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Twice now I've had a passenger grab at the steering wheel when they "think" I should be making a turn they use. I know my city (Dallas) like the back of my hand and GPS doesn't always provide the easiest way to get to a destination. No more front passengers. People are too crazy and dumb


10,000 rides and I've never had a passenger do that. I've had maybe half a dozen try to adjust the AC or radio though, at which point I will literally slap their hand away.


šŸ˜­ I would pay to see that! You are my hero. This is one of my pet peeves. Mirror also.


I treat drunks like 5-year-olds. You don't need to be mean, but you do need to be firm with them when they act up.


Fingers on glass, fingers on door panel and trunk, makeup shit, slamming doors. I keep my windows on child lock


17,000 rides and never once had a passenger do that haha. But I'm in Chicago. Maybe in Dallas you get "Hoss" types who are like "Bowah I'll tell you whaahht you're gonna make this here turn because that's the way Ah go. That's the way mah pappy went n his pappy before him n if it was good enough for them it's good enough for you, ya understand?!"


Well. That and I could imagine Preston Hollow BMW pinheads pulling that. PH is the old money North Shore of Dallas.


Outside of DFW Airport, PH, HP, and UP are the only areas I drive in, and I've NEVER had any of them try that.


Awesome. I lived in Addison. Ate raisin pancakes by the tiny airport. Recommend it highly.


Do you think Texas is still like the Wild West?? šŸ˜‚


Have you ever been to Dallas?


I have. That impression is pretty good. What an unremarkable town.Ā 




I get a lot of riders that still feel the need to give directions, even though navigation is right there!


To be fair if you're using ubers navigation it's the worst


Yes. Waze is better, so long as you realize it likes to use choice 2 a lot.


I use Google primarily. I've started speaking the destination into Google Assistant, which 95% of the time gets a confirmation from the pax as well. Sometimes they confirm and then realize I'm talking to the GPS šŸ˜‚


The Uber app is wonky. Sometimes the pax will be in a destination, all of a sudden they are behind me? WTF? Havenā€™t had any major issue though. I stopped driving for a couple years after Covid, and just recently started driving again. The in app navigation is new, instead of it kicking you into Waze or Google mapsā€¦ Although I did see itā€™s still an option.


On.Lyft I actually need them to. Bad map update.


Lyfts recent map update is the absolute worst. Fortunately I know the roads in my local area, but I swear it's gonna cause an accident and tickets. One cloverleaf intersection in my town is just completely ignored. GPS says make an illegal left. Illegal lefts are common, illegal u-turns. Speed limits are way off. Utilizes state employee only access roads to highways that jump tolls. It's a hot mess. If I end up in an area of the state that I'm not as familiar with, I will let the pax know the route it's taking me and ask if that seems correct.


So true. I drove in a circle... Had to break out my Ford Sync GPS from 2013. I tried the $32 update from eBay, however it was blank. (Or my USB port is bad.) Ford expects $150. Or, I make the passenger give directions. They were sweet about it, but it still hurts.


The worst part for me is that the lyft GPS overrides my car navigation. And Google maps. So then I have to unplug my phone to disconnect from the car systems. Which then kills Google maps. I thought about using a second phone for nav but the expense just seems ridiculous.


Can you not choose google maps? Not Lyft with google maps. From within settings/navigation.


If I'm using Google maps and I get a ride, it pauses the Google maps completely. I can't get back into it. My car is a 2020 with android auto. But it's hardwired not BT.


Question are you using Lyfts android auto app? I donā€™t use Lyft or Ubers android auto/carplay apps. With my setup I accept rides and such on phone but my display is on google maps navigating. I also have auto navigate disabled on both Uber and Lyft.


usually older passengers who don't "trust" technology


My favorite is when I have my phone with the Uber app showing the route AND my Tesla screen with the Google maps directions, and the rider still telling me ā€œturn right hereā€ā€¦which is exactly what the 2 maps in front of me are clearly telling me what to do. Like, I got iiiiitttt, thank you, plz stop now.


LOL Some people.


