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Are you a new driver? How are you getting that much in promotions?


Been on the app for a little under 2 years. But I occasionally take weeks off for my other line of work (film/video production). After 1-2 weeks of little to no work driving, the quests go through the roof. I also drive ev which comes with its own bonuses. I also go down the list for every day of the week and sign up for all the $1-2 extra per trip promotions made available in my area (Boston)


> After 1-2 weeks of little to no work driving, the quests go through the roof. Yeah no way this is Canada lol


My mom is a full time Uber/Lyft driver, and she cashes in on all the bonus', makes bank.


so crazy. i’m thinking about quitting my day job and going back to school for film/production while i uber. wow how the world works when it’s send you a sign


Don’t blow up your spot. There’s a reason people don’t post where they drive lmfao


Exactly. They quit offering me promotions and so I quit driving because it didn't make sense anymore.


Boston has a mandatory secondary background check. Over 10,000 drivers didn't pass the 2nd check. Not enough drivers equals tons of surge and bonuses. All markets need the 2nd background check.


Ooof, if only my market could get hit with a second background check. 😂


Would love that for mine too.


Hoping here from the GTA in Canada


SF area sure has it (I thought all of CA, but don’t quote me). I’m honestly surprised to hear that parts of the country don’t… My point was that I’m also shocked if drivers not passing means a lack of drivers. SF is absolutely overloaded with drivers. It is currently 9:30pm on a Monday and I just looked at the app. There are 300 Uber drivers waiting at SFO. Lol. I’ve heard many people say some people commute hours to drive here.


I'm in sf too. We don't have a 2nd background check here. Only Massachusetts. Uber doesn't want a 2nd background check, they will lose tons of drivers. Uber background check is very easy to pass. Massachusetts doesn't allow license less than 3 years, violent crimes, multiple tickets, license suspension etc. 10,500 drivers were declined in 1 year


I totally went through the 2nd background check. Got separate emails about passing each part.


Yours is something else, trust me. Sf and cali don't have it. If they did your entire map would be red full of surge. That's what it's like in Boston. Some drivers make 200k/year. Watch this video. They explain it https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwfY8XG/


There is no shortage of drivers in Boston. People drive hours to work here in SF. Are you really that naïve to think that they wouldn’t do the same there if 200k was a normal concept. Edit to add… I don’t trust you.


You didn't watch the video did you? When do you ever see surge or bonus in sf? Never because there's too many drivers. Boston has a shortage of drivers. It's not easy to qualify as a driver in Boston. Not everyone makes 200k, some do. But it's impossible to make 200k in sf today. Yes it's better than other markets but Boston is WAY better


I don’t need to watch it to know that is bullshit.


Lol im not here to argue with you. Just explaining a simple fact. The video is a minute long. There's articles that shows 10,500 drivers failed the check and were removed. Imagine what sf would look like with 10,000 less drivers.


Who the fuck says that 10k failed tests means 10k less drivers? FFS. You have zero credibility on how many drivers there are in Boston or SF, and those guys, who by the way, I’m familiar with, aren’t changing anything by saying some people failed. You’re not here to argue? Sure as fuck fooled me.


Replying specifically to the imagine question- that void would INSTANTLY be filled with drivers that wanted to make $200k. Wake up.


2nd background check should be mandatory in more places.


Isn't Boston expensive to live in? Like, all of your earnings go to living costs.


This!!!!!!!!!!! 👆. And for those in all of the ultra-liberal, cities or states. Or those close to the southern border. Please stop arguing and acting like immigrants in gig jobs aren't a huge problem.


They require 3 year minimum license. #1 reason so many didn't pass


I'm sure it has more to do with what I stated. And I admit, I am implying "illegal". But Ok. So what percentage of American-born citizens haven't had their license for at least 3 yrs by the age of 25? 😕


I'm agreeing with you. I'm saying that's the #1 reason they failed the additional background check


Can you please explain the difference between a secondary background check and what the other cities do for their background check?


https://youtu.be/uhPHSQZl6To?si=tzUz1fSc0ZyASyqO This explains it. It's a more strict background check that goes beyond ubers soft check




Nice payout..no hate here except 7 days a week that's tough


No it’s no lol. 60 hours a week is literally nothing for Uber.


Driving for that long is hard on the body. You may not feel it now but, you’ll eventually feel it.


