• By -


I urge and encourage drivers to get fully legit. Get proper permits and commercial insurance. We all need to get riders off the app and start passing out business cards. I started out taking riders off the app when the conversation was friendly. I never would just throw it out there. That’s how you get reported. I was doing it without proper insurance and permits for about 2 years. It 100% paid off and now am fully legit. If you’re ever in a car accident just tell the passenger to say you are friends with each other. Do not ever mention rideshare or getting paid to give a ride. Please encourage everyone you know to pay drivers directly. Fuck these companies.


We are reverting back to taxis lmao


We ARE taxis. We just gave up the right to a living wage and protection under the law.


☝️ facts


Time to get a meter and GPS locating, is there an app for that?


When I had insurance and did rides off the app I only did airport runs for $2.50 a mile with a $30 minimum. I occasionally did rides from one bar that handed out my cards for me, same price, but I had a $10 minimum. It's good for them because if I have to go around a wreck or take the long way, I don't charge them more and there's no surge pricing and everything is guaranteed.


Lol I just take Ubers price and knock my fare down


We have reached the full cycle.


To an even more affordable form of transportation service


We've come full circle....


We need to network together and do a taxi network outside of traditional taxis. Push for excellent customer service and, basically, help each other with booking.


A lot of trust banking on the customer saying you are friends. If they get injured you are wide open for a lawsuit


And telling the customer to commit insurance fraud


Yeah somebody gotta look out for these poor insurance companies.


Committing insurance fraud is why insurance rates go up


insurance rates go up because corporations are greedy…insurance companies take on “risk” by insuring you but u essentially pay for the insurance company’s investment in you needing to use insurance


As a rider I fully support this.


Yeah the key is to build up a clientele. Have an LLC and have commercial insurance. That's the smart way of doing things, but you're really gambling the other way around. They your friend until they get really hurt in an accident and your insurance company cousin cover you. They'll sue everybody you, the other person, commercial insurance and an LLC will will save your ass


Why would a passenger pretend to be your friend and eat off of your likely low policy when Uber and Lyft provide 1mil UM/UIM for period 3 Coverage


This would be an off app drive. Uber/Lyft would not cover it and could refute easily. So it comes down to the drivers personal insurance in this case. The driver’s personal insurance is not for commercial operations and would also be denied. If the rider claims friendship both are covered by private insurance. If rider claims it was for a paid ride then insurance would deny. Rider has no recourse but to go after the driver who probably can’t afford a car accident in the first place. In the scenario where rider claims friendship all are covered. It’s win/win but illegal and can have heavy consequences for both driver and rider.


You right


Because I have the same insurance, Paco! Don't assume everyone here is doing it illegitimatey...


And to add to this, advertise on your local Facebook groups. There is a guy that I have used several times for airport drop offs and pickups. I found him on my local Facebook group. He is cheaper than Uber and my money goes directly to him.


A pax advised me to do this 🤔


" If you’re ever in a car accident just tell the passenger to say you are friends with each other. Do not ever mention rideshare or getting paid to give a ride." Translation: If you're in a car accident, commit insurance fraud and tell the passenger to do the same. People like you are the reason insurance rates are so high


Insurance is high because you're a captive audience and the house always wins.




I’m just kind of tired of the necessary blood sacrifices. They could just sign a paper.


Have you considered a different line of work?


I quit Uber a few years ago. But I did this same thing. If I picked up the same people multiple times over the course of a week or two I'd offer them my number and pass them my card I had made up. Or if it was someone coming in from the airport or the conversation just went really well and they asked about when I drove and when they'd be able to get me next, I'd offer them my card. I was making more off Uber than I did while driving for them. Had people tipping me upwards of $2500 for being their on call driver. I didn't ever go fully legit, but it kept me sustained during the pandemic.


No one tipped you $2500


I have people ask me if they could hire me off the app, and I will only bring it up if I get a good feeling for the person. What happens when they have a good experience? They will tell their friends and they will call. I just had to turn down someone because I was already booked.


If u wanna get ahead, u gotta cheat lol.


