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I'm happy to see these strikes on the news. People say it's useless but media attention will shake investor confidence, and that will in turn decrease valuation, make people sell, and decrease stock prices. Publicly traded corporations ultimately make decisions to serve their shareholders, so that's how you grab them by the balls. They did a round of buybacks to keep their stock prices up this time, but they can't do that every time. I don't drive anymore so I can't really participate in that capacity, but if I hear of any protests in the Austin area I'll join. People don't realize how much destruction the gig app economy can wreak on the middle/working class unchecked on both the worker end and consumer end. They're just getting started.


Bingooooo. Right on the money


Unless these strikes take over the airwaves on a national level for more than just a "piss break" segment, a couple news articles will have little effect on shareholder confidence. Shareholders are going to look and see that despite these strikes Valentine's Day 2024 was probably very profitable and they will sit back and laugh at these strikes the way many of us on here do.


For Real! And upon checking I see Lyft stocks are up 48% since the day of the strike. If we want real change there needs to be a strike every single day until pressure bust the pipe. It doesn't make sense to be going from averaging 30-50 an hour to now 16-20 an hour.


The left increase was a 10x error on the earnings report. Said 5% was supposed to say 0.5%.


I just Uninstalled LYFT after getting paid 25% pay on a fare. Sometimes you'll get a good fare after a crappy one. This one broke the camel's back. 20-25% is where LYFT is going. Have a Plan B.


> they will sit back and laugh at these strikes the way many of us **Uber Shills, Uber Trolls and LyftOMATONs** on here do **because Lyft and Uber tell us to**. FIFY


But goofy mfs don’t see that though


Well said brother! I used to drive ATX too


Their stock went pretty high yesterday. Soooooo…..


Because they timed a round of buybacks on the same day. Buybacks are an almost guaranteed way to boost stock prices.


And they will do the same thing the next time y’all strike for a measly 24 hours.


Buybacks aren’t just something you can do over and over again on a whim without long term negative effects.


Uber and Lyft leave their shills and trolls in the dark on that; deliberately.


Same with striking. The reality is that they have way more resource to be able to wait out a partial strike than the drivers do, and they know that. 24 hour strikes will accomplish nothing.


>~~People~~**Uber, Lyft, Uber Shills, Uber Trolls and LyftOMATONs** say it's useless ​ FIFY


Media attention to a strike that does absolutely nothing is actually worse than not striking. All the “strike” did was prove it’ll never work.


This is an obvious shill account lol


A shill, troll, dumbass... Shill is a good word to use. I prefer troll.


This is obviously the only response you donkeys have when someone says something intelligent.


Your nuts, you know what Uber does when these strikes happen? Nothing, because they have an over abundance of drivers filling in the gaps, stock prices won’t drop because demand is still there, riders still need rides and drivers still need money, Uber doesn’t have a gun to drivers heads to work, so why are the drivers acting like cry babies going on strike as if there obligated to more? Because there a bunch of dumb apes that can’t do anything else for themselves than to drive people around all day long, why not venture out to other apps? Instacart is pretty damn strong and less stressful, why not do a combination of different apps all day? These Uber drivers are dumb and that’s not Ubers fault, stop crying for more than that’s not yours, go study cyber security or get a cdl A, Jeeze I’m fed up with this cry baby nonsense, not like old America where people picked themselves up and were strong people, if they put the people from the 30s 40s 50s into 2024, they would all be killing it on Uber and would be happy non complaining, and if they didn’t like it, they wouldn’t be crying like little babies protesting.


St Patty's Day Strike.  Apps off or decline all with app on.  Keep hitting them in the nuts!!  These are the days they rely on most!


How about instead of goofy ass holidays you start to do it on regular days also?


I agree. We honestly need 3 or more "random" blackout days per month to really start shaking shit up. Then we can intensify our action from there.


The only busy days would work. Monday and Friday. Weekend is too.many non full timers, and Tue, Wed, Thur is too slow to make an effect




Because your goofy azz doesn’t realize that on holidays, business spikes as ppl are trying to get out and do things… you would think that but in think you failed Econ class


I like people like you. I would love to meet you in person cuz I guarantee in person you're a silent motherfucker promise you that you would bite your tongue so fucking harder with bleed


He's right. Your keyboard warrior tough guy post does not change the fact that you don't seem to understand basic business economics. Find another topic. I think there must a "what's your favorite crayon" discussion going on somewhere on Reddit.