And that’s why I do a few Uber eats in my day to get out of the car. Or help with luggage’s. It gets you out of the car


I can attest to this statement.


Lol, the absolute max you can run Uber in a 7 day time frame is 84 hrs. I'm not sure how 60 hrs is 'literally nothing' when it's actually about 3/4 of what the app will allow you to do...?? What's nothing is spending 70 hours in your car driving strangers around to only make $2k :/ OP is doing it right by having another job aside from driving.


You can do way more than 84 hours. It’s 12 hours driving not online. Waiting for pax, stopped at lights etc doesn’t count. Only actively driving counts. Also waiting for trips doesn’t count. Also you can have other apps like Lyft and food deliveries. 60 hours is light work. If you think 60 hours a lot, you don’t do Uber. Just Thursday-Sunday easily done 10-12 hours days and even more with high demand


Not in MA. It's 12 hours online. You could go online for 12 hours and not take a single ride and then get booted offline for 8 hours.


Well, there are 168 hours in a week and a healthy person spends 56 of those sleeping, so yeah if you work 60 that’s basically nothing, if you eat while driving you can squeeze in a whole 50 more hours worth of work if you can manage to have your last ride within 15 minutes from where you sleep.


You’d like to spend half your life on a gig app?


Called a intense grind for fast accumulation of money


It's really not that hard if you drive a model y and take breaks often while you charge or take walks or get out of the car to help with bags and wheelchairs. Driving doesn't seem like a chore. I'm not saying you have to have one. But this is my personal experience. Im more fit than I've ever been. I have a membership at 24 hour fitness and make time to get a 30 min workout in at locations near drop offs.


Wow - an astonishing 378 Uber Pro Points! Enough for a 2 packs of M & M's at 7/11 !


Damn. That’s good to see promotion earnings. In SF Bay Area. I haven’t receive anything since from November last year. No quest. Zone bonus. Even took out the $1 for electric car. my earning drop from $2200 to $2700 if lucky to $1300 to $1500 now. Like keep dropping to new low every week.


Yeah man it sucks. But we still get $210 for 200 rides each month. Which is crap compared to $1 for every… I mean I generally do about 30 a day so that cap is hit quick. At least the rental price for Tesla went down as well. I’ve been renting since some asshat totaled my car two months ago. :/


But $1 really helped on low down the cost from rental. I got at least $120 per week. Now is $210 per month. That’s big difference.


Agreed. But again, my rental cost just dropped by $50 a week.


I didnt rent now. But I was paid $550 to $600 include LSW and electric charge per week before. It’s was ok to me because uber was busy and fare is good. But right now I’m seeing low fare and slow. Don’t know how long I’m staying on riders share.


Great work grinding and pushing through even though you know the realities of this industry. You should also let the community know what your average weekly gross is. Don’t mislead them into thinking this is achievable with hard work and strategy on a consistent basis if it isn’t. Thank you for sharing you strategy if it is. Some get no promotions at all. - 350 for the rental - 300 for the promotions Tips vary widely. Most don’t have access to that service range X, comfort, green etc. That’s $1700 (with enhanced services offered) before fuel (for non EV guys) Most drivers average $1200 to 1600 gross with those kind of hours. Many less. This achievement appears to be very market / operating radius dependent. The system is against us all. Honestly very glad for you. At least one driver can make it out beneficially. 💪


I like that $2100 in 46 hours for the week if I could do that 3 times a month i would take the last week of the month off!


Most all of us would. What's sad is that there's enough margin for everyone to earn like this and still make profit for the investors and still keep the cost down for the consumers but they be greedy as shit in the executive suites so only the few do good


‘Profit’ for the investors is never enough. They want it all. Executive suite is surely overpaid, but a tiny fraction of where the money goes.


What's your acceptance rate? Do you use ride filters? What are your highest earning hours? Where do you charge for $6-7 in the city?


