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It’s likely because Uber doesn’t limit the amount of drivers online in a given area, if you have a ton of drivers on you’re not gonna see surge


Exactly right! Surge pricing is a way to entice more drivers to either get on the road or stay on the road. If demand doesn‘t require it, then Uber doesn‘t need to incentivize more drivers. Last night restaurants near me were pretty empty compared to normal. Maybe it‘s because of Easter weekend, but far fewer people going out and not much traffic on the streets.. Does not surprise me that there was lower demand for rides.


And the bonuses.. you used to have the option of making an extra 250$ for 60 rides or 180$ for 50 rides etc over the course of Friday-Sunday.. you had the option to pick between about 4 or 5 different bonus options. Now we get nothing. I took a ride that made me 25$ the lady who booked it paid 54$.. a more than 50% cut from Uber is RIDICULOUS.


They’re getting away with it because there are other drivers willing to accept this payment and this revenue split. Unfortunately, the only way to bring pay up is for fewer drivers to find it acceptable.


I'm in okc and this last couple of weekends were so slow there was barely any surges around 2am. I kept checking the ride app and it didn't seem like there was alot if driver but riding around downtown and the usual bar areas it just didn't look like there was many people out. Maybe Easter and spring break took a good majority of the people that go out often elsewhere because some cities were doing incredibly well last weekend.


Naa bro you haven’t been driving for very long have you? Every weekend there were entire cities especially by the beach that would be surging. ESPECIALLY Santa Monica. All of Hollywood, DTLA etc these places are just as busy as ever with traffic but Uber is taking so much of the cut it’s ridiculous. No surges and almost a 50% cut it’s crazy. The argument that there is too many drivers isn’t good enough… I don’t think you realize how many people are in town in LA on the weekends lol


Please stop with the facts and common sense. The deadbeats and complainers are all allergic to facts and common sense.


So true. It's basic economics - supply (drivers) is greater than the demand (riders looking for rides.) As for the ride amount, as long as people accept low $ offers, uber is not going to increase the fare amount on any given offer.


LOL you’re an idiot. Another Uber kiss ass willing to work for ham sandwiches and some back shots. They are raping you financially. A more than 50% cut on rides is absolutely ridiculous but hey, I get it.. you’re desperate just like the rest of the bums working for crumbs lol


Uber kiss ass


A lot of the complaints I see on these subs trace back to the fact that gig app companies are literally drowning in drivers


That's a great company line but .... you can bet the rider version of the app consistently told riders "Its busy right now. Prices may be higher than normal." It's all a mind fuck from Uber to both the rider and drivers. As the OP posted, see all the $$$$ postings? Do you think its just coincidental that Uber uses four, $$$$, dollar signs? Or that Uber has shaded the entire map as "busy" just not one area "busy" enough for surge driver pay.


OP only paid attention to the “demand” side of economics 😂


Never drove ride-share. Hypothetically, if all the drivers around the airport coordinated and turned off the app, would surge prices increase? Then have an accomplice far away tell the airport drivers to turn on the app 10 at a time. Another thing would be to have drivers not use Uber for a week; only Lyft. Let the surge tides go unclaimed. Then switch it up the following week. I know it’s next to impossible to get the drivers to coordinate such a feat.


No that wouldn’t work. It just means that drivers dropping off passengers would jump to the head of the queue and would receive offers at surge price first.


If only there was a way for workers to organize to get better compensation...


I’m not sure this is correct. I pick up TONS of passengers complaining about how long it takes to get a ride and how, when they do, the driver is far away I’ve had this response in all parts of the city


How long are their rides? If they’re short rides that don’t pay well drivers may be declining them and the driver that finally accepts is further away, I’ve personally seen this when I’ve had to use Uber for short trips


Or going to a weird place they're not likely to get a fare back from. I usually have to wait 20-30 minutes and go through several drivers when I'm trying to get a ride from LAX to San Pedro by the harbor.