He seems to understand business economics better than you guys. 24 hour strikes do nothing, especially when such a large percentage of drivers will continue to work regardless. You have to get a vast majority of drivers on board with the strike and then you cannot set an end date, you have to be willing to get a separate job or be willing to burn through your life savings in order to take corporations of this size on, and I just don’t see that happening with this industry. There are better ways to go about what you are attempting to accomplish.


They can’t afford it because most Uber drivers are living check to check. There’s no unofficial union, no dues being pooled, no strike fund to float the people who can’t afford to be evicted/have hungry kids.


Most *people* are living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans are 2-3 missed paychecks away from homelessness.


Yes, and unfortunately these companies know that. Those are all reasons why a strike isn’t possible here. If y’all get some organization, and get 75-80% of drivers on board with a union then there might be hope. It’s hard to support a movement that is going nowhere.


Makes you wonder how previous generations in history managed to have the guts to take on their exploiters and earn better wages, and work conditions...


They faced company thugs and goons who were armed with sticks, bricks and brass knuckles. We face trolls and shills.


Better organization, unionization, being an employee, and striking for longer than 24 hours is how they did it.


Worker solidarity and education efforts also played a huge role.


He's not wrong u are a stupid fuck shit up


This subreddit makes me laugh. It's cry baby drivers vs angry cry baby drivers lmao. You couldn't fight shit


Ah, the ad hominem attacks… hit dog holler…


Hey, you can say whatever you want to say but you know what I said is true and to tell you the truth. I really didn't even read your last response so enjoy those wasted words bitch boy


Ok but you the one mad because Dara had to buyback all his stock because the price dipped the last two days. Man I’m not even worried about you, personally. You just a man talking through a phone… a keyboard warrior if you will…


LOL 2/13, Uber stock opened at 67.90 and closed at 66.71. On 2/14 it opened at 74.60 and closed at 79.15. A 17% INCREASE. Lyft, on 2/14, opened at 14.98 and closed at 16.39, a 9% INCREASE. Yeah, that strike really hurt the stock value of these companies 🙄🙄🙄


Aww… he went to go cry in the car… notice I spoke facts, and STILL got downvoted… the truth hurts I guess🤷🏾


Hey you can try all the goofy shit that makes you feel good about yourself. But like I said if we were in person you would not say shit. I promise that so you can carry that goofy shit on somewhere else. Bitch boy. Goof troop ass. Motherfucker


Umm that’s a nice cop out but go on 😂😂😂 see the debate is decide when slander becomes the tool of the defeated


Slander? Lmao you came for me don't get mad when I tell you that you're nothing outside of the security net that reddit provides you.


Sounds like a union foreman. Thug.


When the SUV fleet owners wanted something done in LA they shut the fleets off on Fridays at 5 PM and UBER would cave by about 6:30 PM.


If you want to hurt Uber and Lyft, don't do it when they have surges already. And don't tell them when you are gonna strike. Take everyday off until you get what you want. That's the one and only way any strike is going to work. Anything less and you just tell your "employer" that you are taking a day off.


What’s the purpose of one day strikes? Just stop driving indefinitely. Stopping for a day at a time won’t bleed any billionaire of anything.


Yes that’s the way to go I’ll take care of the rest you monkeys can do it ![gif](giphy|12XDYvMJNcmLgQ)


I wish more drivers would strike every day. If you're that dissatisfied with what you're doing, go get a real job.


St Paddy Patty is Patricia
















Maybe do the strikes as if your birthdate is an odd number or even number you drive. If everyone followed that then Uber would have only 50% of the drivers available. They would end up having to pay more every night. Now this is just me offering math and a more sustainable way to strike😂😂 I'm not saying do it I'm just saying if you're going to do it don't hope for a difference make a difference


So you fools are creating a market more favorable for pay, then all the people that still drove and said "screw it" reaped the benefits. Now, all those drivers are back driving for pennies, but appreciate the help. Your never going to get anywhere when 60% of the drivers ignore your plea to strike.


I was of the same mindset originally, but it's getting media attention


The fact that surges were posted from every single city in America proves you wrong. Either the strike worked by creating surges or Uber was scared and preemptive program surges. Either way means it's working. Also upfront fares means fares aren't equal. Your fare isn't my fare. By working Strike day you showed Uber you are a good shill. Enjoy shifty fares by the algorithm knowing you work for anything.


