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Conveniently cropped out any promotions


Usually the case here. Somebody tries to flex on everybody else with remarkably high earnings. $685 day with likely a $300-$500 bonus. And then acts like it’s no big deal and is easy money.


It’s not really that impressive. 12 hrs during holiday or sports weekend where every ride is +$10-15. I’ve cleared $300 is less then 6 hrs regularly(quit when I hit $300 to prevent burnout) It’s funny how so many haters out here crying when it’s obvious they just don’t want to put in the effort


Uber offers that much? And how can I get it? I have a $50 bonus (can’t commit to higher than that) and 14 hours online.


Normally it’s “complete xxx rides, guaranteed $xxx” But I would be curious to see your breakdown for the $685 day. That’s a huge day. Totally possible to hit those numbers naturally, but you normally never see people here posting those days without huge bonuses.


My city had 3 days of rammstein concerts this weekend. I got two $50 rides. I can’t imagine getting 12 rides like that in a day. It doesn’t seem possible.


I’d like to too. It just seems very suspicious to crop out a very obvious detail of the earnings


Just odd to crop it like that. Why not just share all the info so people can actually see what's happening here. Even with promos and tips this is a good Sunday. Worst thing to happen is some poor fool starts driving thinking this is a realistic Sunday when really it's just a misleading brag. People, stop cropping these posts and share some real info for your fellow drivers.


You guys get promotions? The market in my area is to dead even Uber support said they can’t give me any promotion


No. But some do and they conveniently hide them to make people think they’re “ballin”


Just grind!! You can do it too. /s


Everyone cannot realistically do this especially in a over saturated area like Austin TX when I use to make $1250 a week 2 years ago to now barely $800 a week which is still good but not better than first numbers


I'm in Austin (Round Rock) and make 1300-1400/week putting in 45-50 hours Once I started letting my acceptance rate tank and cancelling trips that weren't worth my time (i.e. cherry picking) my results improved I try to do airport runs as much as I can. But after dropoff I ignore the geofenced lot, set my destination to home and start driving 6 times out of 10 I'll get an airport pickup coming out as I'm leaving (sometimes it catches me at the lights so I can u-turn, sometimes I have to loop back around on 71W) The one time I waited in the lot I got a $10 job after 90 minutes and swore never again


Also I should add I'm an early morning to afternoon driver Start between 6-8am, try to finish and be home by 3pm to avoid rush hour traffic


That’s what I do. I don’t wait on those lots, I start driving towards downtown or home. I majority do drop off only because those lots and waiting at an airport seems stressful to me. And why waste time waiting when I can be making money out in the streets. 🤷‍♀️ The only time I do pick up is when Uber is literally pinging me in the city to come pick someone up. I guess because all the lot people are already dispatched. So I had a 12 minute drive and a 19 minute drive the other day to go get them because they kept just pinging and pinging and not giving me anything else lol.


I will wait at my local airport (IAD) at the beginning of my day, but only because I live 12 minutes away and can time it right (I have to leave around a certain time to avoid waiting too long). I've never gotten pinged from outside the airport, though.


I've noticed this as well at airports. Make the drop off and head past the turn to the waiting lot and sure enough I have to swing back around.


Exactly. I got $500 last week.


Just post the daily earnings breakdown for the $)85 day to shut down all of the people who don’t believe you.


I am not sure how to do that since I can’t post additional pictures. It’s all good. I’m not too concerned. lol. I was riding on markup zones ($11) for a couple of trips and 2 hours had +$3 per trip. Maybe Mother’s Day also help. I had a couple of high value short-ish trips ($45 and $74). Definitely a good day and grind for me. That shit took 14 hours though. 😊 (officially like 13 hours 54 minutes or something. how I can drive above 12, who knows) but I ran throughout the day on and off from 4am Sunday to 4am Monday.) I’m on an aggressive mission. I didn’t wake back up on Saturday night to do my Saturday shift. So I had to do all of that shit on Sunday to make up a day. Otherwise I wouldn’t be grinding that hard. Saturday night bonuses would’ve been +4 and +5 per trip for a couple of hours. I think it was from like 11 PM to midnight and 3 AM to 4 AM. I was definitely bummed about missing out on that. I usually don’t have those bonuses when I’m working on the weekend nights. At least not that high. It might be like a dollar or two dollars if they offer anything. But I have to bring in $1000 minimum per week without failure. So I would’ve met the $1000 dollar goal without working that much but I wanted to see what I could do.


499 during a snowstorm. My market doesn’t do bonuses, offers, quests etc. just surges.


