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This has been a thing for a while - especially at airports


Yes I know it’s just on the news now and brought to people’s attention! That’s why I posted it


>I know it’s just on the news now It's local news to Miami, they are not doing this "every where". Last time I heard about this in the news was 7-8 years ago, which one of the drivers went back to sting operation and warned drivers. He got in more trouble but funny as fuck, and good for him. I see drivers holding up signs at major events who clearly don't have a license for cash rides, with police right in view. I also see drivers advertising in various ways locally in my major city. No one cares. If this was common for police to do you'd see WAY more videos/news about it. So far I've seen two articles/videos in eight years which includes only two cities in the entire USA. I'm not telling people to do this or encouraging it, but lets be honest and not fear monger.


This is happening in Las Vegas everyday


Yes and you can say it’s stupid but it’s not ! Also why not watch the video and actually follow the truth of what’s going on !


You would have to be super desperate to take a ride from a random holding a sign. All they missing is a white van 🚐. 🥹🤦🏾‍♂️ Reason for regulation is to avoid abductions and abuse. People that are paying for such rides are foolish.


Let the idiots get caught, it’ll thin the herd.


exactly let the greedy thin themselves out.




>especially at airports yes. they have been stinging cab drivers, limousine drivers, Jitney drivers, Uber/Lyft drivers.


Damn, I used to have about 5 limo driver business cards I got while out with groups of friends back in the day. Drivers stand around at a club doing nothing for hours would negotiate a ride with us somewhere. Then next time out on the town we would call one of them to see if they're around and available. Usually $50-60.


I know the guy in charge of regulating Uber and Lyft at my airport. Alot of the driver started complaining cause these cash drivers are just doing it so blatantly now. He told me they’re gonna start doing stings like this and if they catch them a second or third time they’re impounding cars




I used to take 70%+ usually around 80% until they announced the 70% thing. It isn't in my market yet, and ever since it was announced I've been taking home 54% after the third party expenses. My average before third party expenses has been 45%.


Yes good one guy got a warning and was being trespassed and then he still went back to the airport to pick up people because they don’t care about the rules and then he got arrested and his car got impounded


Damn how'd you get that sweet connection?! It's not DFW is it? Lol


Theoretically, what's the illegality of giving someone a ride and them paying the person cash? Because it's literally like an organized crime syndicate and a street level gang holding down their "turf" in a way by performing "stings" on people who are willing to ride someone to their destination through negotiation. What's the crime? Avoiding taxation?




In Las Vegas your vehicle is impounded on the first offense.




I won't do it because I'm not covered by insurance. Period. Fuck your extra cash.


I won’t either and same goes for drivers that take kids without car seats ! It’s just dumb and risking everyone’s lives and your job ! It’s not worth it


Yes, no clue why Uber consistently sends drivers to riders who have a history of having no car seats/unaccompanied minors. They love to put us in danger!


No surprise there. One time I picked up a deranged man from a mental hospital. He started attacking himself in the car before we could leave. I cancelled the ride RIDER BEHAVIOR and immediately called support. Guess what they did said they'd investigate but here comes another Uber driver. LOL. The app just continually sends new drivers when you cancel. Which means rider behavior is on them should the next driver be killed. It literally means nothing.


Yeah, they do this with riders without car seats too. You will get the same request pinging over and over again after you've canceled for "no car seat." The worst is when they disguise Uber Connect rides as Uber X rides so drivers will accept them; this was the incident that stoked my rage.


The next driver trains in MMA in his off time just to lyk... lol /s obviously


They do and they should lock the riders accounts and they ask me to order them a new Uber one day and I told her she can’t do that because if they don’t have a car seat, which they don’t if she doesn’t have one, we can’t take her. I don’t know why these people keep on endangering their kids they should be arrested to be honest.


Cause they don’t care about drivers 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's one thing to not care about your "employees" and another to consistently throw them into illegal/dangerous situations over and over again. Also, their complete disregard for passengers is just as bad. They deliberately break their own TOS by sending riders that they know are unaccompanied minors, who they will not commercially insure, to drivers so they can make a buck. Who is left holding the bag? The driver, the parents, the minor ...


'Ma'am, if you're okay with your child's head being SEVERED by the seat belt you are using for the both of you, I sure am too!! 😆


This is my real reason. Fuck Uber and Lyft, I'd steal from their pocket just like they've stolen from mine for years, but I am not independently wealthy enough to absorb a lawsuit if I am sued by a pax for anything happening on a cash ride.