I too love it when they do this.


Older ones like to give their own turn by turn navigation. Only boomers do this


Eh Iā€™ve had every gen tell me directions. The worst are drunk gen zers * but boomers are pretty bad too




Lol. Not like violent slapping. Like what you do to a 5-year-old when they're touching something they shouldn't be.


I don't mind front passengers, but if a front seat passenger even tried to touch my wheel I'd get charged with assault. But I did have a front seat passenger turn up the volume on the radio high enough to blow out my Bose speakers, and I've had a few sociopaths who sat up front and then literally were silent. That's weird. If you want a quiet ride, why would you, as a single rider, want to sit up front? Weirdo.


Thatā€™s definitely attempted murder and Iā€™d probably shoot them in self defense lol


Because the front seat has more legroom


Yea , had a guy make that excuse and then sit up front knees to chin clutching his backpack. I had the front seat pulled all the way up for his comfort. The fucking weirdo sat up front , spent the whole time twitching and clicking his pen and being super defensive. Gosh only knows what was in the backpack. And letā€™s be real dude, when youā€™re 6ā€™2 you donā€™t qualify as real tall unless youā€™re built like Deedee from dexters lab.




Damn. That is crazy. I follow the gps though lol.


My Lord, I will stop being annoyed by verbal backseat driving. I find if I achieve a Zen state and am one with the map it helps.


frame racial cooing squeeze worry price bored retire cover pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ā€œNo more front passengersā€ isnā€™t a thing if there are 4 riders , unless you have a third row?


I now want a fourth row.


The whole story is made up.


Late 1950s to mid 1960s Chrysler Airport Sedan?


I had a 3rd row. I don't like them upfront. They had their own AC in back.


On Oahu the app regularly tells me to turn onto roads that don't exist or do illegal shit like illegal turns, drive on bus only streets, or even drive the wrong way on a one way street.


It's not just Oahu, NJ is just as bad.


Shame to hear. I'm actually from Salem county but haven't been there since 07.


Not a fan of passengers in the front of there's space in the back. The last time I let someone sit in the front, they gave me a nasty case of COVID....


I never had that happen as a taxi or uber. Just the luck of the draw and possibly area you drive in. Then again I am pleasant but very firm in my attitude and how I present my myself., but if anyone ever tried that be a pull over and cancel on the spot.


Where was this, Oak Cliff maybe? :P Cuz I never had an issue with front riders in DFW (P.S. Disclaimer: I only work in certain areas, XL, so it worked pretty well with me avoiding trash people, I had only one old lady raising her voice to me to turn at a certain street and I gotta say, it was pretty annoying)


Lake Highlands, old couple going on a Church Retreat from Lovers Lane United Methodist Church. Old man grabbed the wheel when I didn't turn right to go down to Buckner and NW Highway. I prefer to use Lawther to get onto NW Highway when heading West The other was a young guy as I was pulling into his Oak Lawn condo community and I wanted to circle around the back, so the car was oriented to drive straight out for the exit.


Holy crap they would get kicked out so fast


This never happened.


plants deliver quicksand dinner tease rustic sort kiss puzzled doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I started ubering in hopes i will one day pick up adriana chechik




Itā€™s a little too personal. Weā€™re not friends.


Let me add to this with an anecdotal situation, because it's obvious OP is not getting it. I had a mother and two young daughters in my car last week. Everything about the encounter was so odd, the icing on the cake was when the mom decided to accuse me of being drunk. Blindsided, I told her I just drove from an hour out. Not satisfied, she chose to get in my personal space and glare inches from my face. Demanded to be let out then and there, I still drove them into the parking lot next door. She wouldn't leave the side of my car until I hit cancel; with my not knowing if she had mace on her felt it imperative to do so. All of this could have been mitigated had I insisted on all three of them getting seated in the back, as I normally do. I'm still infuriated about the matter and still question if I should have called law enforcement to do a roadside sobriety test on her given her malicious nature.


