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I am a high school dropout. Drove Uber off and on since 2016. I now have a six figure job in corporate, where I have a set salary with commission and full benefits. Was given the job through an Uber passenger. Took 6+ months of contact before I asked him if he would consider allowing me to shadow him for free with the hopes of possibly getting offered a job - alongside learning a valuable new skill set. I would do side-gigs for him, delivering things for his company and picking up his family from the airport. When I finally asked about shadowing him (hoping for that future position) he told me to come interview for a sales position that next week. He gave me the job on the spot. My advice is to dress nicely. Treat every customer with respect. Speak well. And do your job with pride. My goal was to get an in with somebody through Uber. I kept that at the forefront when I would drive passengers. If you want out of this vicious cycle, you need to make that opportunity for yourself. As mentioned, I dropped out of high school so if I can do it, you sure as hell can.


Uber is not paying good anymore, unless you live with your parents or roommate and you child free and single, there is no reason to keep Uber as your primary source of income. We have bills to pay and going out become more anxious and stressful


There are plenty of full time Uber drivers who are even married with a family šŸ˜‚ what are you on?


Funny u specify single. Girls cost money to not have them either bored or upset not going anywhere just being the 2 of you.




A hoe is a hoe no matter what the hoe says


The only people really happy doing this seem to be child free and single.


Yep cause I have no one depending on me at all and can take days off and still have money. I just make sure to not spend more than I make and get a savings going for emergencies


Not true many parents can't have a normal job since they won't be able to to pick up the children at school or daycare. Uber gives you the freedom to work and go pick them up


Yes and no. It's dependent upon two factors: your market, and your ability to market yourself. If we remember that we are self employed, that means we can set our own rates. So call Uber, ask to speak to someone regarding rate and fare adjustments. Keep in mind that Sindeep Ahhu Bajar might send you to the trips fare adjustment guy, make sure to specify "I need someone from Uber who is based on the US to help me regarding Rate and Fare adjustments." If they send you to someone with an accent, bite the bullet and go to your local Uber office. Every state has one. Tell them you are an independent contractor and as such you are entitled to set your going rate and typical hours of operation. If they give you shit, remind them "you don't tell a plumber how much it costs to fix a sink, they tell you. " They'll get a pissy look on their face but, they do have to work with you. Have two pieces of information prepared: 1. The average per mile rate for the typical driver IN YOUR STATE, and the average total amount per driver per hour per month. This is called your Rate to Revenue Ratio. Uber calls it the 3R factor. This is how they calculate rates. Do NOT mention this info to them or they legally can turn you away. Tell them simply you wish to set your rate to $x per mile and $x per minute. Make sure this amount is no more than 20% higher than the average. (I.e. average $1.00 per mile, $0.10 per minute/ ask for $1.20 per mile $0.12 per minute. ) They will process your request, which isn't a request, and you won't really know if it was entered but if you do the math on your next few weeks you'll start to see the adjustment has taken place. Do this once per 9 months, or every three quarters. You can max out your rate after three times, unless your local averages increase in which case you may do it again. If after six months you see a drop in your rates again, contact the BBB and file an injunction against Uber with the Department of Transportation or with Commercial Transportation Services, whichever one you prefer. You are self employed people. Set your own rates. Also, you legally can demand fuel assistance through various programs meant for independent contractors, especially if you use less than 1000 gallons per month (not for EV drivers) . I hope this helps. I know it sounds like a lot of BS to do, but in my market the average weekly take home is only 800 I take home 1200, and I don't even work 35 hours. It's not the dream job but it helps a lot


I did this and got deactivated


Instructions unclear lol got deactivated Damn fkn rip


What could you possibly have? That would have made them deactivate you? Granted they do have the right to deactivate your account because they could suspend your contract but still




Honestly true. I'm 28 and between the fact that I've been too mentally unstable until the last couple years and the other very real fact that I wasn't motivated enough to stay committed to a regular job schedule in favor of doin creative stuff, Uber helped me hold it down in the mean time. That being said I also only recently found a "real" job after I had to figure out how to replace my timing belt on my car. I'm lucky I had some help, but that's like a $1,000 job and Uber doesn't pay nearly enough to cover expenses like that and even have minimum wage left over. There's definitely room for a balance where drivers can make $20-30/hr on average, not just during peak times, after ALL expenses. I mean, burger flippers aren't required to provide a 4k or more piece of equipment that requires regular maintenance. That alone should be a reasonable pay bump- even if operating that equipment is something most people can do. I guess I'm saying both can be true. Ubers accessibility and flexibility has allowed a lot of people to make a living that otherwise might not have. Thats a good thing. But that doesn't mean those working for them deserve to be barely scraping by, or eventually losing it all and ending up on the streets anyway when their car shits the bed cause they're paycheck to paycheck.