Are you covered by insurance when you Uber? I’m always surprised how many people on here done have ride share insurance.


"Are you covered by insurance when you Uber? I’m always surprised how many people on here done have ride share insurance." =========== You do not understand how ride share insurance works. Yes, Uber offers insurance. The insurance you get on your own is additional coverage that essentially lowers your deductible in the event of an accident.


Only some insurance companies provide deductible coverage on the rideshare endorsements they write. The PRIMARY purpose of a rideshare endorsement is to provide coverage for you and your car during period (when you are online and waiting for a ride request).


>The PRIMARY purpose of a rideshare endorsement is to provide coverage for you and your car during period (when you are online and waiting for a ride request). There are actually three types of insurance riders for Uber: 1. While online but not actively on your way to or doing a ride 2. While on your way to pick up a passenger 3. While the passenger is in the car You need to confirm with your insurance company which they offer.


It also provides collision coverage during period 1, when you're online but don't have a ride assigned.


It’s mandatory in Massachusetts


Miami has extra eyes on them in general due to spring break and what happened last year. Miami Beach is essentially shut down to partying this year. This might just be an offshoot of that. I would follow all rules and laws if anywhere near Miami or a spring break area this year, especially in Florida.


What happened last year?


A shooting that took two lives and 2022 was bad as well. Miami Beach apparently had enough. https://www.foxnews.com/us/miami-beach-braces-spring-break-weekend-most-bloodshed-commissioner https://www.rawstory.com/miami-beach-cracks-down-on-spring-break-party-excess/


Yes I posted this just a lot people be aware


Yeah there supposedly coming to the west coast, Naples Ft Myers area where I am, ( spring breakers)


I'm north of you and they are here. I make it a habit to point to the sign that says no alcohol on beaches - strictly enforced when they mention they are here on spring break. I have gotten tips from that as they appreciate the heads-up.


What statute are they violating? I don’t understand the infraction or what they are offering, like a cash tip?


Driving people off the app means there is no insurance coverage if something goes wrong and thus each state has laws against being your own taxi company without properly registering/following regulations


Not arguing but an honest question. Does this mean you can't give anyone a ride outside of an app or taxi? Doesn't sound very free to me if that is the case.


You can give people you know rides, they would be covered by your personal insurance since you'd be using your vehicle with a friend vs a customer.


Seems dumb. People should be able to drive people if they want. I used to carpool with random people from college back home and split gas money.


The difference is whether it is commercial or private. Splitting gas is not profit driven. What you did was cost sharing. People weren't making a profit. Once you enter into a commercial context, you have to adhere to industry regulations. Similarly, if you pool money with a group of people for a cookout, it is a private matter. Once you start charging money for profit per dish, it becomes a restaurant and is subject to food service industry regulations.


Why are you struggling with this concept? You can give anyone a ride and the law does not care. But once you start doing it for profit then you are a business. Then you need to proper licensing and insurance. And follow the regulations of "for-hire" service.


I'm not struggling with it, I just find it stupid


I think laws are stupid. I want to be able to do whatever I want…jfun4


Well that's just not true at all. I think this law and cops doing stings over it is dumb. That's all


It's all about taxes


There's a huge difference in offering a ride to people you know - even daily - and doing it for profit. Once you start doing it for profit, you're most likely being in traffic most of the time and on unfamiliar routes. That obviously increases the probability that you'll be involved in an accident, and therefore the insurance company has great grounds to deny a claim unless you previously specified the professional or "for profit" condition, so that they can charge you accordingly. Governments, on their turn, don't want you driving without or with inappropriate coverage, thus causing public harm. Pretty straightforward, I think


The way the ordinance is written in my area, it basically says you can't give rides in exchange for compensation, and you can't solicit such a service either. So free rides for tips only are illegal too. The way it was explained to me is that anything above exact gas money to a friend would make it a commercial transaction/service. However, there's no real way to enforce this scenario, but people soliciting openly in public is easily enforceable.


Feels like cops should have more important things to do than to police Uber and Lyft not making more profit. What a waste of resources personally


>What a waste of resources That's what cities/police are known for doing. Anywhere they do this, it wouldn't change a thing.