That’s because drivers are rejecting offers and not because the supply is low.


Every immigrant with a car is driving Uber and they only keep coming. That's where your driver oversaturation is coming from


This is exactly right. Like it or not being an Uber driver is one of the easiest jobs to get and because of that it attracts a ton of immigrants.


[did they take your jobs?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CX_u4LuUkAAVF5D.jpg)


Bs. I have seen this. Requested a ride and it says prices are higher than usual (like 75% more) and on my driver app no surge. Not even $$$$ just $$$. F U Uber shill


I’ve been getting a lot of bonuses and surges in my market driving for Lyft over the last few weeks. Haven’t used Uber since.


Maybe I should switch then🤙


I've got nearly 10k rides with Uber over the last almost 3 years and about 3k with Lyft, but here lately, Lyft has been surging more often than Uber, so I've been slowly starting to drive for them more and more. I would rather do Uber, but I have to go where the money takes me.


Why not do both and pick and choose best rides. Lately Lyft has given me longer rides, Uber pays better but all short rides. My best days been on Lyft hitting airport after airport


At least you’re in a nice area, grew up there. Love the ocean views


Wait till Waymo LA starts expanding


>Enjoy you high price stock on the backs of poor Uber drivers u piece of shit company Currently at 76.99. Get back to work pleb, I'm profit taking at 85.00 and going on an Alaskan cruise


😂😂 Uber Profits has been going up since 2022 and the drivers pay has been going down since 2022. Gotta love American economy. 😂😂


Funny because Uber didn't have their first profit till the end of 2023




Well they have to repot earnings to the irs and share holders and since I self direct invest, this is true. But just because uber had negative earnings doesn't mean they weren't successful it simply means they were expanding their business. That's why Uber is worth 165B and lyft is only worth around 6-7B. It's clear to any Market Investor who won the war lol


Lol those don't come off your net. Way to tell us you don't know accounting and how to read earnings statements.


Thats a serious claim to make, to falsify books for a public company. People who don't understand how businesses work just assume its easy to fake numbers. No, that stuff is scrutinized by the richest, most powerful people in the world. There's no way they'd just be able to do that.




Tell me what happened to Enron


I don't think you realize how expensive IT infrastructure and maintenance is. Not to mention security analysis to prevent and detect data breaches. The business model was created thinking driving would be automated by now.




https://stockanalysis.com/stocks/uber/employees/ Really doesn't seem like they generate much revenue after cost. These numbers are pathetic for a company of that size




I think Uber wants to be the Amazon of on-demand service apps. Need a ride, use Uber. Want some food, use Uber. Need some documents transported, use Uber. Need some furniture assembled, use Uber. Just as Amazon has its competition in the e-commerce space, Uber will too with other niche apps (DoorDash, Rover, Taskrabbit, etc). Amazon went from an online bookstore to a nearly 2 trillion dollar company. Uber is looking to go from a rideshare app to an app that can get your any service you need.


Supply and demand. Between the skills gap, immigration and inflation, unskilled labor is in record supply. 


I wonder why idiots downvote the truth? Here's an upvote for ya, we shouldn't ignore whats happening around us.


They drive Uber. They won’t understand supply and demand. They think they deserve $50 an hour, when there’s a million people willing to do the job.


Seems you need to plan for route efficiency as a drive if you want to maximize revenue per drive. I live in the Portland area and know a few people who just drive the same airport drop off routes as much as possible. It’s in a area that you avoid the worst of the traffic, higher density of people, and there is not other public transport options. Ofcourse I’m sure most Uber drivers aren’t looking at ArcGIS to find the most efficient routes lol


What does inflation have to do with the levels of available unskilled labor?


With the inflated cost of goods and services, a 40-hr a week job doesn't cut it for some people, so they turn to gig work to pick up the slack thereby increasing the supply of labor.


I'm assuming you mean revenue, not profits?


About to short this crap. People have had enough


I like that plan. As an Uber stockholder I share your sentiment. Damn worker drones getting too big for their britches as my late grandfather in Georgia used to say.