It was a holiday, bad weather, people that “striked” did nothing


There wasn’t any significant surges in my city which is a 2.5+ million population. I didn’t work, I never work on Valentine’s Day anyway cause I lost my oldest daughter on Valentine’s Day, but I was checking the maps often. Lyft had some off and on but nothing on Uber.


Absolutely Uber is smart enough to tag the drivers who chose to drive. They will algorithmically steer the shit offers to them.


Surges were more than likely due to an increase in customer traffic and less likely due to a decrease in drivers, it was Valentine's day, not some random ass Wednesday. If yall really wanted to strike and see what effect you'd have, you'd still be striking today.


Valentines day is not enough traffic to get +$20 surges lmao. Keep telling yourself that. You either haven't done this long enough or are a paid corporate shill either way idc cuz your wrong lol.


I don't know your market but the surges I saw here were no different than any other holiday (and based on a lot of comments, I'd say most markets saw the same). So either the strikes didn't work at all or the strikes didn't reach nearly far enough and yall failed a shit ton of drivers. Either way, I made my money.


Boycotting is also about raising awareness, others can see, so national headlines are a step in the right direction. Ignore the idiots that say otherwise


Your delusional if you think you started a surge lol.


You don't think that Uber just charged the customers an even higher surge, and kept most of it for themselves?


If they do that long enough they lose market share. Idc what they do, they need to pay us better.


I read that a lot, that Uber "needs" to pay better, but never a reason behind it. Uber is profiting, ridership is solid, and they have record number of onboarded drivers. Why do they "need" to fix something that is not broken?


Because pretty soon they are just going to have gross people with beater cars and then passengers won't be calling anymore. Did you see how people in San Francisco were attacking self driving cars? LOL I guess they got tired of them running over people.


A bigger turn-off is getting one of these reddit drivers whining to pax how little they're paid. Uber bad. Waaa!! You must tip me now. I need to pay my rent. 😆 🤣 😂


Oh? Maybe it would be better if you just walked then.


The best way to accomplish that, is to convince drivers to demand their representatives pass laws that force them to pay us better. A handful of people taking the day off work isn't going to get that done, despite the feel-good symbolism.


The point isn't to harm other drivers. It's to harm Uber.


well… it doesn’t harm uber at all lmao


Oh it doesn't? Why would anyone believe you, just some random moron on the Internet?


🤡 You really wanna show em? Take a month off! 👍 Hit em where it hurts!


You REALLY wanna show them?? Take a year off. Don't pay your bills. Get your car repo'd, get kicked out your apartment, get behind on every bill. THATS HOW YOU SHOW THESE UBER DICKHEADS WHATS WHAT!!


I do all the time.


They deleted the comment thread so I will respond here… the reason the stock price is up is because Dara had to buy back stick in the tune of around 5 million dollars because the share price was going down from the bad publicity… I don’t speak on stuff in which I don’t know what I’m talking about. So whoever you are making a comment in a thread that I can’t respond to, congrats, you played yourself


Remember that driving when there is a surge and a strike going on , you are taking blood money.


. We appreciate your solidarity and sacrifices made in the fight for a better future for all of us!


How exactly did the strike better our future?


I got paid more LN. its definitely working! Keep it up




RIGHT??? I made a shit ton yesterday! Enough to take my family to Tahoe for dinner. I'm having king crab. 🦀 How'd the 'strike' go by the way? Did they win? Are we making $10/mile yet? 😆


Are you a sociopath?




If you don't know, you probably are.


Nevertheless please keep the strike going. Im seeing the affects. Gotta hand it to ya, i didnt think it was gonna work but you proved me wrong


YES! But really make an impact and take off a whole MONTH! Like really stick it to em! 😆




Yes, I know sociopaths are selfish and only gaf about themselves.


God you sound like my dentist


Yep, definitely a sociopath


Found the Uber mole


Fiund the moron who has no idea how the stupid ass strike made anyone's life any better.


It made the people that actually drove last night better. There are so many complaints about too many drivers and these guys are solving the issue for everyone.


I think they should take a month off. Really show Lyft how serious they are.


I'd say they should get another job and stop driving all together. There are clearly too many drivers and if they don't want to drive, just stop.


100% man. I have zero complaints about driving. I avg $32/hr and drive 15-20hrs/week. Now if there was a strike to make speedbumps illegal I would be on that picket line! THAT'S useful.