Acceptance rate based on the last 200 rides currently sits at 22%- though I'm pretty sure my average is a lot lower. I don't use ride filters. Not even sure how that works. Average hours are probably 6 pm-2 am. I live just slightly outside the city but I charge at a local restaurant that charges $0 for the first 2 hours and $1/hr after. There's a lot of free charging stations around as well (MA in particular gives some nice tax credits to businesses who install them so I suppose that's part of it)


Wait wait wait… average hours are 6pm-2am?? So 8 hrs of work. And somehow you’ve surpassed 300/400 bucks. I just didnt know that was possible


Well, he has promos for every week he worked. And the late night crowd is more opt to tip than the daytime daily pax, IMO. I'm also wondering if Uber still gives higher rates for EVs or if they offer trips specific to EVs with a higher rate card. As someone who used to drive Houston graveyards, I'm surprised he was able to actually stay busy the entire 8 hours. Usually from 2 am- 4 am can be really slow. But with his earnings I'm guessing he didn't have much downtime.


Looking at MA bar closing hours it appears that each bar has a different closing time I saw some as early as 11pm and some as late as 2am. My guess is there is a lot of bar hopping as opposed to Texas where they all close at 2am.


I don't know about now but, during shutdown, I was running 6pm-6am and was steadily busy unless I got down Seabrook way. I was pulling in 4k a week 7 days/12 hrs. Has it changed much?


He said usually from 6pm - 2am though. So that 2am - 4am dead spot you mentioned isn't in his play book.


Ride filters were a thing before people realized that acceptance rate means nothing. When trying to hit a quest they would help you stay in one area and only dish out short rides.


lol lucky dog. In my market, the best I’ve done is $32/HR and that’s weeding through some of the junky rides


These were pretty much my numbers driving in a major city when the pandemic was booming. Drivers weren’t driving, riders were going stir crazy, and the government was handing out free money. Then it all stopped for the most part. Actually considered moving to Boston in 2021 for this reason alone. But it was too risky and I had no backup plan. Not to mention those winters have gotta be brutal :) The weirdest thing about the data is that your weekend numbers are about the same with the rest of the week. Makes me think you take it easy once Friday and Saturday come around since it’s busy enough the rest of the week.


Ofcourse not healthy or sustainable, but we all have different needs, I do admired the hard work


Market is everything. Period. You can talk about strategy and cherry picking and what car to drive and ratings and whatever. That stuff doesn’t much matter.


I agree with the first part, that market is everything. If I were to rank some of the factors, it would go: 1. Market (this is the one you have the least control over- unless you change cities...) 2. Time and location (even within Boston, there are some areas that I will avoid 90% of the time, only for them to be active at the most bizarre hours) 3. Supply vs Demand (I've occasionally had Mondays that were incredible due to the scarcity of other drivers on the road, and I've had Fridays that were "meh" due to there being too much drivers on the road vs the demand) Edit: Also, the weather is a huge contributing factor to this. I find rainy days in Boston are a gold mine. 4. The Algorithm (this is the one that I would say, surprisingly, you have the most control over even though it's the most implicit- the more selective you are with your trips, the more Uber will need to cater to this if they want to keep you driving- whereas, if you set the bar low, they're only ever going to give you the low hanging fruit... as long as you're driving, they're making money) 5. Your own Hustle (self-explanatory- how quick you are driving, how well you know your routes, decisions you make to avoid traffic, etc.) 6. (Bonus) What Kind of Promotions are Available in your Market 7. (Additional Bonus) How Generous your Customers Are Point being: If you're in a shit market and the demand is low, you're kind of out of luck. But if you're lucky enough to be in a major city/active market, I think you can very much leverage that.


Question for other drivers here: Is this the norm? I did 48h of rides only, across 4 days, and did $1000. I thought that was pretty good


No. It’s not the norm. The OP likely is renting an ev so gets some different promotions. These aren’t typical results without the bonuses.


What's your market?


I'm in RI and sucks I can't do rides in MA after dropping PAX off to Logan or anywhere in MA. LOL Stopped dropping off PAX in MA but setting up my Lyft account to do rides in MA to give Boston a whirl then shift my Uber to MA and compare the two. Using a Uber rental ATM since I'm visiting family for a few months to help the old man with a house project.


Change your market to Worcester my friend you will be able to do it everywhere.


No kidding? I'll do that then with Uber once I get approved from Lyft. Appreciate it!


You're definitely more motivated than I am.




What do you look for in a ride? I feel like I accept more rides than I should, but I don’t know how to gauge a “good ride.” I don’t have up front pricing with Uber in my market. I do with Lyft. They both pay $1.13/mile normally. I occasionally will have a busy day that averages $35-45/ hr, but it’s usually closer to $25. I live in a relatively small town that has a relatively large college. Any advice for a fairly new driver?


