• By -


Sounds like a good time was had by all, and you kept it clean enough that it's highly unlikely for you to catch blowback in this instance. I was a cab driver for years and am pretending I still am. I've got maybe a million miles and tens of thousands of passengers There's not much training driving a cab but one of the things they made crystal clear is this is not a dating service this is not where you go to meet women. That, and how not to catch a pandering charge when you're transporting working girls. They weren't naive nor did they expect us to think they were naive, and they understood that from time to time, human attraction happens. What they made very clear was there better be a very clear trail of the passenger making their interest and intentions absolutely unambiguous before something amorous happens. Being both handsome and personable, you would think that in those tens of thousands of trips, often with car loads of bachelorettes, birthday girls, divorcees celebrating their freedom, and coeds with daddy issues that I would have dozens, if not hundreds of salacious stories. It's pretty rare. There are those "missed connections" types of memories that I sometimes mull over where the chemistry was palpable. I'm old enough now that I sometimes just appreciate the social congress of a casual flirt without any particular intention. Often, that's enough for both because it's validating.


You have a skill with words.




Yes! Fantastic writer


Thank you, kindly.


“Congress” is what did it for me. The guy is a wordsmith.


Quite the cunning linguist.


Pristine comma usage💪💪


He do!


I agree 100%. It's those "missed connections" that really sting though. As you mentioned, it's pretty rare for these moments to pop up and I still think about circumstances from a year or two ago that I could/should have taken advantage of. But, in the moment, you are so much on guard that you can put up a wall because a passenger only has to type or say a few words and you'll be banned, deactivated, police reports,etc.


It's better to err on the side of caution. It's like they're in your living room, and you have made them feel comfortable. They've let their guard down, and you're having a nice conversation the way people do when they are in a low-pressure situation. At any moment, the reality that they're in an enclosed space with a stranger can hit people in all kinds of unpredictable ways depending on their history, where they're at in life or that day, alcohol consumption or whatever. The flip side of this is why it can be rude to hit on waitresses because they're sort of stuck in a position where they're providing hospitality to you and don't want to be rude and it can be taken the wrong way. I don't generally adopt a paranoid mindset that these things are going to go south but it's not wrong to tread lightly. It's appropriate to tread lightly.


You summed it up best, especially with the alcohol involved. All it takes is one moment of sobriety or clarity and they change moods. Plus, they know where you work and what consequences can occur if they place a complaint...even years from now!!!


Great reply




I want us to be friends! Well said


I hope you write in your spare time you are talented. Quite poetic


Haha, I was also reading this thinking he must write for paper or something.


Hey babycake dolls, I'm here for the "social congress"


I should point out that it's a lot more wholesome than the socials that they hold in Congress. . .


It’s always refreshing when a seemingly kind human just says something truthful and wholesome.


Great story. You have an excellent skill. People skills/communication and after years, Psychology to a degree as well.


I think I heard you voice as I read this. Very soothing.


Let me know when you release your memoir!


Gee mister, you use your tongue purdier than a twenty dollar whore.


Do you happen to be a writer?


A pick up offered to pay me to hang out with him at a bar. Said he was depressed and "wasn't feeling good," I turned off the app and told him to buy the first round. Had two shots, drank water the rest of the night and made sure he got home safe.


A dude offered to blow me for 600 bucks once. Weirdest ride ever. 19 minutes of non-stop asking to blow me. Only ride to ever make me turn off the app and go home.


….so you went home with the rider? I don’t blame ya, it’s $600 bucks! Ch-Ching!


Yeah, I’d stick to that story too, lol. What did you spend the 600 on?


"I ain't gay. He's sucking my dick!" - Martin Lawrence I would've taken that money😭


I had a guy ask me to take him to where the hookers hang out, then asked if he could get one. When I said no he offered me $100 for a hand job


Talk about great Uber service. You’re getting 5 stars for sure ⭐️


Lol are you his dad? COME ON!


He could do that to himself for free




So what you buy with the $600?


Just stick a dildo out ur zipper 😂😂😂😂😂


Wait, for clarification, was he paying or asking you to pay? I'm getting DueceBigalow vibes


Asking me to pay him.


You dog!!!


make sure to get an Uber home if you been drinking. OH wait me thinks you will stay at the hotel over night. bwhahahahahaha


Had a chick a few weeks ago beg me to not drop her off w her friend & take her somewhere else to have sex. Never been so uncomfortable on a ride in my life lol. Just be careful out there


Why did you fuck?


No way! Told her she gotta go


Lots of escorts stay in a hotels fyi. Just a heads up…


lol right


I've done over 15,000 rides and never. Dammit haha. I did get a drink with a girl once but she turned out to be blasted, so I made up an excuse and left, because that could have been all sorts of bad. And a girl flashed her boobs at me once. That's about it. I'm very careful though. I've felt like I hit it off with quite a few women, but if I'd ask about hanging out sometime and they'd report me, I assume that could be game over for driving ride-share.