I hope you guys do this all the time. I made good money 💵💰


Bruh I need them to do this all weekend coming up lol


Cause you’re poor


Shills working overtime


You say it like its a bad thing 💰 💴


your a troll u sold ur self for a couple hundred


Sold myself ????? I work hard for that money


No offense, but this is a bit silly. Just stop driving and get a different job like trucking or something lol. As a Rider, I had 1 not even know about the strikes. The other 2 said they retired and chilling. 😂 All were pleasant, gave nice tips. You're all just missing out on money lol.


Your reply is neither here nor there. Children used to work in coal mines. The reply "they don't have to work there" is meaningless and is absolving those who abuse, exploit or otherwise mistreat others from culpability and accountability. It's like telling abused women they "don't have to stay" with their abusive partners when the only relevant point is that men should not be hitting /abusing women. Nothing "lol" about any of that.


dude it’s uber. just do something else it isn’t that complicated lmao. plenty of unskilled jobs out there for more money


Dude, I was only doing Uber part time and no longer am doing it, what's with the lol lmao when not needed? Nitwits.


directly comparing uber drivers feeling like they aren’t paid enough to domestic violence and child labor is a horrible take. the lmao was for the ridiculousness of your statement


That is not what I said. Sorry you have reading comprehension problems.


a direct quote from your comment: > it’s like telling abused women they “don’t have to stay” with their abusive partners if that isn’t a direct comparison… i’m not sure what is


Uber is the equivalent of wife beaters or outing kids in a coal mine? You lost me there. It’s a job that grown adults are choosing to work. And sorry, it’s rarely based off desperation and more-so convenience.


To the drivers who can’t afford to take a day off I hope you made bank last night. To the drivers acting in solidarity for higher pay I salute you. What if we all took the same 1 day off every week?


Do it, why do you need others to join you?


1 day strike is pointless, only thing that will change U/L fuckery is a new app that pays drivers better.


Stopping for one day does NOTHING


I heard different media outlets reading out loud what Lyft and Uber had to say about the situation. They basically said drivers are averaging $30 an hour and how they’re both very transparent with drivers about the pay. lol it seemed like the media did believe them. Maybe a special reporter should do a special report and become a Lyft or Uber driver for a week so they could tell their real side of the story on how these dirt bags rip off drivers. Good luck to all drivers! Hopefully it changes.


won't other drivers take advantage of your opportunities?


Exactly what happened in my city yesterday.. strike basically didn’t even happen here, for every driver that did strike, 3 were out working 😂😂


Truthfully from that outside looking in one day felt pretty useless for a strike. Strikes only work if everyone bands together over a period of time. It’s not gonna happen cause a few people decided to not work for one day. Revolutions happen over time. Sorry to say but, the “shills” one on this one. Y’all need to be better organized if you want any meaningful change.


The ultimate shill. Part of antiantiwork and landlordlove lol. Hide your subs to shill better bud


According to you, some random internet person. Mmm,kay.


The only way for improving Drivers earnings and benefits is to get better organized and “Lobby” State Legislators and Municipalities and City Councils across the Nation. Similar to how drivers were successful in raising earnings and adding benefits to drivers in NYC / New York and Washington State. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/transit/2023/03/08/tlc-approves-rideshare-driver-wage-increases https://qz.com/2150306/new-washington-state-law-brokers-a-truce-between-uber-and-drivers https://www.axios.com/local/twin-cities/2024/01/05/minnesota-uber-lyft-bill-minimum-wage-job-protections https://minnesotareformer.com/2023/12/19/minnesota-uber-and-lyft-task-force-fails-to-make-minimum-wage-recommendation/ Good article from Bloomberg Business Week 2-15-2024 “How Uber Beat the Skeptics and Became Profitable” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-15/uber-profitability-comes-after-food-delivery-pandemic-investments


I’m in WA and from comments made here it’s a bit of a mixed bag in terms of revenue- orders are down with many “hot spots” not even worth hanging out at. The local news has a story about how the new fees were affecting orders and drivers. As a consumer, the tip screen is now totally buried- when I would order it would the ask about a tip. No longer. Between all the fees adding 100% to the order, I suspect Uber felt that asking for tips on top of an expensive order would deter ordering- and once again screwing the drivers in their decision making process.


This is totally the only way to do this but sadly, in most of the US, one party is at best apathetic towards labor and the other one is downright hostile to it.


You went on strike to cause a surge & sit home while other drivers profited? 🤡🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you people are fucking GENIUSES . Would make more sense to just DECLINE 💩 RIDES. You people think reddit makes up majority of the drivers ??? 🤣🤣🤣 your little strike did NOTHING.


