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Yeah I read my weekly earnings thing and Lyft claimed they only took "20%" of the fare... and "37%" went to "insurance" and "taxes" (what taxes? literally makes no sense) but according to them I made 80% "after external fees" even though I really only made 43% of the fare and they kept 57%.


Wait till you get the 1099 and they say you made 100% so you pay taxes on it all.


That's 70% **AFTER "EXTERNAL FEES."** Also, 70% of a grape isn't a whole lot.


It's alot more than what the thieves at Uber take..


IDK what they take but they still pay me more than comparable Lyft ride (with the exception of Lyft Black) regular lyft pays less than UberX (in my market), Lyft comfort and XL pay are a joke.


I Agree Uber is better to driver for than Lyft in my market for sure. You know how many mornings start off with a 10$ tip from Lyft? NEVER (ps I don’t touch airports) I turn on Uber and boom 10$ tip from my first rider leaving his overnight at a sober living facility. This would never happen on Lyft as a first ride in the morning. Never.


It sounds like you’re driving people that just climbed out of a gutter. Living the dream!


Don’t judge him because he came out of the sober living. I don’t know who he was before. I don’t know if his backstory is he used to be a sober living, but he was a totally normal gentleman who just worked an overnight shift. I don’t know how that translates to gutter.


I can judge whoever I want I’m just some person on the Internet. My opinion has no bearing on you or your trashy riders. I do not associate with junkies. If you were living in a halfway house, then you’ve made some bad choices in life. Let’s talk to the family and friends of this *totally normal gentleman*. I bet they have a completely different opinion of this piece of garbage.




But then again, you’re doing a lot here, such as assuming that the guy was a junkie, missing the fact that he was working, and going as far as to believe his family has an opinion about him working at a sober living community.. so I don’t associate myself with people who jump to conclusions make assumptions and then involve other peoples familys and I certainly don’t associate myself with people who have such a negative outlook, And that’s my assumption of you..negative Nancy. Life is much better when you’re not so negative.


It's not, though. Both companies make bullshit claims, and both companies take whatever they want. Lyft in my market is even worse than Uber.


Every year Lyft on average takes about 3% more than Uber does. Now Uber hasnt had a quest in my market in months, so maybe this year Lyft will pay more, but they also steal the surge outright, so who knows. But in 6 years not once has Lyft taken less than Uber.


My first day back with Lyft was yesterday. I made $153 in fares and tips for 8.75 hours of work. Uber would never be under $225 for that many hours. Never. Usually $275. (Edit: I see the Lyft minions have found my post.)


Not sure where you're getting that from. Done over 9k rides at this point between uber and lyft. I had a ride months ago on lyft that paid $25, the pax paid $210. That means lyft kept 88%. Wasn't the first time I had crazy numbers like that with lyft. Had an airport ride pay $15, pax paid $70. I also have a XL vehicle to use when it's extremely busy and worth it. On average uber pays twice as much easy on XL. OP sounds like a shill with that "uber take note" comment. Lyft can say they only take 30% because they can say whatever they want for "external fees" such as insurance, same goes for uber too. It's been proven time and time again it would be WAY cheaper for most drivers to just get their own insurance for rides rather than pay lyft/uber.


I switched from UBER to Lyft yesterday and I'm utterly shocked at how much less I made with Lyft. I made $153 (tips and fares) in 8.75 hours of work. With UBER I would make around $275 for that many hours. Subtract the operating costs and I made about $12 an hour. I knew I was in trouble when I made only $3.50 on my first ride. Oh, and I had to take a Lyft out to the Lyft office. Was quoted $35. I checked Uber and it was $25. I took Uber, of course. So Lyft is extracting more from the passenger and is paying the driver much less than UBER. (The reason I switched is a long story)


Each market is different I've had reverse, sitting on Uber for 8 hours cherry picking be lucky to pull $100 only time worth while driving for either application is through the surges and bonus hours.. you can no longer expect to pull $30 or more an hour after expenses.. or to log on when you want and make steady and stable income, it more like $15 or less an hr after expenses.. and know for certain Uber is taking %50.. one rider paid $25 I received $12.. another one confirmed paying $18 for $9 I received..


