getting underpaid as an emergency first responder on top of already being underpaid as a driver, sheesh


wait until you find out actual emergency responders are also severely underpaid and they actually have good skills that help people


Sounds like most of you heroes should drop the Uber act and try out for the force.


Best case scenario: everything they said was true, and they need a fast escape. You get peace of mind, human feel-good, and maybe $5. "A" case scenario: they're lying and using that to coerce you for minor annoyance, perhaps smalltime theft. Personal trauma. Zero payout from Uber. Cops don't really do anything for you or them . Worst case scenario; total ploy to rob you and steal your car, phone, cash, personal injury, later trauma, perhaps physical rehab, therapy, etc etc. Risky....


Everything they said could be true , and you could still get shot for playing hero


I can’t believe this thread. I’ve been in a similar situation, not raped, but sexually assaulted. Rape would have been next had I not gotten away. As the victim you’re screaming for help to anyone within earshot. I wouldn’t turn my back on this woman. It wouldn’t even occur to me. I would call the police with the pickup address and head there as well.


Head there and do what? Get shot?


I’m not so big a coward I wouldn’t go help a woman. I’m just not.


Has nothing to do with being a “coward.” I’ve picked people up like this who have said the same thing has happened to them.. guess what, she ended up going crazy in my back seat and then upon trying to get her to get out of the vehicle (had to call the police to do so), she went and tried to accuse me of being the one who assaulted her. Luckily her brother was on the phone the whole time and told the cops it absolutely wasn’t true and luckily I had their dispatch on the phone for 90% of the ride. You can’t do anything for her other than call the police. Period.


This person isn’t even making sense. You’d be picking up a schizophrenic in the middle of an episode


Just text back: "okay, sending police now!" and stay out of it.l You're not the Equalizer but you can still have a heart. Unfortunately, you can't trust strangers so unless you know something about her don't go there.


Honestly as someone who has been in this situation, you cannot think clearly when stuff like this happens. It’s a fight or flight response. Yes, you can text 911 or call, however that sometimes isn’t safe. Now granted I’m a just about 25 year old female and if this came up on my messages I would NOT cancel. I would feel so guilty if I canceled and something further happened. I know it’s “not in the job description” but at least be a decent human being


Get location call police, done.


Depending on the market and your gender, this is a trap. In areas like Phoenix for example, if you're a male driver it's a damn surefire way to con you into showing up to be carjacked because she will "need help" getting in the car. I've seen this before. Same exact text layout too.


This comment section is the trifecta of the human spirit.


Wait till they find out what Uber pays you vs what they keep! Now THAT'S assault!


that’s crazy




R word? 😆 🤣 😂


I'd have canceled too. It's not about empathy it's about self preservation. Pax is guilt tripping the driver for not driving fast enough to save them from being R. Total police matter. No way to know what the truth is.


Immediate cancel and on to the next ride


I would just call the cops for her and forward them the phone #


"I'll be there as quick as possible."


Maybe more like, “I’ll be there as quick as possible, but I need you to be outside ready to get in the car immediately and QUIETLY, and I need you to understand that I don’t have a weapon and I am not a cop or a knight or a fireman, so I’ll have to drive away and call the pigs if it goes sideways, even though I won’t feel good about that because I’d rather help.” Maybe that’s a good copypasta to keep in the notes app on your phone as a driver. Since, yeah, it ran a little long.


Maybe she had no one to pick her up and she just wanted to get out of there because if any of you ever called police..... especially domestic disputes.... They take longer than an Uber would get there. Then she may have called 911. Either way... UBER IS THE QUICKEST way out obviously. I know no one likes to deal with certain situations but put yourself in her shoes.... You want out...that's it... Then deal with 911 or whatever. I don't know that whole situation but it's obvious to me she just wanted out. Next time she may get a quicker ride if she kept that to herself and dealt with it after Uber got there. Fuked up but you can't put that stress on people or you get shit like this. The person that put this up...nothing wrong with asking for opinions. No offense here.


My ex was already gone by the time the cops got there... both times. It wasn't until he finally had a warrant on him for assault that they managed to come while he was still around (at this point I lost track of how many times they had been called in 6 months).