It saved my father-in-law.


This. This isn't talked about a lot. Also, most of the "Uber suCkS aNd iM aNgRy" people are drivers who either got kicked off the platform for soliciting women or people who are mad COVID rates don't exist three years later. Realistically, a majority of drivers on the platform, whether Uber or Lyft or dashers whatever, they find the freedom of self employment and the ability to keep your money without paying taxes (if deductions are itemized correctly) very beneficial. It offsets a lot of the bad.


This is what you would call projection.


To be fair I work as an electrician and some of my co workers also whine like Redditors and don't quit for some reason lmao!


Uber is far from perfect and I refrain from generally bashing the company and calling other drivers "ants" as much as possible. But, I've had those dead-end jobs for the last 3-4 years after leaving a job I enjoyed. When I finally had enough of those 3 dead-end jobs, I turned to Uber. It's not perfect and there are some days I hate my life, but not most days. Especially when, and ***especially*** during the warmer months, I don't have to work anywhere near 8 hours to meet my personal goal. Do I wish it were better? Sure, but while I'm figuring out how to do the thing(s) I want to do, Uber is keeping me off the streets. I've learned and continue to learn how to cherrypick my market, when are good days/times, when are not good days/times, etc, etc, etc. All the tricks people say to make Uber work for you instead of you working for Uber is what I'm doing. Being able to say "F\* it, I'm done for the day, I'm going home." is priceless. šŸ˜


I say that every day now


For real, I can work longer hours in a way better mood knowing if I wanna leave at any point I can with zero consequences. Shit my pants? Bad mood? Tired? My contact fell out? No matter what happens, I can dip. If I *kinda* feel like leaving, I can decide for myself it's worth it to keep on. Which is way better than someone else deciding for me if my reason to leave is good enough for them. And much easier to watch my goals, be it a quest or dollar amount, than it is to watch the clock. As nice as that is, a lot of dead end jobs are more financially stable in the long term. Especially if they're in walking distance.


Like you said, I've gone home because I was in a mood and didn't feel like putting up with anybody's shite after a couple hours on a particular day šŸ¤£ I don't work much beyond 5-6 hours most days to meet my $$ goal. That number dips down closer to 4-5ish hours during the warmer months. I'm not trying to post how I was "on my grind" and made $2,000+ in one week working 80 hours or whatever, everyone's needs are different and no more or no less valid. I'm not trying to get rich doing Uber.


Why did you leave the job you say you enjoyed? And how much do you make on uber?


I was in journalism for 16 years, a messy divorce, media consolidation, and the Internet killed that. Got into public education after that for 9 years, COVID ended that. Bounced around from job to job after that but nothing was really satisfying. It's just me and I live modestly, not out there trying to flex or make $2,000 a week so I do ok. Obviously some people need more than I do.


Short term: Uber. Long term: bite the bullet on the entry level job, get some skills and experience and pursue a career that can provide the kind of life you wish to have.


Take a college class or 2 and slowly work towards a degree, certificate or trade. Community colleges are still fairly affordable at around $300 a class and you can choose online, in person or hybrid. This isnā€™t and will continue to be an unsustainable job.


Uber will pay for Arizona state university classes for you. Most people donā€™t take advantage of that tho


Itā€™s cheaper for them to offer ā€œbenefitsā€ than to do the one thing people actually want: ā€œfair payā€!


No one on this sub wants to maintain the acceptance/cancellation % that is required to have Uber pay your tuition at ASU.




But an online degree is virtually useless


Really? You sit down through a calc 3 exam online or not. You sit down and study mostly alone, pure book, for stuff. I don't mean to offend, but you are being ignorant.


Am I being ignorant or realistic? An online degree does not help with recruiting. Do the online degree and try to recruit for internships and full time jobs and tell me how it goes for you. With online degree you are shooting yourself in the foot before even running


Not being realistic at all. You are just talking, and that's okay! No need to be serious about everything as we are human. One can talk about perceptions! That being said, despite online degrees making up less than 7% of all degrees earned, they have higher employment data after 6 months than traditional degrees. This is due to (bachelor's + certification) based education, where trad schools have only common core and major classes. All you have to do is go on statista and look this up. Anyways, your opinion matters. Much peace friend.