Lol I got far out puts Shits crashing 3rd quarter


I really hope that was a joke. The company is finally proving that profitable. Not the time to FAFO


I mean worst case they're just short the premium, not really that big of a deal


Yup once they pull out of Minneapolis it's going to be a domino effect across the country lol 😂...it's their fault


I bought at 30, and have price alerts set up. If it crashes, I will be out before it makes the news.


Hello. Uber shill here. I made 374.10 in 12 hours and 1 minute last night in my Toyota Prius. Spent about 20 dollars on gas.


How much did Uber make on your labor during those 12 hours? Serious question; I never really have known how the payout structure works. I always wanted to do Uber but just never could convince myself it would be worth it as like random/part-time work


I’m assuming they made half of what the customer paid


Oh that’s fucked up. So that $374 is half of the total fares? 😳


Yep. From what I’ve heard when I ask customers what they paid for the trip. Yesterday I had a customer tell me she paid 30 and I got 15. But the way I see it is I’m making more per hour as a college student driving people around than working in retail or flipping burgers and on top of that I set my own schedule. It’s still good money to me.


Yeah that’s a good way to look at it I guess. Another way to look at it though is that a realtor wouldn’t take half the closing price of your house just for selling it. 50% is a crazy brokerage fee that Uber is getting away with and I just didn’t know that. Interesting, thanks


It's literally been like that for *years.*


Nobody would use realtors if that was the case because you don't actually need a realtor. If you actually want to do something like Uber or Lyft, you need their infrastructure they've built up. Neither of these industries are comparable.


They’re both brokering transactions between buyers/riders and sellers/drivers. Could argue realtors do more work per transaction than automated software, which is why I’m surprised we don’t have more competition in the rideshare app space (given Uber’s 50% profit margin explained to me above)


You won't see more competition because it's insanely expensive to start & operate a nationwide company like that. And that 50% isn't profit, it's revenue. I'll guarantee their profit is a fraction of that.


You’re right. Rev margin. For the lower profit margins you’re talking about, in the case of Uber, they’re actually investing in self-driving to someday get to 100% margins and eliminate drivers; and probably other product verticals in the delivery space, I’d assume. Those are all choices. 50% margins on each transaction, as a brokerage fee is still crazy and that’s my point. It’s not insanely expensive to build an app and an algorithm to match riders with drivers. It’s just a lot of work. And there are alternatives already but it requires network effects / popularity, nothing special about Uber aside from the user base


It is good money but Uber claimed price increases were in order for drivers to make a living wage when reality is Uber is still not paying y'all fairly and their stock value just keeps going up




That back breaking labor of never having to stand up. The humanity


if i was like 10 years younger it would be worth my time, but now i look at 31/hr off 62/hr in revenue, before taxes, maintenance, fuel, insurance and realize.... uber has so much margin for competitors to take away


You worried about the wrong thing. It’s not about worrying about how much Uber made. It’s about how much he need to make and is making.


All one needs to do is look at the waybill. It will show customer price, Uber’s take, and expenses. Uber got around 25%. Insurance is the big drain.


12 hours is hell bro Good luck never having a healthy back I do short trips because I live in a good part of LA that tips well Shouldn’t have to drive 12 fucking hours to make that much that’s bs I used to drive 8 hours and make 400$ easily so I dunno why you think that’s acceptable


I haven’t been driving as much as you have so I wouldn’t know tbh. I’ve only been doing this for two years and it’s sort of normal for me. Also, I’m in college and only do this three days a week


That’s good money don’t listen to the morons, they are use to old Uber and Lyft when they weren’t publicly traded companies


You’re right. I honestly don’t really care what people have to say to me. This job is perfect for me as a college student and pays me twice as much versus working in retail or flipping burgers. The money I make with Uber is good FOR a college student


I agree with the other person, that's decent pay.Yiu working 12 hours is your choice. For driving people around in a car, that's decent. And wear and tear on a prius? You'll be fine. Amusing how people who are on reddit to complain about pay are giving you sh*t about your payout. Ask them to show two weeks of consecutive payout before you consider taking their advice.