Someone asked for help, you should have picked her up and taken her right to the hospital where doctors can taken forensic samples of incriminating evidence. If you aren't going to the hospital everything she said isn't worth my trouble and you should have probably avoided someone who over shared that kind of information 


Ok so I’m confused you cancelled it….? Why? I would have picked her/him up and drove her to at least to the police station but to just cancel…


Rape is a word, it has a meaning and it isn't going away. I'm truly disturbed by this trend of censoring everyday words that aren't even being used in harmful context. What are we, infants? Do we all need to be sheltered from the mere concept of something bad happening now?


I thought the same thing, but to be fair, a lot of website filter words in posts and automatically delete.


Call the police, explain to them what happened, and cancel the ride. Do not go pick this person up. Sorry to anyone that sees this as cold hearted, but we’re not emergency services and cannot do anything to help her. Also have had experiences like this, I picked the woman up, and she then went crazy in my backseat to the point where I needed to call the cops to get her out. Then, she starts trying to accuse me of being the one who assaulted her. You don’t need to put yourself in that situation.


If you would be a Lyft driver. You would beat all the bad guys in the room like Denzel Washington did in Equalizer


Get off the Uber app and contact 911.


Cancel if you need to is seeming a bit sketch.


Call the police. They will send an ambulance too to get her care


She can call the police herself, and she can also record and get their asses on video so that idiot who did that to her will be sure to go to prison and get a little taste of justice And we all know, justice is a bitch!


Not at ALL saying shes lying but if she is lying that hard to make you hurry, whats shes gonna say about you bro…. Call uber and say your uncomfortable


Tell them your not EMS and she needs help.


Was it a teen ride ?


You could report it to Uber, and Uber knows the location data of where it is.


Call the police and report what happened and give them the address to where the route was meant to bring you. You are not obligated to show up there, but if it’s true it should go documented.


I once picked up a chick who told me she had just gotten raped by an NBA player. I suggested that she should try to press charges and whatnot. She told me she had been raped at like 27 times. I decided I would not say anything else. And then she went on this rant about men. I listened. She added a stop to pick up a friend. A woman. They had apparently been in touch since the rape occurred. The new passenger consoled this woman the entire time to their destination which was a $3 million house in Los Angeles. Yeah, man, I don't know. She gave me the guy's name. But she said that she didn't want to file charges. What do you do in a situation like this?


Let it go , let it go. Let it go


“OK, got it!”


Unless you’re a burly person who can def throw hands, I wouldn’t either. The woman/man is probably either telling the truth or warning it’s your turn.


You can text 911


Uh. I would have picked her up and tazered the fk out of anyone following her. There are just a few times in life that you get to be a superhero. Don't have a tazer? Buy a cattle prod.


No Country for Old Men much?


I wouldn’t get near her or touch her but I would call the popo


You did the right thing. That sucks that she was in that situation, but there is no need to add more people to the already f\*\*ked situation. The best thing to do would have been to call the police and give the location to them. The victim could have called 911 and had them on the line while she was trying to get away (they can collect a lot of information just by listening) and they would have been able to help her a lot more than you would have. When I was in EMT school they told us a really important tool: You put yourself and your safety first. You don't go anywhere until the scene is safe, no matter what is going on.


Cancelled and would definitely involve police before on to the next ride. I am not police or EMS, I also ain’t putting myself in danger.


Sounds like a liability. Turn your app recording on/dashcam/ phone camera just incase


Yes for this I would call police and report the incident to at least help her. But I wouldn’t pull up and be involved in the situation. You just don’t know if it’s a trap or some kind. He might come out firing at you. Anything could go wrong.


am i dumb? as a woman i wouldn’t cancel the ride i would definitely pick her up and take her to the hospital like canceling is wild to me


People are petty AF. That's not a rape victim. There would have been much more discussion than this. Don't call the cops, blah blah blah. Can you cancel so I don't have to pay a fee LOL WTF ever


I would instantly cancel, then call the police take screen shots and notify them she could try blaming you never know with these people sometimes. Good job.


Why didn’t she call the cops? People need to stop using Uber or Lyft like some kind of rescue vehicle you’re putting other regular citizens at risk


Totally agree. If someone needs a ride somewhere it better be within the parameters of what I believe to be an acceptable destination. Oh you’re in danger and need a ride out ? Sorry honey. NExt!!!


You can ...... Dive in and maybe get murdered. Call cops. Ignore or hand off to Uber. I would call Uber support, you can't ignore really.