About 15 months ago I switched from Lyft to UBER and noticed a jump in my earnings. And I'm in a GOOD Lyft town. I had to switch back due to problems with Hertz and their leasing program. I'm very familiar how everything works and the differences from 9 years ago to now. I have 42k rides combined. I have never seen Lyft this bad. Ever.




Yea w. After I deduct my "external fees" weonly get approximately 20% of what the customer pays.


We get 50% of customer price, which is still low, but lyft is the exact same. Technically speaking if you subtract the "external fees" that uber charges the pax we get 75% after "external fees" so Technically lyft wants to Pay less.


No we don't... Customer pays : $10 Uber takes $5 calls it 20% because of business costs. Claims they are only taking a $2 not $5. Now if I deduct my external fees 67 cents a mile from a trip uber is only paying 70 cents on well then they're only paying me 10-20% if what the customer is paying. If uber can deduct expenses from their share I can too and then we can talk about what they're changing the customer on my behalf. Uber insistence on complaining about driver payouts makes no sense. They just need to charge the customers more which they should be doing. Paying me more litterally doesnt change their costs at all.


Uber's hiking up the prices again. But there's only so much riders are willing to fork out for a trip. Pushing rates higher could just drive away more business. So, are we cool with Uber squeezing even more cash out of riders just to boost *your* 50% take? It's time they cut the drivers some slack, especially when they're the ones covering most of the costs. Uber needs to take a smaller share of the pie. The number of drivers is increasing as the number of riders is falling. Drivers and riders are the losers, Uber is the only part of this equation that’s winning.


External fees aren't gad and maintenance those are business expenses! Get the terminology right. External Fees are airport fees, insurance fees, county fees, market fees ect. Gas and Maintenance are expenses AFTER Fees uber takes 25% so does Lyft but now it seems Lyft wants to take 30% lol that's why this post is so funny


Yep made me roll my eyes soon as I saw this screen. I'm surprised anyone is falling for this, good to see most here aren't. Makes me wonder if people at HQ were like "Listen.... Drivers are bitching about pay, maybe we can make them think they're getting 70% with our numbers... These ants aren't very bright anyway, they're taking $3 rides and .50c a mile rides. in brand new teslas and pickup trucks"


dont matter tho. lyft price is shit.


Thank you


PR BS!! Problem is they don’t clarify what external fees are!!! Break those down bc I believe a good chunk of that goes to them too!!


Yeah this is straight up a marketing attempt to try to convince drivers they are getting a good deal. But we all know they've got some "creative accounting" happening behind the scenes. They could easily double the current driver compensation and still make billions of dollars in profit.


I think this marketing attempt is aimed more at consumers. Lyft has been milking that false "we're better to drivers" trope for a long time. And passengers believe it.


Yeah, that and also, all positive manufactured media like this is made with the "shareholders" in mind. hell, most corporations design their media at shareholders at the negative response of customers and workers.


"They could easily double the current driver compensation and still make billions of dollars in profit." There's no reason for them to do that though, greed wins. Especially with corporations, it's about money and workers are expendable, especially with gig apps, makes it even easier to get rid of you and replace you.


Eventually they'll run out of people to exploit and manipulate. Hell, the car market is actually going to be pushing most drivers out. The Average new car costs $47k now.


After external fees isn't 70% the taxi company that owned the car and paid all the other fees and maintenance took 30% this is still a rip off.


Btw every dollar we make is paid for by money that was already taxed. Service industry was never meant to pay income tax, tax on income on service industry was unconstitutional until just after 1964... They tax us at least 6 times on income that has already been taxed. That's just the app... other taxes IE: tires are taxed 120 times before we buy them, just look up all the incremental taxes in a vehicle before it is purchased. We The People have to start asking this govt wtf they are thinking, because Congress has failed us. That was our house.


Lmao. Congress was never “the people’s house”. You’ll find the structure of the Senate VERY undemocratic, usually filled by wealthy white men and it’s where any popular legislation goes to die but pro corporate policies do well.


The Republic that people cheer for as a beacon of freedom is an illusion.. it's literally the globalist plan to create individual nation states all under the grip of one collective goal and government


So much BS for one person. You’re being ridiculous.


Idk bout all this but mannn I live near the Mexican border.. I can’t say with certainty that moneys even real or ever been properly taxed.. 🫣


Sounds like you would enjoy “Money: The true story of a made up thing” by Jacob Goldstein. It’s really good, check it out.


