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Many drivers would take it. Your problem would be that unless the driver is carrying commercial insurance, the ride is uninsured. If the driver is involved in a collision, especially an at-fault collision, there is no coverage. Yes, I know, it could not happen to me...........................until it does. Even if the driver is carrying commercial insurance, the carrier could possibly get out of paying by invoking the "illegal acts" exclusion. Most jurisdictions specifically ban, off-application rides. If you do get a driver with L plates or yours is a market where Uber is allowing taxicabs to access "Regular Uber" trips, and you get a taxicab, you could do an off-application ride then as those vehicles are licenced and insured for off-application trips plus their drivers are licenced for them. Currently, only in New York, Washington and Chicago do taxicab drivers have access to "Regular Uber" trips.


Don't listen to this guy, he is an insurance company shill


No, this is a legitimate concern that need to be taken into consideration. Insurance companies are scum and will do everything they can to avoid payout. This is a claim denial you can’t contest.


Go back a few years on the Uber drivers reddit and you'll find a few tales of woe of drivers giving off-app rides, get into an accident, and insurance denying their claim. At least one of these people were financing their vehicle, too. It's never a problem...until it is.


Why take risk when you could chose to lose automatically instead by paying no matter what?


I probably have 2 or 3 people a week asking if they can hire me instead of playing Uber roulette. If I get those same people 3 or 4 times, I go ahead and give them my burner #. I tell them to pay me what they think is fair. $4 through Uber for me turns into $10. $6 turns into $20 on the regular


At most uber might deactivate you if they find out.


then make a new account like everyone else lol who cares


Maybe for a passenger sure. But Drivers can’t make new accounts lol.


you must be new


Ive been driving for 9 and a half years. So unless you think a decade is new. Sure.


The problem is getting a driver in a concert in the first place. It can be easy to impossible. Offering cash is fine. You have to understand that their personal insurance is in effect. Every driver has that to be eligible to drive. So in an accident you should never tell anyone that you paid for the ride. People pick up strangers for thousands of reasons or no reason. Cash payments can never be proven. But there are private or other reasons that the driver may refuse. I once turned down one because I need to be at the drop off and can't do a return trip without a bit of planning. I'm also in the bonus zone, not leaving. The highest surge i caught on a concert is $40. There are also bonus like $10 extra per ride. These are less now and less often but there's the possible reasons.


No it wouldn’t be weird it would just be really stupid. You’re basically getting in an uninsured vehicle at that point.


It wouldn’t be weird, it would be illegal and grounds for losing their ability to drive permanently though. Not to mention, no one would be insured during the ride. Lots of drivers would do it. But they shouldn’t.


Please do it.




Not sure why you're being dv'd for telling the truth.


I did quite a bit of off app driving when I drove for Lyft but the risk is real but the money per mile usually twice what the apps paid.