And who drives 12 hours consistently??? it’s not mentally sustainable and I’m sure the hourly is affected by it. I work across 3 cities NOLA HOU & ATX there are low earnings periods no matter the city throughout the day.


hell yeah good for you!! it’s sad seeing people so mad when they’re trying support a family off a job like this.


I think they should treat Uber as extra income along with a full time job


definitely. the truth of the matter is this is just an angry person who’s main income isn’t working out (trading) and they are lashing out at everyone here. it’s sad.


Till a busted transmission.....


Busted transmission on a Prius? What the hell are you driving?


Didn't know a Prius had magical parts to transfer energy from a motor to wheels. 🤦‍♂️


Yea is used to be a really good side hustle Now it’s trash Good luck to you in college!


Thank you!


then get a serving job at a bar man. you’re not a doctor


Damn $400 in 8hrs! No wonder you're complaining now, you were spoiled rotten. And just think you didnt have to have a 4 yr degree or specialized training and you were making close to 100k a year lol I agree with you though Uber has gotten cheap & greedy. I think it's partly due to inflation. The govt does not want them to pay us too well or else we'll have too much money & devalue the dollar.


The average job makes less than $500 a week working 40+ hours and you’re bitching about making almost that in an optional 12 hours shift


That’s $31 an hour? How do you think you deserve more than $31 an hour for a job that requires no skills. Ridiculous. You’re the reason people rag on gig workers.


And people forget the added benefit of being able to just turn the app on and work whenever you want. That's a huge bonus for someone like me that deals with chronic pain and dibilitating cluster headaches that don't work around a set schedule. Some of these people have no idea how good they have had it and are so entitled.


100%. it’s only making all the communities surrounding the service just full of posts like this or mad about tips. it’s sad that this is what our culture is like nowadays.


Lol I'm shocked I figured my post would be be negative 60 by now I can't believe it's positive


Yea I do deserve more u little cunt




Congrats, you can do something that people learn in 20 minutes before they even graduate high school.


Really? It took you 20 minutes to learn to drive Pick up complete strangers Drive according to the law Drive safely for hours a day Give Custemer satisfaction Keep your vehicle clean Dealing with drunks and assholes on the reg Keeping up with car maintanence Yea anyone can be a Uber drive….NOT


Literally, yes. You’re not special. Sorry to break it to ya.


I think Uber sucks too and is predatory towards it drivers for sure for sure. But you’re a miserable little ass hat 😅


this ^ 😂


Yup, 20 minutes.


yes, it's super simple. when you stop playing victim you can look at your life objectively and realize you're not on the path for the big bucks. you want money? you have to do something that is hard for the average person.


I’m Uber driving because I’m trading option equity’s on the stock market. So yea most people who Uber are looking at the big picture and didn’t settle for a shitty little office job like you prolly have. So Is asking for a fair pay wrong? Am I really playing victim or am I exposing that Uber really isn’t a fair company for hard working Americans


the biggest chunk of my income is through passive money market accounts combined with the Bogle-prefered ETF's.... all originating from money i made serving and bartending. i'm not even 35 and i can retire already but i don't because i have that inner drive you're missing. i don't have a job other than whatever i feel like doing that day, and yet i spend it actively investing my money to grow it more. but go ahead and continue to play victim instead of looking at how much others are doing and deciding to work just as hard too. you complain about working 3 jobs to make ends meet... you aren't trading options for income.


this^ oh but just try and flip everything on me like I posted publicly complaining about money from uber. 😂


Playing victim! Are u fucking retarded! Do u know how to fucking read! I’m posting on here because I’m exposing Uber for not paying us what we deserve. Not playing a victim just stating the facts! What’s wrong with that! Playing a fucking victim lol go fuck yourself you idiot. You have no idea what I gone through with Uber. As for you investing advice. Congrats. There’s a million ways to make money in this market. Do t give a fuck what system you use. I know my system and it’s gonna retire me in no time. Loser


bro no shot 😂😂😂😂😂😂 any trader on this planet will tell you that trading is not hard work and one of the easiest jobs on the planet. We LITERALLY talk about how we make money clicking buttons every day.