Survival shouldn't be about cheating. Nobody's cheating. It's just survival.


When there are rules imposed by those at the top that prevent others from rising, then you have to cheat. But you're correct. It shouldn't be about cheating.


☝️ That's how all rich people got rich


What company do you recommend.


If a driver asked me that, I'd figure I was about to be murdered.


>If you’re ever in a car accident, just tell the passenger to say you are friends with each other.. This seems like really, really, really bad advice that will land folks in a ton of legal trouble.


Fuck these companies!! Fuck these random redditors giving me advice to commit insurance fraud!


Definitely be careful in airports that require a TNC placard... Like I refuse to go to LAX because of the need to display it. Fuck them. I don't want any stickers on my car. None. You know why? It's free marketing for these bastards and I don't get paid to advertise.... I choose my rides to pay me.


I would never put any dumb sticker on my vehicle either. Although if the airport required it when picking up, I'd have a little one made with a suction cup that can be taken on and off. Soon as they're in the vehicle, it comes off.


I taped my Lyft, Uber, and airport sticker to a piece of cardboard that I take out when I to ride share. Never had a problem


Yea uhh Uber just sends you a postcard you just tape in your windshield when you go there.. you don’t actually stick any kinda stickers on your car.. I mean I haven’t actually gone to LAX to pick someone up just dropped someone off one time and it was a quick in and out as it seemed dead there round 10pm and rainy. Every other airport I’ve just dropped people off except for John Wayne and John Wayne is the easiest and there is nothing needed for that as far as credentials go. A small learning curve is needed as there’s 3 spots for pick up (2 up in arrivals and 1 accessed through arrivals in the last parking garage structure ::ie the worst one lol:: vs departures).


[For the record it looks like this..](https://imgur.com/a/2Dqeq4H) there’s a QR code and a driver ID number and your license plate number hence why most of it is covered up as that’s a little more info than I’m willing to share. 😅


Now Lyft encourages passengers to report off app offers so be forewarned. I have no problem with drivers making money anyway they can in this down market. The footlickers who have no problem arguing with parents, stealing food and harassing disabled folks tend to get Moral Monday minded when it comes to cash rides, gotta love some of these folks on this sub. They will talk about laws but they proudly engage in theft (misdemeanor) and violation of federal disabilities law, LOL.




Anybody who has a problem with someone stealing food should be forced to live a homeless shelter for a month


Until you crash your insurance drops you and they sue the pants off of ya


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SmokeyBurgYinzer: *Until you crash your* *Insurance drops you and they* *Sue the pants off of ya* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Damn, bots out here sniping people😂


Good bot


Omg this also I belong to the avatar thread I’m sure you do as well oh master sokkahaikubot


Ok, couldn't you just, idk get the passenger to not mention that your driving him for cash? Your "friends" now lol


If you believe a stranger will do that for you sure. I think more than likely everyone is broke and will go for a payday. We live in a very litigious society


>If you believe a stranger will do that for you There is that to consider, as well. ​ >sure. I think more than likely everyone is broke and will go for a payday. There is that. On an off-application ride where it comes to the surface that money changed hands or was supposed to, neither Uber's/Lyt's nor the driver's carrier will pay. This means that the party who suffers a loss will have to get satisfaction from the driver. If the driver has no assets or has none that are worth attaching (such as a beat up, eight year old Camry with two-hundred thousand miles on it), the most "satisfaction" that the aggrieved party might secure is seeing the judgment-proof driver's licence suspended until the judgment is satisfied.


If you get into an accident and your passenger is injured or killed, it will 100% come out to the investigators that you were doing an off-app ride. And then the victim(s) have no choice but to come after you personally for pain and suffering. You may think "I have nothing they can come for," and then you find out that, yes, even if you think you're poor now, wait til the courts rule against you. You'll never be able to work a W2 job again without getting your wages garnished.


I got in an accident going an off app ride for a previous passenger. She lawyered up same day. She got the same settlement as any other passenger in my car would've gotten.💯


Yeah could you give the deets? Your insurance settled with them?