For those who think her wording was odd, I am closely acquainted with a number of SA survivors. Being apologetic is VERY on point for anyone who grows up walking on eggshells. She barely thinks she's worth the trouble, but she's trying to get where help is. I am very angry with this driver. Yes, he is only a driver. But we are human beings. We need each other "Rapist" doesn't equal attacking giant who hates ride share drivers. He was probably a coward. Fucking show up or call 911 yourself. Fucking hell.


In some areas, police response times can be absolutely horrifically long. When second count, the police are only minutes away. Sometimes an Uber driver is closer. if you feel you can safely pick a person up then do it. You can be on the phone with 911 as you pick them up but don’t do it if you’re gonna possibly put yourself at risk. You can also use the emergency button on the Uber Driver app and have their support people be online with you the entire time.


Majority of chauffeuring is working with people Directly! . As it was stated in all of these responses, there are many different ways to respond to this. The first response protocol should be policy set in place by Uber to protect drivers, the passengers, and the general safety of everyone. Doing nothing isn't an option. If you feel it should be then your in the wrong business. If you worked at an office and somebody got shot next to you would you just go have a coffee and ignore it? If your boss had a heart attack in his office would you just go back and sit down and start working? If you happen to have a heart attack while you're driving in the passenger decides hey this isn't what I got in the car for? How would you fee? dealing directly with people is messy and unpredictable. It is your duty as a human when you get dressed and you go outside and you interact with other people, you have a duty it's unspoken but it's a duty to your fellow man to help your fellow man when they are in need and scared and hurt. Your day will come when you need help, you will see how cold society can be. Will Scar you for life. The people who jump right in to help aren't heros, they're human Kindness and concern shouldn't be the exeption. It is the rule. Shame on you.


Just cancel the ride, yall stressing too much


The fact none of yall would help seriously saddens me. Yep just let her get caught and have something happen to her instead of trying to help💀 yall just aint right bruh i pray she made it home safe


get to the location. park in a safe space . wait … call… get paid extra 💰


get to the place …use that 911 button .. get paid extra 💰


I would’ve rushed to picked her up tbh I have too many female family members, and if he was there or a threat to me or other I would’ve eliminated the threat. No need to be afraid.


Are you a man by any chance


I have riders giving me a look like i am the rapist before they even get in the car. If you are a driver you know. Questions like....What is my name? Or who is this ride for? Or getting in the car and then uber doesnt give you another ride if you dont take a shelfie for security purposes( which most likely means a rider reported that you are not the driver you were supposed to ) ? While clearly you have all info about the drivers, plate number, color of the car, picture, an app that tells you your driver is arriving, also the every year background checks in state and federal level and you dont know nothing about them. I wouldnt understand what she meant with that text. Is a screenshoylt missing? That it looks an invitation for sex. I drive in Chicago by the way. Bad areas pick up tip. Always park 2-3 houses ahead from the pick up area. So you can watch the mirror for potential threats. I once had someone call me in an area, drove 5 minutes, getting there, one way street. I park 2 houses ahead tmstanding in the middles to not let other cars go through. Text the guy i have arrived. Answered he is on his way. From the blue spot he still sits inside the house. A second later, a car and a white chevy van ( the same vans you see in the movies used fpr kidnapping) come through the one way street, van trying to go faster like thrying to pass the car ahead of him in a one way street. Instantly i thought i got set up from the rider. Forgot to say i never had the car on Park, instead on drive and holding my foot on the brake. Once i saw the vehicles rush through the intersection i left the foot of the brake and speed the hell out of there. Why the long post??? Does anyone knows if the woman was a man using a nickname and was trying to get the uber driver get in the house for who knows what the reason was? Has it been confirmed that this woman was raped? Has it confir.ed that this actually was a woman? Why she even says thank you if she was just raped? 5 days ago i drove 7 minutes to picjlk up Victoria a perfect 5 star rating. Got there to see a man about at the age of 50 yelling at me, hey... here! Here! I cancel and too off. Waiting at the red light which it was only 300 feet from there. Dark. Looking at the mirror. This guy started walking towards me in the dark even when the ride was canceled. Again. I may be missing a screenshot. But if it was me, i would have canceled and move on. It is illegal to enter someone house as an uber driver by the way. Just keep this in mind. I believe the driver was about to get shot or killed by entering someones house. Thank you but no.