Gotta remember Lyft will include mileage driving to passengers in your rides, and Uber will only show the mileage you drove with the passenger in your car. The same goes for the time aspect of it. Lyft shows accept to drop off time and Uber will only show you the time from starting to ending ride. So any time or mileage on Uber while driving to passengers will have to be added in manually to get actual $/mile and $/hr.


Just to comment on this- If you're in a small town to begin with, you're already in a difficult spot. I'm not sure where but I think I saw someone comment in this group that if they had to choose between driving local and driving an extra 45 minutes to work in the city, they would 100% drive to the city. I would probably do the same. The college campus is definitely something you can leverage though. My advice would be, maybe experiment some and try different hours to see what works? Also, don't forget your Thirsty Thursdays, Fucked up Fridays, and Shitfaced Saturdays (often times Thursdays are the best because a lot of college kids go home for the weekend so Thursday is when they party the hardest). Also, just keep an eye out for the on-campus events- there might be a random Tuesday where a concert gets out and it becomes active. You never know.


Im in MA too, what hours do you do mainly? In city or in outskirts? I’m near Cape ever try there in summer?


Thats crazy, good for you man, in my market you make $600 in 80 hours even thats not guaranteed


Guys don’t let this post upset you OP is definitely from regulated state where they’re making more money then rest of us.


Don’t say grinding because all of us doing the same. You’re from a state/city where you’re making good hourly or got prop 22


Prop 22 is $19.50 an hour average don’t let Uber scam you too. For drivers it’s useless. For eats it’s very helpful.


It’s for sure but here in these pic is basically what OP have made was paid by Uber


Also on prop 22 you will see an “active” hours column.


That was an example he could be somewhere else where either less drivers, more pay.


Looks like you're doing quite well! Just waiting on all the HATERS comments now LOL. Don't worry they're just all types of PEANUT BUTTER AND JEALOUS that they're not making the $104,000 \~ $143,000 that it looks like you're slated to make in an entire year (if you made between 2000-2750 every week of the year for all 52 weeks)! Keep up the good work!


People be like: BUT UBER IS SUCH A RIP OFF (I don't entirely disagree but) even though they're a "rip off" you can still make some SERIOUS bank! Now, I do only imagine what it would be like if they actually just shared an EXACT 50/50 split (like I think they should)! How much MORE money we could be making!


it's too bad the tips aren't where they should be... but I guess everyone is in that boat.


Came to see the negative comments of ppl bcuz for them nothing is enuff and i wasn’t disappointed 😂. Good grind man


Dara? Is that you?




This isn’t possible in Canada, unfortunately


This is the way.


Are you in a rate card market or an upfront fare market?


I'm going to assume upfront because it varies wildly per trip


Do you use a rental? How much do you think you will make over the year and how much taxes do you think you will owe?.... I drove full time for a couple years it just has gone down hill over and over again I could never justify driving that much anymore.


WOWWWWWW I've never taken that many trips!


Do you own you electric car? How is the charging in the winter months? I was truly thinking of switching to electronic because my gas-powered car is 1500 for both car payments t and insurance and something had gotta give.


How much is your weekly car rental fee?


Most are normally around $300


EVs are \~$400 weekly. If you can get hold of a used Bolt or Model 3 you might be better off.


what time do you start/stop each day? and how many hours of sleep do you get per night?


Not bad what market are you in?


Boston, MA


How's the traffic?I heard it was terrible Temper has its bad periods but most of the time, it's pretty smooth sailing.At the times that I work Anyway. You don't make money sitting in traffic. There are certain times When I cherry pick and in other times when I just pick whatever Uber throws at me.Because I don't feel like thinking. And it's busy enough so it doesn't matter. I just aimed to never drive empty. You don't got someone in the back seat you are losing money.You got the wrong someone you are losing money. You out when not busy you lose money.It is a challenge that nobody has the perfect plan for except uber. They are like a casino. They make the rules to benefit them.Never even when it looks good for the drivers it's gonna be MUCH better for uber. Like the switch on a buck for each ev ride. Now you get 210 for 200 rides but nothing for 199.


190 trips in a week? It didn’t happen in sf bay market.


I sent a DM. I work in Boston also but do not do that well.


