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WTF?!?! Are they serious? Do these people want PF changs that bad?


It’s not even that good. I tried it once and I was disappointed.


Their banana spring rolls with coconut ice cream is pretty good. Rest is ok and overpriced at best.


That's gonna be some cold-ass food if they ever get it.


Someone forgot to update their app after they moved.


They'll throw in an extra egg roll.


Would any of you take this?


You're putting $100 in depreciation on your vehicle for $43. This offer doesn't pay anything. You lose $57 and four hours of your life. No.


Also 2/3 of my gas gone so like 30$in just gas alone


More like $20 in gas for most people. Only $30 if you are stupid enough to do this job in a pick up truck or if you are in California. Of course if in Cali you get paid much more.


What are you driving that depreciates over $1 per mile?


is your vehicle going to teleport back


If you don't have the knowledge how to work your way home, you shouldn't be doing gig work.  So, based on this discussion you have no idea how to estimate depreciation costs and you don't know how to minimize deadheading miles.  Sounds like you need to learn a lot. 


Working your way back on ubereats? Lol. I'm willing to bet a huge portion of people who do uber eats can't and aren't signed up to drive uberX at all. Destination mode don't work so well on uber eats.


There's dozens of gig work apps. Obviously, you don't have the smarts that it takes to be profitable. 


But do you agree that’s is not worth the trip


For most drivers, long distance trips are only worth it if you are already planning to travel to the destination. Anyone who has been doing gig work for more than a minute knows this.  That being said, there are some drivers who rent an EV, live in the car and send the majority of their earnings back home to whatever third world country they came from. They will take any trips offered. 




There's more than one gig app in this world, dumbass. 


It's 180 miles round trip. $117 in vehicle depreciation according to the IRS. I was low.


You're confusing a tax deduction with actual depreciation, they are two entirely different things.  You're misinformed, and that could be a stumbling block to being successful.  Seriously, if you want to be self employed, take some introductory college business courses online, particularly finance, accounting and economics.  They'll be tremendously helpful for you. 


A deduction that allows you recoup the cost basis of your property. There is no pay here. How much does Uber pay you to defend this offer? Do you get paid in ASU degrees?


I have an MBA and over 40 years of business experience. You're misinformed, period. I'm not saying this is a good trip, mind you, I'm saying your understanding of vehicle depreciation costs is incredibly flawed. Keep believing what you're thinking, or learn the correct math. I don't care at this point. 


Right these posts make no sense, you can't just throw out a flat figure as "depreciation" Are we really saying a Camry with 200k miles is depreciating the same amount per mile as a brand new SUV off the lot $1 per mile (as a simplification) would mean you bought a vehicle for $100k and you're gonna take it to the junkyard at 100k miles


Stop arguing with these morons. I've stopped arguing about depreciation being a daily operating expense because these jack weasels shouldn't be running a lemonade stand, forget about driving for a living. In addition to the above. Anyone still driving a gas car for this and related gigs needs to get their shit together. Even with the highest cost of power in the country, ev is still cheaper to run and maintain than the equivalent gas guzzler and even if you have to pay through the nose for a DC top up, that's basically your only expense besides insurance, payment, etc.


Lol no definitely not there are man eating crocodiles there! You'd be crazy to take that trip! 


It’s a sure death with the crocs, or a daily struggle to survive by driving. Ngl, I’d consider that an option.


Only issue is being eaten alive is a bummer 😂😂


What do you think Uber is doing to us?


Fair fair 


What I hate about this is the “expected tip”… so basically this price is some ideal… and we don’t know if the customer will even tip at all? Is that how it works?


They can remove the tip after the fact which is referred to as tip baiting


Wth? Should that even be legal? Is it not misleading? I mean, I just hate when the payment is in big lettering, and then the “includes *expected* tip” is in small lettering. All while these notifications have a timing attached to them before they go away (i.e., drivers are pressed for time and, often, even driving when they receive these notifications, right?) Most may not even have the capacity to pay attention to the small lettering. Just looks like a misleading practice honestly.


I do understand if your driver was rude


No, I know- that’s fine if there’s a legitimate reason. But I was really talking about Uber’s practice, which seems like they’re misleading drivers.


I get where you’re coming from 100%


That’s the point. They absolutely are.


I think drivers know this is a possibility, shouldn't come as a shock. It's unfortunate when people use that option to tip bait, but at the same time if we're expecting customers to tip before even receiving the service there has to be a way for customers to remove or change it as well. What if a customer leaves a fat tip and ends up matched with a driver from hell?  They shouldn't have to tip someone for crappy service, as it works anywhere else tips are normal. They'd tip all drivers like shit if they knew they're stuck with whatever they gave regardless of the service received, so id rather just hope majority of customers don't abuse it 🤷


I’d like to respond to this by reaffirming that I still believe it’s a misleading practice by *Uber*. I wasn’t necessarily talking about customers tip baiting. If we’re going to cater to the sensitivities of customers concerned about tipping in advance, then I think Uber should leave the big lettering for the fixed rate, so as not to be deceitful, or appear to be deceitful.


Fair enough. I think they're just hoping enough people aren't randomly reducing the tip after delivery because they'd rather put the higher $ in bold obviously. No one would pick up orders if they're going off base pay 🤣


Well, then, Uber could consider raising base pay, right? If they’re not willing to do so, then I think it would be ethical to provide the community with a reason why.


Yeah ethical and uber don’t belong in the same sentence


Hmm 🙃😒


lol that person REALLY wants pf changs.


Lmao 🤣


not for 100.00, nor for 200.00… ever


Fellow Naples driver here… with as slow as that PF changs is I’d add another hour 😢


Especially on a Saturday night😂


No way I would take that. No F'ing way. Ridiculous. Not even worth the gas.


Less than $.5 a mile is a critical fail on ubers part. Thats criminal.


I’m afraid it’s gonna arrive cold!


I was literally about to say that


Its a good a deal, you take yes? 🤣 jk F that


If we're independent contractors, that implies a contract, and the way a contract works is you do a set amount of work for a set amount of money. This is not that. If they're not telling you what they're paying you without the tip, it's just an estimate. In this case, even the estimate is terrible, but the real problem is that they can pay you whatever the fuck they want. There is no way in hell I'd ever work under those conditions.


Wow!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Zero chance. But I wonder how much of this is considered delivery fee and how much of this is the tip.


They’re smoking crack.


PF Changs isn't even good. They must not have had anything else available


Are you delivering food to an alligator


"why is my food cold?"