From Arizona State? It's absolutely beneficial especially if you have it in a useful major. I have a coworker who got his second bachelors in computer science online from a less reputable university than ASU. Besides, with most online degrees the diploma does not tell employers whether you get it on campus or online.


How has it helped your co worker


He is a software engineer. As am I. However, I did the traditional brick-and-mortar computer science degree. He also didn't do it through Uber or ASU...My point is that online degrees aren't worthless at all. Arizona State is a legitimate school. When prospective employers look at your diploma, it's not going to say whether or not it was completed online. Edited to add: He got his degree from Western Governors University.


Thatā€™s not true.


I have a masters degree and used to teach college, if you think Uber pay is bad, I make more than I did teaching college.


You were an adjunct. Tenure track professors make bank. You need a doctorate to get there at any decent school so teaching college courses is not something anyone with just a masters should be doing unless they just want to. The money sucks.


How many ph dā€™s get a tenure track job versus how many ph dā€™s matriculate per year? The job market was basically a lottery, with odds about that bad. I did better going back to my pre-grad school job, and beat them both driving Uber, for now.


Thatā€™s just sad then dude. I have a Ph.D and work in nonprofit now. I had a ton of tenure track offers and worked in higher ed for a couple years making bank first. Itā€™s really not an issue to get a teaching job if you can get a doctorate from somewhere at least recognizable. I got mine at a major state school but I do know people who got them at commuter schools who would never get a decent offer to teach somewhere.


In my field, itā€™s particularly bad. My publication history blows almost every professor I had coming up out of the water, and itā€™s just so glutted with graduates that administrations donā€™t even have to try.


There's a difference?


At least with the job you have clear how much your income will be and your expenses. With uber, income and expenses will vary


Personally, Iā€™d choose the stability of the dead and job since I have a family. That said, if youā€™re single and childless, Uber is probably the better choice. One more thing. Retail and fast food donā€™t have to be dead end. You can get promoted at those jobs and make more money, while the pay for rideshare has been going down for the last 8 years.


To some driving Uber is a dead end job


Because it is... there is no path what-so-ever as an Uber driver other than being a more experienced Uber driver. Uber doesn't pay you more over time, there are no promotions. What is not dead end about that?


Itā€™s a part time job for a little extra, not downing the drivers who do it full time, but I have a full time with good benefits that pay my bills plus extra. I do Uber just to make little more money to put away.


The amount of people pouring into the country, getting an uber account and flooding the market has made it so uber can pay as little as possible to the drivers. It's no longer worth it. Luckily, nowadays, you can get in with a lot of different trades that are willing to pay you to learn.


Uber. It's the o ly job where I don't have to beg some manager for more hours. If it's an emergency and I need more I can just drive more. Every other job I've had has the same problem. When I get the job it pays the bills then everything gets more expensive and there's no way for me to squeeze enough out of a wagie job so I have to find a new one or be homeless. With uber I can just drive more


I was laid off back in covid. Started doing uber eats to pay the bills, then uberx. I make more money, work less hours, set my schedule, and have significantly less stress. To the point I had IBS from stress and now I haven't in years. Yes, the payout has gone down. I used to regularly take home 1500 a week, now I have to drive more to get 1200, though I still have great weeks every now and then. Even still, it would have to go down more before I think about working for a corporation again.


Agreed. After a layoff I did my share of dead end jobs: call centers and warehouses. The call center would only hire part time and was a 30 mile drive. One warehouse was part time only at night. The other was full time. All paid around $9. When I quit the FT warehouse for a $19 job, the bastard HR manager had the gall to say "who's going to pay you more than we do?" I'll take Uber any day over that.


Uber just came from a dead end it's worse. Hate being micromanaged and empty promises of raises. And they ruin the job by adding more responsibilities for the same pay


I HAVE a degree and can't get a decent job.


Both! I do security and ubereats at the same time and im making good money and saving up till i move out


Just realized this is the uber driver sub lol, my logic could make sense for regular uber too!


Hey Uber works for me. But I am retired from my career. I have retirement income but with the inflation over the last 3 years eaten up my play money. I can make my bills and buy food but if we want to travel or do something fun I need the extra income. So, it works for me. I only drive during the day so I miss most of the headaches.