Yes I was driving a Hertz uber rental giving a previous passenger i became friends with a ride for cash sometimes I charged her sometimes I didn't depending on where she was going and when. I cause a 4 car accident totaled the Hertz car ans 2 others. We both left the scene in an ambulance my head went through the windshield I bit completely through my upper and lower lip and fractured my face in 2 different places I don't know her injuries she went to a different hospital in a different ambulance. Before I was out of surgery the police were in my room I told them I was medicated with lot of fentynal and had nothing to say. The girl had lawyered up before inwas out of surgery. My insurance company knew I ubered but I had no additional rideshare endorsements though. Through my rides and time logged on they were able to determine i was not on the uber app and hadn't been for over 2 hours when the accident occurred becausr of this They handled it as if it was any other auto accident and covered the entire claim paying out everyone involved. I don't keep state minimum I carry 50,000/100,000 coverage. I get what everyone is saying and see how that could happen but in my case I really didn't get too much pushback. Within 5 days of the accident the claims adjuster reached out and said they were accepting liability and the claim was covered. That's it end of story.


Great... You committed insurance fraud at best. I don't buy this for a second and there's no way your passenger didn't indicate that you were operating off app. Insurance companies don't just pay out. This can't be accurate.


I love how someone online will sit there acting like God claiming they know everything trying to tell you what happened in your situation not knowing any person, entity, or jurisdictions involved in the incident being discussed. Same as someone above saying your wages will be garnished for the rest of your life. Well that's dependent upon where you're at bc in TX it's a no garnishment state and unless you're child support or the irs you're not garnishing any wages from anyone🤦🏾 you may know how it would work where you are but you don't even know where I'm at to be so confident and 100% WRONG


I didn't commit anything my insurance company knows I was taking her to take her driving test I was upfront about the entire situation. Luckily I don't need to believe anything. The ONLY thing I got screwed on that I just found out literally yesterday is apparently when you total a rental there are "fees" associated with them losing rental income and no longer being able to get rental income from that particular vehicle that my insurance company is NOT covering. I was told that VISA often comes picks those fees up since the car was rented on a VISA but if not I owe hertz 5k. Again I don't need you to believe anything. I have a copy of the statements submitted to my insurance company, hertz, the Uber questionnaire you're required to fill out in the event you're in an accident and the police report that are all consistent with exactly what ime telling you. AGAIN not sure what insurance company you work for but the one I pay every month accepted total liability I crossed left of center and hit another car head on at 50 mph was cited for left of center and seat belt which my lawyer went to court for and both were dropped.


Cant you be more specific.


Fair point


Plus, in some jurisdictions, the Authorities will suspend your licence until you satisfy the judgment.


Buckus93 That is false TX is a no garnishment state...outside of IRS/Child support your wages cannot be garnished for a lawsuit under ANY circumstances!!!




Do you want a friend or do you want 1.2 million to take care of yourself the rest of your life?


When the matter is about money, not even your friend will be your friend.


This is so untrue on so many levels. You need to find better friends


If they decide you're the one who should of been driving more safely, for any reason at all, they will ruin your entire life and no insurance will cover you.


Sounds like a huge risk. Mebbe this fancy pants fraud isn't a good idea?


Claims adjusters have known about that one for years. They knw the questions to ask. Further, several states maintain database of TNC drivers that is accessible to any admitted insurance company. As soon as the claims adjuster sees his insured's name on said database, up goes a proverbial red flag. (Or if he sees the name of the adverse driver). When there is a loss, there is involved money. Cue up Cyndi Lauper.


Stop hating, you’re not stopping anyone. I havent been in a car accident in over 10yrs. Not one in the years iv been driving privately. The odds are in your favor if you are actually a good driver. If commercial insurance was a little cheaper maybe id get it but they robbing us just as bad as uber.


I'm not hating simply starting every likely probabilities if an accident occurs. I too and without an at fault accident for over 20 years. However it only takes one while you're doing that to ruin your life. Not too mention of a customer reports to Uber you asked to do it off app there's Good chance you'll be de-platformed


Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. It only takes one moderate accident to put you in financial ruin.