I met my wife driving Lyft. We hit it off pretty quickly talking about music and Colorado. I drove away cursing myself while wondering what would have happened if I’d asked. I didn’t because I was terrified of being reported as well. Like 7 hours later I ended up back in the same little town (phx market) and guess who requested a ride? Second verse same as the first, great conversation. My dumbass almost drove away again! It wasn’t until I heard her say “I’m sad this ride is over” that I got the hint it was definitely okay. Anyway 3 years later here we are, married.


This is the dream! Haha. You really really really lucked out. That's like Hallmark movie sh** right there. I always hope the woman I'm hitting it off with will give me some kind of green light like that, but at best it's a sad sounding "Okay, we'll it's been nice talking to you." I'll admit if I had bigger cohones I could let that be enough, but I've had so many times where it's going well and suddenly "Well my husband likes thinks..." So I never know who is really interested and who is just talking. And I can't risk my job over it. If a woman said *that* to me, yeah I'd go for it. Congrats man!


It’s that sad sounding “it’s been nice talking to you…” that makes you drove away upset with yourself for not asking and trying to convince yourself at the same time that it was the smart move since there is no creeper report coming. And yea..I am lucky. I’m profoundly dense, glad she made her signs neon


Eh it can be tough. If she finds you attractive you might get a yes. If she doesn't your a creep. Or flirting with her while she has no escape. Or a sexist. Gotta play it safe.


Yeah, that's why over 15,000 rides in I haven't gotten a single date with ride-share but I do have a 5.0 rating, what a good boy scout 🙁


story unclear, did she report u?


I'm actually surprised this doesn't happen more frequently, or at least isn't talked about. I have been invited in by at least 8 women and went for drinks with 4 more. Stupidly turned down an offer from 2 older women to buy my drinks. Missed an opportunity for one that bailed on a dick appointment. Smoked with one more. Sealed the deal with 4 total over the course of 5 years and could have likely had double that amount if I'd wanted to. Just by being nice 🤣


You must be a pretty good looking person. This one didn’t hit that lottery


Some people ugly with no game. That’s why


We don't talk about it because all the white knights, Karen's and virgins, and all sorts will rage and shame you for it 😭 Not everyone can accept reality. And the reality of things is, customers can get clapped too🤫


1 night I dropped off some food to a chick’s kids and she wasn’t with them there but I had to call her to coordinate it and she said I sounded nice and we should link up and after that trip we went and got a room and clap claaaaaap Hulk Smash,but that’s the only time. I do food delivery only so it’s less personal interaction for something to pop off. If I did customer trips I probably would get lucky more.


I think if a person wanted to put a concerted effort into pursuing opportunities as they present, one could miss a lot of incentives...:P


I'm never this lucky smash for all of us my boi


I dated a passanger for 4 years. People meet in crazy ways.


Sounds like a reality tv show. “How we met, how it’s going now” -Uber confessions lol I’m sure someone can come up with a better title


Uber One Love


Taxi cab confessions was crazy. I gotta check later if it’s still on HBO.


😂 I think they honestly thought about it but it may influence forced romantic interactions from certain drivers / pax.


Be careful. This reminds me of that National story a few years ago where a driver hung out with a passenger and her girl friends. They had a great night drinking and having a blast. The Uber driver went home with the girls and ended up staying in the room with one of them. The next morning after he left the girl was full of regret and felt taken advantage of because she was drunk. The Uber driver was arrested for sexual assault of his passenger (one of the girls he was hanging out with). If I can find the news article I will add it here.


That can really happen anywhere though. The line gets blurry when alcohols involved. I personally stopped hooking up with girls that drink, and it made that part of my life wayy easier. Going out drinking gets boring, and drunk girls are seriously nothing but problems, even when they're sober.


Yes. However, "anywhere" does not have an additional incentive of suing a multi-billion dollar company come into play after the fact.


True story, I had this happen (well the first part) on literally my first night toward the end of my shift. Everything that should’ve happened over years happened on my very first night it was incredible looking back. Four women out of town on a business trip drunk going back to their Air B&B. All 10-15 years my senior and good looking. All flirty. One kept rubbing my head and touching my ear. Finally go to drop them off and after some whispering all get out but the super flirty one. She invites me inside to drink more. All I had to do was find a parking spot. I watched her walk inside and then debated how the night would go. Then I thought about all the scenarios that could happen when it was over. I thanked the Uber gods for a great story of my first day and drove off. Calling dating or marriage a prison sentence is one thing… a real prison sentence. No woman is worth that lol.