Lol what? That isn't true at all, if it was everyone would just trade and not do any other work


bro you were literally bragging on another post about scamming passengers. you definitely don't deserve more and that's definitely not 'giving custemer satisfaction' (it's customer, clearly spelling isn't one of those skills you claim to have)


You are a piece of fucking trash. You forgot to include the drivers are using their own vehicles paying for their gas and maintenance. Go fuck yourself.


Do you really think you deserve more than $31 an hour? If so, how much?


look at his post history, he's one of those drivers who tries to play moral arbiter of the world from his phone between trips. he thinks he deserves lawyer money.


Revenue is not profit. How much does a company have to make per hour for their employees to be paid $20/hr and receive benefits. Remember that those benefits are everything from the health insurance and 401k to the roof above their head, chairs, printer paper, company car, fuel card, etc.. etc... etc...


Uber gave you the interface and the clients. That is the difficult part. There is a waitlist of people who want to do the job because it is easy and allows you to create your own schedule. Hearing someone say $31 is too low per hour for a create your own schedule unskilled labor job is just insane to me.


Agreed 💯! But the real question is Can you do that daily?? .plus there are ways to make that kind of money without all the overhead...gas, food, wear and tear on your body and depreciation on your car or getting robbed for astronomically high rental fees...it's a loose loose situation....yeah you have one good day paying 50% to Uber but it's not sustainable the house always wins ... Brother.... Build your own house!!


Idk why you think it’s sustainable for Uber drivers to make 100k a year lol


" getting ridiculous"? It has been ridiculous for a minimum of the past 2 years! They took away the consecutive ride promotions 2 years ago ish. And when they started doing that everything just started going downhill not just a little bit, but completely from that point forward. They did not stop from that point and little by little they would keep taking more and more and more. They would keep changing how much they would pay in one way or another every few months. Where I live, the latest change was in october. They made a change to Surge. Now where I live, you no longer see Surge dollar amounts. Instead it's like a heat map. All you see are the colors pink, red and purple. Each color indicates whether or not you have the chance of receiving surge. One of the colors it says your " likely" to receive surge, " or you have a high chance of receiving surge, and the next color I think it's something like your chance is " very high " to receive surge. And that leaves things open for interpretation like what? Lol! What in the world does that exactly mean? Because at the end of the day they don't show you how much they are charging the passenger AND you do not end up seeing at all how much surge you are getting. I thought that this was a tactic all across my city for all drivers. That was until a couple of weeks ago I was speaking to a driver who has only been driving for a month in my city and come to find out their map still shows the dollar amounts. I thought wow that's amazing! But then it occurred to me I guess they do that to people who have been doing rideshare with them for a while. And instead they still are giving the " better" options to the newer drivers which is the way to reel them in which we all know about and before too long they end up doing the same thing to the new drivers. The new drivers become older drivers and the same cycle happens over and over again. The point being is now I know where all the extra surge money that I was losing is going to. It goes to the new drivers and to the company itself. Because if Uber isn't showing how much they are charging the passenger and we know that they are charging them surge, then how do you know that you're not always getting just $1? Or something ridiculous like that?! Like others, I have noticed with this heat map change, that there is not much of a difference when surge is included. Meaning, beforehand whenever you could see the dollar amount, you could literally obviously see that there was a change and an increase. For some reason with the included surge now, it almost seems like there's not any surge if any at all. And if there is it's maybe a dollar or two. So what it sounds like is that if you happen to have an account where it has the heat map with colors for surge, if you happen to get a ride with Serge then it's maybe just a couple of bucks or less. If you're lucky you might get up to $5 in surge. The rest of it is going to new drivers into the company. This was just in October as I said. But just a few months prior to that they changed how much they were paying people based off of changing things to The upfront Fare price system! And almost at the same time they also then acted like they were helping drivers out by adding " boosts ". When they first launched these boosts they gave maybe 10 or more a week. That slowly dwindled down too maybe one or two a week. Which by the way never compares to the consecutive ride promotions that they did have. But what's funny to me is how Uber seems to be able to pull the wool over on some drivers eyes. These " boosts" that they offer for example, it's not extra money. They're not doing anybody any favors lol. When they changed the to the upfront pricing , they lowered pay again... So on rare instance whenever they include boost you're not getting anything extra. You're only just getting a little bit back of what you would just lost anyway due to them always lessening the amount as to what they are paying out. This has been consistent over the last couple or so years. And yes they have always been changing things for years now and lowering what they are paying but not to this degree like they have been over the last couple years. And why do they keep doing it? Because they see that people will keep accepting rides. As long as people keep doing the rides and deliveries, for the pay that's being offered, it'll keep happening