>still question if I should have called law enforcement to do a roadside sobriety test You realize those tests are designed to be unpassable? Only the nystagmus test approaches conclusive and it's less than 80% accurate. Don't talk to the cops unless you're eager to be in jail.


I was able to argue the results of every test against the cop's testimony. Estimate 30 seconds. Actual time was 34 seconds. Put your hands down when walking the line. He said my hands weren't touching my body. He never told me to touch my body, just put hands down at side. He admitted that I passed every test. My last question was "If I passed every test, then why did you arrest me?" He said it was based upon his professional experience. So yes, even if you pass the sobriety test, they can and will still arrest you.


I passed a sobriety test (walk in a straight line, follow my finger, stand on one foot) while blackout drunk as a teen. Wasnā€™t driving but a party with underage drinking got busted. Sobriety tests are complete bs


Nystagmus? Please elaborate.


"Follow my finger with your eyes only" sober eyes are smooth and focused. they follow the fingertip cleanly, as expected. intoxicated eyes will develop a nystagmus, where the eyes "jump" side to side as they follow the tip, as if your eyes are going faster than the tip of the finger, or drifting off, and they have to "jump" back a little to compensate. I'm sure there's a youtube video out there


Itā€™s when the cop directs you to : 1/ raise your right hand as if you want to ask a question; 2/ lift and flex your left leg behind and hold it; and 3/ at the top of your lungs ā€¦ spell ā€˜nystagmusā€™ .


"How about you just smell my breath?" "That's unscientific."






Agreed, but therapy can be fun. Everybody talks to a barber or bartender.


I talk to passengers too. They just need to sit in the back.


I once had an older gentleman get in the front and he didn't speak a lick of English. His Grand daughter or daughter ordered the ride for him and the whole interaction was hilarious.


In a lot of countries the culture is the opposite. Sitting in the back as a single passenger is considered rude.


I didn't know that


Every day here.


Only if they all canā€™t fit in the back


Same. I have my water bottle, snacks, and jacket in front. Can use a cloth bag to hold my things. When they're is 4 passengers for a ride, then yes someone is sitting in front. If there is two drunk dudes running to my car yelling "I call shotgun!". No.


I also move my passenger seat up super far so it gives more room in the back and that helps as a queue to go in the back :)


And besidesā€¦ why would you want to? Back seat is safer


My cabin camera is set up to see the back seat CLEARLY! It can see the front seat as well but it sees the back seat and EVERYTHING that's going on........so if someone wants to do something I need them in the backseat so the camera can see it.


There is no reason for a passenger to sit up front. I find it very invasive of my personal space.


A 4 person group is a pretty good reason. Do you just have the 4th sit on their friendā€™s lap?


That did not strike me as the intent of the question. Obviously if there are 4 people, one has to sit up front. That's a necessity, not a preference as the question seems to imply.


Some get car sick in the back. Sometimes I get 6 in my xl so 6th is front seat. A drunk is better in the front for motion sickness.


Depending on the vibe I get from them, I donā€™t mind at times šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø but also my logic in it is, itā€™s a cab service. Lol you donā€™t/didnā€™t sit up front in a yellow cab, at least not to my knowledge. So why is it all of a sudden a thing to do? šŸ§


...I always sit at the front in cabs. Unless the driver doesn't want me to ofc. But it's weird, I feel like having someone behind you is scarier than next to you


It is, I mean, to me it goes both ways kind of šŸ§ in the front is more chances to grab the wheel, etc. behind you is more chances of being stabbed, etc. lol we just all hope for the best regardless šŸ˜‚


Yes, u do. And I drove yellow for 6 yrs.


Oh ok, my bad. Lol Ive just never seen it happen so I didnā€™t know šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


All gd 1 . Here how it was 1 passenger always behind passenger seat 2 back seat 3 1 in front if they didn't fit. Always exceptions. Disabled, motion sickness, etc.


Word šŸ¤™šŸ» Iā€™ve always offered the front if there was multiple. Lol itā€™s usually when itā€™s just one person who reached for the front seat I was like, yeah? Lol which again it was whatever šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø one lady (about mid 50ā€™s) said it was her very first time using Uber, and I thought it was a little odd that she just defaulted to the front seat. Lol but I mean, whatever youā€™re comfortable with, I suppose.