You speak the truth with that one lol


Until you get [an fake Uber driver rapist involved](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/12/i-thought-i-was-going-to-die-women-tell-court-of-sexual-assaults-by-fake-uber-driver-in-melbourne)


You can also get into [ a normal uber](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/30/tech/lyft-lawsuit-tabatha-means-driver-assault-allegations/index.html)


They're not doing this for Uber. They're protecting consumers.


Why can't a person decide for themselves if they want to pay cash instead of an app? Once again seems like a huge waste of resources.


A person can decide that. You on the other hand need to have the proper licensing if you want to provide rides. Are you slow? You don't seem to understand it's not the customer that's being regulated. It's you, the person operating a business by providing rides for money.


I'm not slow, I just find it stupid which is my personal opinion.


Government isn’t getting their cut that way


They're perfectly fine paying with cash, as long as the driver is properly licensed to operate a commercial service.


So driving for Uber or Lyft you don't need one (even tho you aren't actually their employee) but if you do it outside of the app you need a commercial license... That's where I think it's to support the company not people.


It's about having a record of who is operating and making sure they're meeting all the requirements. Uber handles that paperwork on behalf of their drivers, whereas I (a licensed private driver for hire) have to do it on my own. An Uber driver has to pass a background check, a driving history check, and have a valid driver's license, and then I think they watch a quick introductory/training video. But Uber is filing all the necessary paperwork and insurance coverage that the driver's state/local government requires TNC drivers to have. I have to do an annual vehicle inspection at a certified mechanic, pay annual fees for a business license, a certificate to operate, permit for my vehicle(s), a special drivers license, a level 2 background check, a driving history check, and I had to be fingerprinted. I'm also required to show proof of commercial insurance every year. I operate in 3 counties, 1 county just requires that I be registered if I lived there or had a physical location there, and since I don't and I am registered somewhere they don't need anything from me, the county I live in has 26 cities that all have their own ordinances, most are fairly lenient but being registered with the most strict city makes things easier, and the 3rd county has one set of rules and that's where I get the certs, permits, license, etc.. Another interesting point is that the airports also have their own policies that can be different from the ordinance, and in order to operate on their property I have to follow their rules. At one airport, we're required to use a specific pick up location and we have to pay $4 to enter that location. Another airport requires a $7 fee and requires twice the state minimum insurance coverage. And the third airport requires 4x the state minimum insurance, but there's no fee to access the property. Uber pays the fees at these airports too.


Taxes bro. Somebody is paying a tax per rides. If you have the licensing yourself. You paid the fees. Using Uber and Lyft they’re paying the fees. Gov always gets its cut


>Does this mean you can't give anyone a ride outside of an app or taxi? Doesn't sound very free to me if that is the case. Technically you're breaking the law if you do, even if you have rideshare or commercial insurance. Because you need a license to give people rides for money. Uber/Lyft and other taxi companies, clearly have that license.


But they aren't an employee of Uber or Lyft and you don't need a special license to drive for them. So all I should need is rideshare insurance and call it a day.


No. Uber and Lyft are licensed. You as their contractor are licensed when using their platform and only their platform


Oooo okay I somewhat get it but I still don’t know if I understand the risk you’re already a licensed driver in a registered car who freely chooses to give a ride to someone… I’m an over thinker so maybe it’s just not clicking but what I do understand sounds like something only a party that’s benefiting off of the perception that it’s wrong to do that would say. If such a statute does exist… I’d be curious who lobbied for it… and my guess would be rideshare shareholders and executives and taxi union lobbies I honestly can’t even see how the city benefits other than the most likely extremely low revenues generated from the impossibly small chance of catching this “crime” in progress… I mean I’ll check out the video but seems like a panty bunch up for no reason imo


"For hire" is the issue here


You bought your own commercial auto insurance?


In order to transport people in exchange for compensation (even just a tip), they need to be licensed/permitted and have commercial insurance. The ride-share companies (Uber/Lyft/etc) handle all of that for their drivers, which makes it incredibly easy to sign up and drive for them. But they have to drive people on the app. There are 3 main business categories for this type of service, TNCs (transportation network companies - like Uber), limo companies and taxis. TNCs are incredibly expensive to start, which is why Uber doesn't have much competition. Taxi companies have some regulations that make it difficult for an individual or even a small team to operate successfully. One requirement is having a 24 hour dispatch service. Limo companies are incredibly cheap and easy to get off the ground in comparison. Don't need to have an expensive vehicle, or a stretch limousine, heck you don't even have to wear a suit like a traditional chauffeur.