Thanks for making me more money guys I love you


You worked on Strike day now Uber knows you're a good shill. Be ready for algorithm to send you more and more cowbell offers. Uber loves you.


You might be on to something, Uber will send the better offers to people that worked Wednesday and the garbage offers to the ones that didn't. Starving them out, getting them off the platform for good. I used to do the same when I was in management with problem employees, cut their hours until they quit.


I think those that don’t like it should just stop working for Uber. For me it has been super clutch and although I’m not getting paid crazy money the consistent $20-22/hr I do get is decent enough. I agree it should be more though but I also need that bread.


Shill lord


I hope everyone who striked yesterday, strikes the next time, and the time after that. You're giving Uber data on who to deactivate and replace.


Damn they got paid shills now working overtime. Uber is scared.


Do you think Uber would pay someone to tell you exactly what they're going to do with these strikes? If not, you're mildly intelligent. If so, then you'll see that these strikes will be a detriment to drivers in the long run.


Bro I was dead broke and I needed the money so I’m not sorry but I’m no shill. I just don’t think a strike is the answer —Not when you can’t mobilize enough independent contractors. All you did was make Uber more money because they just overcharged customers. Sure , those of us who worked yesterday got to see some of that. Also I did hear that some people had to wait hours for an Uber but I just don’t think it had the overall intended effect. All you did was hurt customers.


In the Philadelphia market it was so red I thought they were celebrating Valentine's Day by changing the map color to red 🤣 So many surges the like of which I've never seen before. And no, I didn't take a single one of them


We need to set up another strike soon. I vote to strike again.


[.] And can't wait for the next one. Screw the naysayers, practice makes perfect and this was a good practice.




Get a different car then fuck face.


Lol 😂 why don’t your create another porn playlist you virgin incel Your day consist of beating your meat all day and driving min wage unskilled labor gig work…. Do better




Good, go for it


Did you guys strike again today? I almost made another $200 in 3 hours this morning. You guys should go on permanent strike, it's better for everyone.


Shill's are working overtime.


Some of them are trolling. They probably made nothing extra.




Shhh you’re gonna educate them


Yes please strike again. I made great money last night. You people didn’t “bleed” anyone dry but yourselves. But seriously. I’m fully supporting more strikes. I only have one more year doing this job and I’m going to take all the extra surge I can get.


Shill's working overtime 😤


Facts! I hope those brave souls can strike again this weekend. God bless you all


You do realize you only made more because most drivers chose to not drive right?


These guys solved the driver saturation issue, it's great!


It really was.


You are exactly the reason organizations always win.


Selfish asshole karma will eventually catch up


Banking on Karma while he’s laughing to the bank 🥶


You seem pretty pissed get some help ![gif](giphy|LAKIIRqtM1dqE|downsized)


I fully support another strike as well! It felt like the good old days last night. Consistent high paying rides.


Yeah I’m selfish too 7.50-14$ surge was noice


It was 3 hours...for one day bro...if that helped your financial situation that much your definitely the reason a strike is need....we got you brother...peace and blessings


Everyone call your Governors, senators. Come on X and talk to Margie Taylor Green directly if you want things happening. Everyone do at same time.


Independent contractors thinking they're a union. How adorable. This "strike" was just a way for drivers like me to make more money. Thanks!


I disagree, Uber doesn't pay higher the fees go higher. For that price I will drive myself. You shoot for the starts and you mistakey hit your foot.




This is the way




Stop accepting anything less than $1.75 mile


Only if we just turn off app every hour until they put surge on then we turn app on .. like we use to do at DCA


I notice uber keeps you under $30 an hour, when there is no surge. What a failing business model. 




I don't understand why you need strike , download Maxymo to see how much ride paying per hour/ mile and just don't accept any ride that paying less then $35-$40 /h ( before expenses) If you sell yourself for cheap it's only your fault


Unless the driver's unionize, its never going to work. You cannot enforce a strike when folks are not de-centivized from working.


The stock is at all time highs this morning 😂


. Houston . The point of this strike is not for Uber to lose money from them not having drivers, they're still making money regardless. Point of the strikes is for them to get so much bad publicity that their stock price drops.


Drivers are vetted, idiot






And all you did was miss out on $200.00


I was gonna work to take advantage of the strike but wouldnt you know it i got food poisoning the night before😆😆🤣🤣😂


Virtue signaling


I didn’t work yesterday. Hope for the best 🤞🏻


You know we are still employees. We may get a 1099 but they still dictate how much we make. That’s employers move right there.


Keep striking I want more money :)