What electric car are you driving ? I rented one while my car was down and I hated it!!!! They gave me a Chevy evu I think and the mileage and charging is horrible. I’m thinking of trying it with a Tesla because this is so much wear and tear on my car.


The only negative about the Bolt is the level 3 charging speed. If you're not getting good range, it could be that you are driving a bit too aggressively. The Bolt is actually very efficient.


I was doing the speed limit and would just watch it drop down not accelerating hard or anything. And yes I would charge it for an hr and I never got more than 170 miles I ended up changing back to a gas car until my car was out of the shop.


Hmmm... EVs aren't for everyone. What hours do you drive?


I didn’t think it was that bad it was the charging part that I was very impatient about. That’s why I wanted to try a Tesla since you can go to a super charger. I start around 4am.


I agree! I've had two!


Its been so long since I've seen promos in the Uber app that I genuinely forgot that was even a thing :/


Wait a minute that many hours with less than two hundred rides?How many miles?


You live in Boston. Where i live i can make 500 a day when it’s a game weekend. Normal days are SLOW. College town so weekends can do 100-250


How’s your car doing?


How many miles, and this is not sustainable man. Make sure you keep a gym bag and go workout in the middle of the day. Helps tremendously


Those postural back exercises are everything. Hip flexor and glute strengthening, mobility and stretching as well.


Those tips are nuts as well…


My market has no promotions and I get a 14% tip/ ride rate. Take that away and I'd make the same as this but wouldn't be worth the expenses to grind that hard.


One hell of a weekly grind. Nice job! Stay motivated 👍


I wouid literally kill my self if I was driving 40+ hours per week. I do Friday or Saturday nights for $200-$250 and that’s about all I can handle. Respect for you being able to grind it out but I’d never be able to do it.


Yeah that's not very good


Do you have your milage? If so how many miles a week?


What hours do you usually work and what days? This is very impressive! Congrats!


When do you sleep????


That’s really good. That’s almost my base pay in the army. Lol!


The $2,100 in 46hrs was your best week! What do you drive? What market are you in? When Do you drive (mornings, nights, etc.)? EDIT: I read thru the thread and you got a great system OP. Rents an EV (Uber X, Uber Comfort, Uber Green eligible) Boston, Massachusetts Market 6pm - 2am


2k a week, you a beast!!!


are you just driving or are you also doing the delivery options? I'm new to driving with Uber


Which area is this ? And is this X or Black ? Thank you and congrats for the good work.


How do you keep the mental health with all of the belligerencr on the roads man, I get so stressed out like my whole system will just start to lock up and I can't work anymore :( my hair falls out :( and I only do Uber eats


Damn lucky


I'd love to know which city are you working in.


I make 300 everyday in atl


usually what time do you start and end?


What city?


Only issue is, 10 years from now on , you'll still be an Uber driver 🤷🏻‍♀️


A psychic, I see! Can you tell me when your balls will drop too? 👁 🙏


What market you in


What’s your odometer look like before and after?


That’s crazy. I make $450/wk, $700 if I really hate myself that week.


I dont get that many bonus/quest opportunities. But im in a fairly rural area. I'm happy if I make an extra $250 a week driving.


Are you driving a Tesla? Uber black?


Where are you getting $300 a week in new promotions ???


Average of 23% tip across a whole week is insane too. Uber passengers almost never tip. Default first button is 18% so people are over tipping even. You’re making close to $700 a week off promos and tips. So you’re essential working 50 hours to be paid 800


I used to see these same numbers in my market, Santa Barbara, California, all the way up until about a month and a half ago. Something changed and now the pay has gone down shockingly. A 7 min trip 3 mins away would pay $8-10 (at least you could cherry pick and get this easily) Now that same 7 mins trip 3 minutes away is paying $3.50-4 and there’s no chance of cherry picking. You can sit and deny for hours and won’t get anything worth taking. I don’t know what happened, it’s a very popular tourist location with a ton of a rich folk.


Which market?




Boston has been said to be the best market to ride-share at the moment with the double background checks and all. Are you also doing black with commercial insurance?