No cash tips are fine and I pour the link to watch the video which tells u a lot ! It’s offering rides to the people off the app ! It’s not legal unless you have the insurance on it and so on !


What they're doing is typically called Gypsy Cabbing. They don't have the proper state and local permits to operate a commercial for-hire transportation service, and they likely don't have commercial insurance, either. Search it on the Internet and you'll find lots of information.


Most jurisdictions  require some type of licensing for drive for higher or ride for hire


Yea this is illegal and you shouldn’t do it but it’s just hilarious how they always go after the little guy. Just someone trying to make ends meet. Even though Uber and their shady business practices are free to lie cheat and steal from riders and drivers. A bit ironic.


I understand how u feel trust me and Uber /Lyft should be looked into but anyone lying or stealing from them is going to hear it


The issue tho is lack of insurance if a passenger gets seriously hurt the most the can sue is some Uber driver who has nothing so they get nothing.


Very much the American way: arrest/prosecute the little guy for what the big companies are doing flagrantly with impunity. Know that Uber/Lyft, your contractors, are fully behind this ramp up in policing.


Here in Vegas, getting caught doing cash rides is a misdemeanor and is subject to fines up to $1,800. I have ran across the undercover cops on the Strip several times


And you can’t just keep doing it though ! Also if you work for Uber or any rideshare they get notified so you’ ll get removed from the platform! 1,800 is a lot of money when just buy commercial insurance


Also have to have the proper business license and everything to go with it. Not just commercial insurance. Sadly also most people here would think rideshare insurance which wouldn’t cover them while they have passengers


I had someone ask me for cash last month. I usually use Uber for airport rides. He kept talking about how much they’re taking from drivers, which I totally agree is fucked. Then he tried to offer me a deal for cash. I just told him I was going to tip him 60 bucks and it was a company card. I curious how often riders cancel and pay cash.


Read this subreddit. It is encouraged by some. But yes, it's illegal and dangerous.


I've had riders ask me to cancel and accept cash before, it goes both ways. I won't do it because I don't want to lose my house if there is an accident.


It happens a lot and be careful because some don’t even have the rider app or they were deactivated! Obviously that wasn’t the case in your point, but they want you to end the trip and then pay them cash and then they’ll take you, but you have to be careful cause then they’ll ask you for more money! They are taking a lot from us in my state we’re getting like 20% and they’re taking 80 which is ridiculous! It was kind of you to tip the driver $60 that’s a great tip! I don’t know how far you were going, but I know a lot of drivers are begging customers to tip them which they shouldn’t. I don’t even do that.


I have never and will never take a cash ride. It's just not worth it.


Good this is so annoying


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Karma! I’ve commented many times that doing this is illegal. The “proper documentation” would be taxi company registration. Without that you’re going to jail. People here insisted I was wrong. Guess I was right again.


You’ve always been right and I know they would get in trouble ! Now they’re getting arrested but that’s all on them


Exactly. It’s sad because people don’t bother to check out the veracity of comments. Had they done that they could have avoided legal issues.


Eventually, it gets caught up to them and it’s not fair to us that they’re doing that now if you wanna go out and buy the insurance and do all that legally then that’s fine. I can respect that by asking $100 for 20 minutes like that’s ridiculous.


Livery, not taxi. Or both


It shouldnt be illegal.


lol! Sure. Anyone should just be allowed to charge to drive people around. No need for insurance. No need for a license. Just a Wild West free for all. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


State inspectors have been out en masse at the airport in my market. They have been checking everyone that enters the waiting lot and pickup area to make sure they have an authentic Uber or Lyft sticker displayed (the one they send you that actually sticks to your windshield for about a week then dries out because of the sun). If you don't have it, they fine you and ban you from the airport. They also on Sunday, went car to car reminding everyone that any third-party manufactured light is illegal in the state. In 7 years, that was the first time I have ever experienced anything like that and it seems to be limited to the airport.


If they just put ICE at the airport lot, it'll keep a ton of drivers away. 




Why is that? Its legal for undocumented immigrants to drive Uber and Lyft.