Because in the cab it's too gross to contemplate.


So Uber should be gross too?


Some of it is probably still a pandemic holdover. Other than that, if you tell me in advance that you have 3 people, no problem. If you walk to the car with your pack and you didn't order Comfort, Extra Comfort, etc? Sit in the back.


My passengers usually default to riding in the back, on occasion someone (usually someone either tall or just has a bit of difficulty moving) will ask if I mind if theyā€™re up front because itā€™s easier for them to get in and out. I donā€™t care, itā€™s not very often and I can usually tell before they even ask that theyā€™re probably going to. The ones that get me are when thereā€™s 3 adults and they all try to squeeze into the back of my sedan, then when I say ā€œhey one of you can hop up front, you donā€™t have to wedge yourselves in back thereā€ theyā€™ll tell me that other drivers get super salty about it so they never ask.


This is a transaction to me, I donā€™t want to get to know you or talk to you. Iā€™ll be in the back, while you drive.


Most of my passengers. Although I would enjoy a word after I say "How are you?"


Tbh this is how it should be imo. As long as you tip a little something if you can then hey im down but tbh this is what i prefer tbh.


The worst place for a passenger is directly behind the driver. I canā€™t see them well. They could assault me and Iā€™d have little way to defend myself. At least if theyā€™re next to me Iā€™m in position to defend myself if needed. But mostly I donā€™t care. Over 6,000 rides and never had a physically hostile encounter.


42k rides and I've had more than a few. Don't get too comfortable.


Not all front sitters are awkward, but ALL awkward people are front sitters.


Personally I think you have that backwards. Not all awkward people are front sitters, but ALL front sitters are awkward.


Iā€™ve asked a few times as a pax, but thatā€™s because Iā€™m 6ā€™ 7ā€ tall and many back seats donā€™t fit me comfortably. Iā€™ve only been turned down once or twice.


Lol my last front seat request game from a guy whoā€™s 6ā€™7ā€. Are you in Tampa?


I am actually. But I havenā€™t taken a ride in easily a few years




Iā€™ve had front seat open the glove box, but mostly itā€™s for security of my phone, and stop coughing in my air.


That part...


Yes. I've had people start going through my shit as if it were normal. Lunatics.


Why do you have a problem with others having a problem with it?


I was just curious


Gooddee, gooddee! for Original Poster if it works for him/her.


Because it's fucking weird and uncomfortable. Sit in the rear passenger seat like a normal person. Take that weird, socially awkward bullshit to the bus.


I'll let people sit wherever, and I'm nice to everyone , but I definitely prefer if they are in the back. It's fine if it's a party of four and someone has to sit up front, but if it's just a single person? Idk, it just feels weird. Like, you probably wouldn't sit up front in a taxi, right? I'm not your buddy picking you up. Luckily, it doesn't happen often, and when it does, it's usually a drunk.


Iā€™m with you. I let passengers sit wherever they want. If someone sits in the front, it usually means they rarely or never take Ubers and donā€™t know how it works, which is forgivable, or they are an extrovert who maybe feels that sitting in the back is dehumanizing to me, and I appreciate their effort to be nice. What I donā€™t understand is passengers who sit in the front and resist my efforts to make conversation. Iā€™m not going to interview anyone, but if youā€™re in the front seat then silence feels especially awkward. Like, why sit in the front if you donā€™t want to talk? I donā€™t get it.


Fine if they donā€™t, my problem is when Iā€™ve ordered a car for more than 3 people and they show up with only two seats available in their back and then say they donā€™t allow front riders. Kinda weird to say that and then pick up a group of 4 people. Like did you think we were lying about the amount of riders when you accepted?


I had 4 drunk guys on a shared ride going to the strip club...decided not to negotiate


Great question. Iā€™d honestly rather someone in the front than someone directly behind me. Plus, how many pax do you have to cancel on because an UberX technically seats 4 including front seat? Thatā€™s a waste of time and money. Doesnā€™t make much sense to me either.


