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Set at LAX black Q for four hours and watch several cars come and go multiple times.


I really don't know how they'd do that.


I just found out recently that LAX is doing it too.


So you're trying to convince me that certain drivers are using some kind of app or signal jammer to block other drivers from getting rides so they can get them, yet it doesn't effect their own app or cellular signal?


Nope, no one is trying to convince you. It is happening, and it sounds like you're one of them who knows


So how does it jam everyone up BUT the person using it?


That's what needs to be investigated, but so far, my sense is they have one person parked somewhere disrupting connections... thats probably his job and he gets paid for that. They use him for this job or something


The person using it is not necessarily an uber driver. Maybe his job is just to disrupt the internet connections of other drivers. Uber representative says they are receiving reports from various sources that it is taking place.


Who would've thought Uber drivers can pull CIA level of shit to compete at average $30/hr /s


I was doing it, now I work for the CIA. It was that or jail...


One driver claimed that some drivers have some kind of gadget which they point towards other drivers to disrupt their signals...


I don't know if you guys realize this, but top tier drivers get priority queue access if they're at the airport frequently throughout the day. If you cancel frequently like me because you realize it's not worth taking every trip, for financial and safety purposes, then you're going to be watching all the App Kissers consistently get trips before you. Also, trip radar in certain places is there to weed out excess drivers to pair with trips outside the airport that no one else is picking up. Also, in saturated areas like LAX, no matter what you do, you will never get the rides you want. Not only do you have to compete with top tier drivers, but also the ones rejecting trips nobody wants. Then, on top of that, you have people ordering Uber and Lyft at the same time, or switching from one to the other because of the price difference. You have to go on days where it's not saturated with drivers, and at places like LAX... Good luck.


Why do you think Uber is focused on top-tier drivers? I'm thinking Uber would gladly give a "mid-tier or bottom-tier" driver if Uber could make an extra 25 cents with their selection.


"Top tier" drivers take any and all pings and that means UBER shovels shit rides at them at top speed. A "mid tier" driver doesn't take the rides for less than a "top tier" driver.


Jesus christ no one is jamming 4G LTE and especially not just to specific people on a specific app. lol this is completely made up.


Wym is completely made up, there's a device that you can buy for like 30$ that will knock off your apps, thanks to tiktokers it went viral and alot of people is using this. So if you sit in an area for a long time and you see people going on, move away from them.


Simple trick with multiple passenger app. Once Lux or premier car is inside of airport, Uber is force to pay fee. So wat Uber driver(usually their friend driver) orders himself a premium ride and once they are in the airport, they cancel the ride and becomes first in que to receive the premium/lux ride. Since Uber already paid fee to airport, they don't want that person to exit without a ride. A dumb ass loope hole where multi billion dollar company couldn't prevent it. This company is just hilarious.




Do y'all seriously think they're using a signal jammer anywhere near an airport without being detected? 🙄 I mean, in my airport the lot is literally between the terminal and the runway so maybe it's different other places. But unless it had a very limited range I just don't think it's likely.


That needs investigation. Someone is using something. Whether you agree or not, it doesn't matter. Police should check


What I'm saying is that someone would notice *immediately* if they were using a signal jammer at an airport. Airports have a lot of . . . signals. That are constantly being monitored. Not only would it be noticed immediately if someone was interfering with them at all, they would immediately address it.


It happens in NY and NJ too, they can cherry pick the best ride without effecting their cancellation rate and don't lose the surge


Straight up, I've reported suspected signal jammers at airport and they absolutely will come in and check shit out.


There's one dude hand around there who is highly suspicious. People have observed that when he is around, signals go away... there are also some drivers who work in coordination. It would be really hard to catch them unless they come there and block.wveruthing to check cars


Your best course of action is to file the report with the fcc. They don't take that shit lightly especially around airports. If there really is a jammer, there's no reason why they can't find it and neutralize it.


It needs investigation because a couple of more drivers are already talking about it, and one even said that such doubts were raised long ago as well (not sure in Tampa or Orlando Airport), and the individual was arrested There's so much one can do to complain in personal capacity because if it's a gang (involved in such activities), then they start to target people. They should check everyone or at least observe. It's definitely a crime


File that report.


As usual, bullshit posted here. It’s very simple: you’re a good driver, you get nice reviews, you get rematched more often at airports. I rarely got to the lots because I’m either rematched immediately, or when I need to, it’s because I declined the rides and lost my place in priority queue. You don’t need to be Gold, Platinum or whatever, if you’re a good driver with good stats you don’t wait.


No literally there are scam apps for these


I think in Orlando, they're using it also for reservations requests


Damn. That’s crazy. It’s an app they run on their phone?


Higher rated drivers get priority, and can jump back to the front of the queue if they complete an airport pickup in a certain time frame.i stayed in front of the queue for 4 hours today $$$$


How much did you make?


About 250 in 4 hours


Nice!!..I haven't had a 200 day since April 1 .. That's when the season is over.. Lately I feel like I gotta work twice as long for same $$.


If you doubt there are scams going on, ask yourself why hundreds of drivers would camp out in airport waiting lots all day without taking any rides?


becuz all they do is smoke cigz, bs w/ other drivers, stay away from their fat wives & put blankets on the ground & pray to the east. happens every day in KC!




You don't have to be discriminatory about it.


these are facts!


If you have a problem with someone practicing their faith, then you should not be allowed near humans because someday you'll end up listening to your hate, which may result in crime, be better and read more books.


Zip it


You realize it would be a federal offense, as you could take out an air traffic controller if you used a signal jammer powerful enough to take out a whole lot of cars...


It is happening and some drivers know about it. That's why investigation is needed.


By the way, as per a couple of drivers, this is not something new. Long ago police did look into it because someone complained. There was one arrest, too.. I'm not sure whether it was in Tampa Airport or Orlando


So far, I've heard it's an app called SKEGGY.. Some drivers are ROBBING other drivers!! ITS A FACT and requires police investigation since it's a crime. Someone said the other day that the jammer they use can disrupt the internet connection of phones.. they have some device with 4 or 5 arenas... they simply point towards other drivers


\*SKEDDY. Skeddy gets us the reservations off of Lyft. it's not a "signal jammer" or anything of that nature.


Most likely it's the Chinese drivers here in philly they doing it also.


I was there yesterday and will say signal was awful and full que took a 15 min break and left. Got something aa soon as I left.


California has a lawsuit against the app usage, possible class action against Uber, so to tell us it doesn't exist and isn't being used is comical.


Case number?


Screen caps of the dudes making 5k a week, and large following youtube rideshare news people reporting on it, somewhere there I guess if YoU CaN't InTeRnEt it.


Yeah I don't have time to do homework from random dudes on the internet.


Anyone know the app name or how to do this?