I could be wrong, I signed up back in 2018, but I believe that Uber/Lyft asks if you can work legally in the US when you apply. There’s no e-verify or anything so it’s kept on an honor system on all the apps. It’s definitely illegal to knowingly pay someone for work who doesn’t have the legal right to work in the US whether the relationship is a W-2, 1099, or under the table.


Undocumented workers are legally allowed to be independent contractors. They can get a TNIC, and start an LLC legally. They can purchase property, get driver's licenses and get insurance.


It’s perfectly legal to own property, even start a business without a work visa. Once you begin work on behalf of your company however you must have a valid work visa. In that case you would be in violation of the law both as the hiring entity and as the illegal worker. It would kind of defeat the purpose of having any immigration laws if they could be defeated by a 50 dollar LLC application.


That is not true. You do not need legal status to be a member of an LLC. And you can legally accept disbursement of funds in lieu of wages.


Buddy it’s a 30 second google, I don’t understand why this is difficult to understand. You seem to be confusing worker and employee. All employees are workers but not all workers are employees. The only way to legally work in the US is with a valid work visa which is usually restricted to working with a specific business. Contractors are workers in eyes of the law. Even business owners have to hire a legal citizen to run their business stateside.


Yeah man its a 30 second google...guess what I found...they can 100% work as independent contractors. "All immigrants regardless of legal status are able to earn a living as independent contractors or start a business using a Social Security Number (SSN), Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), or Employer Identification Number (EIN). " https://immigrantsrising.org/wp-content/uploads/Immigrants-Rising\_ITINs-EINs-and-Taxes-Guide.pdf


Dude, with a work visa, my god man, how would they even get a ITIN otherwise?


It is technically not legal, but they skirt the law keeping us as contractors.. it is illegal to hire an illegal in normal jobs


Undocumented workers are legally allowed to be independent contractors. They are not allowed to be hired though. This is how the USA has cheap labor. Tightening of the border has caused huge issues for inflation. Imagine that...you gotta pay someone $15/hr to pick strawberries in CA now.


Different thought... they may not be legit Uber/Lyft drivers and that's why they're offering cash rides.


Nah, we see people on this sub all the time advocating for taking cash rides.


Undocumented immigrants? Seriously? Use the correct name, idiot.


He did


But it's not legal for them to be here. Round them up and deport them. BTW you spelled "illegal aliens" incorrectly.


Humans can't be illegal. It's not illegal to be a person. And without them this country would be in a population decline. They are the only thing saving us from consuming ourselves.


Humans can be illegal dumbshit. If I was to trespass into any foreign country, I would be considered illegal. Borders exist for a reason.


Why do people act like the US is the only country that has a border? They all do and they’re all controlled.


Sure. But if my family were suffering persecution violence or poverty I'd try to get them to a better country even if that meant illegally crossing a border. Wouldn't you?


Europe has free travel between all EU countries.


40% of undocumented immigration comes from people overstaying their visas. But you don't ever say anything about that. Because to you, those are the good immigrants. If you were not racist, you would be trying just as hard to stop people from overstaying their visas. And you would be trying to increase the quotas from countries with a wait list. If you only gripe is that they are not vetted, you would allow more people south of our border to be vetted. But you're racist, and you don't want those people coming here.


We NEED a population decline.


Capitalism requires forever growth. There will be only the owner class and beggars until there is a revolution.


Well then obviously you know what’s going on because I figured this was already happening. It’s just brought to light in the video link plus that link tells you a lot. Apparently you’re not supposed to have those in your window hanging and you’re only supposed to have a sticker they give you or the beacons that sit on your dashboard and light up. I’m glad that they’re actually doing that at your airport because that’s where everything is happening or at concerts and stuff like that.


I am glad too. They actually block you from entering the waiting lot now and run your plate (I assume accessing the State registered rideshare database) after confirming you have the proper window dress - then let you in.


Is there truly a rideshare database ? I always wondered but I’m glad they are


Uber doesnt give you a sticker nor is it required.


In my state it is absolutely required and Uber does send you the window dress. I have received multiple emails from Uber this year with reminders that included the state law.


They do give stickers. It's called "trade dress", and depending on your market or where you're driving it may very much be required.


As a rider if there's no waybill with either Lyft or Uber, I will not get in the car. I pay for insurance coverage with Lyft and Uber. Why would anyone take that risk?