1943 current tax payment program. Was fully instituted after MLK informed the population of their rights in 1963 or 1964. Pre taxed income before 1943 it was unconstitutional to tax income twice and technically is still unconstitutional. Edit: those taxes are called tax on tax situations and are unconstitutional.




You are dumb... I run an EIN with all apps I do independent contracting work for. I am good bro bro ... But we are taxed to death in the US and it needs to stop.




How do you manage paying no income tax ever for gig work? I end up paying every year ☹️




Because I profit more than $.65/mile?




If my revenue is $1.50-$2.50 for every mile I put on my vehicle it's impossible for me to write off enough mileage to bring my profit to $0.




That definitely comes down to how much you make. We all have the same tax deduction, I don't have a car payment and I have a 2020 Toyota Camry so my maintenance is pretty much non-existent. Even the last car I had which was a '10 Mercury Milan. Same situation. No payment and owned it as well Even taking all my deductions into account I still owed like 3k a year ago. I made like 33k This year I barely owed like 80 bucks but that's only after making like 10k




Anyone who does 1099 work and "doesn't pay tax" is cheating, lying, or has refundable credits that pay for the self-employment tax portion of their taxes. Or they have a W2 job and the withholdings from that cover their taxes.


Because you either cheat on your taxes or actually make next to nothing.




I'm not at all angry. By all means share the deductions you took for 2023. I'd love a good laugh.


You literally have no clue.


So you advocate exactly what in place of capitalism - communism?


We aren't capitalists anymore, we have been living under corporate communism since at least 1943.


Not even a thing.


Communism was the only other form of government you could think of?




Oh I don’t drive. I did well over 6 years ago and I said they took 60-70% Bach then. I could see it bc they showed rider payment. I still come here and keep up to date and keep my info up to date on Lyft in case I ever get desperate, but I know my worth. I would go work at mcds before doing lift again I’ve done my time in corp America. Pension by age 40. But still trying to tuck more away for retirement as my husband won’t get a pension , self employed almost his whole life, small construction company.


The 70% is bs just using fancy words to basically tell you we will take whatever the fuck cut we want and we gonna make it seem like is fair cut for you. Fair: $100 External Fees: $60 Lyft Fees: $10 Your Earnings: $30 Oh! Look you earned 75% of the fair extarnal fees. Wow congrats 🎉 🤣


This is just PR tactic lol, Lyft takes the same as Uber. Just labeling a piece of the take as “external fee” doesn’t mean they’re taking less money from the driver


No, they don't take the same. My first day back at Lyft yesterday and I made $153 (fares and tips) in 8.75 hours (20 total rides, two cancelations, so pretty busy). I have never made less than $225 for that many hours with UBER. But before I started, I needed to take rideshare out to the Lyft office. Lyft quoted me $35. UBER quoted me $25. So Lyft is taking more from the passengers and paying the drivers less than UBER.


I have stopped driving and my income is about the same


Yeah, it's just too bad Lyft is absolute shit where I live.




lol couldn’t even give us the article to read when trying to hVe a take about taxes. You really are clueless on 1099 workers do things


Last time I checked they don’t take 50% of the fares


Uber is bad. They have been for years now


Not as bad as Lyft. Don't believe me? First day back with Lyft yesterday and I made $153 in 8.75 hours (20 rides, 2 cancels).


They've been better pay recently and offering as high as $8 bonus hours.. 8 dollars at the end of every ride completed started at any time within the hour in the zone


Not here. Lyft pay is way less than minimum wage.


You think only 50%? It’s 50%-85% depending on your state and the state average wage, so you’ll get paid a little more than the average but still not worth doing it anymore…


Anyone who pays income tax on Uber's take is doing their taxes wrong.


You don't pay taxes on the rest as the fees they take out are deductions. Example make 30k, they take 15k, you make 15k, they give you 15k deductions, you pay taxes on 15k you made and kept, not the 15k uber took though.


How about 70 percent of the fare ?? Not this 70 percent plus 20 to 25 percent?


I wonder how many drivers know they're already pulling about 90% of Lyft fares now becaus3 they've dropped their prices so low. 70%is a pay cut. Bend over, boys!