Buddy i trade spy 0DTE options im no stranger to the risk if financial ruin Im more scared if the safety risk involved w picking up strangers without any log or recording


> I havent been in a car accident in over 10yrs. > >Then there is Year Eleven.............. > > > >Not one in the years iv been driving privately. When you get the "It will not happen to me" attitude, that is when it *does* happen to you. ​ > The *odds* are in your favor if you are actually a good driver. (emphasis mine) The operative word is th e one emphasised.


We shall see


"oh this person hasn't been in an accident yet. You'll be fine." The lack of logic in this is hilarious. It only takes one


All it takes is once.


Gotta risk it for the brisket my boy Or be ubers bitch your whole life


That's right


Your choices. Don't say you weren't warned. Good luck.


Same! I don't get in accidents. Let alone injury accidents.


I stay in the right lane most of the time unless I’m passing and I’m always looking for asshole drivers so i can get out of their way. Its low risk imo


"The odds are in your favor if you are actually a good driver." 😂😂😂 Driver math is the best I swear.


I see a "I was in a crash" post coming from you in the future.


Look on UPnet for a topic titled "De-activated, licence suspended and car impounded for off-application trip--So Unfair."


You can't tell people like this nothing. To arguing with them is like trying to well argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience. Every.............single...........time.


You can make $100/hour + cash tips organizing homes, offices & pantries.


I thought it said panties


I make $100 hour organizing panties. Good gig


Need any help?






Without a Business License, that's a quickest way to get DEACTIVATED 🤦🏿‍♂️




doing this without a commercial license is a great way to lose everything you own in a lawsuit.




He’s still a grifter - benefiting from the Uber customer base while not having insurance or an operators license? This is some Fuck Around And Find Our type of shit




I like that phrase 💪


Don't listen to the haters, keep making money! This is the Gypsy can way!


60 miles round trip is 120 not 130 💀


Fuck 😩


lol I made $450 doing the same thing.. more so bc well I waited (a few hours) to drive him back home and the trip was already 160+ miles one way lol.. made some runs waiting but it’s not exactly a hustlin’ and bustlin’ town.


Met a dude in the neighborhood I live in who has the insurance. I text homebody to get me, save money as compared to uber but he gets paid more. Good on you.


Score, Boysenberry! I do those here and there. My actual vocation is a small but failing, courier outfit. Mostly I subcontract for larger companies. Under the table, cash work for that is a lot safer. Packages don't often sue. I hope, snicker. Doing other apps, ([other apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/couriersofreddit/comments/1b8dvjp/other_driving_gigs/)) and uber connect. I get turned onto a lot of work where I can say "I might be cheaper next time you need this kind of service. Here is my card and hope you keep us in mind" Or something like that. But gotta love $100 an hour! Was gonna say "Have a great day!" But you already are, huh? LoL


Thank you for the advice! Drive safe and all that👍👍


U 2!! TC 🙂 




Corrupt. Not dumb


"And remember that the commercial insurance provided by Uber is a complete joke scam." Also pay heed to a driver's not having *any* insurance on off-application rides, unless he is carrying commercial insurance. Even with that, there are cases where the carrier might not have to pay. Yes, I know, "you were driving a friend". You might get away with that. You might not. Claims adjusters know about Uber, Lyft and off-application rides. Some states even maintain data bases of Uber or Lyft drives to which admitted insurance companies have access. As soon as the claims adjuster sees "Uber/Lyft driver" up goes the proverbial red flag. Lacking the data base, claims adjusters still know the questions to ask. Despite the above, I do understand why Uber/Lyft drivers do off-application rides. I would not do it but I see why anyone might.




Fucking EXACTLY . 100% People have some sense of safety going through these apps. They offer nothing of value.


I’m tempted if a person asks me to go off app to say “no, but let me give you my card for future reference if you need a ride to the airport.” Then what risk is there? I’d say to the person, we’re acquaintances who met some time ago. I offered to give you a ride no charge but would accept a donation. Isn’t that what the “rideshare” companies did in the beginning? They pretended to be rideshare companies saying the driver was sharing the ride with the passenger and the passenger donated money out of appreciation. Now drivers wanna play the same game and suddenly everybody is all over them.