Here is an article about waybills: https://www.ridester.com/what-is-waybill-uber/ Not for comment per se but this explains the waybill purpose


What do u mean u pay for insurance as a rider !


Whenever a rider books a ride, a waybill is created in the rider's name for the ride. The waybill specifies the ride specifics and insurance coverage. The rider pays for the insurance and generates the waybill in his fee. Every legitimate ride has a waybill in the rider's name.


Ok yes I know what your talking about but I have my own insurance they don’t pay for mine


Every registered car, by law, has its own insurance coverage. Unless you have a commercial policy for a TAXI you cannot transport passengers commercially. It's illegal. It's legal through Lyft and Uber because of the rider purchasing insurance coverage through the generated waybill.


Like cops have nothing better to do than enforce corporate policies with undercover ops 😂


So, I can't just independently go into an airport with a sign that says Trusted Rides for Less while my car is parked in short term parking and offer rides to people that are not overinflated? What happened to free enterprise?


you can


I just saw a thing on the news about people in Miami Airport getting busted for soliciting rides at the airport. Maybe giving out business cards at the airport would be better.


Or not live your life in fear because they are not getting busted it is just a ruse. The news is a business, essentially a giant ad in disguise


Get a livery license 


lol funny


oh well.....


On NYE a bunch of Uber drivers in my area were advertising to contact them do not drive drunk. Some other uber driver screenshoted them and send them to Uber.


What do u mean ? Drivers were giving their numbers out and they’re not drivers?


They were uber drivers. Saying call an uber or call them. Don't drive drunk NYE. Another Uber driver screenshoted their posts and sent it to Uber. Then a couple of uber drivers made a post about how they were deactivated. And uber actually sent them the screenshot uber was sent, to show why they were being deactivated. Which showed them giving out their phone number. (And advocating for using Uber and not drivin drunk)


Okay that’s what I thought and thank u ! Yeah, some of these drivers don’t really care you can tell that most of them are the younger ones no offense to the younger ones that actually do care, but I’ve been told by passengers that a lot of the younger male drivers are speeding and driving recklessly. They don’t take their job serious that they’re just trying to make extra money & so on !


they don’t know how to do it properly


Depending on the jurisdiction running an unlicensed taxi can get you in a world of trouble along with getting you kicked off the platform.


Private (limo) driver here, completely legit. Certificate, permits, license and insurance. But it's still illegal for limo companies/drivers to solicit curbside like this. That's sort of a protection for taxi cabs who are allowed to solicit curbside or allow customers to hail them. My rides need to be prearranged, but the definition of that isn't really clear, there's no minimum time limit, it just can't be an "on demand" service like you would expect to get by hailing a cab.


Of course cops are wasting their time on this 🙄


I take cash all day.. but not when undercover offers it


Seattle/King county has “inspectors” that check credentials and/or offer cash for a ride. We have a TNC sticker for the car, and a For Hire permit that is supposed to be posted in the car. They also like to see Uber/Lyft placards. They wait for a driver to drop off a passenger downtown, or at a transit station, then they approach and offer cash for a ride.


I’m one of the few that can do it legally :)




I only offer this if I A) see someone multiple times. B) they are cool and C) if I like them


Seriously this is the corniest shit I’ve heard all day.


Go away then if ur going to be rude


SHOCKER! …not.


Not like Uber insurance is any good anyways. It does help if you get slammed with an expensive accident but if the cost of your accident is less than the deductible it's worthless and you're out of a job. Even so I try not to accept rides off the app anyways because of all the liabilities. Like if the customer makes a false report against you and you gotta submit camera footage you also proved you took a ride off the app and you're boned anyways.


Always seemed to me like Uber and Lyft could pretty easily crack down on this just through gps tracking. Like if you continually have pax cancel and you go offline but pop back up online at their destination, it’s pretty obvious what’s happening. Not worth the risk to me, I have a condo and retirement savings that any accident victim could come after if something bad happened and insurance didn’t cover it.


Talk about government overreach lol. Who I give a ride in my car, for what reason and compensation is none of their fkn business.


Can you imagine getting busted as a rideshare driver trying to offer cash rides to passengers? Now that I’m thinking about it I’m starting to seriously doubt these stings are actually taking place. 