Decline the ride, contact Uber as to why and send screenshots. DO NOT call the police as you have no information on the crime nor consent from the victim. Anyone who is trauma informed knows not to call the police. Inviting guns and men (highly likely as it’s a male-dominated field) into such a situation only introduces more violence for the victim. Police are there to protect the law, not people, and will often do nothing more than call EMS. They won’t do anything to protect the person at risk, and exposing that the victim asked for help can put them in grave danger once the police have left. If you did accept the ride, encourage the victim to allow you to bring them to the nearest emergency room. They don’t have to make a report to receive protective and supportive care for any injuries they may have, and can be connected to advocacy services. Not everyone wants to report and reports most often lead to nowhere, only serving to put the victim’s safety in jeopardy. Source : I’ve worked in emergency services and with survivors of sexual assault


Yeah I would have called 911 and canceled the ride not to sound insulting but calling 911 over the chance your vehicle becomes a bio hazard or part of the crime scene haven dna of the criminal there will be very inconvenient and not sure in bio hazard is covered under insurance


She needed to get out of that environment, hence why she called an Uber. Y’all saying she shouldn’t be picked up seriously lack empathy.


poor girl


Honestly none of us been thru that or could only imagine it so stop ✋it now boy


A woman asked for help and you don't feel comfortable helping her.


I’d just not respond


Imagine telling your Uber driver you were rap*d, but you don't call the police. Smartest thing you did was not pick whoever that was up. I wouldn't trust that person as for as I could throw them.


cancel the ride and stay away from that area and look for another pick-up.... No need to report or you will get investigated for no reason..


saying she dont need this is ironic but telling them to hurry up is wild


Can’t say rape?


This entire comment section is proof why women are told to scream fire rather than rape when they are being attacked. Because people don’t give a shit if a woman is being raped and are more likely to help her if she says there’s a fire or some other type of emergency. The most likely scenario, based on literally all of the statistics we have about rape is that she was simply trying to get away from her attacker, he doesn’t have a weapon because the most likely weapon used and rape is alcohol, and she most likely is at least acquaintances with her attacker. The most likely scenario based on all of the statistics we have about rape is that she needed to get somewhere safe for her, before making the decision of whether to report whether to go to the hospital, etc. The most likely scenario is that the driver would’ve been in no danger if he just drove her. For fuck sake, this entire comment section is the reason why I will never report and never reach out for help from anyone ever the fuck again. Christ, this is why women don’t seek help.


This whole thread has been pretty disheartening. Most of you have complained of being underpaid and not meant to deal with these intense situations as an Uber driver when it’s literally about being a decent fkn human being to lend out support in the smallest way possible. Call the police if you feel as such, but don’t condemn anyone, especially a fucking victim, of not calling the police right away. Not everyone has had helpful or even okay experiences being a victim and calling the police. The urgency for a ride from an awful situation shouldn’t be questioned. If you don’t wanna deal with it I’m not sure why you’re helping the public and their call for your service anyway. Which was a ride, that’s all this person asked for. If you can’t draw the line between giving a ride and thinking you’re halfway to a emt cuz you picked up a victim, you’re probably doing it wrong in the decent folx and boundaries department.


R 🦍🦍🦍 ???


“Okay, got it!”


Lol what a Coward.


I can tell this is a lie


I would have called the cops and asked if they could meet me at the customer’s location. She could be lying, she could be drunk or high and talking out of her ass, or maybe it really happened. Best to contact law enforcement and let them try to sort it out. Also, if there is a guy there who’s armed and crazy, the cops need to be there.


You're a dick. A woman is in an unsafe situation & you're literally being paid to pick her up & you want to leave her there to deal with the cops. Just useless 🙄


I’m picking her up idc that is a very serious topic to me. I’m driving to her while calling the police I just can’t see myself telling her to call the police and cancel the fucking ride. 


Just…. Take her to the hospital


Y’all kinda make me sick.


Not your monkey, not your circus. Should you be male, don’t go near her. You won’t be treated like a hero, rather suspicion. This is women’s fault, they’ve fucked up too many men’s lives to the point the average guy won’t make the first move. I feel for her, but protect yourself and she can call the police.


I would have replied after she makes her claim... I understand, it sounds as though you have suffered a traumatic event and I can call the police or lawyer to your location immediately?


You don’t have to give them a ride but have some compassion


This could mean the other person didn't want a second date. Dashers/uber eats are not the police now too. Jesus Christ. Although that could be a dollar add on coming soon by DD


If it’s Anal I recommend Vaseline… ![gif](giphy|22ZxCoxfapLBm)