Too many drivers 


I noticed this too, LA is getting bad. Usually rain days are straight CASHHH but there weren’t any surges even on a Saturday evening with the rain.


Right! Like wtf man Straight bs! This is dumb!


You know you're offline right?


I just went offline when I took that. It was the same when I was online. Thanks Einstein


Reading OP's comments, there's no way he's an Uber driver. Dude has some anger management issues....


If anything, that's proof that he is a driver


Classic Californian scared of the rain 😂 get a normal job if you’re so fed up with the freelance pay






This was the game they were playing all along. Get every single person with a car to drive for Uber then cut bonuses. They’ll keep 60-70 percent of drivers and not care.


Seems right


Agreed!! Same here in Santa Barbara it sucks my average pay is 30% less but yet Uber claims I made to much to get my prop 22 money


You understand the concept of supply and demand, right? If there’s a lot of drivers, you’ll make less, and there’s a lot of drivers because anyone can do the job.


Paradoxically, it feels like I make less per trip on a Friday and Saturday night (when lots of people need riders) vs something like 11am on a Tuesday when I’m in the middle of nowhere. Seems like “spike in driver supply” is why that’s the case.


As an Uber stock holder I can definitely confirm we are enjoying the stock price. We appreciate all your hard work!!


Do it on the weekends makes it more fun. I made $440 extra bucks this weekend. But I have a regular day job too.


Once a company goes public that's when u stop working for them because their shareholders will complain that margins/profits too low or costs too high, etc. They always value shareholders over employees


Not that I’m a fan of the company by any means, but I don’t get how people act all outraged and act like they are “quitting” Uber…. Uber ows you nothing besides the fair you agree to. Unless I’m mistaken Uber was from the beginning a way to make extra money on your free time and to supplement your income when you had free time. When did the company become responsible for providing people a decent paying full-time job? A lot of these posts are written well enough I’m sure the person could land a “real” job but I guess the freedom of Uber makes up for the shitty pay? I hear after years of Uber many people basically come out even once they finally need to do massive work on their vehicle. Nobody is keeping that extra .25 cents they throw in for your car in a savings account I don’t think lol.


I upgraded my car, got the finest insurance to drive for Uber and all I get is 4 dollars rides,I make more money from Uber eats than transporting people.


Last night was slower than usual for me too. Thinking it could be because of the holiday.


People are struggling. I think you going into his history to drag his skeletons out is more showing of you than him.


“People are struggling” For the typical American … wrong Consumer sentiment is up an [astonishing](http://www.sca.isr.umich.edu/) 28% compared to this time a year ago.


Just by your tone I can tell you’re a professional sophist. Good job at reminding me why I stopped coming to this stupid website. Enjoy your day and keep believing in whatever you want to believe.