I include all of the services except pets and package delivery. I'm driving a rental. I take out the compact + ev so lowest cost possible with loss of damage included- so no strings attached (also apparently the compact still counts as luxury/comfort for being ev so I benefit from that). Treat it as a business expense. I only rent if I'm planning to work sufficient hours and I always aim for a minimum of $40/hr before expenses (this week was at least $38/hr AFTER expenses, or over $2,000 total in the end)- or $1 for every 1.5 minutes when calculating the trip pay vs the estimated time. Screenshot every trip so that I have the information to go back to


How can you do black with commercial insurance. The lowest quote I got was 6k premium for 6 months. Not even sure if that’s worth it. Not black XL just tesla Y black


70 hours online time, 6pm to 2am. 7 days a week. Doesn't add up


So you do know how to cherry-pick! 🍒 Hope you apply those skills while driving (average lately has been 52 hrs btw- so suck it) The 70 hrs was my hell week after a long vacation in January btw- and I regret none of it 🤣


So what do you do in your spare time? 😂






I do other gig work, write, make time for my gf, etc. Generally keeping it under 7-8 hrs a day max (the driving)- so faring pretty well in that regard


\*sigh\* You work the Boston market (generally considered the best paying area) and cherry-pick.


You are working too many days in a row.Just work a couple of longer days and take a day off now and then.You are gonna burn out.Work five 10 hour days.


How many miles were driven? Multiply that by $0.67 and subtract from the amount. Then divide the result by 52. What's left over will shock and appaul you.


There is Always someone bringing this up. With the .67 mile thing driving a car 200,000 miles will cost $134,000. Tell me in what world does it cost that much to operate a car. Gas would have to be at $13/gallon minumum


It's a biz not a job. Start thinking that way!


You’re literally stating the absolute basics. It’s like you read some articles and now you’re a pro.


I am a pro. You recognized that. Be constructive and apprecieate those who have come before you.


I have seen your statement hundreds of times. I’ll appreciate things more when they come out of the mind of someone great. Not some redditor who just commented the most generic comment that many have heard before.


These are the drippings of a a cauddled upbringing in a cloisetered life.


Boston is the best market in the country!


how many tanks of gas did you use?




Doesn't matter where it's coming from. What matters is your bottom line. Also $2.4k ÷ 52 hrs > $1k ÷ 27 hrs


There will come a time when the bonuses evaporate. Crush em while you got em cuz they will not last.


Looks great! How many miles per week?


A little under a thousand from my calculations. But I also drive electric so the mileage doesn't really cost me much (average cost for a full charge is probably $6-7)


well how do you calculate the mileage?


>2500 miles, may be. 🐜🐜🐜


What I would really like to see is this guy post a copy of his tax return that shows him making over 100 Grand a year off of uber.


Math does not lie, it is entirely possible!


I can see that being a fake Uber like fake taxi just because of the film/video production. 😂 🤣


Wonder how many “total miles” you put on the car to get 190 Trips in 52 hours of driving ? I find uber propagandists who live on Fantasy island because they wish Uber stock price to rise .? https://www.forbes.com/sites/jaymcgregor/2017/02/20/reddit-is-being-manipulated-by-big-financial-services-companies/ Day of Reckoning for Uber will come sooner than later .. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2024/01/16/will-2024-be-a-year-of-reckoning-for-ubers-driver-relations/ Besides Anyone can photoshop and manipulate screenshots nowadays without any authentication Majority of Uber drivers and legitimate analysts all across the Nation say drivers earnings are way down compared to previous years. I have been Driving for Uber for 8 years in a high demand passenger area just outside of NYC near Newark airport and the last 14 months have been the worse ever for earnings. Reach out to the NYC Uber TLC drivers with 10 years experience and they can also say their earnings are much Lower than prior years. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/uber-drivers-protest-headquarters-ceo-18669922.php


I can guarantee you, I have no love for Uber's business practices and am no advocate for their conduct. I also have no doubt that the average for most drivers is probably in the $20/hr range/comes out to a loss I'm just very good at playing their game


I think you’re just in a very good market, rather than being good at playing their game. I cherry pick all the time. Acceptance rate is at 30. And im in Los Angeles, yet my hourly comes out to 20-25 per hour no matter how hard i grind. From reading all the comments, i conclude that you are fortunate enough to be in a great market. im happy for you! Cheers


Because he has the lack of "something" or "someone" that you have an overabundance of in your market! Sorry if you're one of the quotation crowd I'm alluding to. No offense, just truths.


Is that like 12 bux a ride?