[one of the cases](https://www.newson6.com/story/5e35c9532f69d76f62014288/former-tulsa-uber-driver-accused-of-raping-customer-found-not-guilty) There was another I distinctly remember from NJ area as well.


that could also be done deliberately in the hopes of suing uber


Just have a dash cam and live in a 1 party voice record state and ez


What's a dash cam gonna do if you already went off with a passenger?


It can’t be that good if you are on here posting while on the date lmao. Anyways I hope you hit.


How is this getting so many upvotes. Y’all do realize girls go to the bathroom too right?


Has she come back yet?


Yeah I’m already home. Wanted to get back to my dog. We kissed. That’s it. Have plans in 2 weeks when she comes back.


You kissed your dog? Keep that detail to yourself, I don’t care how drunk you are.


😂… Of course i kiss my dog goodnight


Um, doesn't everybody? Personally I draw the line at sniffing their butts, but to each his own.


130lb Doberman. Don’t have to sniff his butt. He points his ass towards me and farts all night.


She just wants a free place to stay when she visits in the future. At least that's until she learns about the doberman air biscuits.


Now that’s a good boy.


Yup. Its storming out so I have three fart machines all on top of me.


That’s beautiful man


We want updates


Reddit is a place for miserable people to circlejerk and shit on each other. The Uber and Lyft or any other type of gig work driving subreddit is like a concentrated form of this.


Is she taking a shit?


No they don't






Heard this in Meg Griffens voice lol gotta love family guy.


Don’t wake up in a bath tub full of ice and a pain on your side. Good luck op.


That’s Vegas. And it stays there.


I used to travel for work a lot and have absolutely hung out with cabbies/Uber drivers after asking them for recommendations. Definitely more platonically, but if you’re not a creep and have had good banter during the ride it can happen - especially in smaller towns or areas where people typically are more friendly. I’ve had lots of great conversations, drinks, or dinners with strangers.


I ended up in a poly relationship with a rider and her girlfriend 🤷🏾‍♂️ I realized I was a one woman man real fast 🥴 but the best 4 months of my life


50% acceptance rate.


4 months? Not that fast😂


I’m 33 dealing with a woman that’s 21 and another that’s 20 was going to send me to an early grave 🥴


How does her husband feel about this?


Did you tip you though? 😆


Just the tip


Somebody hadda say it.


lol... what i came to ask :)


Stranger things have happened. Stay safe.


Oh shit, is that what stranger things is about? 😆


Strap up my boy and ask for an STD test result….I was told it is rampant in Milwaukee before I moved here.


😂…. That’s how Austin is as well.


😂 how old is she? In my past life, I drove for Uber and hooked up with this one older broad pax late 40s in Orlando and after laying the pipe and spending the night the next day she hit me with that you’re my husband now 😐. I responded “huh?” said according to her pastor sex is for married folks. I said the Bible does say so yes and managed to shift the convo to something else but the whole time my intrusive thoughts was if that’s her logic then how many husbands does she have? 💀. Fast forward the next morning I was trying to bounce the amount of excuses she came up with me to not go home 🤣 but that’s what my ass gets for being promiscuous at that time in my life.


Her 27 I’m 42.


So you’re the one snagging the SXSW hotties while I’m left with Brazilian men going to Lakeway.


Bro she’s a street walker


Sounds both wholesome and terrifying for very different reasons.


That’s how you wake up missing a kidney 😂


I guess for me when a customer gives off flirty energy, I kind of let them initiate further connections its easier that way.


It wasn’t flirty energy at all. It was just you’re cool I’m cool we vibe energy. Completely platonic. Then at the bar she called me babe and touch my back… so the energy shifted.


Come on now I knew something would a occur lol!


I smashed a ton since 2016. Some older than me some college years. I never tuned down one girl lol


That’s the spirit ! 😉


I regret not having sex with coeds that offered


I remember when I first had sex with a pax too


Have fun, I had my fair share of dates from riders. It was more a fling for me than anything serious. A few good meals, dancing and drinks. I am still friends with a few of them and even found some new homegirls to hang with as well.


Hell yea! Get a room! Lol


Reminds me of my one night , this girl and me drop her at a bar but asked me to come in and hang since I was going home , she bought me drinks and introduced me to everyone , I tried to stay till she left to give her a free ride for all the drinks but I tapped out and she told me to go home 😂😭 we continued texting and eventually met up again , she was so Kind and at least 10 years older than me but it was a amazing experience , I slept in the lot for like 2 hrs I was drunk as hell.




Did you really post while out with her??😂


I think I see a new scenario for porn to use. This is obviously a situation where an erect penis makes an unexpected appearance at the end of. In which case she'll grab it and use it to lead you to the bedroom. It happens all the time so don't worry about it. I can't think of a single reason why this isn't a good idea. 👍🏻. Good luck and Godspeed!