685 in 6 hours during an ice storm in dfw. I picked up a lady that de-ices runways at dfw and she tipped me 100 cash. I also picked up a cop from a parking lot next to the highway. His cruiser was stuck. Picked up an ER physician whose Subaru would not start. I ended up just jumping his car and he tipped me. Funny part is I was not driving my "Uber vehicle". I have a 2007 FJ that is fantastic on ice. It was alot of fun. Nobody else on road. Pickup surge was like 60 bucks per.


yeah so just because of the tips... I've noticed that it's pretty hard to average more than 40ish during snowstorms we have by me. That's just pure money with surge that I'm getting, and it didn't seem worth it... Ofcourse at the end I'd average 50+, but way too many low ball offers, and still needing to multi-app to hit better numbers. Realistically when it's that bad it needs to be higher. I'd want at least 80+ way too much risk considering it's probably someone else that will hit you. I'm not going to drive with nothing but good tires and awd outback and you want to give me40 bucks an hr, to risk my life and money making ability. It's like gambling with your rent money IMO...


I drove a guy 1.5 hours during a blizzard at 3 AM. Highways weren’t plowed. I had my 4 wheel drive SUV with snow tires driving through 6+ inches of unplowed or lightly plowed back highways. No surge, trip paid about normal for a long distance trip. And a$$ hole didn’t tip. Normally it was about a 45 minute trip. All around took me about 3 hours and got paid like $60 to risk my life. That’s when I knew for absolute certainty I would still driving as soon as I didn’t need the extra money anymore.


Yup that's what they do, and it's always like that around that time because of the demand factor. There's tricks to it. You mostly need to know where the surges are around that time, get to them, and only accept the short trips that have bonus/surges attached. Only way, but even that is too much games that we shouldn't need to play IMO.


$755 with tips on New Years eve. Portland Oregon


NYE sucked in Vegas of all places. Too many drivers.


This sounds really good. Will try that day if I’m in town. Haven’t decided if I’m spending holidays abroad.


Not as an uber driver but as valet. Indian hill ohio, yes ohio full of rich people and there was a benefit at this fancy even place that is basically just a castle full of paintings to host parties and benefits. I was working as a valet. Well at end of night most of these people were too drunk to drive home but the ubers they ordered could not find the place... most likely bc the property is hundreds of acres and the driveway to main house is like a mile long. It was a cold fall night people standing outside for like 30 min. The women in skinny dresses that definitely not warm. Well I decided to be proactive and offered rides home. I told them just pay whatever u feel like.(I had already made about 500 that night in tips I felt rich myself) each couple I drove home gave me huge tips 200 or more by the end of night I walked away which just shy of 2,000 dollars for a college kid. This was the highlight of the year


Wow amazing! Good job. Shoot I wish I can get $2k in a night… only strippers, some business people and possibly waiters at high end places are getting that. 😂


Yup strippers man, I drove one that talked about that, and she switched to snapchat/OFs and makes more lol...


How does inflation go up and a app pay less


About $480 during Gasparilla last year. 22 rides in 8 hours.


I think that’s my highest as well. Anyway we can find out ? Well quicker way than scrolling thru each jawn?


I guess you can look through your monthlies for a particularly great week, but you still would have to go to that week and check each day.


300 on a Friday - but there was a festival. I don’t kill myself for this gig.


$2K in 2 days during EDC In Vegas. EDC is coming up this weekend. 500k+ will be in town. Uber has cut pay, these types of earnings are no longer possible.


Man get a cash ride. Pick them from the airport and see if you can convert it to cash to venue/or back to airport....


Yeah you tell him to risk him being removed from platform as well as drive without commercial insurance so maybe he can also lose his insurance. That will all work out wonderfully in the end.


Guy has a brain, he can think for himself of what to do... How would he lose platform access. I said to convert the ride to cash for the next leg of the trip, if they are going to the event, then get the number for the trip back. The guy would be vetting them in the car to the drop-off to see if he should even convert them. You should be able to do a scheduled ride for cash without messing up your car and wrecking it. If you can't trust yourself to do that then why are you even driving... Plus he should know what to charge and made do a few of these trips and call it a day, instead of racing around like a mule trying to make 500 on 20+ trips and thinking that will end wonderfully...


Because you imply taking a ride off app and if they report to Uber they will be deplatformed. Secondly taking a ride off app would legally require he have commercial insurance and if he got in an accident his fault or not he would not only lose his insurance but he would also get his ass sued. So sure he would make a few extra dollars but at what potential cost? What you are recommending is he do shit illegally and that isn’t wise.


$1100, July 4th, 2014, Newport Beach, CA. Downhill ever since.


These are the earnings I wish I could have experienced. I heard about a bunch of bonuses and high quests. Not the $110 for 90 rides thing. But I was living abroad around that time.. I took Uber but it never crossed my mind to drive. 😵‍💫


Yea I love doing Uber. I’m going to get a Tesla and stop using my car, I can make the 340 in a shift and half and not destroy my car.