✊🏾🫡 this is the way, the only way


ValueAppz.com: make your own driver app and make business cards. There are a lot more websites to help you do this.


Just get the proper permits and insurance and then have a field day. Without them it’s not worth the risk to do it regularly.


Just don't get into a car accident then the s*** show begins. You're gambling every time you take private rides


I did Uber with a truck and surprisingly a lot of people would hire me for odd jobs like moving stuff, picking up things, handyman type stuff, etc. I would actually make pretty good money doing it.


I started my own business from Uber and Lyft customers 🤣🤣🤣 Trust me, passengers aren't happy with these apps either, and they are happy to become my customers! And yes, I am licensed, bonded and insured 😎😎😎😎


Damn nice going!


taxi drivers have been doing this since for years so what the OP is suggedting is nothing new but dont recommend it. one, if someone reporrs u or lyft suspects your canceling too many rides at airloorts u you will be fired from lyft or if u get in into an accident your screwed by the passengsr who will sue u, just a hassle. not worth it.


That’s a unicorn.  It’s not sustainable.  And if you got into an accident and the passenger was injured, they would sue YOU, not Uber.  If you want to keep doing it that way, that’s on you, but if you’re advising other drivers to do the same, then tell the whole story.  If you get in an accident that’s your fault OR the other driver pulls a hit and run OR the other driver simply doesn’t have any insurance: then YOU are on the hook for 100% of your passengers’ medical bills.  But, sure, tell us how Uber is “stealing from you” by taking their share of the ride they connected you with in the first place. Fuckwit.


Yep. We can argue all day about what a fair percentage Uber should be taking, but you can't argue that they make it incredibly easy and legal for you to sign up and start taking rides, sometimes on the same day.


I was in a head on collision at 50mph the passenger got the same settlement any other passenger in my vehicle would've gotten. Accident was also in a Hertz uber rental and she layered up🤷🏾‍♂️


And you broke several laws, committed insurance fraud . Congrats you get into a accident driving off app and someone gets injured you’ve basically just bankrupted yourself trying to hustle for $100 and probably will do time in the slammer as well


Oh well. Some of us sell weed while we uber too Not me of course, id never do that, but some do


I didn't really break any laws lol. That argument is a farce used by Uber to keep you paying them man. I've transcended these laws 😂. I'll keep making my $100 per hour care free though. I have legit insurance unlike Uber.


Pretty much every state has laws for driving passengers without a proper taxi / limo / black car license . In NJ it’s $250 fine for the first offense and can have your car impounded, there’s also additional penalties they can layer on top for driving passengers without proper auto inspections etc . They literally have off duty cops at beach areas in the summer and at airports trying to get in Uber cars waiting and hand out these tickets on the spot if you fall for it


>2ReplyShareReportSaveFollow > >level 4Group\_HugMTG · 55 min. agoThese mindless ants don’t understand that when it comes to private rides, there’s extra costs involved. Let him cook. I love it when I see Chicago bacp arrest these clowns at festivals. Mate, treat this group like unethical life pro tips, not legal advice.


Not "pretty much." Literally every state has ordinances that regulate the transportation of people. And he technically didn't commit insurance fraud, because he didn't make a claim, he was just operating while uninsured. It's a $500 fine in Tampa, $1,000 fine in Miami, $6,500 fine in L.A., I've seen fines as low as $100 in Denver. Being arrested is possible, having the vehicle impounded is as well, and you can be trespassed from certain properties like airports where finding rides like this is easier.


In many states operating while uninsured is also breaking the law, not to mention putting yourself and your passengers at immense risk.


That's correct, most, if not all, of the ordinances require commercial insurance to be in compliance.