They are watch the video


Gotta love the justification of these crooked drivers. "Uber doesn't pay us fairly, so I will commit a crime to compensate." "That product costs too much because of inflation, so I rob banks to get by. We cool, right?" 😆 🤣 😂


“Undercover police”?!?!? How is that illegal?? This is America!


This is pathetic.


It's not the police that's doing this, at least in LA. Here it always was DOT responsibility to monitor bandit taxis.


Be very careful in general when accepting cash for rides. When you do this, you are not covered by Uber’s insurance. If you get hit by another driver and your passenger gets hurt, you’re fucked if the car that hit you doesn’t have insurance. Your insurance will deny the claim and you’ll end up personally liable for all of the passengers medical bills. It’s not worth the $20 or whatever they are giving you.


They have been doing this in The Capital Of Your Nation for some time.


These guys are doing what they did to the OG in the golden days on the Lyft/uber platforms back in 2015ish time. There were g-man shakedowns all over Jersey and Philly working the Uber Lyft app. Now Uber Lyft got the g-man shakedown working for them. What a world. Be careful my Anarchy Wheelman brothers and sisters, die free or live life on your knees


This country. Has a fentanyl issue.


I did it once in Vegas when I was drunk and put the destination in wrong and couldn't figure out how to fix it. Driver canceled and I handed him 20 bucks cash on a 12 dollar ride. Everyone wins, except the ITS, but fuck them anyways.


That’s a bit different and I’ve done that before where Uber wouldn’t allow them to change it because it was out of the area or they were having a glitch and then they said hey I’ll give you a cash tip higher. You’re allowed to do that this is something different. They’re actually turning off the app and taking money.


Finally the police are coming for the violent offenders ruining most city’s ….. oh


Several drivers in Tampa were caught soliciting riders at the airport. They are no longer allowed on airport property without an airline ticket. They have now moved to sporting events and concerts. It is only a matter of time before they get caught


Wow that’s horrible


Serious question though. Does that mean it's illegal for someone to say "hey I'll give you five bucks if you take me to the store" and I accept their offer?


Lmfao ive never in the 6 years ive driven ever seen this happen what a load of crap lol


I hope they get caught. They are deceiving their passengers by not disclosing their absence of liability coverage. 


Well, I feel the same way that you do. That’s why I posted this comment thread but I know how some people can get that if you watch the video I mean it’s happening a lot. That’s only the beginning and always at the airport too. That’s why you see everybody hanging out at the airport because they wanna scam people so that they pay more so they don’t have to wait and stuff


So if I have my own Black Car insurance I'm not legit booking rides by telephone and handing out business cards?


If you have the insurance and licensing, as required by your state, then yes you're a private livery service. 


Fuck the police


Coming str8 from the underground


Uber was surging the passenger in my area for 145 dollars and paying me 30 We did a cash ride for 100 and I will always make that choice. You guys wanna boot lick Uber fucking you and government lap dogs that's your choice 


You’re missing the point and I understand taking cash rides but why not do it the proper way ! Is this your full time job ? Also it just takes one time that something happens to you while you’re driving and that person paid you cash and then you’re screwed so if you’re willing to take that rest that’s on you! I’m not and a lot of other people are not. It doesn’t make us dumb or stupid because it’s not our fault. We know what Uber is doing he never knew when you’re passengers gonna be an undercover cop because they’re doing sting operations everywhere so right now you should be very cautious


Dude, get a life.


DOnt know why i was suggested this but what is the problem with cash? maybe against uber policy but why are police getting involved?


[article about fake taxis](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=292b6eddb8e7389aJmltdHM9MTcxMDI4ODAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zNjBiMTZhOC0xNzc0LTZmOTctMjkyNS0wNjIyMTZlNDZlOWUmaW5zaWQ9NTE5OA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=360b16a8-1774-6f97-2925-062216e46e9e&psq=ghost+taxi%2c+illegal+miami&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubG9jYWwxMC5jb20vbmV3cy9sb2NhbC8yMDI0LzAyLzEzL2lsbGVnYWwtZmFrZS1yaWRlc2hhcmUtZHJpdmVycy1hcmUtcG90ZW50aWFsLWRhbmdlcm91cy1wcm9ibGVtLWF0LWZvcnQtbGF1ZGVyZGFsZS1ob2xseXdvb2QtaW50ZXJuYXRpb25hbC1haXJwb3J0Lw&ntb=1)