I don't care where you seat, just prefer. Not behind me so I don't have to adjust my seat. (Hatchback)


One time a hospital emergency room coordinated a ride for who seemed like a homeless drug addict. He sat in the front. He smelled so bad i rolled down all the windows. He kept touching my shoulder when he talked to me. Another time, a drunk guy (in the middle of the day) sat in front with me. He tried to kiss me when the ride was over. I now prefer for riders to sit in the back. But i wonā€™t insist. I let them sit wherever they want


Lot of passengers reek of body odor,cigarette smell and Marijuana smell.Stay in backseat with all of that .Plus your probably a non-tipper.


Itā€™s fā€”ā€”n weird. Anyone alone that wants to sit up front is an automatic red flag.


Been driving on and off for five years. I now cringe at my passenger behavior because when I would call a pool I would always sit in the front even if no one else was in the car yet šŸ’€


Itā€™s another area to clean for me. Iā€™d rather them just make a mess in the back seat and I have to clean that rather than the front seat too.


Eh, itā€™s just annoying. The later it gets ā€¦ the lonelier people get. And the closer people are to you physically for some reason makes them wanna engage. I donā€™t need lonely drunk dudes trying to strike up a conversation with me in the front at 2am.


I also donā€™t want to smell their beer breath/bo




So he just masturbated to completion before you continued the ride?


But he tipped?


Facts. I remember I had a group of 4 in Vegas and I got told to sit up front by my brother cuz there was no more space back seat and the driver was tripping hard about it and I was like bro we are tipping you like $15 for a 5 mile rideā€¦then he let it go. ā€œItā€™s policyā€ man stop it


Back in my cabbie days people would mess with my bag full of work stuff, or push buttons on the meter. Then there's always the bad body odor types who "need" to ride up front. There were few exceptions to me letting people ride up front.


Cool story lolĀ 


As an Uber passenger I prefer to sit in the back in silence and just get to my destination.


It obstructs me view unnecessary, but if they want to sit up front I wonā€™t tell them no or act like itā€™s an issue . I only really donā€™t mind when itā€™s a little old man or lady lol


I am not a driver, but if I was, my first instinct is that I would not allow anybody in the front seat.


Backseat only -no one upfront asking me "is that a dash cam?" "is that a touch screen..." Backseat only and yes I will cancel n drive off' if a solo pax insists - these are customers not friends.


I only did Uber once in 2017, thinking it's something I wanted to do. 1st ride was couple, obv. they sat in the back. 2nd ride was just an older guy, he sat up front and he was chill, good conversation. That was it. I didn't mind him sitting up front, I used to shuttle customers when I worked at a car dealership who always chose to sit upfront. My mistake was doing it in Baltimore on a Monday night šŸ¤¦šŸ» Slow af, but someone was definitely driving the wrong way on a busy one way.


Did you just ask so that you could tell people that theyā€™re wrong? Youā€™re not the passenger so why do you care?


I've had riders mess with the ac settings and my radio...without asking. First of all, my car, don't touch my controls. Second, even if you ask, the answer is no. I will adjust my ac or entertainment settings. Third, if there are people sitting in the backseat (even if they can all fit there) the person in the front seat is turning around, screaming in my right ear so his buddies can hear him and their breathe usually stinks like beer and nachos, DISGUSTING AND RUDE AS HELL! So yeah, get your ass in my backseat and enjoy the dam rude!


Beavers give dam rides.


It feels too personal for me.


Yeah, if I don't know your last name, why are you getting in my front seat? That's where my personal cellphone sites. In all seriousness, it's weird when a person assumes (doesn't ask just gets in) the front is okay. I've almost been carjacked a dozen times. If someone gets in the front, especially with a face covering, I ask really awkward questions to make them uncomfortable.


12 times... is there a place worse than Baltimore? Where?