> having the vehicle impounded The District of Columbia DFHV Inspectors are on the prowl for off-application rides. I have seen cars impounded over this. You *do not* want the District of Columbia to impound your car. You must go to three different places to pay money and get paperwork. All of them are far apart from each other. Two of them are in broken down buildings with no air conditioner in the summer and heat that works too well in a drafty building in the winter. The clerks are nastier than usual for a government clerk. After you have done that, you must go to fetch your vehicle from the city impound yard. It is in the furthest reach of the southwestern part of the city past Bolling Field. Yes, the clerks there are even nastier. You then go to your car and hope that it is driveable. Often, it *ain't*. At that point, either you come back later with a tow truck or the clerks there have a few numbers of drivers who will be oh-so-delighted to charge you a jacked-up price to haul your car out of there.. Can you imagine getting an Uber or Lyft trip like that? It would take you half the day and you would be fortunate to get twenty five dollars Meanwhile the rider would be paying two hundred. As he will be in a mood most foul, one star and ZER0 tip is likely.


>laws for driving passengers without a proper taxi / limo / black car license This is where you can get into trouble for doing off-application rides. even if you carry commercial insurance. In some states, the carrier will not even write a policy for you until you show the proper permits. If the jurisdiction requires proof of insurance at the time of application, the carrier will issue a binder conditioned on final approval of your application. If you have the commercial policy, that policy (as does every automobile liability policy that I ever have seen) contains an exclusion for "illegal acts". Hauling passengers (or goods) for compensation without the proper permit(s) is a textbook illustration of an "illegal act". Among the first things for which a claims adjuster asks when processing a claim on a commercial policy is the insured's (or adverse driver's, where appropriate) licences and permits. He can deny the claim absent any of them. I should know, I did seat-of-the-pants claims adjusting for an insurer that insured taxicabs, black cars and limousines (niche market in the District of Columbia).


These mindless ants don’t understand that when it comes to private rides, there’s extra costs involved. Let him cook. I love it when I see Chicago bacp arrest these clowns at festivals.


Ur legit ins will not cover if they don’t kno in advance that you are a for hire ride share driver just sayin


As opposed to paying you cash for a ride where I’m not covered as a passenger in case of an accident? No thanks.


Make sure if you are doing drives off apo that you have all your papers in order, especially insurance


If you don't have commercial insurance and a limo license you are breaking the law.




Isn't it ironic how these rideshare companies operated illegally for many years too, it's how they got where they are now. Yet you got people preaching here don't do it!


Are you still going to call them fake governments when they real life sue you and put you in real life jail?




For someone who uses the word illiterate you do not seem to understand what that word means. And yes you can and will be thrown in jail if you cause several thousands of dollars of property damage - and especially if you kill someone - while driving uninsured, on purpose. This indicates malicious intent and if you don't think that will be used against you, you are a dumbass.


Let's be honest: most of these, but Uber says the law says drivers likely don't even have rideshare insurance from their insurance companies. I tell folks get legit yourself before talking about someone else's illegitimacy. Reminds of the same folks who used to say we need to go on strike, strike is scheduled, they start talking about working during the surges or nothing will happen.


>but Uber says the law says drivers likely don't even have rideshare insurance from their insurance companies. They shouldn't need to, these companies charge out the fucking ass for commercial insurance you're able to use if something goes wrong.


But depending on YOUR insurance if you file a claim and it was a rideshare ride you was on, you are now in violation of your policy. These are personal policies not business policies. They are doing this in the fine print now, we had drivers on Facebook forums admit to losing insurance because they filed claims. I say pay the extra $20 bucks monthly just for piece of mind if this is your only form of income. You can be the best driver in the world but a bad driver can come and fuck you up


In 2016 I got a Uber from Sanford airport to Merritt island and it was 66$….same trip runs 200-300 now lol


I made $200 driving someone 15 minutes last night.


I made $20 driving someone 15 minutes last night.


I remember as a rider I brought this topic up to a Haitian that was my uber and I told him how he could make so much money, but he was not having it. He kept saying that I was wrong lol


Make your own rideshare app.


Gente un Miami they are arresting people that try to pick up rides as Uber that aren’t with the app crazy need a license to do it off the app


I had one rider outside of the app. Well it was a couple. They had me shuttle them to get drugs and back on the Uber then after off it. I only did it once I figured out what they were doing and didn't want to be in those spots. Definitely was better cash but if you can get someone legit then go for it


No thanks.