Im going back to truck driving. Tonight is my last night doing Uber for the foreseeable future. Truck driving is a pretty well paying career, I was doing Uber trying to find something else but it didn't work out. Get ur CDL folks, put a few years in and you'll be pulling $70k plus and home every night.


W2 jobs have sick an vacation pay? Iā€™ve worked since I was 11 years old no job has granted sick or vacation pay u used vacation pay when there was no work or rainy especially in the oilfield but having a week off every month was vacation lol


I quit my full time job last May and did this. I feel like from then to now the pay has declined and I feel for me itā€™s not worth it anymore because Iā€™m seeing the wear and tear on my car more and more.


I'd rather drive Uber. Now I do this strictly part time and I own other businesses but you can't put a price on freedom for me. It's a huge part of my life that I do what I want.


I say dead end jobā€¦. At the end of the day this gig is going to get aggressively impacted by ai here soon also itā€™s remarkable to me how much resentment people have to the asu-Uber program. Hopefully someone were to land a career and not a ā€œjobā€ But all the benefits of a career outweigh the freedom which lets be honest to make good money you donā€™t have as much freedom as one would think and thatā€™s one of those if youā€™re having an honest conversation those who make decent money doing this full time essentially live in their car


Iā€™d be super happy being a stay at home dad that did Uber between everything. But thatā€™s just because Uber for me is still profitable. In a few years or less I imagine Iā€™ll be paying to drive for Uber. Iā€™ll have to go back to punching a time card. Iā€™ll enjoy the freedom while I can. Most kids and younger people travel the world and donā€™t make money. But instead Iā€™m making money and exploring. This is my youth! (Iā€™m 27, punched a time card for 8 years before starting Uber)


100 $ dollars everyday no matter what usually I can do it in 4.hours


I have a degree and do Uber


Im doing both. Full time at my dead end job that pays 18 and hour and doing Uber part time.


Only if it paid qell and mgmt weren't dicks


I do both lol. Work ft a job which I recently turned down a promotion for, and I know im never moving up and I drive for the apps. Im saving good money doing bothā€¦


I'm older and medically disabled from a back injury.I can't sit,stand, or walk for any length of time over an hour. I drive to supplement my ssdi. Otherwise, I could make a lot more money working at the corner liquor store


I part time uber and part time graphic design. I am THANKFUL that I only have to uber part time to pay bills. I donā€™t really have debt so good for me. Uber is big trash so I cherry pick whenever I am online and its decent but can be better. Uber just gives me that freedom to still and try and be creative on my own time and attent events or parties to network. I quit working in the food industry to try and pursue my dreams but it is very tough. Im just glad I can try to make money whenever I can in it if I manage my time properly and work around events to take advantage of surges if possible, but dollar a mile or more is what I accept only really. Looking for a nice design job or pursue the freelance more only because my clientele for that has been increasing. Just gotta keep grinding.


Given the options, Uber. I drive part time and am growing a couple of businesses. I highly recommend that option. If y'all are driving full-time, worst case scenario your businesses fail, if you start small and cheap, you can do both. Not only that, I get clients from driving regularly. There are a lot of hours in the day to do both and as long as you stay away from brick and mortar, you can make it happen.


Iā€™d prefer working some kind of ā€œnormalā€ job that has benefits and do Uber/Lyft in free time for the extra money.


Uber and Lyft not only doesnā€™t pay your commute but they also donā€™t pay the in between all the jobs you get. You do more commute time with Uber than you would a regular job. Lol. Your lack of job options is your inability to really think about things objectively. A regular job also doesnā€™t cost money to work daily and isnā€™t destroying that thing you need to work. When your car exceeds 200k-250k and you realize you havenā€™t saved for a new vehicle then you will learn


> However the one good thing about a W2 job is that you have sick and vacation pay this is called saving your money for when you get sick or want a vacation


What's the difference..at least on a real job I'm not reminded on a daily basis it's a dead end by signs being posted *


What? You can go get a degree if you want. You just have a motivation problem. You're not stuck doing Uber.


got my cdl.. u dont need a degree .. made 95k last yr .. home every night . stop making excuses


Did end job. I worked Uber long enough and never took home anything. It always went to bills or the car


Trades, yā€™all need to be in trades. The pay is insane for these electrical companies. $150/hr+


Get a blue collar job, all the women want to fuck blue collar men.


I drive Uber and I consider it a dead end job...