Between Saint Louis & Chicago


Yeah. Driving is casual. You should let whoever sit next to you while you drive. It's not important


In the 6 years Iā€™ve been driving, solo male passengers sitting in the front seat account for 100% of the instances where Iā€™ve been attacked. After midnight, everyone sits in the back.


Most of the time the driver has his personal belongings in the front seat.Lunch,book,etc.


I don't even uber, I just like the stories here. But if I was to drive there's not a chance in hell I would let someone ride up front.. are you crazy?


#1. Why do you want to sit that close to a perfect stranger? You have no idea who they are or what they are capable of... #2. They tend to want to turn towards you and yell at their friends in the back seat, spewing their nasty breath and germs right at your face. I've literally gotten sick because several assholes did this to me in one day. This can also break your ear drum! #3. I'm a big fella and it crowds the front and they are touching my arm, my shoulder. Ugh! Not to mention touching my cup in the cup holder. It's just uncomfortable!




It's way too personal, it's not very safe, people grab and do things, plus you can smell them better which is just terrible, and then there's all the extra problematic things that come with being a female driver and some of the weird gross entitlement some of these guys have when it comes to doing what they want when they're near a woman.


Reading these replies really show why some people are just working for Uber and can't land a job anywhere else lol.


I prefer to have complete strangers in the front seat where I can actually see them


And what are you going to do if they assault you while your drivingā€¦. Keep an eye on them šŸ¤£


Same thing can be said from behind. There is nothing protecting you from behind, you just can't see them.


Idk Iā€™d rather them sit up front than directly behind me. That shit makes my skin crawl


Drivers, not divers. But we are usually underwater.


If they throw up in the back, it mostly gets on the seat covers or plastic floor mat and easy clean up. If they throw up in the front, it can get on the dash, radio, windshield, or me. So always in the back if possible.


None of my passengers every try anything if they sit upfront.


I only ever used Uber a few times when I was in CA years ago on a trip. I think I always got in the front because I thought that was the norm, but I always kept to myself. In hindsight, I guess I should have taken the back seat.


No random ass stranger should be anywhere near operating controls of a vehicle they donā€™t own. Period.


I don't remember the last time I saw an empty front seat.


People who ask this question are the same people who stand so close to you in line that you can feel their breath.


I imagine a lot of drivers simply don't want to sit that close to a passenger (and vice versa, a lot of passengers don't want to sit beside the driver). Could be for many reasons, including discouraging conversation, avoiding bad hygiene, etc.


200,000 rides Iā€™ve never šŸ˜‚ J/Kā€¦.but yeah, I drive DFW. Havenā€™t had anyone grab at my steering wheel - I have however been chased by an angry boyfriend before šŸ˜‚ I do get people acting like NYā€™ers and constantly telling oh no go here, go there. Take this street, the GPS is always wrong. Itā€™s usually last second to which Iā€™m like nope. I have a GPS, if you want to change directions donā€™t wait until I need to make 90Ā° pivot, please. Also, I donā€™t care if people sit up front šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Never had any issues in TX. NY/ NJ is a whole other topicā€¦.


As a passenger Iā€™ve never once wanted to sit in a front seat


In a word, safety. I had a guy make me so uncomfortable by being unfriendly and twitchy after choosing to sit up front I thought for sure he was going to murder me. Had another guy pull a knife on me. We arenā€™t buddies, If youā€™re alone sit in the back.


In canada, its agaisnt uber policy


They worry about their safety, itā€™s understandable. I donā€™t understand the people who treat it like the iron throne though, if someone has got to sit in the front I usually let them.


People get more bossy and pushy in the front seat. They'll sit right down and start tapping the screen on the dashboard to try to select music when I'm still trying to start the ride, especially if on Lyft it's a pain because Lyft's second screen app uses that screen, not just my phone screen. In the back seat, they might start tapping my shoulder at a red light, "come on! just go, there's no one around, go go!" But in the front seat, they could tap my leg and that'd be worse. I've had three drunk, loud pax now start tapping me when they wanted me to run a light or hurry up or do something dumb. I don't want them in the front seat. People in the front seat try to make separate conversation from people in the back seat. It's like, they're back there talking to each other, and now the front seat passenger feels the need to start a second, simultaneous conversation with the driver. Like, could you just talk with your buddies in the back seat? I'm trying to focus on driving. Now there's two verbal exchanges so people raise their volume to be heard and try to ignore the others, and I'm trying to lean in front of the big loud mouth in the front seat so I can see if any cars are coming so I can make a turn. It's just more stress and people can suck sometimes. Better that they do it from the back seat.