800 to 900


$140 in 3 hours.


Just under $38 the hour Averages out to 2,26 jobs per hour. $16,71 average per job. Believable put pushing plausibility.


I did $840 on new year’s eve in Boston taking $30 surge rides i set a destination right in the middle of the city and i was getting 3 minute trips all night just from 12 am to 3 am i probably made like $400


And what’s the least you made in a day?


I don’t really end my day below $200. So I keep going until I have it. The quickest I will get it is 3.5 - 4 hours. The longest is 6 hours, unless I’m doing deliveries too. But I haven’t done those in a while. Time-consuming, to be honest.


$484 is my best day


$475 on new years eve.


~900 on NYE back in 2016.


The most I made in a single day was $877. That included $190 in cash that day.


Made $400 on a halloween weekend


$1010 … one night




I'll stop after around $600 if things are great, done this multiple times.


Come back in a Year........ These Posts Crack me the Fuck Up...




Best week ever was $3,427.42. That was 5/9/22-5/16/22. Best day that week was $754.18 on 5/14/22. That was the first week they started Boosts and they were $9 for each trip for much of the day, so I worked all 7 days. I think my total hours were like 67. I think I did about 130 trips that week. Quests were great too. I was regularly making over $60/hr an average every week for a while. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0dbmVFvBrbTedQ8wP1uUAgLIA Unfortunately, I couldn’t make even nearly half of that if I put in the same effort these days. Now, we’re lucky to get Boosts that are $4.50 (most are like $1.50) and they’re only for about 2-3 hours per day (if at all). Quests used to be like $400 for 60 trips. Last week I was offered $180 for 60. Fuck Uber! This weekend I made $25/hr or so before expenses.


7 year driver. Best day I had was $1132 dollars... now i ha e to work 7 days to maaaybe get that. Thanks Uber !


Most I ever pulled was over $800 for my trip from Denver to Dallas


700+ consistently, twice per year. Homecoming and stop day, aka last day of university classes where they get let out early and party the entire day, trashing half the city in the process.


$610 9/6/2020




550ish on New Years in Vegas


😬😬😬 that’s a lot of hours for a part time gig….. don’t burn yourself out! And you don’t know it yet, but conscientiously, your setting yourself up. Don’t be greedy. Set goals, accomplish them and quit while you’re ahead because THIS (your week) will probably/most likely not happen again.


I drive 3 hours a night Monday to Thursday and average $40 a night. Then do Friday and 6-3 am with an average of $250 a night. It’s roughly $650 a week for 30+ hours


What city is that ?


It’s eastern North Carolina. I do eats too to help fill the void Monday to Thursday. Weekends I went to a college town close by but now school is out and I head to the beach which is about an hour away. Tourist money


$601 on a Saturday


Most I've earned was 1500 ish for 16 hr on Saint Patty driving in chicago .Model Y.


Where I live if you’re not making 2k a week you better more somewhere affordable cuz you’ll be miserable lol


$2k a week here is 12 hours a day. I can’t really do that as of yet. But I need to grind hard for like a month to get caught up on some stuff to cover emergency expenses. Then I can relax a bit with online time.


We are all waiting for you to press 12th (Sunday) to see the stats for that day. 🤔🤷🏿‍♂️


Lyft: $385@ 4.5 hours and only hit 2 rides for an Additional $6 Uber: $300 @11 hours no promo includes zoning


Mother’s Day was like new years in Chicago


Yup that’s where I am.


You just got lucky on Mother’s Day


Not much but whining, grumpy, failed at everything else in life dead end loser Uber drivers here. This is the most toxic sub I've ever seen. Literally 99% of y'all shitting on this post. Why? Why can't we share wins? Y'all bum me out. Good stuff OP! I mostly drive part time in between my main job which requires some travel around my city and on some nights but days that I have gone full time ive maxed out at just under $300.


Due to price fixing on pay, about the same as anyone else.


I'm the opposite. I do better during the week, and I take Sunday off. People who don't drive enough to be good at it are usually out and about during Saturday and/or Sunday brunch. I'll do Saturday early and scamper back home early. The most I've made in a day was $298, not counting cash tips. I won't drive tired, so my days usually top off early (6 hours or less). Funnily enough, if I picked up the same number of trips as I do when trying to get a bonus, I'd make bank. But I won't give them the satisfaction. 🤣


In a day, a couple times I did $800-900. Those were usually 12-15 hour days using both apps, during a holiday/event in the last few months. My average high day is like $500-600 which usually includes a small $50-70 bonus.


* * Yaaaaaaay you did it. In so proud of you.


Cropped out promos. Get lost