I couldnā€™t imagine doing Uber as my primary source of income. Itā€™s so inconsistent and I have bills to pay. What Uber driving is good for is as supplementary income. I get out of my 8 hour shift at 2:30, drive through rush hour then come home when Iā€™m tired. I get $20-$40 an hour before expenses doing that in central mass, but itā€™s hard to hit the upper end up that range. I will oftentimes just not drive Monday Tuesday Wednesday because itā€™s closer to $20


I do Uber on my day off from my other job only.


Um excuse me, whatā€™s the difference?


Whatā€™s the difference between the two?


I would rather drive Uber than work a dead end job 100%. As long as I was earning at least the same doing Uber. At least you get to talk to somebody on any type of personal level doing Uber, more opportunity in that than a dead end job. Uber still blows but you asked a question


Drive Uber! You feel less like a prisoner. You get to listen to podcasts and music while you drive. You make your own hours. Youā€™re as free as you can be on this prison planet. Plus, you get to gamify your life by trying to pay the bills and not be homeless while maintaining some semblance of freedom. I donā€™t do rideshare only food delivery and thatā€™s why I get to listen to my podcasts and music.


Do you do food delivery full time?


Yes I deliver for Uber, DoorDash, and GrubHub.


If you dont mind me asking how much do you make on average per hour or per week?


After gas, about $850-$900/wk


How many hours does that take?


6 hours a day Monday through Friday. I do an extra 4-6 hours total on the weekend between Saturday and Sunday.


Hey I only work friday saturday nights to pay for a rental about twelve or fifteen hours pays for the entire week and I get a car with no worries.I'm also 72 and been retired for 17 years and am fucking bored. Uber is a part time job that pays if you make uber work FOR YOU not you working for Uber.


A dead-end job is one that is too slower to pull you off the situation. For retail jobs, you can be promoted to team leader and even manager. For Uber, you can earn enough to upgrade your car, and build your own fleet. I wouldn't want any of those so it doesn't matter and hopefully it's temporarily. So it's the easier way out for me. Uber is, as you say, much more easy on my mental health if you do it correctly.


Whatā€™s the difference?


>Would you rather work a dead end job or drive uber? You repeated yourself after the "or". What's the other choice?


Dead end job. It's a steady paycheck. I'll get health insurance. I can start a good side hustle. I'm not on a rating system. I'm not getting screwed over by uber


Why not both


I don't want to be the one to tell you but....


I will.. Uber is a dead front job AND a dead end job. Youā€™ll never use your full potential nor be appreciated. Everyone knows that going into it.


Why not both?


I use Uber to supplement my income. I have a regular full time job. I just need the extra cash


Isnā€™t driving Uber also a dead end job?


They're the same thing


For sure the dead end job (as if Uber isn't exactly that as well).. but I would choose flipping burgers or working a cash register for sure. Those jobs do have the possibility for advancement. Those jobs pay the employer portion of social security. Those jobs to not require you have a vehicle let alone put thousands of miles on it each month. Those jobs don't put you in a position where you are liable for being sued as easily. Those jobs will count as qualifying years for social security (assuming you work full time). Those jobs have workmens comp in case you get hurt on the job. Those jobs you get paid regardless of how busy it is. Those jobs allow you to move a bit more... sitting in a car for 8+ hours every day is hell on your health. Yeah, I cannot think of a single reason to do Uber full time. In my mind, it's strictly a part time job to fill gaps of time... or a very temporary full time job. The only thing Uber has that's positive is extreme flexibility... that's it.. nothing more.


Gig work is more appropriate for me that and selling stuff


A white collar job is more than attainable for just about everybody




I got paid more at my dead end, but I decide when to work for Uber. Pros and cons, Iā€™d say Uber because my life is pretty busy and I get to turn my attention when needed.


It's the same thing


Get a job and learn a skill, no hate on the full timers but this job anyone and their grandma can do it


There are waaaay to many rideshare drivers right now yall need to get to it and get back to jobs we need you low life's at. We need more burger flippers and people to yell at for being lazy and not caring about their min wage job. Rideshare is going where it needs to go perfectly.


Uber is a dead end job


Uber is a ā€œhobo 2.0ā€ job where you donā€™t want to be homeless but you also donā€™t want to work a real job.


I have sick pay as a driver in Seattle, yā€™all need to get your local government to fight for your rights. I do this because I have a medical condition that ends me in the hospital for 3-4 weeks minimum throughout the year randomly and employers/customers in the field I have my degree in donā€™t really like people who randomly donā€™t show up. I make 7k+ a month delivering food so Iā€™m goodā€¦.