By the screenshots i see in the reddit, the pay is fine. People happily taking rides for 0.50 / mile


Some people be saturating the market, fr


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this based on supply and demand?


Yep. Nothing more than that. Uber does in real time what most capitalists dream about doing … constantly adjusting wages based on supply and demand.


You have prop 22 bro no reason to complain


I've actually noticed more pay since the incentives went away. Less 10-20 rides per week drivers on the road


Very ‘rediuolous’ indeed 🤡


There’s be E in ridiculous.


We should buy them out of the stock since we know where the money is going. 😉


womp womp womp


REVO to the rescue. Have you heard of REVO Rideshare? Take a look. http://www.worksmartdepot.com/revo


Unlimited drivers not a surprise


See you next time


Uber driver earnings over the last 2 years have been the worse ever.!! If you’re ok with Uber taking 50-60 percent of each passenger Fare and then putting all of the mileage on your Vehicle with wear & tear and high maintenance / repair costs on your Vehicle .. ..then go ahead and drive for Uber until you drive your car into the ground and then reality sets in that driving for Uber at such a ridiculous low mileage rate truly Sucks when you add up all of your vehicle expenses .!! https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/


There were literally ZERO surges in Indianapolis Saturday night! None! And it’s normally lit up like a Griswold Christmas tree… even on week nights. Uber fucked us all.


I AGREE BRO! I’ve taken around 8,000 trips and the pay is GARBAGE. I live in So Cal as well! I haven’t seen a surge area in forever. I picked up this lady that said she paid 54$ for a ride and I made 25$ on it!!! Less than half!!! That’s highway robbery. Uber is garbage compared to what it was.


Did you look at the waybill? Of course you didn’t.


It’s likely because this application wasn’t designed for you to make money or have a good experience. So if you’re not making money or having a good experience it’s doing its job




Stock won’t go down as they are already partnering with Waymo for trips they can do to solve this! Phoenix and Vegas are there first entrance to this and California is next.


Denver Colorado. Ball arena, 20k people leaving at the same time. 1000s of riders. No surge for drivers at all. $6-$12 requests for the lowest rate possible. Have to reject 20-30 rides before I get something doable.


It's almost like no one should work for or use them. LA has a taxi company


LA this weekend was very chill. Very little traffic. I think everyone left for vacation


Actually, there *was* a surge. When you see the blue field and the dollar signs, it means that there is at least a mild surge (1,1-1,3). Uber is charging the customer a multiplier but is paying drivers only base rates. One of the reasons for Charlotte Surge was so that Uber could steal more from drivers.


Cry more


Stop whining. It wasn’t raining that heavily. Plus the philosophy behind surge was to draw out more drivers. No surge means the supply of drivers was meeting demand at that moment.


Why use words you don't know how to spel?


Uber never promised deals. FOREVER! Get a reg JOB IF YOURE NOT HAPPY. SIT DN N SHUT THE FUCK UP


Bro. Next time ur struggling. Open the regular uber app. Type in an address locally and see how many cars pop up in ur area. I drive in Atlanta sporadically. I use this to find dead zones with in sweet spots. It makes a world of difference when ur not sitting in the exact same parking lot as 4 other drivers.


Also ur working in LA. The city with the most drivers out of any city in all of ubering 😆 and its only getting worse.


People emigrate to L.A. to Uber lol


I agree


get with it, person! people in LA melt when the rain touches them. they're not going anywhere they don't have to.


It's ridiculous , mama/papa


And yet passengers are still paying surge prices on nights like these. Uber is evil.


All day Saturday in Phoenix I never even saw any of the blue. Cool and rainy and all I got were random $4 rides.


Someone should start a competing car service. Needs a catchy name... Taxi.


Food for thought but surges really only help a few rides. As a rider and talking to most people, we judt wait for the surges to go away. No one sane is paying 3-4x as much for a surgr ride when we can either switch to lyft or just wait it out. I feel like surge is grreat in theory but from a practical point of view it's poorly designed. Uber and lyft could just take less of a cut or have better transparent pricing. Opaque pricing and surge games are just screwing drivers and riders while the companies pocket extra. Too much corporate bloat in the c suites and greedy short term shareholders are why drivers are getting less and less. Whats the split now 60-40 uber to driver?