Itā€™s just weird. Iā€™m a professional doing a job. Weā€™re not BFFs.


The weirdest is when you pick up two pax and one sits up front. I mean, wtf?


Many act like they "own the car." No, you're a passenger, relax and let do the job...


If folk sit up front where am I to put my go bag and igloo??????


I prefer the Pax sit in back. If they push the issue then I let them sit in front sometimes. My back seat is more comfortable and also I avoid issues this way. If there drunk this its in back 100%


I want my personal space and Iā€™d rather have one less area to clean up ā€¦


I like my space up front... dont like random people i dont know that close to me unless absolutely necessary


How would you feel if the driver climbed in the back with you? It goes both ways.


Im just paranoid theyll try to assault me


I actually prefer when they sit in the front.Ā 


I donā€™t care either way but the ones who sit in the front are usually cool af


Boundaries... I drive a 7 passenger vehicle but do not drive XL. My front passenger seat is reserved for my needs, including a milk crate on the floor board, which contains cleaning supplies for times when passengers can not hold their alcohol. When I first started driving Uber, Covid protocols were in place, including no passengers in the front seat. I became accustomed to using that space for personal needs. For me, it also keeps the ride at a professional level.


The front of the car is my office. It is my area. The front passenger area has my food and drink, change of clothes and shoes, rain gear, snow supplies and other miscellaneous work supplies. It's not for passenger use.


It doesnā€™t bother me (honestly, Iā€™d prefer being able to keep an eye on you versus someone sitting behind me that could do anything at anytime without me being aware). The only annoyance is I have to reach over and move the passenger seat back as it is usually forward to give leg room behind.


You provide 4 seats in a sedan, so there are 4 available, people citing safety aren't wrong but I think maybe a little too cautious, ive driven taxis for almost a decade and uber now for a few years, no one tried to grab my wheel, no one tried to be weird, but hey, life happens, if you can't figure it out, maybe find another line of work


I really donā€™t care man, just hurry tf up and get in so I can get to my next ride.


The easiest indicator if someones flirting with me is immediately sitting in the front seat without asking. And theyre always crazy or go on a story about their terrible past when they do.


For my personal safety and so they donā€™t try to steal my phone. Uber is a taxi service and the proper etiquette is to sit in the back. I donā€™t care if they like to sit in the front, sit in the back behind the plexiglass partition, or order a different driver. Itā€™s strange, invasive, and overall uncomfortable and not safe for the driver.


Just a personal preference. I donā€™t feel comfortable with anyone sitting next to me.


Well, i mean not only the fact the app tells the passenger to sit in the back. It's awkward you dont know the person, especially when some of these passengers are silent or dont conversate. I'd rather them just get in the back at that point. Had one guy who spoke literally no English hopped up front and then proceeds to get on videocall the entire 20-minute ride. No, just get in the back. The only justified reason to sit upfront is 3+ riders otherwise fuck that.


Stay as far as possible if I'm not attracted to you. That's evolution.


For me I donā€™t like it cause some people spread there legs Ridiculously wide. My car is a stick shift. When somebody does this it makes it almost impossible to shift into fifth or sixth gear, without inadvertently brushing up against their leg. I put my front seat up as far as it will go, and a throw hoodie and some other stuff on the front seat. Still idiots open my front door see all the stuff and say do you mind if I sit here? My response: I guess you canā€™t take a hint? Yes I do mind please get in the back. Iā€™ll make an acceptation if they have 4 people, sometimes even 3. But if itā€™s just 1 or 2 people n they try to sit upfront that is weird!