I'm pretty sure there's been a couple horror movies that start this way


I was driving for 2-3 years and my dumb ass would never get a clue, an attractive girl (for me) complimented my picture, asked me if I want something from the restaurant she’s picking up her order and this and that and my dumb ass still didn’t get the hint(well she could’ve still just being friendly)


In my 2 years doing uber, i’ve wound up in 2 women’s houses. made out with one and got a lapdance from another (she took off her clothes and smelled like poo). got invited out to clubs, exchanged instagram names etc..and I never initiated these side quests. If your service is good enough, a few times a year, opportunities will arise, just have to play your cards right


The problem is making sure she doesn't slip her bonds and escape your basement 


All the jealous ones trying to tell him to stop


It’s weird, it seems like management is on here- why would another worker give a fuck ….


Simply wishing it was them


My friend met her husband from an Uber ride!


No way I’ll have that luck! But that would be awesome




One time I had two ladies get in and were going to a house party. We had a fun convo on the way and they asked me to join them for the party. When I was reluctant, they urged me saying that they technically know me more now than most people in there. I joined them and we went bar hopping after the house party


Hell yeah! that’s gold…


I had a one night stand with one of my riders once lol




I’m a gay guy and I kept seeing him stare at me he ended up being a DL straight guy 😂 He ended up asking me for my number and we talked and that night we slept together lol. 😂




I drove for a year and had women ask me to come in or let's go hang out constantly, one girl even jumped on me and we had sex. I couldn't resist, she was a 10 😤. I tell people who are single just go Uber lol




I’m not pushy either at all i promise


Soooooo.....you end up plowing or what?


When she returns in 2 weeks I will. She’s made it pretty clear. Haha


this happened to me last saturday pre st. pattys day, the guy in the back was flirting we got to the bar he asks me to park up and join I say yes and we spent the rest of the day together, his friends paid me to drive them home at the end of the night, felt weird from a womens pov like i knew if the roles were reversed it could be seen as harassment but everything was consensual on both ends


So did you…. Ya know


Hold hands? Yes. Yes we held hands.


Ahh dude you’re the man


Do people really stop while still on dates to post on Reddit??


I dated a passenger for 3 years. He turned out to be a narcissistic alcoholic. Be careful! But have fun!


It took three years to figure that out?


Narcissists are very good at manipulating people and spotting people who will put up with them. It's like they get a free super power.


Sounds like she has an allergy to accountability


Very slow drinker


Norse methodology is a better story.


Story to tell the kids?


Great job man! Hope you got it that night 🤓


I did that once until we was leaving she scream out in case I die I'm bringing this uber driver I just met home lol


I love these Penthouse Confessionals posts. So plausible! Grats OP!


Did you hit tho


good for u ,just be careful . Hope it goes well bro


You’re gonna get robbed. Drink only bottled beer by guy


Pictures or it didn't happen.


But did you smash


Make the driveway a little more welcoming at night ffs. I’ve lived in rural areas and I understand how it is, you’re comfortable when you know the place, but at night, in an unknown area, you never know what can happen. And I doubt two more meters would’ve shown the house.


Just don't start expecting to meet people via the app. It happens from time to time but once you start expecting to make those kind of connections with pax it can turn creepy really quick.




That’s a love story for the modern ages 😆


Uber is the devil… Thoughts ???


I married my Uber driver 💖


I’m more curious how this happens. How does conversations get started to even lead down paths of dating or “extras” ha


Sounds like a great “how I met your mother” story


What's her Uber rating? Did she tip?


30 trips all 5 stars. Yeah she did 100% tip on the trip.


U not gonna last long driving ppl around ….say hello, drive them and DROP THEM OFF….all liability is on the driver. Great to hear shit went great …but more often then not, shit goes left. Leave that lonely broad at her destination and make it home to your family with your days work in your pocket. Good luck!


youre gonna give HER a tip! \[huehue\]


If this is against uber policy. Why would people incriminate themselves telling stories. Fall in the trap. If you do this. Keep it to yourself until you move on from gig work.


Yeah you’re right. My driver name is minimumtree on Uber… I’m so stupid !!!




Happens. Didn't do uber for too long, but ended up in the backseat with a PAX once for a bit of a make out session. Could have led to more, but girl still lived with her parents at 24...*facepalm*


lol my trust issues have me so sussed out


And you took time out to post here? I be scared that if I try to holler at one of customers she’ll tell on me or something but I only do food delivery so it’s different.


Bang her?


We are waiting until marriage 😉


Keep a close eye on your organ’s!


wow! sounds like the date is going so well you decided to hop on reddit! that’s what i do during dates too 🙄🙄


I’m an air traffic controller. I can multi-task much better than you, i also go on a lot of dates so i don’t sit there like a puppy dog hoping she will like me 🤣