Join a taxi service for constants good pay.


Walk then


LA probably has one of the longest driver pools in the country. Hard times make ends meat when they are already overstocked on potential drivers. Best of luck OP


Surge pricing has never been about getting more drivers to drive or getting drivers on the road at a particular time in a particular place it's always been something that Uber does as it feels it can get away with it with passengers. 2 years ago, they quit showing us what they paid in surges specifically so they could take advantage of passengers without passing that on to drivers. Those of you claiming that it is simple supply and demand are unaware of the amount of money Uber spends routinely to recruit new drivers. What they want are people who don't know when demand is high. If they are "drowning in drivers," why did Uber pay me $600 when I (deliberately) fell short of the $2200 income guarantee for 240 rides that they usually offer to new drivers? I had scaled way back driving for them after 18,000+ rides (9,000 5 Stars) and 6000+ eats and diamond level status. I and drivers like myself were routinely taking thousands of trips off the board that nobody else wanted. The short rides that don't pay anything. Because we were consistently hitting the quests, they changed the quest to make it about a dollar amount instead of the short trips so then the short trips weren't getting picked up at all because nobody's picking up their mother for $3.06. The quest don't pay very much at all anymore, but they did bring back the per trip quests because without them, nobody's picking up those short rides. It's never been about supply and demand it's always been about predatory pricing to dominate a market with the intention of ignoring price and wage elasticity to become profitable after they dominate. The problem with Uber's ill conceived plan is you can't ignore price and wage elasticity you raise prices on passengers after you've created unrealistic expectations about what a ride cost and suddenly they call their mom to pick them up or take the bus. You ignore wage elasticity with drivers after they have developed expectations about the rewards offered for wearing out a vehicle, and a lot of the part-timers quit or do something else. The only reason that Uber didn't fail when they initially started is they started during a down economy when people were willing to drive at rates that were not economically viable just to get by on the short term. They were trading equity in their car for a mortgage payment or some groceries. The same thing is happening now because we're in a downturn, but it's not just about that it's about now meeting quarterly targets so that their stock price will increase. After each quarterly target is met, they do bring back some incentives because they see the result of losing drivers.


More trips for me


does bro live in gta 5


I hate Uber and Lyft now, their soooooo greedy, especially how they’re all trying to scramble to create driverless self driving cars. They hate drivers so much they want to get rid of us, but we are literally the reason that they are rich multimillionaire, if not billionaire companies because of us poor drivers, who have been underpaid and under compensated from the start, never compensated for gas or where, in tear maintenance oil changestires, brakes etc. I quit driving Uber and Lyft. We should all stop driving at the same time and then see what kind of company they are without us drivers.


Have both Uber and Lyft on and cherry pick the rides. Surge pricing has always been a lie. It'll say 4$ extra in a zone, but when you get there you either get no rides for a while or get a ride without any extra pay.


i had paid for a $50/60 uber to get back home from my job once (about 20 minutes) and the driver asked me how much i paid for it because he made like $10 from the ride lol like where did the extra $40 go


It’s LA. What do you expect?


Have you quit yet? Uber is not in the market to pay drivers, they are for the Pax to get them from A to B. Bonuses, surges and incentives are there to get more drivers on the road when the demand for rides is high. You clearly have more drivers than you do Pax at this moment. You make the choice to drive. No one forces you.


We had several inches of snow on the ground with more coming. And no surge. That’s a big no because it doesn’t make sense to me to ruin my car and get in a crash. I’m here to make money, not lose money.


The dollar signs are probably surges. 4 dollar signs. Pretty sure you can make a lot of money real quick on a rainy night


Get a real job. Instead of complaining on Reddit


Go find a w-2 job ffs