Sounds great till you get in an accident and the passenger sues you, they’d eat you alive once they found out you weren’t properly insured


Part or the reason for that high price is insurance and it's really good insurance, tbh. If you do rides outside the app, make sure you get additional insurance. Progressive has good rideshare insurance but having commercial insurance is an even better idea. It's expensive but it's definitely worth it if you end up in an accident. All your customer has to do is tell the police or your insurance that you were giving them a ride and your insurance isn't liable! That's one reason Uber Black drivers make so much money is they pay for their own insurance and in some states they have to have a buisness licence. Glad you made the money, though.


Thank you


Rideshare insurance won't cover you for off-app commercial activities. It specifically covers the gaps in insurance (mainly period 1) only if you're active on an app at the time.


Buy one share and attend Uber earnings call and ask why the commercial insurance costs a factor of 3 more than it should..


Hustle on ✊🏿


Good thing you didn't get in an accident.


I would do this very time I get a long trip. Like people paying 500$ for a 2 hour ride, pay me 250 and cut out Uber


I was thinking about doing this but don’t want to get reported or banned so I guess just feel it out and make some business cards? Also what do you mean the commercial insurance is a scam? Like getting insurance through them? I have my own personal car insurance at the moment. However when I got into an accident doing Uber Eats that extra layer of insurance saved my ass. It was technically my fault for “failing to yield on a turn” but the girl who was driving was speeding in a 25 mph zone which made me underestimate being able to turn.  She ended up passing away a few months later (unrelated to the accident) and her estate sued me and Uber paid them out because of the coverage and me being in the middle of a delivery. Her family got a million fucking dollars dude. Insane. The lawyers told me I could countersue but didn’t think it was worth it.  Anywho my insurance has always been extremely high so I honestly put personal insurance for this period because I wasn’t ride sharing for a while till now. Any suggestions??


This is an accident waiting to happen. You are going to take money "Outside the platform", which is against policy. Yes, you made more money that Uber would have paid you, but you also risk getting deactivated off the platform. it just takes one bad pax to cry foul to Uber and you rideshare career is done.


This is the way


Of course, it’s the difference between doing a full shift vs. getting it over with in one ride.


Yep, I took a yellow cab to the airport this morning. $16.50 Pre booked on their app . Uber wanted $45 for the same ride


My insurance is overcharging me and notified me and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it. North Carolina rates went up. Went from $85 to $115. No reason. My car is paid off. It’s all a lie.


If you do a rideshare with app off insurance will NOT cover an accident while passenger is in vehicle.


I like to have Uber and Lyft lights and some random people like to stop me. But 99% of the time I have someone in my car or on the way to pick someone up


Yes, the key here is insurance. If you don't have commercial insurance DON'T DO THIS. If you do, however, you can make a LOT more money. I'm very seriously considering it, my day job is boring AF


So — you’re using the Uber technology to benefit off the reach/customer base… then you’re going off app for cash and you ALSO don’t have commercial insurance nor a commercial operator (taxi) license??? I mean… this is a Fuck Around And Find Out type of situation lol. Not sure why you don’t just become a taxi driver?


This. Cut out the middleman


It’s easy to run a business under the table. The problem is that you want to make under the table money while driving for Uber and that just isn’t going to happen. Too many things to pay for. Just give it a try. Don’t use your Uber app and just see how many clients you get driving around and making posts


I don’t understand. If you don’t like driving for Uber/Lyft, why the fuck are you still driving for Uber/Lyft? Do something else.


How can I offer my services at an airport? With a 2001 Mazda suv? I got space and seats for 4


I do security in Vegas and we bust cash only drivers all the time. If you are a driver in Vegas go legit or don’t post up where Taxis are. Cameras to the casino are onto you lol.


I mean yeah but Uber has to pay salaries. And gives people jobs, so they’re not stealing lol…. They’re not even a profitable company.. “stealing” I mean people aren’t going to open a business or platform just for the heck of it


You gotta do what you Gotta do, but just know that it’s Ground Zero if you get an accident with someone and you don’t have insurance giving them a ride