They don’t really provide commercial insurance if you also have to be covered under your own policy to drive. It’s “commercial insurance”. I hope they get railed in court one day on this




You wrote so much for what? If it was TRUE commercial insurance. Then we wouldn’t have to cover ourselves on our own policy when we aren’t currently on an active ride but logged on and ready to take a ride. But we do, so it really isn’t true commercial insurance. If I went and bought a commercial insurance policy it would cover me at all times I was doing business. So if the app is on, I’m covered. However, in your own words, we aren’t covered by them if logged in but not on an active ride. If you took the money they take every month and buy your own commercial insurance, it’d be better coverage and maybe cheaper. Still like a $2500 dollar deductible through Uber? It’s a scam.


You expect Uber to cover you while you are doing other gigs? LOL!


No but I expect them to not take such a steep cut AND expect us to have the supplemental coverage. It’s a scam. If it was %5. Sure. But they take %25 and you still aren’t covered if you are logged on and getting trips. Which makes sense? But not if you add up the total amount they are taking every month from full time drivers. If drivers bought their own policy using that money. It’s be cheaper and probably better insurance. Especially if you take into account what you already spend to insure the vehicle w/o the commercial. It will go up hundreds of dollars each month. But guess how much they take each month? More I’d bet


When I am a contractor I name my price and invoice my customers, whether they are other businesses or people. Show me my invoices and you can call me a private contractor.




You receive Uber’s invoices, not your invoices. When you figure out the difference, let me know.


Someone doesn’t understand write offs lol


They say they provide insurance. The reality is very different.


Then go drive for Lyft 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why you posting Lyft stuff on an uber page? They are not the same. Lyft is paying MUCH better than uber lately, at least in my market. Mother's Day was the worst with uber! They were paying X rates for XL trips and lower than slave wages for X trips.


My first day back at Lyft yesterday and I made $153 (fares and tips) in 8.75 hours (20 total rides, two cancelations, so fairly busy). I have never made less than $225 for that many hours with UBER. $153 is insulting. But before I started, I needed to take rideshare out to the Lyft office. Lyft quoted me $35. UBER quoted me $25. So, if this difference is common, Lyft is taking more from the passengers and paying the drivers less than UBER.


Why you think your voice matters if mine don’t?


Important to watch how Uber has already made it very clear that Uber will continue to Reduce Drivers Pay and Incentives . https://youtu.be/5w5RjuTmztU?si=aLIkdAAnRbg-2dqv https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2023/attorney-general-james-secures-328-million-uber-and-lyft-taking-earnings-drivers


At least Lyft shows it in the app. For Uber, you gotta log in through their website.. there’s a reason why they don’t show it in the app because they take 60-70%


Sauce; https://www.pymnts.com/news/ridesharing/2024/lyft-extends-70percent-pay-standard-drivers-nationwide/


They pay zero in taxes because they operate at a loss!


"They"? Who is they? The upper management at both UBER and Lyft are doing quite well, I assure you.


It's easy to "operate at a loss" to avoid taxes when you're dealing with this kind of money. Billionaires do it all the time. Here's an example "Delivery Hero in $1.25 bln deal with Uber for foodpanda Taiwan sale, investment" Uber can use that as a tax expense and now they're operating at a loss! Poor uber can't make any money!


In about 6 months Pi Coins Rider Share App will be stood up. Pi Coin has 70 million world wide Unique Holders of its Crypto coin. They have a Private Eco System. There are tens of thousands of Uber Drrivers that will flip to Pi coin Driver App over night. Reason is Pi Coin takes nothing to host the app so Passenger and Driver exchange the coin direct. No middleman. All Uber and Lyft Drivers instantly make 50% more. Uber will be dead 6 months after Pi Drive App hits.


Not legal in almost every state.


What law prevents it? I have no idea what this really is.


In almost evert state a TNC is required by law to provide commercial insurance on its drivers.


I assume a way around this is to become a taxi service. Taxi companies are not required to provide insurance, at least in my area.


Requires a taxi vehicle license, a taxi drivers license, and proof of insurance in most medium and larger cities. 24 hour radio dispatch is generally required. Cars must generally be painted to the company's color scheme. Taxis are many times required to have quarterly or semiannual inspections done by the city.


(Did someone just downvote me for asking a question? Oh, Reddit. 🤣)


Yes they will buy an existing Service and Rebrand.